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-   -   100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) (https://beta-forum.dvdtalk.com/dvd-talk/648456-100-movies-31-days-15th-annual-october-horror-movie-challenge-10-1-10-31-a.html)

orlmac 08-31-19 06:13 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Chad, correct me if I'm wrong (and I hope I'm wrong) but I was thinking that nothing would be done on the checklist while we are trying to finalize the subset list, which means until 5 more people come forward we are essentially on hold. Is that basically correct?

Chad 09-01-19 05:23 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by JOE29 (Post 13601309)
Picked up The Howling and Humanoids from the Deep steelboxes the other day.
Both of them are a vast improvement over the original DVD's that I bought
years ago. So I'm pretty happy with that pick up right there. They'll be primed
and ready for October.

I think I'm gonna watch the Humanoids steelbook sometime this weekend, or at least before Summer ends on 9/23. Love catching the summer-themed flicks around this time.

Chad 09-01-19 05:24 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by DaveyJoe (Post 13601025)
2018 Subset Challenge Video!


Now that's getting me in the mood for the season! Also looks like I apparently never around to checking out Marrowbone for some reason.

Added to the first post.

Chad 09-01-19 05:25 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by orlmac (Post 13601336)
Chad, correct me if I'm wrong (and I hope I'm wrong) but I was thinking that nothing would be done on the checklist while we are trying to finalize the subset list, which means until 5 more people come forward we are essentially on hold. Is that basically correct?

Well, I just added the crossover voting. And yes, even though we do hold off on checklist building until after, I'll take suggestions at any time. The thread being at a standstill usually means I'm working on something behind the scenes. That's currently the case, and the checklist is part of that.

Also we're ahead of last year's schedule. We're already at the final phase of subset building and things have always finished up pretty quickly thereafter in the past. We'll be getting to it very soon.

Chad 09-01-19 07:06 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
The list thread just went up.

Dick Laurent 09-01-19 07:47 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
I was determined this year to be in on the building thread. But instead I ended up separated from my wife and starting a divorce. Needless to say I've been a little distracted. I need horror and this community more than ever right now.

Trevor 09-01-19 09:00 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Crap, so sorry to hear that Dick. Offering prayers and virtual hugs and offline conversation if you want them. Hope October (and September Criterion horrors) help take your mind off things as needed.

shadokitty 09-01-19 10:03 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Sorry to hear that Dick. Echoing Trevor’s statement. We are all here for you.

Dick Laurent 09-01-19 10:41 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
I appreciate the kind words. Don't mean to bring the festivities down right at the start, but it is what it is. Definitely looking forward to the distraction of the challenge!

Undeadcow 09-01-19 11:23 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Bummer Dick, hopefully you can get on the rebound in soon and despite the pain of a divorce my wish for you is that it's ultimately in your best interests - that you find long term happiness. Best wishes and looking forward to binging some horror with you and everyone else.

numbercrunch 09-02-19 06:08 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by Dick Laurent (Post 13601712)
I was determined this year to be in on the building thread. But instead I ended up separated from my wife and starting a divorce. Needless to say I've been a little distracted. I need horror and this community more than ever right now.

Been there and done that. Look at divorce as freedom and an opportunity!

MysterioMan007 09-02-19 06:52 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
I think I'm going to use some time leading up to get some of that Dark Shadows coffin set I've been working on for several years now. I'm still in the first year, but the plot seems to be finally moving a long, even if only a little.

PCBreakdown 09-02-19 09:06 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by Dick Laurent (Post 13601712)
I was determined this year to be in on the building thread. But instead I ended up separated from my wife and starting a divorce. Needless to say I've been a little distracted. I need horror and this community more than ever right now.

I finalized my divorce during the 2017 challenge. It's a wonderful distraction.

mightysparks 09-04-19 03:38 AM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Seeing these threads get posted on Facebook is the equivalent of Christmas decorations starting to appear :D The last few years have been rough for me and severely affected my film-watching; struggling with depression and PTSD and university, but I had my graduation in February, got the a-ok from my trauma therapist in January, have lost 34kg since April 2018, got sober, moved out from a house full of bad memories and away from a horrible housemate (also the daughter of a soon-to-be convicted serial killer for some real life horror...), and am currently at my healthiest mentally, physically and emotionally, so I'm hoping I can get stuck into this challenge like the good old days. Not quite '300 films in a month' old days, but I wanna enjoy this thing this year and hopefully hit 100. Might participate in the subset/checklist/compilation vid stuff again this year, but we'll see how it goes... I've been binging a bit of horror lately but now I am trying to stay away from it until October!

shadokitty 09-04-19 03:02 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Given the fall chill in the air, I think I’m going to watch some horror today and tonight. It’s really feeling like Halloween outside today. I have a lot I can watch between Dish, DVDs and on demand programs.

Bluelitespecial 09-04-19 03:07 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Well I'm thinking about participating this year. I hit 80 two years ago and it would be fun to top that.

BobO'Link 09-04-19 03:33 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by shadokitty (Post 13603128)
Given the fall chill in the air, I think I’m going to watch some horror today and tonight. It’s really feeling like Halloween outside today. I have a lot I can watch between Dish, DVDs and on demand programs.

No "fall chill" here... it's currently 94 degrees with highs mostly in the lower 90s for the next week. Just one day with ~84 predicted.

Indy24LA 09-04-19 03:52 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by BobO'Link (Post 13603151)
No "fall chill" here... it's currently 94 degrees with highs mostly in the lower 90s for the next week. Just one day with ~84 predicted.

Yeah, we had a false fall two weekends ago, but now it's back to the low 90s. But that doesn't stop me from going to Lowe's and picking up Halloween decorations though. Autumn is a state of mind!

coyoteblue 09-04-19 04:05 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
We're looking at another week of triple digits, give or take.

DaveyJoe 09-04-19 04:18 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
It's still warm in Maryland but Dorian will bring the temps down and might force me to stay inside and watch movies on Friday night.

Chad 09-04-19 04:45 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Hot and humid here. I'm anxiously waiting for the Fall weather to hit so I can get some September running in.

Chad 09-04-19 07:34 PM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Here's Shudder's Halloween season lineup announcement ...and it looks very much like Joe Bob Briggs is going to be a part of it! :banana:



Plus a special Halloween treat on Friday, 10/25, that you’ll want to stay up late for. (Details coming soon.)
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Gee, I wonder what that could be. <a href="https://twitter.com/Shudder?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Shudder</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/kinky_horror?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@kinky_horror</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheLastDriveIn?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TheLastDriveIn</a> <a href="https://t.co/Eq6wklvFKt">https://t.co/Eq6wklvFKt</a></p>&mdash; Joe Bob Briggs (@therealjoebob) <a href="https://twitter.com/therealjoebob/status/1169329468319707142?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 4, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Darkgod 09-05-19 07:01 AM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
We had a four day break of upper 60s... followed by low 90s. Tommorow a high of 68 and low of 52 makes it start to feel like fall

WillieMLF 09-05-19 07:25 AM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)
Dorian is knocking on the door and the outer bands of rain should be arriving before too long. Planning on hunkering down this evening and watching Mom and Dad with Nic Cage.

shadokitty 09-05-19 08:01 AM

Re: 100 Movies. 31 Days. The 15th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31)

Originally Posted by WillieMLF (Post 13603488)
Dorian is knocking on the door and the outer bands of rain should be arriving before too long. Planning on hunkering down this evening and watching Mom and Dad with Nic Cage.

Stay safe. I heard on the news that it was back up to a Category 3.

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