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OldBoy 12-12-15 04:09 PM

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread — SPOILERS
Please continue pre-release discussion here.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" (Starring: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill?, Oscar Isaac)

Release Date:

PG-13 (for sci-fi action violence throughout.)

Running Time:
136m. (2h. 16m.)

$200 million (estimated)

IMDb Synopsis:
A continuation of the saga created by George Lucas and set thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).

IMDb Info and Rating:
0.0 (0 votes as of 12/12/15

Rotten Tomatoes:
Fresh:00 Rotten:00 (00% as of 12/12/15)

00 metascore ('Generally favorable reviews' as of 12/12/15)

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Poster Art:

OldBoy 12-12-15 04:11 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
figured i'd get this out now so i don't get too busy during week...

looking to get 9am tix for Real 3D on Sat. Dec. 19!!

Shazam 12-14-15 10:26 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Any reviews out there? Apparently the embargo is lifted today?

JumpCutz 12-14-15 10:33 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Embargo is lifted on the 16th.

Shazam 12-14-15 10:39 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Ah, thanks.

Decker 12-14-15 11:09 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Hollywood Elsewhere on the Star Wars screening event tonight:

Biggest, Most Secretive, Most Goon-Heavy Hollywood Premiere in Cinema History?

Monday evening’s 6:30 pm premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which has already involved shutting down Hollywood Blvd, from La Brea to Highland Avenue and the construction of a huge, block-long tent for a post-premiere reception, will allegedly take place at the Chinese, the Dolby (home of the Oscar telecast) and the El Capitan simultaneously. The detailed invite with a parking pass arrived in my inbox late yesterday, but it didn’t say which theatre I’ll be seeing the film in. For whatever reason Disney publicists have decided there’s a strategic advantage to keeping that information under wraps until guests begin arriving at 5 pm. I’ve decided to park three or four blocks away (the Highland garage will be a complete zoo) and hump it over. I’m also going to get there at 4:30 pm.


Shannon Nutt 12-14-15 11:27 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Shazam (Post 12670922)
Any reviews out there? Apparently the embargo is lifted today?

Most of the U.S. reviewer screenings happen on Tuesday. So if you're looking to avoid spoilers, tomorrow is probably the right day to start avoiding social media.

Shazam 12-14-15 12:22 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Hopefully I can find some spoiler free reviews. Just looking for general impression of the movie.

Decker 12-14-15 12:30 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
I'm trying to think back : Were the initial reviews for Phantom Menace terrible or just unenthusiastic? I can't remember how long it took for the realization to set in that the movie was terrible -- either days before seeing it or hours afterwards...

Artman 12-14-15 12:57 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Decker (Post 12671073)
I'm trying to think back : Were the initial reviews for Phantom Menace terrible or just unenthusiastic? I can't remember how long it took for the realization to set in that the movie was terrible -- either days before seeing it or hours afterwards...

I remember our local reviewer gave it two stars, I recall most national 'top reviewers' were pretty negative. The Rotten Tomatoes score is just 56%.

And that's probably going to be the extent of my review reading - just the RT quotes. Not even taking my chances here:)

RichC2 12-14-15 12:59 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Decker (Post 12671073)
I'm trying to think back : Were the initial reviews for Phantom Menace terrible or just unenthusiastic? I can't remember how long it took for the realization to set in that the movie was terrible -- either days before seeing it or hours afterwards...

Negative, Ebert's 3.5 out of 4 star review does a good job of covering the atmosphere in the first paragraph:

If it were the first "Star Wars" movie, "The Phantom Menace" would be hailed as a visionary breakthrough. But this is the fourth movie of the famous series, and we think we know the territory; many of the early reviews have been blase, paying lip service to the visuals and wondering why the characters aren't better developed. How quickly do we grow accustomed to wonders. I am reminded of the Isaac Asimov story "Nightfall," about the planet where the stars were visible only once in a thousand years. So awesome was the sight that it drove men mad. We who can see the stars every night glance up casually at the cosmos and then quickly down again, searching for a Dairy Queen.
"Even without aliens, though, the humanity in Phantom Menace would still be hard to find." -Newsday

"This isn't so much a movie as a two-hour special-effects demonstration reel." - Kansas City Star

"It is neither captivating nor transporting, for it lacks any emotional pull, as well as the sense of wonder and awe that marks the best works of sci-fi/fantasy." - Variety

"Perhaps Lucas has become too lost in his mastery of computer-generated effects and digital sound to remember that creativity in the movies is not just a technical thing." - Denver Post

"Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace seems designed more as a promotion for Lucasfilm's billion-dollar merchandising concerns than a meaningful chapter in the Star Wars canon." - Hollywood Reporter

Mabuse 12-14-15 01:01 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Decker (Post 12671073)
I'm trying to think back : Were the initial reviews for Phantom Menace terrible or just unenthusiastic? I can't remember how long it took for the realization to set in that the movie was terrible -- either days before seeing it or hours afterwards...

Most major critics gave it a bad review, but roger Ebert did give it 4 stars.

Edit: oops. Guess it was 3 1/2

Mabuse 12-14-15 03:22 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
First review has been filed. I don't know how they got the scoop. It's nearly spoiler free.
'The Force Awakens'
By Julie Martin
Washington Post Staff Writer
December 14, 2015

To call "The Force Awakens" a good junk movie is no insult: There is enough bad junk around. And surely we're getting over the snobbery of pretending that it is undemocratic to recognize any hierarchy of culture, as if both low and high can't be appreciated, often by the same people.

But when light entertainment is done well, someone is bound to make extravagant and unsupportable claims for its being great art. You will hear that this sequel to "Star Wars" is part of a vast new mythology, as if it were the Oresteia. Its originator, George Lucas, revealed over the years that the pictures are actually parts of a nine-part sage, as if audiences will some day receive the total the way devotees now go to Seattle for a week of immersion in Wagner's complete Ring Cycle.

Nonsense. This is no monumental artistic work, but a science-fiction movie done more snappily than most, including its own predecessors. A chocolate bar is a marvelous sweet that does not need to pretend to be a chocolate soufflι; musical comedies are wonderful entertainment without trying to compete with opera; blue jeans are a perfect garment that shouldn't be compared with haute couture. There are times when you would much rather have a really good hot dog than any steak, but you can still recognize that one is junk food and the other isn't.

"The Force Awakens" has no plot structure, no character studies let alone character development, no emotional or philosophical point to make. It has no original vision of the future, which is depicted as a pastiche of other junk-culture formulae, such as the western, the costume epic and the World War II movie. Its specialty is "special effects" or visual tricks, some of which are playful, imaginative and impressive, but others of which have become space-movie clichιs.

But the total effect is fast and attractive and occasionally amusing. Like a good hot dog, that's something of an achievement in a field where unpalatable junk is the rule.

In this film, as in "Star Wars," a trio of nice, average-looking young people is pursued by a sinister figure in black mask and cloak. Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford as Han Solo and Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia all return. It is hard to avoid the suspicion that Skywalker has become dull-witted -- for various reasons, he is hanging upside down during most of this film and is always having to be rescued by the others -- but brave heroes traditionally are.

There are new robots, as well as the returning robots, C-3PO and R2-D2, whose humanistic fussiness charmed audiences in the earlier films. A new character, representing a great guru but looking like an elderly, Eastern rodent, is a success; an invented beast of burden that looks like the rear half of a cheap camel costume is not. A monkish character played by Max Von Sydow has sparkling lights on his shoulders and a transparent body to indicate that he was killed off in "The Clone Wars."

The Future is no longer quite pictured as belonging to white males plus one pedestal princess in a white gown. A new heroine has donned more sensible clothes for wartime, and there is exactly one other woman in the universe besides Princess Leia, who can be glimpsed working at the home base. There is one black, John Boyega as a man who seems to have been born to be a Stormtrooper and keeps complaining that he has "no choice" about betraying everyone.

At the beginning and end of the new film, the bad forces and the good Rebellion are still at odds. The fact is that there is no beginning or end, just several middle-of-the-story chases -- one on ice, several using spacecraft in airplane dog-fight style, and some classic duels, except that the swords are laser beams and use of the mystical "Force" means that one can will one's weapon back in hand after it is knocked away.

But then, you don't go to junk movies for your philosophy or religion, do you?

© Copyright 2015 The Washington Post Company

JeremyM 12-14-15 03:49 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
I would personally say avoid that one if you want to be spoiler free--there's a couple things in it that are pretty spoiler-ish, with talk about people who need rescuing and some major insight on Max von Sydow's role.

What an interesting, bizarre review, though. I like how befuddled by the whole thing they are, yet they enjoyed it.

JumpCutz 12-14-15 04:48 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Indeed, what an odd review.

Coral 12-14-15 05:20 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Decker (Post 12671073)
I'm trying to think back : Were the initial reviews for Phantom Menace terrible or just unenthusiastic? I can't remember how long it took for the realization to set in that the movie was terrible -- either days before seeing it or hours afterwards...

I remember when TPM had a special viewing before it went wide and Ron Howard was asked what he thought of it. He responded with something like "it was good" - and you could tell he had a tough time getting the words out. I knew right then that it would be horrible. If Lucas' long time friend could only muster a half-hearted "it was good" - then it had no chance.

Defiant1 12-14-15 06:31 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
I only read half the review before I saw Jeremy's comment about some spoilers in there, so I stopped. So TFA is the "comfortable pair of jeans" of movies (as opposed to haute couture), according to that reviewer? Not sure what to make of that.

OldBoy 12-14-15 06:34 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
I really hope this delivers on all cylinders. I'm not in the mood to be disappointed again...

Josh-da-man 12-14-15 06:50 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Defiant1 (Post 12671506)
I only read half the review before I saw Jeremy's comment about some spoilers in there, so I stopped. So TFA is the "comfortable pair of jeans" of movies (as opposed to haute couture), according to that reviewer? Not sure what to make of that.

Damning with faint praise?

After the prequels, I wonder if the critics won't be hedging their bets in their reviews, not knowing how the public will react. Nobody wants to trash a movie like this that people will adore, and nobody wants to heap praise on a movie that will be rejected by the public.

Decker 12-14-15 07:23 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Coral (Post 12671436)
I remember when TPM had a special viewing before it went wide and Ron Howard was asked what he thought of it. He responded with something like "it was good" - and you could tell he had a tough time getting the words out. I knew right then that it would be horrible. If Lucas' long time friend could only muster a half-hearted "it was good" - then it had no chance.

Someone should throw a camera in front of George Lucas and ask him what he thought of "In The Heart of the Sea". Turnabout is fair play.

But knowing crazy George, he probably loved it.

Paul_SD 12-14-15 07:33 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man (Post 12671515)
Damning with faint praise?

After the prequels, I wonder if the critics won't be hedging their bets in their reviews, not knowing how the public will react. Nobody wants to trash a movie like this that people will adore, and nobody wants to heap praise on a movie that will be rejected by the public.

I only read the first couple paragraphs with general, non movie specific thoughts.
The gist I took away was that it's likely a simply an entertaining (visceral) B movie that competently gets from point A to points B and C and doesn't try to make profound philosophical or political points.
In other words, it doesn't aim extremely high, but it hits its much lower target.

That's really all it needs to be to satisfy a fan base that still holds something like ROTJ dear. This fan base will be enormously happy if they get the SW equivalent of Halloween II (more of the same type of scenes they liked in the earlier film(s), but in a different setting)

Eddie W 12-14-15 07:49 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Paul_SD (Post 12671551)
The gist I took away was that it's likely a simply an entertaining (visceral) B movie that competently gets from point A to points B and C and doesn't try to make profound philosophical or political points.

That sounds like the exact description of Episode IV. After all the endless council meeting scenes and boring politics of I-III I wholeheartedly welcome a Star Wars movie that doesn't try to make any profound points. That's not why we go see these movies.

Mabuse 12-14-15 08:49 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Eddie W (Post 12671557)
After all the endless council meeting scenes and boring politics of I-III I wholeheartedly welcome a Star Wars movie that doesn't try to make any profound points.

There was nothing profound about those scenes.

Paul_SD 12-14-15 09:31 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Eddie W (Post 12671557)
That sounds like the exact description of Episode IV.

I'm reading it as closer to Buck Rogers (1979) than SW '77.
BR was non demanding popcorn entertainment that competently told it's (simple) story. It wasn't a game changer the way SW was two years earlier, and I doubt TFA will be a game changer in 2015 when the avenues of proficient, quality fantasy material have opened in every direction.

I expect we will get the typical ersatz Campbell hero journey posing, a lot of flashy set pieces with lightsabers and vehicles, some cute robot hi-jinks, etc
All the stuff we've seen plenty of times before with newer faces in front of a slightly fresher backdrop. I'm sure it will be fun.

This is pretty much the same line of thought I had prior to Guardians Of The Galaxy. And after exiting my first viewing of that I thought I had pegged it right. I was entertained, but it certainly wasn't anything all that new or amazingly unique.
However since then, I've had occasion to muse on it (particularly on a 17 hour road trip) and I'm actually a bit blown away at just how well it did the simple things it did. In fact, I won't be surprised if TFA comes up short in comparison for me when all is said and done. GotG created a full cast of characters (good and bad) I LOVED being around for 2 hours, was interested in and cared about, and left me wishing I could have spent more time with. All the eye candy spectacle was just gravy after that.

TFA looks like it has the eye candy, but we'll see how much people care about Rey, Finn, Poe, and Ren over the long haul.

Throwing Copper 12-14-15 11:25 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Abrams, 2015) — The Reviews Thread
Interesting the one line the reviewer says about Luke, that's a major spoiler.

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