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necros 07-17-07 11:46 AM

Random Wii questions
So I'm thinking about getting a Wii, if I'm actually lucky enough to find one.. got some questions about it though.. been digging around but haven't found concrete answers..

First and most important... I have a mild case of arthritis in my left hand. I can't play console games for more than 10 minutes because of it, cuz it makes my hand start to hurt too much. I wanted a Wii because the control is all different. But it turns out there's still a left-hand thingy you have to use that has a thumb stick for moving around and whatever else (the nunchuck?). Anyway, just wondering, will I be using this left hand controler much or is most of the gameplay done with the remote one? As much as I'd love to play the games coming out for PS3 and 360, I know it's just not possible for me to play any of em.. so I'm hoping that Wii's different style of controller will be better for me.

I heard that there's supposedly a DVD version of the Wii coming out sometime this year.. Is it worth waiting? I don't need it to watch DVD movies as I already have a player.. but will this new version have anything else new in it that would make it any better than the current system? like more memory or whatever?

Are the games actually DVDs? Or some kind of special CD rom?

I don't have a HDTV yet but will soon. Are there any HD (1080i/p resolution) games? Can the system even support that? I think I read it does 480p, but is that all? or is there a special attachment like my old Xbox that has HD/Component/optical connections?

How do the graphics stack up against other new systems? is it anywhere as good as 360 or PS3? Or is it more on par with the older systems like old Xbox & PS2?

spainlinx0 07-17-07 11:50 AM

There are games that do not require the nunchuk / left hand attachment. However games such as Zelda, Resident Evil, and Paper Mario do require the use of your left hand.

It outputs to 480p max.

It is probably on par with Xbox (original) or slightly more powerful depending on who you talk to.

I don't know about this upcoming DVD system.

The Bus 07-17-07 12:31 PM

It all depends on the game. Some games you have the nunchuck but you don't need to use the joystick (boxing in Wii Sports).

All games output to 480P max, with component cables (not included).

There have been rumors of a Wii with DVD but I wouldn't bother waiting. It's not coming this year. The games are on DVDs.

If there are games that look as good or better than Xbox counterparts, I have yet to see them. Visually, the games I've seen look slightly worse than your average Xbox game.

DodgingCars 07-17-07 12:43 PM

People already answered, but the use of the nunchuck (left hand controller) is only used for certain games. Not sure if the boxes will tell you or not. There are a few games though that use the Wii-mote only: Wii Sports (except Boxing), Wii Play (except Tank), Tiger Woods, and Big Brain Academy are ones I can think of off the top of my head that can be played with one hand.

Visually the games haven't been too impressive, but I think we'll start to see improvements over the next few months.

Canis Firebrand 07-17-07 01:06 PM

The back of the game does tell you if it uses just the remote or remote and nunchuk.

Michael Corvin 07-17-07 01:08 PM

It hasn't been noted, but the Wiimote/Nunchuck aren't 'hand' specific. So maybe aiming with the left, and games that require the nunchuck, use the right. It might help your situation.

Groucho 07-17-07 01:09 PM

I've heard that all it would take to get the Wii to play DVD's is a software update. Whether that'll happen as a patch or as a optional download is yet to be seen. At this point, everything is rumor.

PixyJunket 07-17-07 01:10 PM

I wonder if there's actually a hardware limitation on 480p. The Xbox had a handful of 720p and 1080i games, even the PS2 did.

pinata242 07-17-07 01:15 PM

So you've had a 360 for 2.5 days not (not counting being at work) and now you're a graphics whore? -ohbfrank-


Interesting question, though. But if they could enable 720p+ downline, why wait and suffer through all the nonsense?

PixyJunket 07-17-07 01:18 PM


I've played nothing but Pac-Man: CE and Geometry Wars on my 360 thus far.

Groucho 07-17-07 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by PixyJunket
I wonder if there's actually a hardware limitation on 480p. The Xbox had a handful of 720p and 1080i games, even the PS2 did.

I imagine Nintendo put that limitation there on the software side to keep developers from overstepping the limits of the console and creating the slowdown and other issues that plagued some of the Xbox and PS2 games you mention.

Fanboy speculation (read: wishful thinking) has it that should the Wii start to wane in popularity, Nintendo can "flip a switch" and enable higher resolutions (this is similar to the DVD rumor).

PixyJunket 07-17-07 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by pinata242
Interesting question, though. But if they could enable 720p+ downline, why wait and suffer through all the nonsense?

Well, being able to output the resolution and being able to create decent graphics at that resolution are two totally separate things. For example, my PC video card can output 1600x1200, but it sure as hell can't run the Lost Planet demo at that resolution. On the other hand, it'll play all the Ys games at 1600x1200 at 60 FPS.

necros 07-17-07 01:41 PM

Thanks for the answers thus far. I've been having trouble finding a Wii (big surprise) but the fella at Circuit City said they're gonna put out all that they have on sunday morning when they open and it will be first come first serve, and he suggested I get there before they open and "wait in line with the rest" ... is it still that bad trying to get one?? I was going to order online but I don't want a $500 package deal, I just want the core system for now and maybe Zelda...

How do you get wii points to download games? do you have to pay for them? Or can you earn free points somehow? And how well do the old games play, like do you have to use a regular thumb pad controller for em? I didn't know you could download turbo graphix games.. I had one of them back in the day, I think I sold it or returned it or something so I could get a 3DO :)

And what about the online stuff? is it like online deathmatches with a headset like Xbox Live? or is it more like just to download stuff?

Michael Corvin 07-17-07 02:02 PM

- I'd go early and wait for one vs. buying a bundle.

- Wii Points can be bought at retail, $20 for 2,000 pts. Or you can just buy them through the Wii.

- Online is limited to downloading at this point. There are only two online titles at this point, Pokemon & Mario Strikers Charged.

DodgingCars 07-17-07 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by necros
How do you get wii points to download games? do you have to pay for them? Or can you earn free points somehow?

So far, all have to be bought. Though some kind of earning/winning points thing in the future would be cool. You can either buy points through the Wii (online) with a credit card or buy Wii Points cards at a retailer.

And how well do the old games play, like do you have to use a regular thumb pad controller for em? I didn't know you could download turbo graphix games.. I had one of them back in the day, I think I sold it or returned it or something so I could get a 3DO :)
Depends on the the system. All games can be played with the Classic controller attachment which is $20. All game can also be played with a Gamecube controller. However, you can actually play NES games (and Genesis games, I think), with the Wii-remote turned sideways.

And what about the online stuff? is it like online deathmatches with a headset like Xbox Live? or is it more like just to download stuff?
Nothing like that yet. There's only one true multiplayer online game right now and that's Pokemon. The next one, Mario Strikers (soccer) comes out this month, but will not allow voice chat. There are a few other online games coming this year: Madden, Fifa, NBA, Batallion Wars, and a couple others... but I don't know if we have details on whether you can talk to players yet. There's actually no headset currently available for the Wii though.

Either way, the Wii will never have as robust of an online multiplayer system as the 360. The 360 is years ahead in building their online system.

pinata242 07-17-07 02:05 PM

Yes, your best bet would be to wait in line at CC before they open. Judging from all the recent Sunday Mornings I've read about.

Wii Points can be purchased at retail for $19.99+tax for 2000 points or through the system with your credit card in $10, $20, or $50 (1000, 2000, or 5000 points respectively). You cannot earn free points from Nintendo (yet?).

To play NES, TG-16, and Genesis games, you merely have to turn the Wii remote sideways and hold it like the old NES controller.

Online is just starting. Currently Pokemon is the only online "deathmatch" type game. Strikers and Battalion Wars are also coming soon.

necros 07-17-07 10:30 PM

I guess I'll have to take my chances on sunday then. hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones. All the local gamespots say they only get 5 or 6 once a week on a random morning and they're usually all sold by noon :(

I bet Nintendo has a huge stockpile of em sitting around, purposely making it hard to get just to make folks want em even more :)

Michael Corvin 07-18-07 07:30 AM

Toys R Us is going to have them on Sunday morning.

rfduncan 07-18-07 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by necros
I bet Nintendo has a huge stockpile of em sitting around, purposely making it hard to get just to make folks want em even more :)

Fortunately for you this is not the case. They have stepped up production considerably and still can't keep up with demand in most areas (esp. urban ones like yours). Still you are lucky because if you don't like it, I'm certain you can find a way to sell your Wii for at least what you paid for it if not more! ;)

Groucho 07-18-07 08:23 AM

Your best bet this Sunday is Circuit City. They are handing out vouchers one hour before they open, and will have a minimum of 20 per store.

This is how I got my Wii in April. I showed up 30 minutes before they handed out the vouchers and was 11th in line (there were 13 Wiis).

(see Speedy's thread in the DVD Bargains forum for details)

tidwell 07-18-07 10:14 PM

I just got mine at FYe this past Tuesday....
My local shop was willing to hold the ONE they get per week....but the FYE at the mall got 18 in.

The guy seemed pissed that I paid for the whole thing in credit. Oh well.
That 45% bump was huge.

SoSpacey 07-19-07 10:39 AM

target and walmart in my area (Northern NJ) seem to have them fairly consistently.

target has had them in stock the last 3 times i have been there.

necros 07-21-07 03:49 PM

Tomorrow is the big day. I'm going to get to Circuit City an hour or so before, hopefully I'll get one :) If not, my local Best Buy is going to be doing the same thing next sunday.. so I'm hoping I'll get one :) Does anyone know if they sell just the core system or make you buy a $500 bundle of stuff you prolly don't want? I'd rather not do the latter...

Now with that in mind.. and I know this is gonna vary among just about anyone, but what are some must-haves for Wii games? I was thinking about getting Zelda first. Also, the system comes with a nunchuk right? Or will I have to buy one separately?

wildcatlh 07-21-07 06:40 PM

You'll be able to just buy the system. And the system does come with a nunchuck.

tonyc3742 07-21-07 06:52 PM

I'll admit I haven't tried all the games, but I haven't needed more than the one nunchuck.
If you are interested in multiplay, Wii Play is good--it's like buying the remote, and a 10 dollar game bundle. The actual game itself is similar to Sports, good demo 'Here's what it can do" material.
I'm loving RE4, but I never played it before so it's brand new to me.
My family enjoys Mario Party 8, but the main game is more 'board game' than 'mini game' (though you can play just minigames if you want).
I'm in a minority, I know, I bought Zelda but just didn't get into it too much. I'm still stuck in the monkeyhouse.
I had more fun with Excitetruck, which is good as long as you're not into realistic racing.
I've got Big Brain Academy and like it,, but I don't know if I can recommend it at full price.
Super Paper Mario is cool and does do some cool things with the 2d/3d feature.

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