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redrum 12-12-17 11:51 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
96% with 92 reviews so far


Orbi-Wan Techno 12-12-17 12:34 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Down to 93% with 122 reviews. Read some of the few "rotten" ones. Hey, reviewers, don't make it so obvious you were gunning for the movie in your opening paragraphs.

Rob V 12-12-17 01:09 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
I suspect Rian Johnson nailed this one -- hence his "promotion" to do the new trilogy. I'm fired up, crappy rumors or not :lol:

candyrocket786 12-12-17 01:18 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man (Post 13223646)
Here are links to the spoilers and their discussion on reddit and another board for anyone who wants to see for themselves:

So it looks like....

JackoOnHisBacko 12-12-17 02:25 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man (Post 13223578)
I read the spiilers, too, and, if true, all I can say is "Fuck this movie."

They're building up so much hype about how awesome this movies is that it's going to be a Phantom Menace level let-down

They just shit on all of the goodwill that The Force Awakens built up. This is prequel-level garbage.

So, I guess you won't be seeing it then, and we won't be getting an actual review from you.

If you do see it, be sure to stop back here and complain about all the things you have already made up your mind to complain about.

candyrocket786 12-13-17 09:46 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Since I already have my ticket for tomorrow, I still plan to see the film.

At least now I can go in with really lowered expectations because they were pretty damn high for this film

I was expecting see :

- Luke/Rey vs the Knights of Ren - Not going to happen
- Rey being Luke's daughter or at least related to someone in the OT/PT - Nope
- Snoke being some sort of Bad Ass Ancient Sith Lord. Either Plagueis or even Exar Kun (from the EU) - Nah ah
- Force Ghosts Jedi Council on Ahch-To with Anakin, Yoda, Obi-Wan and others - Keep dreaming.

Rob V 12-13-17 10:17 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
^^ Isn't it logical to think at least one or two of those things could be addressed (ie fixed) in IX?

The deal about Rey is a non-starter for me... that's gotta be fixed, IMO.

Also, this is the spoiler thread... do we need to "spoiler" things? There is a whole other thread for non-spoiler talk. (Not directed to candyrocket, just a general question).

candyrocket786 12-13-17 10:36 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Rob V (Post 13225391)
^^ Isn't it logical to think at least one or two of those things could be addressed (ie fixed) in IX?

The deal about Rey is a non-starter for me... that's gotta be fixed, IMO.

Also, this is the spoiler thread... do we need to "spoiler" things? There is a whole other thread for non-spoiler talk. (Not directed to candyrocket, just a general question).

I'll stop using them tomorrow, but you got folks that may click this thread by mistake and lose their shit. Then you have others that equate the anticipation of seeing this film like they were about to meet God or have sex for the very first time. Don't forget the folks in the other thread that think we are stupid for even reading spoilers.

joe_b 12-13-17 11:14 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
I suspect Abram/Kasdan never had a plan for Snoke... like production was looming and they just came up with something on the fly. You know, keep it simple and let another writer flesh it out later.

Serkis is talented at what he does, but Snoke is just a shitty CG Emperor stand-in that looks like a rejected design for Lord Voldemort. It may be a case of all set-up and no payoff (one of J.J.'s trademarks), but at least Johnson disposed of the character in short order instead of dragging it out to some underwhelming conclusion. They'll probably elaborate on who or what he was in some terrible novel or comic book... and I still won't care. :lol:

candyrocket786 12-13-17 11:59 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by joe_b (Post 13225446)
I suspect Abram/Kasdan never had a plan for Snoke... like production was looming and they just came up with something on the fly. You know, keep it simple and let another writer flesh it out later.

Serkis is talented at what he does, but Snoke is just a shitty CG Emperor stand-in that looks like a rejected design for Lord Voldemort. It may be a case of all set-up and no payoff (one of J.J.'s trademarks), but at least Johnson disposed of the character in short order instead of dragging it out to some underwhelming conclusion. They'll probably elaborate on who or what he was in some terrible novel or comic book... and I still won't care. :lol:

You're probably right.

I think what pisses me off the most is how the EU was Order-66'd and then we were led to believe that all the new canonized content was to be interconnected (stuff in Rebels, the Bendu, etc). Seems like they took what the wanted from the EU (I'll never call it "Legends".. that's fucking bullshit) and re-purposed it.

d2cheer 12-13-17 01:00 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Surprised at the praise be given by reviewers; considering those spoilers have been confirmed on another site.

RichC2 12-13-17 01:04 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by d2cheer (Post 13225561)
Surprised at the praise be given by reviewers; considering those spoilers have been confirmed on another site.

The spoilers going around seem like
people don't like that it doesn't play out how they want it to, and squanders nostalgia
, critics are critiquing if it's a good movie, which is certainly likely - the consensus seems to state it's an overlong movie but when it's good it's great.

That said, it has the exact same critical weight as The Force Awakens right now, and I guess that's a bad thing.

joe_b 12-13-17 01:08 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by d2cheer (Post 13225561)
Surprised at the praise be given by reviewers; considering those spoilers have been confirmed on another site.

It all comes down to how well it's executed. From what I've read and seen, I think I'll probably end up liking it more than TFA (which I didn't love, but it was at least a fun popcorn movie).

candyrocket786 12-13-17 05:16 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Hell yes....

The classic, cliched, Hula-evade technique has made its way into a Star Wars movie.

No wonder everyone loves this film.

Ash Ketchum 12-13-17 05:24 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Manohla Dargis' positive review in The New York Times:


The comments section is more interesting than the review.

One commenter complained that this line in the review constituted a major spoiler:


An early heroic death sets the sober mood and stakes while gently re-establishing the franchise’s new commitment to diversifying the overall picture.

When I first read the line I didn't think it was a major spoiler, but now, re-reading it, I see how the use of "diversifying" makes something obvious that didn't jump out at me the first time I read it.

Hazel Motes 12-14-17 06:32 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
seeing this tonight. The critics have been pretty positive towards the film, but just about every user/fan review I've seen has been scathing.

RichC2 12-14-17 07:11 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
I'll just be glad for comments to move past pre-emptive whiney bullshit into actual nerd rage.

Most fan reviews I've read seemed to be overwhelmingly positive, but they do note that it goes against most every expectation and that will piss fanboys off. It also finally gives this new trilogy a reason to exist but also has a side character issue. My only major concern has to do with the comments that it's been Marvel-ized.

joe_b 12-14-17 08:59 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
For better or worse, it does some unexpected things with the mythology. Still, there are apparently elements that feel directly lifted from the earlier movies.

The Snoke confrontation allegedly has moments that are very close to the throne room sequence in RotJ, right down to Rey and Ren riding an elevator together and her "sensing the conflict" within him. Snoke even has similar "It was *I* who..." dialogue about how he baited her. Call it an "homage", but to me it reads like a pale imitation of something that was already iconic. Also, Rey and Ren have an exchange that some say feels similar to the "Anakin, you're breaking my heart!" scene... but at least the acting is bound to be an improvement. :lol:

Apparently John William's score plays like a greatest hits collection of all the classic Star Wars themes while bringing little else to the table. That's bound to summon nostalgia and pull at the audience's heartstrings, but I can't help but be disappointed hearing that -- especially after being underwhelmed with his score for TFA. Say what you want about the prequel trilogy, but the scores were all unique and for me they were a major saving grace.

redcon1 12-14-17 11:42 AM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
I just wonder if those who are unhappy are fan-people who already made up their mind as to how they wanted the story to go and Johnson pulls the rug out from under those ideas.

I know critics and audience can often be at odds, but it seems to be such a large disconnect. I'm sure many critics are SW fans and they seem to love it.

joe_b 12-14-17 12:18 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8ulW_wu4Fig" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Orbi-Wan Techno 12-14-17 01:30 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by redcon1 (Post 13226258)
I just wonder if those who are unhappy are fan-people who already made up their mind as to how they wanted the story to go and Johnson pulls the rug out from under those ideas.

I know critics and audience can often be at odds, but it seems to be such a large disconnect. I'm sure many critics are SW fans and they seem to love it.

Although I fashion my alter-ego after an old-school Star Wars icon, I happily embrace a new direction and tone for the series. I think back at how tired I have gotten of TV shows that basically run the same set of characters through various plots, or different TV shows that basically hit all the same plot points as other shows (ex., all of the OPIOID plot lines going on right now. Last year, it was domestic terrorism.) Skywalkers are played out, Jedi are played out, Rebellion/Resistance vs Trade Federation/Empire/First Order is played out. Give me something fresh and original.

Rob V 12-14-17 02:19 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread

Originally Posted by Orbi-Wan Techno (Post 13226365)
Although I fashion my alter-ego after an old-school Star Wars icon, I happily embrace a new direction and tone for the series. I think back at how tired I have gotten of TV shows that basically run the same set of characters through various plots, or different TV shows that basically hit all the same plot points as other shows (ex., all of the OPIOID plot lines going on right now. Last year, it was domestic terrorism.) Skywalkers are played out, Jedi are played out, Rebellion/Resistance vs Trade Federation/Empire/First Order is played out. Give me something fresh and original.

I mostly agree with you... but I don't think Jedi are played out by any means. To me, they're the most fascinating part of the SW universe (along with Sith)... and what we get are usually some ham-handed characters or non-bad-asses (until recently). So now that Kylo is a bad-ass and Rey is the future of Jedi, let's end this thing?? I'm cool moving on from the Skywalkers (but isn't that really just Luke) even though he's my childhood icon and it took 35 years to see him in a movie again.

Defiant1 12-14-17 09:17 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Well, I saw it tonight at the Fan Event. Got a giant trading card and free popcorn as my treat.

I'm a casual SW fan. I've seen the movies, but know very little about the universe other than that. So with that, I really enjoyed the movie. The spoilers posted in this thread are true. If they piss off the hardcore fans, well okay. I'm not one of them, so I didn't mind what transpired. I thought it was kind of neat, although something that Leia does stretched credibility. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it.

Since it's a pretty long movie at 2.5 hours, all of the characters get their moment to shine. Mark Hamill in particular is excellent as Luke. Age has brought him a gravitas that he never had in the OT, and he nails it. All of the cast from TFA do a great job too, but I'm afraid Captain Phasma is given short shrift again though. The two major new characters played by Kelly Marie Tran and Laura Dern are fantastic. Laura's character in particular does something that is truly jaw-dropping that got a great reaction from the crowd.

Action scenes and set pieces are awesome. My favourite was the lightsaber fight between multiple characters. Way cool. The use of a white salt desert that "bled" red in the final set piece was an inspired use of colour.

One question though, and I'll put it in spoilers since the movie isn't officially out until tomorrow:

What kind of super shields does that Rebel cruiser have? It withstood constant fire from the First Order super-ship for what, days? And how come all the Star Destroyers accompanying the super-ship didn't do anything?

dex14 12-14-17 09:19 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
I saw it. The spoilers are true...

I don't know how I feel.

The Luke moment plays better than it reads. But you could tell something was up visually. You'll know when you see it.

The stuff with Rey is what pisses me off the most. All the buildup... and nothing.

Everything with Finn was boring.

stingermck 12-14-17 09:27 PM

Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (R. Johnson, 2017) — The Spoiler Filled Reviews Thread
Exceeded all my hyped expectations.

Saw it with a sold out audience. Was just blown away. I got the big Luke moments I wanted.

So much happened in the film, and still trying to process it all.

You really think its going one way and you are constantly thrown in another direction.

Loved it. The theater loved it. Just amazing.

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