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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 4th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 4th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

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Old 09-01-08, 07:02 PM
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100 Movies. 31 Days. The 4th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

<sup>100 Movies. 31 Days.</sup> October 1st - 31st, 2008


The Poll

Feedback Thread 2

Challenge #1 ~ 2005 Results

Challenge #2 ~ The Lists ~ 2006 Results

Challenge #3 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ The Lists ~ 2007 Results





Since '05 the goal of the challenge has been to reach 100 horror/horror-related films. Your personal goal is as high or as low as you want it to be. Whether you achieve it, surpass it or don't even come close to reaching it, the ultimate goal here is to enjoy yourself while conversing with fellow horror fans.
There will be a separate thread to include your lists as indicated above. Be creative and personalize it however you wish - In 1 post, weekly, biweekly, give reviews, post pics, provide IMDB links to your titles, add YouTube videos, include running times (calculating total times is up to you), etc. It's recommended that you provide a link to your list(s) in your signature for easy access. The only mandatory rule here is NUMBER YOUR LISTS!
What qualifies? If you're unsure of your title's genre classification the IMDB and allmovie are good sources to determine its potential horror movie status. If you're still uncertain or think it's listed incorrectly, ask...that's what this thread is here for! Horror-comedies, Sci-Fi horror, shitty horror (Prom Night remake, anyone?), kiddie horror, creature features, erotic horror, Masters of Horror (Yesssss, they're considered movies) silents, made-for-TV movies, etc. count. Mini-series count as 1 despite the running time. Legitimate stand-alone horror documentaries count. No fluff! One that isn't a featurette produced exclusively for a film's DVD as supplemental material. For example, don't try and pass off the DVD featurettes, interviews, making of and the like as part of your list. TV shows don't count (except those used as wild cards).
Keep it civil - take the arguments, name calling and accusations elsewhere. Don't accuse someone of "not having a life" simply because they're able to watch more in a day than you. Remember, not everyone keeps the same schedule and some of us require less sleep than others. And above all, don't let your competitiveness turn ugly and start unnecessary accusations against your fellow participants. If you feel someone has padded their lists just leave it alone. If you have a personal beef with someone settle it anywhere but here ...the IMDB boards for instance. ( Anger Management Techniques ) Keep in mind this is done solely on the honor system.
The same film can't be viewed more than once. Remakes are the exception to the rule. In other words, don't go back and watch the theatrical version of "Pale English Titty Vampires Part III: The Anemic Areola" after already having viewed "Pale English Titty Vampires Part III: The Anemic Areola SPF 666 Edition". The same holds true for all versions: director's cuts, unrated editions, colorized versions, fan edits, extended editions, "the version you supposedly couldn't see in a theater", etc. Honestly, why waste precious time watching the same bloody thing over again when there's so many great titles just waiting to be discovered out there? Pick your favorite cut and be content with your decision!
Vote for you favorite commentary option:
  1. Half credit option. Allow commentaries only after one has viewed the film with the proper soundtrack. If you do choose to go back and listen w/commentary it's worth half a credit/point.

  2. 7 commentary limit. Self explanatory.

  3. WINNER ---> The "with or without" option. Same as last year. <--- WINNER
The formats and where/how you watch them is strictly your call -- DVDs, Blu-ray, HD DVD, at the theater, on television, public domain downloads (links provided below), VHS, Laserdisc, Video On Demand, Netflix, UMD, MiniDV, CED, Unbox, Apple TV, Watch Now, Payperview, Betamax, via laptop, VCD, Video iPod...you name it. And yes, that even includes the pan & scan edited-for-television movies on TBS with multiple pop-ups and commercial interruptions! (NOT Recommended, BTW!) Just make sure the movie is viewed in it's entirety ...especially those of an adult nature!
Nothing to see here. Move along!
If you do watch non-genre titles during the month and feel the need to include them in your list that's alright, but please keep them separate from the qualifying ones and don't number them. The preferred method would be to post them in the "What Are You Watching This Week" thread. Once again, NUMBER YOUR LISTS or my doppelgänger will haunt your dreams!


The prizes will be handled somewhat different than in previous challenges. This year it goes like this:
  • Random drawings will be held for anyone who reaches (or surpasses) the challenge's goal of 100. (via Random.org)

  • The participant with the most impressive list.


WARNING: The possibility exists that "crappy" will be the term used to describe them.

More details coming soon.

6 WILD CARDS (courtesy of caligulathegod) - This allows you to add a TV show, Halloween cartoon, short film, etc...and have it count. As always, the challenge wouldn't be complete without wholeheartedly recommending "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" as essential viewing.
THE CHECKLIST - Complete it and feel a sense of accomplishment.
THE "31 FILMS FOR 31 DAYS" LIST (courtesy of Trevor) - Watch these 31 films on the listed day, with group discussion starting the next morning. Or don't watch them but still join the discussion. Click HERE for thread.

Turner Classic Movies ---> October 2008 Schedule of Qualifying Titles:




    TCM October Schedule --> Complete

    TCM October Schedule --> Daily

    AMC October Schedule

    Netflix Watch Instantly (Watch Now) --> Horror

    Monsters HD

    HDNet October Schedule

    Chiller Schedule

    Scream Television Schedule

    FOX Movie Channel Schedule --> Skip to the last 2 days of the month.


    DVD Stalk

    IMDB --> Horror

    Public Domain Horror Films --> Archive.org (Some are Sci-Fi) -or- PDT


    Provide a link to you list(s) in your signature.
    Give reviews. Even if it's just a mini-review, a simple / or one word description.
    Increase your coffee consumption.
    Insomniac? Use it to your advantage!
    Work from home? Ditto.
    Cut down on your Internet time. Instead of constantly discussing movies...watch them!
    Skip the supplemental material ...there's always November for that!
    Boredom setting in? Watch another movie!


    Free month of Netflix:

    See this thread.


    Free month of Blockbuster:



    <sup>The challenge officially begins</sup> Wednesday, October 1, 2008 @ Midnight (EST).

    Last edited by Chad; 10-04-08 at 02:50 PM.
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    Old 09-01-08, 07:02 PM
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    2008 Additions & Revisions

    As is usually the case, there's been a few minor changes made to this year's challenge. They are due to your feedback taken from this thread and are the following:
    • New this year is The "31 Films for 31 Days" List to encourage group discussion.

    • Horror documentaries are still allowed, but the "fluff" taken from DVD supplemental material (making of, featurettes, behind the scenes, etc.) no longer count. Some legitimate examples include: "100 Years of Horror", "American Nightmare", "Fear in the Dark" and "Halloween: 25 Years of Terror".

    • Pending your votes, a commentary rule change is a possibility.

    • The Wilds Cards have been doubled to 6.

    Yes, I realize everyone doesn't always agree on allowing commentaries, the 40-minute rule, the exclusion of TV shows, etc. But the fact of the matter is it's damn near impossible to satisfy everyone, that's the sole reason the feedback thread was created and your input was taken accordingly.


    The "31 Films for 31 Days" List

    This is an optional subset of the overall challenge. Watch these 31 films on the listed day, with group discussion starting the next morning. Or don't watch them but still join the discussion.

    The "31 Films in 31 Days" Thread

    -Courtesy of Trevor

    October 1st 
    October 2nd
    Shadow of the Vampire 
    October 3rd
    October 4th 
    A Nightmare on Elm Street 
    October 5th
    Night of the Living Dead
    October 6th 
    The Shining 
    October 7th 
    Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator 
    October 8th 
    Creature from the Black Lagoon (chosen by vote) 
    October 9th 
    The Devil's Rejects (chosen by FusionX) 
    October 10th 
    Rosemary's Baby 
    October 11th
    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
    October 12th
    October 13th
    Friday the 13th 
    October 14th 
    The Wolf Man (this is October's Full Moon) 
    October 15th 
    Claw of Terror (aka "Scream Bloody Murder")
    YouTube link (chosen by Mister Peepers)
    October 16th
    Manos: The Hands of Fate (chosen by steelpotato) 
    October 17th
    The Exorcist 
    October 18th
    The Invisible Man 
    October 19th
    Hard (chosen by edwardnortonfan) 
    October 20th
    April Fool's Day (chosen by wlverinefactor) 
    October 21st
    John Carpenter's The Thing 
    October 22nd
    The Evil Dead 
    October 23rd
    October 24th
    The Mummy 
    October 25th
    The Pit and the Pendulum (chosen by Dimension X) 
    October 26th
    Horror of Dracula (chosen by Crazee4DVDs) 
    October 27th 
    The Innocents (chosen by Giles) 
    October 28th 
    Black Sunday (chosen by Chad)
    October 29th
    October 30th
    October 31st 
    Halloween (1978)




    There are 6 wild card options. The wild card can be used for any horror related item, including It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, various halloween Bugs Bunny cartoons, Roseanne or Simpsons Halloween episodes, X-Files or Angel the Series episodes, etc.

    -Courtesy of caligulathegod


    The Expanded Checklist/Bingo Card
    (Copy & paste into your list.)

    Watch one film from every decade of film history.
    --- 1890 - (insert film title here)
    --- 1900 -
    --- 1910 -
    --- 1920 -
    --- 1930 -
    --- 1940 -
    --- 1950 -
    --- 1960 -
    --- 1970 -
    --- 1980 -
    --- 1990 -
    --- 2000 -

    Watch a film for each rating:
    --- Unrated (pre-MPAA) - (insert film title here)
    --- G -
    --- PG -
    --- PG-13 -
    --- R -
    --- NC-17 -
    --- X (not porn; several horror films were rated X) -
    --- Unrated (post-MPAA) -

    Watch a film starring:
    --- Bela Lugosi - (insert film title here)
    --- Lon Chaney Sr. -
    --- Boris Karloff -
    --- Lon Chaney Jr. -
    --- Vincent Price -
    --- Peter Cushing -
    --- Christopher Lee -
    --- Robert Englund -
    --- Bruce Campbell -
    --- Jamie Lee Curtis -

    Watch films in at least two languages other than English.
    --- First language, (insert language), (insert title).
    --- Second language, (insert language), (insert title).

    Watch a film in each of the following subgenres/types:
    --- Vampire - (insert film title here)
    --- Frankenstein -
    --- Werewolf -
    --- Mummy -
    --- Invisible Man -
    --- Ghost/haunting -
    --- Witchcraft/satanic/religious -
    --- Zombie -
    --- Slasher/psycho/homicidal maniac -
    --- Monster/creature feature/Godzilla -
    --- Documentary -
    --- Musical -
    --- Spoof/comedy -
    --- Revenge -
    --- Killer/evil doll -
    --- Killer/evil animal -
    --- Killer/evil child -
    --- Giallo -
    --- J horror -
    --- MST3K/rifftrax/CT -
    --- film and its remake -
    --- based on a video game -
    --- based on a novel -
    --- directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis or Uwe Boll or Ulli Lommel -
    --- won an Academy Award -- any category -
    --- silent film -
    --- Criterion version film -
    --- with commentary -
    --- film and at least two of its sequels -
    --- anthology film -
    --- takes place on a holiday -
    --- takes place in space -
    --- takes place on or under the sea -
    --- animated film -
    --- called "Night of the ..." -
    --- called "Return of the ..." -
    --- called "Revenge of the ..." -
    --- called "Attack of the ..." -
    --- with the words "Living Dead" in the title -

    (One film could fill multiple items. Example: Dracula would fill one for decade, rating, actor, vampire, based on novel, and maybe others as well.)
    (Use a * to mark first time viewings.)
    (Change "---" to "-X-" or some similar mark when you have completed that line item.)
    (First one to fill in all the blanks wins a random DVD from Trevor.)

    -Courtesy of Trevor ...and more


    <iframe src="http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2008&month=10&date=1&hrs=0&ts=12&min=0&sec=0&tz=local&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=r&c dir=down&bgcolor=%23000000&fgcolor=%23FF0000&title=Countdown%20To%20The%204th%20Annual%20October%20H orror%20Movie%20Challenge" width="250" height="365" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" style="overflow:hidden;width:15.6em;height:22.8em;">Countdown To The 4th Annual October Horror Movie Challenge</iframe>

    Last edited by Chad; 10-01-08 at 04:28 PM.
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    Old 09-01-08, 07:03 PM
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    Old 09-01-08, 07:11 PM
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    Are we gonna have an official poll for the highly debated "Commentary" count?
    Well, my vote goes to C. Unlimited Commentary. (The "with or without" option. Same as last year.)
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    Old 09-01-08, 08:28 PM
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    ^Glad you reminded me.

    Vote for you favorite commentary option:
    1. Half credit option. Allow commentaries only after one has viewed the film with the proper soundtrack. If you do choose to go back and listen w/commentary it's worth half a credit/point.

    2. 7 commentary limit. Self explanatory.

    3. The "with or without" option. Same as last year.

    If you already voted over in the feedback thread I'll carry those votes over.
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    Old 09-01-08, 08:31 PM
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    i'm voting for C
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    Old 09-01-08, 08:35 PM
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    Is it really that much of a burden to watch a real movie for the challenge? Commentaries pass the time "quicker" and more effortlessly, I'll give you that, but it takes more effort to actually be engaged in the story, the characters, the dialogue, the sound effects, etc. Horror's (of all genres) main purpose is to invoke a reaction, be it fear or terror, disgust or revulsion, shock, suspense, thrills, the jibblies, or whatever. Listening to someone talk over the soundtrack giving away tricks or upcoming scares, or telling us how much fun it was to work with so-and-so, or how great the catering was that day doesn't do that. This is a Horror movie challenge and it is in the spirit of the challenge to let the movies have a chance to work. It's not a "spend October with your DVDs" challenge. It's a "let's all watch a bunch of Horror movies together" challenge. Doesn't matter how you vote or what the rule ends up being. All I hope is for everyone to have respect for the genre and for the challenge and enjoy being scared the way it was meant to be.

    I'm caligulathegod, and I approved this message. (cue: Suspiria theme and Horror flags waving)

    As to the vote, there probably should have been a "D:No Commentary" option, too. I suggested "A" so that those who really wanted to listen to commentaries could still do so, but with a modest cost.

    And yeah, I know. I've politicked enough.
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    Old 09-01-08, 09:25 PM
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    ^Can't say I disagree says the guy who's gone 3 consecutive challenges without a single commentary.

    Originally Posted by caligulathegod
    As to the vote, there probably should have been a "D:No Commentary" option, too. I suggested "A" so that those who really wanted to listen to commentaries could still do so, but with a modest cost.
    Yeah, well, it probably wouldn't have had a chance anyway. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Originally Posted by caligulathegod
    cue: Suspiria theme

    Possible spoilers, BTW:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6YZxsfCsZIk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6YZxsfCsZIk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    And The Smashing Pumpkins do a pretty good rendition as well:

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/e2QAk0q3vgM&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/e2QAk0q3vgM&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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    Old 09-01-08, 10:21 PM
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    That actually looked to me like they were just playing the Goblin soundtrack until they kicked into their own song.
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    Old 09-01-08, 11:33 PM
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    I'm with the others who have voted "D. No commentaries"
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    Old 09-01-08, 11:35 PM
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    You rock Chad!

    Great job on the thread!

    I'm really excited about this.
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    Old 09-01-08, 11:49 PM
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    I'm torn on the commentary thing. Could easily vote "D", no commentaries. But then, my main "flogging a dead horse mantra" has been along the lines of "less rules, more fun, let people count whatever they want, don't worry if they're "doing it wrong", and relax". So I guess C is my choice. A and B are too "rulesy".

    Also, we need a set rule that MST3K and rifftrax are not commentaries, as you still hear the "real soundtrack".

    Here is the expanded checklist from last year.

    edit - tweaked and moved to a later page

    Last edited by Trevor; 09-19-08 at 04:41 PM.
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    Old 09-01-08, 11:52 PM
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    Quick idea on the 31 nights. Let's make It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown one of the nights. Whenever it is on network TV I guess?
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    Old 09-02-08, 12:06 AM
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    Isn't "Watch a film based on a video game" and "Watch a film directed by Uwe Boll" redundant? I'd just as soon lose the Uwe Boll entry and put in some other hack like H.G. Lewis or Joe D'Amato or someone else equally painful.

    "A" really isn't as "rulesy as it seems. It is the only one (other than the non-existent D) that insists viewers actually watch the film properly. I mean, it really should be self-evident that in a movie watching challenge you actually watch movies. It's also a concession to those who really, really want to watch a commentary. If you watch "half" a film, you should only get half credit.
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    Old 09-02-08, 12:41 AM
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    This sounds like fun. I never was a big fan of horror, of course i've seen all the "classics" but hopefully hearing your feedback on some titles will turn me on to a couple I missed.
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    Old 09-02-08, 12:58 AM
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    No commentaries!

    Horror Challenge only pure challenge. Extras lame, make Bumble angry...
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    Old 09-02-08, 01:43 AM
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    I can't believe it's less than a month. I'm getting excited, I always get an urge to watch horror films around August / September but usually hold off until October.
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    Old 09-02-08, 02:06 AM
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    I'll try to watch some movies this October, but can make no guarantee that I will watch many or any.

    Last year I only made it to 8 films, and that was a struggle itself with my work and class schedule. And i'm in a similar sitation this year. I'll try to watch stuff I have not watched yet, or haven't watched in a few years. And I may watch some alternate versions to mix it up as well. That is the plan anyway,if I can work in some films.

    Of course it should be quality over quantity,and just have fun with it. And watching only 8 last year wasn't bad and was fun for the most part.
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    Old 09-02-08, 03:07 AM
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    I'll vote for B since there are a few films I might like to watch with the commentary on. Looking forward to another great challenge this year Chad!
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    Old 09-02-08, 10:14 AM
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    Originally Posted by caligulathegod
    H.G. Lewis
    I'd love to swap out Uwe Boll for him.

    From the feedback thread there were these suggestions for the checklist "movie title beginning with" "Return of the...", Revenge of the...", and "Attack of the..."

    I'll also add "a movie title with containing 'Living Dead'".
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    Old 09-02-08, 02:34 PM
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    I updated the checklist to the expanded version. Can't exactly say what prompted me to post the older one.

    Originally Posted by Doc Moonlight & Trevor
    Regarding the list:

    I would like to suggest swapping dates for THE EXORCIST (October 11) and TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (October 17), as October 11 is Texas/OU weekend (which is when TCM 2 is set). Hook 'em Horns!

    Sounds good/will do.

    Originally Posted by Trevor
    I'm also going to move Dracula I think. Does anyone agree that Dracula 3 straight days to open things might be too much?
    As long as they're not back-to-back with the other Universal monster movies any day is fine by me.

    Originally Posted by Trevor
    Quick idea on the 31 nights. Let's make It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown one of the nights. Whenever it is on network TV I gues
    If memory serves, ABC took their sweet time and didn't announce last year's air date (10/30) until mid-October. I'm sure it'll be the same way this year.

    BTW, don't forget the new 'remastered Deluxe Edition' DVD comes out today. I never got around to getting the Paramount one, so I'll probably bite.

    Originally Posted by caligulathegod
    I'd just as soon lose the Uwe Boll entry and put in some other hack like H.G. Lewis or Joe D'Amato or someone else equally painful.
    Agreed. Asking someone to watch an Uwe Boll flick is cruel and unusual punishment. And I can say without a doubt it's the main reason I failed to complete last year's checklist.

    Originally Posted by Mister Peepers
    I'll also add "a movie title with containing 'Living Dead'".
    Good idea. And I'd like to add "Giallo" in horror subgenres.

    Last edited by Chad; 09-02-08 at 02:43 PM.
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    Old 09-02-08, 02:35 PM
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    Originally Posted by Mister Peepers
    I'd love to swap out Uwe Boll for him.

    From the feedback thread there were these suggestions for the checklist "movie title beginning with" "Return of the...", Revenge of the...", and "Attack of the..."

    I'll also add "a movie title with containing 'Living Dead'".
    dont forget "night of the..."
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    Old 09-02-08, 03:48 PM
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    Wicked, Wicked (1973) is playing one time only on TCM on October 17 at 2:15am eastern. It is not on the TCM list. Yes, it is in widescreen DUOVISION!!!
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    Old 09-02-08, 04:55 PM
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    ^Thank you.

    Looks like it's an encore presentation of the original 6/6 TCM Underground airing:

    Added it along with "The Stepford Wives" and "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane".

    Apparently I somehow overlooked the 17th completely.
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    Old 09-02-08, 05:08 PM
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    Wicked, Wicked sounds like an interesting oddity."No Glasses - All You Need Are Your Eyes." How many other films are completely split-screen? The only one I'm aware of is Mike Figgis' Timecode, with four (!) simultaneous frames of action.
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