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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 3rd Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (Oct 1-31) Part3

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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 3rd Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (Oct 1-31) Part3

Old 10-16-07, 09:35 PM
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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 3rd Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (Oct 1-31) Part3

<sup>100 Movies. 31 Days.</sup> October 1st - 31st, 2007

The Poll

Challenge #1 ~ 2005 Results

Challenge #2 ~ The Lists ~ 2006 Results



This link is now active!

Same as always - While the goal set in place is to reach 100 horror/horror-related films, obviously the main objective is to watch the most of anyone during the month. But, the ultimate goal is to have one hell of a good time with this and enjoy yourself while conversing with fellow horror fans! Whether you plan on sticking with the set goal, exceeding said goal, setting your own personal goal, watching only a handful, etc...you're more than welcome to participate.
As indicated above, there will be a separate thread to include your lists. How you go about posting them is completely your call - either keep 'em within one post or divide 'em up into new separate posts on a weekly basis. If you do go that route, it's advisable for your own sake to keep track of your previous posts through post numbers and/or providing a link in the new post. Just remember to keep your list(s) contained within the designated "lists thread" and by all means please NUMBER THOSE LISTS! The latter cannot be emphasized enough!
What qualifies? Use your own personal judgment about what you consider to be part of the horror genre. If you think "Jaws", "Se7en" "Godzilla", "The Nightmare Before Christmas", etc. qualifies as horror then count them. If you feel otherwise, don't. If you're unsure, ask...that's what this thread is here for! Horror documentaries, horror/comedies, sci-fi horror, creature features, Masters of Horror (yeah, they're considered movies) silents, made-for-TV movies, etc. count. TV shows DON'T count! See post #2 of this thread for more info.
As established in previous years and as voted on by the people, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, The American Film Institute, and The British Film Institute all define a feature as a film with a running time of forty minutes or longer. Please don't try and purposely abuse this by watching numerous movies with extraordinarily short running times!
Unless it's a remake the same film can't be viewed more than once. In other words, don't go back and watch the theatrical version of "The Exorcist" after already having viewed "The Exorcist: The Version You've Never Seen". The same holds true for all versions: director's cuts, unrated editions, fan edits, extended editions, "the version you couldn't see in a theater", etc. Besides, who wants to watch the same movie again within such a short timespan when you have so many abundant choices? Pick your favorite cut and be happy with your decision!
Commentaries are allowed, but it's a with or without scenario unlike last year's in addition to option. You've got a choice to make: either watch the movie with the original audio or with a commentary track running. Personally I don't see the need for them, but if you do listen to a commentary please make a conscientious effort to actually watch the film along with it throughout the entire duration as you normally would. Again, this was decided by your votes.
What formats and where/how you watch them is strictly up to you -- DVDs, HD-DVD, Blu Ray, at the theater, on television, VHS, Laserdisc, Video On Demand, Netflix, UMD, MiniDV, CED, Unbox, Apple TV, Watch Now, Payperview, Betamax, via laptop, VCD, Video iPod...you name it. Just make sure they're viewed in their entirety!
The votes have been tallied and caligulathegod's 3 Wild Cards option is now part of the challenge. Complete details can be found by scrolling down to post #2 of this thread...or the extremely lazy can click HERE (very soon!). Although completely optional, it's a great way to add a "twist" to your list. Of course, the challenge wouldn't be complete without wholeheartedly recommending "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" as essential viewing and a wild card option.
If you do watch films from other genres during the month and wish to include them as well that's perfectly fine, but please keep them separate from your qualifying titles and don't number them. It would be greatly appreciated if you boldface and/or color code your qualifying horror titles to distinguish them from the non-qualifying ones. The "What Are You Watching This Week" thread will also be around if you wish to include them there.

<sup>Random DVD drawings will be held for those reaching or surpassing 100 (and possibly one or two for anyone who participates)</sup> A $25 Amazon.com gift certificate will be awarded to the participant who watches the most during the month.


Netflix Watch Now - Horror

Monsters HD

Scream Television Schedule


AMC October Schedule

DVD Stalk

IMDB - Horror



Increase your coffee consumption.
Insomniac? Use it to your advantage!
Work from home? Ditto.
Cut down on your Internet time. Instead of talking about a movie...watch it!
Multitask. Watch a movie while running on the treadmill!
Skip the supplemental material...there's always November for that!
Bored? Watch a movie!


Free month of Netflix:



Free month of Blockbuster:



<sup>The challenge officially begins</sup> October 1, 2007 (Monday) @ Midnight Eastern time.

Last edited by Chad; 11-04-07 at 09:26 PM.
Old 10-16-07, 09:36 PM
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caligulathegod's 3 WILD CARDS



    More info regarding rule #3

    It must be a feature: Defined as 40+ minutes. It can be a film that has played theatrically, or was made for TV or direct-to-video. TV shows (defined as those with recurring characters such as X-Files or Buffy the Vampire Slayer) are not allowed. Television miniseries count. This would include films like Frankenstein the True Story, the Stephen King TV adaptations, etc. Also allowed are feature documentaries provided they are at least 40 minutes. This would include tribute documentaries on specific films or filmmakers, such as Document of the Dead, The American Nightmare, Boogeymen, Fear in the Dark, etc. We are also including documentaries on "true" Horror subjects, such as those 70s exploitation documentaries on Bigfoot, aliens, psychic phenomena, serial killers, or the Mondo films (such as Mondo Cane, Africa Addio, and Shocking Asia). Strongly encouraged are those that played theatrically at some point.

    -Courtesy of caligulathegod


    2007 Additions & Revisions

    As you've probably noticed, there's been a couple of changes made to last year's rules. They are due to YOUR votes taken from this thread and are the following:

        Yes, I realize everyone doesn't always agree on allowing commentaries, the 40-minute rule, the exclusion of tv shows, etc. But the fact of the matter is it's virtually impossible to satisfy everyone, and that's the sole reason the poll was created to get your input. So, if you didn't vote you only have yourself to blame.


        The Checklist

        Watch one film from every decade, starting with the 1890's.
        --- 1890:
        --- 1900:
        --- 1910:
        --- 1920:
        --- 1930:
        --- 1940:
        --- 1950:
        --- 1960:
        --- 1970:
        --- 1980:
        --- 1990:
        --- 2000:

        Watch films in at least two languages other than English.
        --- First language, .
        --- Second language, .

        --- Watch the MST3K version of a horror film.
        --- Watch a film and its remake.
        --- Watch a film based on a video game.
        --- Watch a film based on a novel.
        --- Watch a film directed by Uwe Boll.
        --- Watch a film which won an Academy Award -- any category.
        --- Watch a silent horror film.
        --- Watch a Criterion version horror film.
        --- Watch a film with commentary.
        --- Watch a film and at least two sequels.
        --- Watch a film that takes place on a holiday.
        --- Watch a film that takes place in space.
        --- Watch a film that takes place on or under the sea.
        --- Watch an animated horror film.

        Watch a film for each rating:
        --- G
        --- PG
        --- PG-13
        --- R
        --- NC-17
        --- X
        --- Unrated

        Watch a film in each of the following horror subgenres:
        --- Vampire
        --- Frankenstein
        --- Werewolf
        --- Mummy
        --- Invisible Man
        --- Ghost/haunting
        --- Witchcraft/satanic/religious
        --- Zombie
        --- Slasher/psycho/homicidal maniac
        --- Monster/creature feature
        --- Documentary
        --- Musical
        --- Spoof
        --- Revenge
        --- Killer doll
        --- Killer animal

        Watch a film starring:
        --- Bela Lugosi
        --- Lon Chaney Sr.
        --- Lon Chaney Jr.
        --- Peter Cushing
        --- Boris Karloff
        --- Vincent Price
        --- Christopher Lee
        --- Jamie Lee Curtis
        --- Robert Englund
        --- Bruce Campbell

        (* - First Time Viewings)

        Click here for the most updated version.

        -Courtesy of Trevor & Shack


        Last edited by Chad; 10-18-07 at 06:18 PM.
        Old 10-16-07, 09:36 PM
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        Welcome to Part 2....again! I PM'd nemein and he agreed it would be better to restart it and have the other merged with this one.
        Old 10-16-07, 09:47 PM
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        Looks much better, kudos to Nemein, and of course to you Chad for all the work you put into this.

        My silly work and family schedule has caused a huge slowdown the last week and the next week, but I'm hoping to squeeze in that 20 movie day in about a week and a half. That should put me back on schedule to break 100.
        Old 10-16-07, 09:54 PM
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        Watching a bad movie just seems so much worse when one is watching so many. I used to take a break if I hit a bad one but now I have to keep on truckin'
        Old 10-16-07, 10:28 PM
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        Bah, I've fallen behind so badly... I'll see if I can pick up the pace after almost two really bad weeks
        Old 10-16-07, 10:39 PM
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        I watched 28 Days Later on Blu-ray tonight. After I was done, I went to my list to add it. As it turns out, it was my 28th horror film watched. Creepy stuff.
        Old 10-16-07, 10:47 PM
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        Originally Posted by Mister Peepers
        Watching a bad movie just seems so much worse when one is watching so many. I used to take a break if I hit a bad one but now I have to keep on truckin'
        I've tried to keep a few "ace in the hole" movies unwatched, so that if I start to get burned out by the bad ones, I can pop one in and revive.
        Old 10-16-07, 11:28 PM
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        I've slowed down severely and have'nt watched anything since the first week of October. I knew it probably wasn't a good idea to try to participate this year since I'm to busy and stuff.

        Also it didn't help that I found out Anna Alexandre died earlier this year(adult forum posters will understand). Since that put me in a sad/depressed mood for a few days. And made me less interested in viewing movies. Also three major tests in the same week stressed me out and kept me busy. That I was too tired to view anything. And now I've been suffering from a severely bad headache for the past 4 days. That I'm not in the mood to watch anything at the moment. I do hope I feel better tomorrow,so I can rent Planet Terror and or Wrong Turn 2(I planned to rent it last week) as planned.

        On the plus side,I did have hot wild sex with a hot woman this month So I'm happy about that!
        Old 10-17-07, 02:50 AM
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        Ugh, I'm trying to prepare for my yearly Horror Marathon and it takes me away from my pace. Every year for the past 12 years I've hosted a Horror marathon with trailers and shorts between features (up to 4 hours worth of just shorts and trailers). We've gone from 16+ hours down to 8 or 9, but it's still fun. Starting with a compilation of trailers and 2 VCRs and a laserdisc player, I've evolved to compiling everything on the computer and burning DVDs and projecting them on a 6 foot wide screen. Still, it's time consuming and the shorts have to be checked out before they make it in the program. Perhaps I'll burn my Wild cards.
        Old 10-17-07, 07:06 AM
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        So where's the merge? I still see two separate threads.
        Old 10-17-07, 07:16 AM
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        I think there was a miscommunication between Chan and myself The problem w/ a merge is that I'm pretty sure it does it in chronological order so essentially nothing would change and the first page of the just closed thread would be the first page of the new thread. It's best to continue from here.

        Note to Chad: If this thread should get up to around 800 posts again, please start #3 as you want it and then request that this one be closed. thx
        Old 10-17-07, 08:42 AM
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        I just wanted to say a quick thanks to Mister Peepers and caligulathegod for the quick response to my question in the *other* Part 2 thread.
        Old 10-17-07, 10:22 AM
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        Originally Posted by Chad
        The general consensus has been to allow Anthology format television shows (such as Masters of Horror) as long as they meet the 40+ minute rule.
        The above is still in the official rules, and caused me to break the shrinkwrap on Twilight Zone season 4.

        But in reading the discussions, most say that TZ should not count.

        So is MoH the only "TV show" that counts? What other anthology format shows would count?

        Do we need to update the rules?

        How much crap am I going to get if I watch some TZ episodes and count them? I only insist on bringing this up again because of the $ I spent.
        Old 10-17-07, 10:29 AM
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        I did a Twilight Zone as a Wild Card but I think Season 4 should count as it is an Anthology type show and it is over 45 min.
        Old 10-17-07, 11:32 AM
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        Isn't Rod Serling a recurring character?
        Old 10-17-07, 11:42 AM
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        Originally Posted by FusionX
        Isn't Rod Serling a recurring character?
        Well, if you want to get techical I guess his narration or cameo is in every episode so I suppose that he is.
        Old 10-17-07, 12:05 PM
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        Referring to the lists thread.....

        And viewaskewbian, not even in the morning line, storms from nowhere through the backstretch, and takes the lead!
        Old 10-17-07, 01:22 PM
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        I don't know if this is a no-no, but can I take two off my list and not 'officially' count them
        Old 10-17-07, 01:42 PM
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        Originally Posted by Giles
        I don't know if this is a no-no, but can I take two off my list and not 'officially' count them
        You can donate them to FusionX, he's behind now.
        Old 10-17-07, 02:05 PM
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        Originally Posted by Trevor
        You can donate them to FusionX, he's behind now.
        I've been wasting a ton of time watching Jerry Springer to clear off my DVR, I'd be surprised if I am in the top 5 or so.
        Old 10-17-07, 02:13 PM
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        Originally Posted by FusionX
        I've been wasting a ton of time watching Jerry Springer to clear off my DVR, I'd be surprised if I am in the top 5 or so.
        I think you could stop now and finish in the top five.

        Edit to add: Dude, I just looked at your list, and you haven't slowed down at all. Except for one day w/ 2, you've been doing 5-8 every single day. But nice try at being all modest and stuff.

        You're only like 2 movies out of first.

        Last edited by Trevor; 10-17-07 at 02:37 PM.
        Old 10-17-07, 02:17 PM
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        Chad, you might want to put these links in your first post.

        discussion thread #1

        discussion thread #1b

        Also, for possible future stat use, leaders thru week one.

        Last edited by Trevor; 10-17-07 at 02:27 PM.
        Old 10-17-07, 02:42 PM
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        Originally Posted by nemein
        I think there was a miscommunication between Chan and myself The problem w/ a merge is that I'm pretty sure it does it in chronological order so essentially nothing would change and the first page of the just closed thread would be the first page of the new thread. It's best to continue from here.
        Sorry, my bad.

        BTW, in case you're reading this I'm gonna have to bug you once again. I sent a PM requesting a slight thread title alteration to change this to Part 3. That way things will hopefully be slightly less confusing and the short-lived part 2 won't get totally lost in the fray. I'll also include a link to it on the first page.

        Originally Posted by nemein
        Note to Chad: If this thread should get up to around 800 posts again, please start #3 as you want it and then request that this one be closed. thx
        No problem.

        Originally Posted by Trevor
        The above is still in the official rules, and caused me to break the shrinkwrap on Twilight Zone season 4.

        But in reading the discussions, most say that TZ should not count.

        So is MoH the only "TV show" that counts? What other anthology format shows would count?

        Do we need to update the rules?

        How much crap am I going to get if I watch some TZ episodes and count them? I only insist on bringing this up again because of the $ I spent.
        Again, that's my blunder. That was taken from caligulathegod's rules he included with the 3 Wild Cards info (and no disrespect to him), but we've never counted television shows unless used as a wild card option. Again, MOH are actually movies despite Showtime/IDT's attempts to make you think otherwise. I'll update it.

        Sorry for the added confusion.
        Old 10-17-07, 02:48 PM
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        Originally Posted by Chad

        Again, that's my blunder. That was taken from caligulathegod's rules he included with the 3 Wild Cards info (and no disrespect to him), but we've never counted television shows unless used as a wild card option. Again, MOH are actually movies despite Showtime/IDT's attempts to make you think otherwise. I'll update it.

        Sorry for the added confusion.
        Where does Mystery Science Theatre stand in all of this? It is a show with characters that return week after week but also it is a feature length film. I imagine this show gets a pass under the commentary card seeing as how it has been fine in recent years as well as this one?

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