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-   -   100 Movies. 31 Days. The 3rd Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) (https://beta-forum.dvdtalk.com/dvd-talk/510773-100-movies-31-days-3rd-annual-october-horror-movie-challenge-10-1-10-31-a.html)

supfool! 09-03-07 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by Zodiac_Speaking
One year before I knew of this I wacthed damn near 45+ horror movies in October.

I'm now game!

Love your song!

On a completely separate note, I will have to try extra hard this year to just get my 40, I recently sold off quite a few of my horror films, including my Nightmare On Elm Street collection which was a great help.

Chad 09-03-07 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by Surfinhank
I love this idea, but after looking at the results from previous years I just have one question (and I ask it in all seriousness): How in the HELL do you guys have the time to watch 150 movies in 31 days? Or even 100? Or even 50??


Well, as another who works full-time, I didn't think there was a chance in hell of hitting 131 last year, but somehow I managed it. Here's my "secret" that involves making a few sacrifices:

-Give up network television viewing completely. As tempting as those fall premieres are, you can't give in to temptation. By the time November rolls around the hard drive in my TiVo is ready to implode.

-Cut down on online time. Outside of work I pretty much stick to the basics/essentials: E-mail, DVDTalk, etc.

-Combine your weekend plans. I'll be having at least one weekend marathon where I have over a few friends/co-workers and we basically drink and watch horror flicks until we're no longer able to do so. Fortunately it's possible for me because I'm single, but I realize some of you married types (especially w/children) don't always have the luxury of doing this. My condolences, BTW. :p And obviously it's very beneficial to have a spouse who enjoys the genre just as much as you do.

-Less sleep. You'd be surprised at what a difference giving up just 1 hour of sleep per night can make. I have periodic bouts of insomnia and don't require much sleep to begin with (5 hours), so that's a slight advantage right there. Wake-up early and try to squeeze in a movie before you start your day.

I've even attempted running on a treadmill while simultaneously watching a movie. But, unless you have a good pair of noise-cancellation headphones (preferably wireless/blue tooth) that significantly block out ambient noise, I don't recommend this...if you value your hearing that is.

Here's a typical day for me:

Get up ---> morning work out routine ---> watch a movie ---> Go to work ---> run 6-10 miles (M, W, F) ---> Go home ---> Work out (T, TH) ---> watch movies ---> squeeze in some internet time ---> go to bed ---> repeat cycle.

Of course, certain circumstances sometimes arise that prevent you from your usual routines...that's why the weekend is essential to play catch-up.

I should put up a FAQ section on the main page. :D

mike7162 09-03-07 04:32 PM

I'll take this spot here.

EdTheRipper 09-03-07 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by Chad
Well, as another who works full-time, I didn't think there was a chance in hell of hitting 131 last year, but somehow I managed it. Here's my "secret" that involves making a few sacrifices:

-Cut down on online time. Outside of work I pretty much stick to the basics/essentials: E-mail, DVDTalk, etc.

-And obviously it's very beneficial to have a spouse who enjoys the genre just as much as you do.

-Less sleep. You'd be surprised at what a difference giving up just 1 hour of sleep per night can make. I have periodic bouts of insomnia and don't require much sleep to begin with (5 hours), so that's a slight advantage right there. Wake-up early and try to squeeze in a movie before you start your day.

I follow all 3 of these points. Last October, I hardly spent any time goofing off online like I'd normally do. Instead, I kept it to the essentials and limited myself to a short period of time each day to do so.

My wife really helped out last time. She's not a HUGE horror fan but she watched quite a few movies with me and didn't bitch about it. Also, when she didn't feel like watching something, she went and watched tv in the bedroom and gave me my space on the couch.

I'm another who can function pretty well on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. If you can pull it off, it definitely helps out a ton.

Bluelitespecial 09-03-07 04:58 PM

After looking through my collection of dvds i am kind of on the fench about particapting now, because there will be other stuff i want to watch in October, plus playing video games. But if i start I think I will probably go for 30-40 movies.

Cronenbergfan71 09-03-07 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by Surfinhank
I love this idea, but after looking at the results from previous years I just have one question (and I ask it in all seriousness): How in the HELL do you guys have the time to watch 150 movies in 31 days? Or even 100? Or even 50??


I managed to watch 110 last year, which was my first year to participate. Chad covered a lot of the things that enabled me to watch a lot of movies last year. I normally seem to need only 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night and that helps a great deal. Also, I don't watch network television at all and only catch bits and pieces of college football games and don't care for any pro sports. So even with a full-time job it is possible. Of course, I also limit my time online.

I haven't bought many horror movies since last year so I'll probably be watching a lot of the same ones. I've made it a point not to watch any horror movies this year so as to start out relatively fresh and not get burned out.

DVD NDN 09-03-07 09:05 PM

OK, I'm game I'll see if I can hit 31. I'll see how many I can watch with my daughter (age 2 1/2). If she has nightmares, I'll just bring her down stairs to watch more movies with me ;)
Also, I was going to go see Halloween soon but now I feel like I should wait till Oct.

caligulathegod 09-04-07 03:28 AM

Concerning documentaries as movies. Not all docs are puff pieces intended as DVD filler (I tried to get those disallowed, though). There are plenty of docs that are just as horrific as fictional films and appeal to the same prurient interests. Check out the Mondo films and other exploitation docs of the 70s and even the shitty Faces of Death type docs of the 80s. Also, docs about serial killers, murderous animals, aliens (the scary ones) are all fair game. Most of those make me feel skeevier than Michael Myers rehashes.

caligulathegod 09-04-07 03:31 AM

Oh yeah, we forgot to mention about linking to your lists in your signatures. Makes it easier and cool to check out lists.

Giles 09-04-07 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by Shack
To add a little spin to the challenge, and borrowing a bit from last year's checklist, here's one for this year:

Watch one film from every decade, starting with the 1920's (or the 1910's if you can find them).

Watch films in at least two languages other than English.

Watch a film and its remake.

watch a film which won an Academy Award -- any category.

Watch a film and at least two sequels.

Watch a film in each of the following horror subgenres:
--- Vampire
--- Werewolf
--- Ghost/haunting
--- Witchcraft/satanic/religious
--- Zombie
--- Slasher/psycho/homicidal maniac
--- Monster/creature feature

Watch a film starring:
--- Bela Lugosi
--- Lon Chaney (Sr. or Jr.)
--- Boris Karloff
--- Vincent Price
--- Christopher Lee
--- Jamie Lee Curtis

Watch a film you've heard about but haven't seen (and report back in the discussion thread).

Needless to say, I'm in!

I'm game.

Darth Maher 09-04-07 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by NinePoint
I'm married, no kids, and my wife loves horror movies as much if not more than me. Within our house we don't even watch television, only movies. So for the month of October we movie fest virually every night and a lot of the weekends.

Even without thinking about the horror movie challenge we're both taking a week of vacation this year in October basically to just relax and watch horror movies. Halloween is our favorite time of year.

I have the opposite situation. I am married with kids and my wife doesn't like horror movies. So, I'll usually watch them after she goes to bed so as to not monopolize the TV. But by then, I'm usually too tired to sit through a whole movie.

To me this contest is much like running a marathon. I know I ain't gonna win, but it will be fun to run with the big guns.

Darth Maher 09-04-07 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by DVD NDN
Also, I was going to go see Halloween soon but now I feel like I should wait till Oct.

The way movies are these days, Halloween might not even still be in theaters in October.

What is the average theater time for a movie these days?

thecrazydude 09-04-07 12:42 PM

I'm gonna give it a try. I'm very busy during the month of October, but it sounds like fun. There are lots of horror movies I haven't seen and this will give me a push to watch some of them.

I will try for 15. (but hopefully watch more!)

Giles 09-04-07 12:51 PM

so is the discussion thread or the list thread??

EdTheRipper 09-04-07 12:53 PM

Originally Posted by Giles
so is the discussion thread or the list thread??

This is the discussion thread. The thread for lists will be started closer to the actual date.

Giles 09-04-07 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by EdTheRipper
This is the discussion thread. The thread for lists will be started closer to the actual date.

oooohhhhhh - okay

Darth Maher 09-04-07 01:42 PM

Ok, so I actually put together a little queue of the movies that I really want to watch. Hopefully, these will put a small dent into my "unwatched pile."

* = denotes that it will be my first time viewing this title
-popcorn- = denotes that I have viewed this title since making this list

28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later*
April Fool's Day
The Birds*
Dark City (Possibly with audio commentary by Roger Ebert)
Dead-A-Thon (Romero's Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead and the remakes.)
Deadly Friend-popcorn-
The Eye
Some of the Universal Frankenstein sequels*
The Frighteners: Director's Cut
Ginger Snaps
Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed
The Hallow*
Halloweentown (and it's three sequels)
Hellraiser (and possibly the first two sequels)
Hocus Pocus
Interview With The Vampire*
Monster House
The Midnight Hour
Panic Room*
Phantom of the Megaplex
Return of the Living Dead
Return of the Living Dead Part II
'Salem's Lot*
A Return to 'Salem's Lot*
Terror Train*
Tower of Terror
and of course:
It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

DVD (VHS Dub):
The Canterville Ghost*
The Old Dark House*
Student Bodies*
Terror In The Aisles
The Uninvited*

Cable (some may already be on the DVR):
The Eye 2
Some of the Universal Mummy sequels*
Session 9*
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
Twitches 2*

Saw IV*

Giles 09-04-07 01:45 PM

I'm just excited that my copy of the 183min uncut version of 'Kwaidan' came in the mail last week - first movie I'm gonna watch. Hopefully this go around I'll see the Tombs of the Blind Dead series. All the Puppet Master movies.

Trevor 09-04-07 02:09 PM

If September is a good month for me as far as getting other things cleared off my "to do" list, I just may go for 100 here. Why not? I buy them to watch them don't I? And I have a couple hundred horror unwatched horror DVDs, might as well make it an October thing.

SpaceBoy 09-04-07 02:20 PM

I love my entry from last year's result list:

"53rd. SpaceBoy – 13
Original Goal: 31 in 31 Days…expects to have a better strategy next year."

I do remember I fizzled out by starting out watching remakes of some of my favorite movies such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Fog etc. which really got me out of the mood to watch movies quick. Those remakes are tough to get through. I then started with the Friday the 13th series and then got bogged down on those once they started to really suck... I need to try to have a tight list with no clunkers in it, to keep a steady pace through the month.

This year I'm going to try to go through my movies, and put down what I"m hoping to watch along with some rentals I want to get in advance. Hopefully a good list will get me good results.

Shooting for 31 once again!!

EdTheRipper 09-04-07 02:20 PM

I watched most of the big horror series last year so my plans on what to watch are really up in the air. I imagine I'll try to focus on a lot of the DTV flicks I've acquired over the past year or so. A lot of titles from Brain Damage films and the like. Plus, I'll probably re-watch a couple of flicks that I've watched earlier this year like The Reaping and some from further back. Basically I intend to watch anything that'll hold my interest,lol.

SpaceBoy 09-04-07 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by darthmaher
I have the opposite situation. I am married with kids and my wife doesn't like horror movies. So, I'll usually watch them after she goes to bed so as to not monopolize the TV. But by then, I'm usually too tired to sit through a whole movie.

To me this contest is much like running a marathon. I know I ain't gonna win, but it will be fun to run with the big guns.

This is the same for me, minus the kids part. I can only really watch horror with my wife is asleep, and if the movie isn't good it can take me 3-4 nights to get through a 90-120 minute movie esp if it's bad. That makes for a tough month.

I need to do some planning to make a little more respectable showing.

Giles 09-04-07 02:30 PM

oh and the CasaNegra titles I've bought earlier in the year. oh and the After Dark movies.

Darth Maher 09-04-07 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by SpaceBoy
I love my entry from last year's result list:

"53rd. SpaceBoy – 13
Original Goal: 31 in 31 Days…expects to have a better strategy next year."

Here is my entry...

"47th. darthmaher – 23"

My goal for this year is to get noticed enough to have some witty one-liner posted under my score. ;)

What's funny is reading the "No List Provided" entries. :lol:

Hokeyboy 09-04-07 03:43 PM

I'm *totally* in. I can do 100 standing on my head! Or on yours!

Trevor 09-04-07 11:21 PM

You all might want to check out this thread .

For $13.72, you get a horror double feature (two anamorphic discs in most cases) and a $10.50 voucher for the new RE movie.

NoirFan 09-04-07 11:25 PM

I plan on giving up the NFL for the entire month of October in order to give my full attention to this challenge.

The Monkees 09-04-07 11:31 PM

I love September & October are always my favorite months because they always release a crap load of horror movies, and this year is no exception. I'm just glad I didn't quit my job.

SilverDreams 09-05-07 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by John S.
I'm gonna set a goal of 31 since its my first attempt. Doubt I'll even get that, though.

So since this thread is for discussion, I'm gonna make a list of movies I have but am not sure if they should necessarily be called "horror". If anyone wants to comment on them I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

The Black Dahlia
The Craft
The Crow Series
Panic Room
Red Eye
Snakes on a Plane

I would definately say THE BLACK DAHLIA is a horror film, just in that it's horrifically bad. I am a HUGE DePalma fan and this movie is a joke.

Trevor 09-05-07 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by NoirFan
I plan on giving up the NFL for the entire month of October in order to give my full attention to this challenge.

Oh crap, I forgot about the NFL.

I'm out. At least I won't be going for 100, maybe 31.

Edit to add: Guess I'm not out. Already at like 28 and it's the 5th. Maybe I will hit 100 after all.

Shack 09-05-07 07:13 AM

Just a reminder that you can download lots of movies from the Internet Archive:
They have a good selection of horror films, yes, some trash, but also some classics like Carnival of Souls, Night of the Living Dead and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. They've also started listing iPod and PSP versions, helpful if you need to watch on the go.

Other sites:
http://www.publicdomaintorrents.com/ (for downloads)
http://classiccinemaonline.blogspot.com/ (to watch online)

dan31655 09-05-07 10:17 AM

i'm in for this... the goal for me is about 50.

OwlAtHome 09-05-07 04:42 PM

I want to try and beat my count for last year but it was such a challenge I don't think it'll happen. I only wish Tales From The Crypt was eligible because I do plan on watching a bunch of those.

Chad 09-06-07 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Giles
I'm just excited that my copy of the 183min uncut version of 'Kwaidan' came in the mail last week - first movie I'm gonna watch.

Been meaning to catch this forever - which version do you recommend for a first time viewing? I've noticed the region R2/R4 versions have the longer 183min cut, the Criterion "international" version runs at around 161 minutes, and TCM is showing the (theatrical?) cut of 125 minutes.

texasgator 09-06-07 05:22 PM

I am in and looking forward to October. As an underachiever the past two years, I'm hoping to at least hit 20 films this year.

terrycloth 09-07-07 10:16 AM

I actually decided to finally take the time to sign up to join this as i have plenty of downtime at my job and plenty of unwatched horror movies i still need to go through. my goal however is 50 as halloween is my favorite holiday i tend to keep busy outside of work.

DeniedEssence 09-07-07 10:24 AM

Over the last few months, I've really grown on the horror genre. The problem is I'm picky with it - i'm not a fan of the recent gore porn stuff like Hostel, etc. I'm much more a fan of the more psychological creepy films like The Exorcist, 1408, The Haunting. And zombie movies - i can sit through hours of vampires, demon possessions, etc and sleep fine but zombies will keep me up all night haha.

So any suggestions for some good horror movies that rely on true scares and not just gore?

dcrw6 09-07-07 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by DeniedEssence
Over the last few months, I've really grown on the horror genre. The problem is I'm picky with it - i'm not a fan of the recent gore porn stuff like Hostel, etc. I'm much more a fan of the more psychological creepy films like The Exorcist, 1408, The Haunting. And zombie movies - i can sit through hours of vampires, demon possessions, etc and sleep fine but zombies will keep me up all night haha.

So any suggestions for some good horror movies that rely on true scares and not just gore?

Then you definitely want to see Session 9. It's probably the best horror movie from the last ten years. Dead End with Ray Wise is a good little flick that gets overlooked. And the recent direct-to-dvd Sublime was a pretty good mind-screw too.

As for zombies, it's hard to think of anything that's safe to recommend other than the Romero films and their remakes. There's a ton of them out there, but alot are either crap or an aquired taste. I'd say watch Fulci's The Beyond and City of the Living Dead (or known as The Gates of Hell) and if you like those, then you'd probably like alot of the others out there. For a less serious one, you have to check out Return of the Living dead. It's one of my favorite movies period. I watch it at least once a week and have sice it came out on dvd four or five years ago.

EDIT: Forgot to mention one called Dead Birds. That one was kind of slow paced and creeped me out. You might like that one too.

SilverDreams 09-07-07 06:20 PM

If you haven't seen THE HAUNTING, not the remake but the WISE film, you're in for a treat!

steelpotato 09-07-07 11:08 PM

I'm in again this year. But going to stick EXCLUSIVELY to zombie films :D

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