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The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

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The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

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Old 09-06-21, 11:03 PM
DVD Talk Ultimate Edition
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

This Year's Stats

This year marks my 11th Challenge.

Goal: To watch as few movies as possible to complete the checklist
Total Watched: 47

Theme nights, 31 film subset, and Checklist completed.

First Time Viewings: 32 (68%)

Formats Watched:

17½ Streaming (Google Drive, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Shudder, Peacock) – 38%
15 DVD – 32%
11½ Blu-ray - 24%
2 Blu-ray 3D – 4%
1 DVD-R Recorded from VHS – 2%


1930s: 1 (2%)
1940s: 1 (2%)
1950s: 2 (4%)
1960s: 3 (6%)
1970s: 10 (21%)
1980s: 11 (23%)
1990s: 5 (11%)
2000s: 6 (13%)
2010s: 4 (9%)
2020s: 4 (9%)

Longest Film Viewed: In Search of Darkness (264 minutes)
Shortest Film Viewed: Dark Intruder (59 minutes)

New favorites: Curse of the Demon, The Ninth Gate, Freaky, Possessor Uncut, Hell Fest

Will never willingly watch again: Cutting Class, Schramm, The Mortuary Collection, The Empty Man, Body Bags


Orange Title - Denotes first-time-ever viewing

Caution: Spoilers may follow!

Last year's tally: Zero, zip, zilch - I took the year off

This year's goal: To watch just enough films to complete the Checklist; I think that I can do it in 45 films or fewer.


Note: These films are not counted in my totals, as they were watched outside the actual month of October. I consider them to be a sort of pre-Challenge warm up.

XX Night of the Living Dead (1968) (Blu-ray) – I can't count the number of times that I've seen this movie; by my best estimate, I've seen it upwards of thirty times in the last 49 or so years. In 1980, when I first entered film school, all the students in one of the classes I took had to go around the room on the first night of class and tell what our favorite movie was. There were a lot of Citizen Kanes and Singin' in the Rains, but when I said that my favorite film was Night of the Living Dead, there were audible snickers. I guess that time has proven me correct, huh? Absolutely one of the top five horror films of all time.

XX Road Games (1981) (DVD) – I first saw this film years ago on HBO, right after my family first got it (illegally, by running about a million feet of antenna wire all through the house). I remembered very few things about it, so this was almost like a first-time view. It's an okay thriller, with a good performance by Stacy Keach and some nice directorial touches by Richard Franklin, but it does have some pacing problems and some weird logic gaps in the plot. It's not a bad film, but it's not a forgotten classic, either.


1. Slither (2006) (Streaming--Amazon Prime) - Fun movie about alien slug things that take over the inhabitants of a small town. Gregg Henry as the supremely foul-mouthed mayor makes the movie for me; does he have any lines that wouldn’t automatically make this an R-rated film? Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker are a lot of fun, too, and that song by the Yayhoos on the soundtrack is eight kinds of awesome.

2. Target Earth (1954) (DVD) - Robots from Venus have overtaken a large city and only a handful of survivors are left to survive. Meanwhile, the army captures a fallen robot and tries to figure out how to defeat the alien army. What should be a fun sci-fi film starts off strong, but once the military guys show up, the pace slows to a crawl. Still, it’s a black-and-white science fiction film from the 1950s with Whit Bissell as a scientist, so it’s not ALL bad.


3. Silent Madness (1984) (Blu-ray 3D) – I’m finding that I’ve developed quite a fondness for off-brand slasher flicks from the early ‘80s. At the time, if a slasher film wasn’t part of an established franchise (such as the Friday the 13th or Halloween films) or from a major studio (Happy Birthday to Me, My Bloody Valentine, etc.), I tended to avoid it because I mistakenly believed all non-Hollywood product to be crappy knock-offs of the good stuff. Obviously, I was wrong in my estimation. A couple of cases in point: Sleepaway Camp and Silent Madness. I’ll freely admit that I don’t find either of them scary in the least, but they both have a certain naïve charm that seems to be missing from the flashier studio product. The things that I loved about Silent Madness: its choice of an older-than-usual final girl; its amazing use of depth in the 3D version; an unhinged Viveca Lindfors (which is, obviously, the best kind) and a cussin’ Sydney Lassick; and some very nice cinematography that looks appropriately fall-like. I wasn’t sure at first if I was going to like the film, but once the action shifted from the dreary hospital corridors, I kinda fell in love with it a little. If you’re a Sleepaway Camp fan like me, you’ll recognize two of the stars of that film in Silent Madness pretty easily. I’m glad that I bought the 3D Vinegar Syndrome disc for this year’s Challenge; I foresee spending a lot of time with it.

4. Frightmare (1974) (DVD) - In the ‘50s, a couple who’ve committed some murders and cannibalized their victims get sent to an asylum, where they stay for fifteen years or so before being released...because they’re cured, you see. Of course, they’re NOT cured, or we wouldn’t have much of a movie, now would we? This Pete Walker film is listed as being a comedy on IMDB, but I didn’t see anything overtly comedic about the film. It’s got that wonderful feel that only British horror films made in the early ‘70s have, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.


5. The Severed Arm (1973) (Streaming--Google Drive) - I’ve heard good things about this film from friends of mine over the years, so I was fairly excited to finally get around to watching it. I found it to be tough going, however, with unlikable characters, an easy-to-guess “twist,” and the most horrendous electronic musical score I’ve ever heard. The worst sin that the film committed was the cardinal sin of film-making: it was boring. I’m definitely in the “not a fan” camp on this one.


6. A Bay of Blood (1971) (Streaming--Shudder) - I remember enjoying this the first time that I watched it, years ago on VHS (and under the much less socially-redeeming title Twitch of the Death Nerve). I didn’t like it quite as much this time out, mainly because I was more focused on the plot than the gore, and I found the story to be somewhat confusing. Still, it’s a Mario Bava film, so it gets the benefit of the doubt. Obviously the template for Friday the 13th Part 2, some of A Bay of Blood’s set-pieces are still quite shocking. The score by Stelvio Cipriani is quite nice.

7. Octaman (1971) (Blu-ray) – I watched this for the OHMC during my first year of participation, when it was a subset film back in 2010. I remembered absolutely nothing from that viewing this time around. Here’s what I wrote about it eleven years ago, since it still holds true for me: “If I had seen this when it was first released (and I was nine years old), this would probably be one of my favorites. As it stands, however, I saw this stinker for the first time tonight. One of the rules for a successful horror movie is that you don't show your monster too soon or too often, as everything that follows that first reveal is anticlimactic. Harry Essex, the writer, producer, and director of Octaman, had apparently not heard of that dictum at the time he shot this film, as the creature is revealed during the main credits. Essex then goes on to keep the monster on the screen in full view for at least half of the film's running time. I can only guess that he either loved the Octaman suit a whole lot, or he wanted to get his money's worth of monster suit up on the screen...or both. No matter his reasons, the Octaman is indeed on display throughout the entire film, and to make REALLY sure that we see the suit, Essex shoots the majority of the monster scenes IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. So, while the nine-year-old still inside me was pleased with the sheer amount of monster footage in the film, the adult in me ached for a little restraint, a little mystery.”

8. The Spiral Staircase (1946) (Streaming--Google Drive) - I’m surprised that I’ve never seen this wonderfully moody film before. It features a great cast (including Kent Smith from Cat People and Elsa Lanchester, the Bride of Frankenstein herself), sumptuous sets, and an air of real menace. The first closeup of the eye of the murderer reminded me a whole lot of a similar shot in Black Christmas, filmed nearly 30 years later. I really, really liked this one.


9. Witchfinder General (1968) (Blu-ray) – Originally released in the U.S. as The Conqueror Worm, this film about real-life witch hunter Matthew Hopkins features Vincent Price in his least-hammy performance. The acting, cinematography, and soundtrack are all uniformly good, and the film ends a lot better than I expected it to. I don’t generally like period pieces, so I avoided this one for decades. I’m glad that the Challenge forced me to finally watch it.

10. Mark of the Devil (1970) (Blu-ray) – When Udo Kier plays the character who’s the conscience of the movie, you know you’re in for a rocky ride. Mark of the Devil is kind of like Witchfinder General’s chain-smoking, Euro-trash cousin—disreputable, sure, but fun in a dangerous sort of way. I don’t know that I’d necessarily call it a good movie, but it is effective, and Reggie Nalder makes an impressive villain. I found that the film got better as it went along. The ending is surprisingly (to me, anyway) pessimistic. My favorite line: “Torture him harder!”


11. Cutting Class (1989) (Streaming--Google Drive) - A scantily-clad teenage girl, tugging her sleep shirt down to cover her underwear, sneaks out her front door and into her driveway, hoping not to be seen by her neighbors as she picks up the morning newspaper. As she turns to go back into the house, she’s intercepted by her father, who’s about to leave to go duck hunting for a week. After his somewhat odd admonitions to do her homework, not let boys in the house, and not cut class, he leaves, and she tosses the newspaper that she had just snuck out to get into the trash without reading it. It was at this exact point that I knew that this film was going to infuriate me, and it did so spectacularly. I hated this film quite a bit because it’s obvious that the people who made it had utter disdain for its intended audience. If Jill Schoelen weren’t in it, I wouldn’t have made it all the way through it, but I was a big fan of hers back in the late ‘80s, so her involvement kept me watching until the stupid, stupid end. I probably lost a couple dozen IQ points just by being in the same room where this dreck was playing. The director’s only other brush with directing was as second-unit director on Exorcist II: The Heretic, which is just as bad as this film. Subpar in almost every way.


12. Carrie (1976) (Blu-ray) – I can’t heap enough superlatives on Brian DePalma’s version of Carrie to do it justice. I saw it for the first time in a theatrical re-release that occurred after the film was nominated for two Oscars (for Sissy Spacek and Piper Laurie’s performances), and it absolutely terrified me. (It apparently also terrified a guy sitting a few rows in front of me, who leapt up after the “gotcha” shot and loudly proclaimed to his girlfriend that he was never going to let her drag him to another one of these horror films again. His exact description of the films in question was decidedly more…colorful.) After that first viewing, my terror was replaced with awe. DePalma, using practically every film-making trick in the book (fast motion, slow motion, split diopters, split screens, etc.), pulled out all the stops on this one, giving it an almost operatic grandiosity. It’s Spacek’s performance, however, that places the film in the pantheon of great horror films. All of its performances are spot-on, but it’s Spacek who makes Carrie truly the most heartbreaking of all horror films.

13. Carrie (2013) (Blu-ray) – This needless remake of the Brian DePalma classic updates Stephen King’s story to the cellphone age and picks up a minor subplot from the book that was left out of the earlier film, but it remains the lesser of the two films. While Sissy Spacek was able to effect a believable ugly duckling-to-swan transformation, Chloe Grace Moritz just can’t pull it off—the only real difference between her everyday look as Carrie and her dressed up-for-prom version of Carrie is that her hair has been fixed a little. And while I’m a big fan of Julianne Moore, she just doesn’t register as Margaret White, especially when her performance is compared to that of Piper Laurie. It’s certainly not a bad film per se, and I can see it appealing perhaps a bit more to today’s teenagers than the older version might, but if you’re already a fan of the original film version, I doubt that you’ll prefer it to DePalma’s film.


14. Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) (Streaming--Google Drive) - What hath A Nightmare on Elm Street wrought? I have to be honest--I don’t think that I’ve ever seen a film quite as nonsensical as Slumber Party Massacre II. Generally, I tend to hate films like this one that don’t resolve themselves, but since this one started out wacka-wacka and only got worse from there, I have to give it credit for sticking to its convictions. Of course, a large part of its narrative was influenced by the “is it a dream, or is it real?” trope that Wes Craven’s film popularized, and perhaps the gonzo nature of Slumber Party Massacre II’s narrative was caused in part by some pre-release cutting (at the time that it was released through Roger Corman’s Concorde Pictures, Corman was pretty adamant that all except the biggest films had to be sent out on four reels AT MOST to save on print and shipping costs, which kept the majority of the company’s releases to a run time of eighty minutes or less), but those two things don’t begin to cover any of the other bizarro things going on in the film, like the killer who sings rockabilly and kills people by using a guitar with a ginormous working drill bit poking out of the end of the neck. No, with this film, we’re in rarefied air indeed, and, since that’s the case, normal criticisms aren’t valid. Give it a watch; see what YOU think.

15. Friday the 13th Part III (1982) (Blu-ray 3D) – Released on the same day as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Friday the 13th Part III was the most successful of the first eight, Paramount-owned Friday the 13th films. It set the template for the remaining films in the series, with a hockey mask-clad Jason, the unstoppable murder machine, killing teenagers in ever more inventive ways. This one definitely had its share of creative gore, including three instances of eye trauma and a character split down the middle vertically with a machete. When seen in its flat, 2D form, it’s merely serviceable as entertainment, but in its 3D form, it plays like gangbusters. Yeah, I was in the theater opening weekend, and the buzz that went up from the audience when the titles came on and cascaded down to what looked like inches from everyone’s faces was electric. If you’re a 3D buff, grab the pricey Scream Factory set while you still can, because it’s currently the only way to see the film as it was intended to be seen. If you’re less picky about your 3D, or don’t have a polarized 3D setup, the cheapo Paramount anaglyph Blu-ray (or DVD) that uses the red/blue cardboard glasses ought to do you. Either way you go, however, this film was designed for 3D, and that’s the only way that it should be seen.


16. Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989) (Streaming--Google Drive) - Some annoying teens find a secret underground crypt while robbing graves, and they inadvertently resurrect an ancient Satanist by pulling out the axe that’s found buried in his chest. Most of them get killed by the ungrateful revenant. This film steals ideas from EVERYWHERE; it’s really, really dumb, but I can’t say that it was boring.

17. Schramm (1993) (DVD) - An unlikable killer falls off a stepladder while painting his apartment (to try to cover up some blood stains from his murder of some door-to-door proselytizers) and we’re privy to his thoughts as he lies dying. Most of them have to do with his prostitute neighbor and leg, eye, and genital trauma. It’s not a fun watch, but it’s thankfully short.


18. Battle Royale (Special version) (2001) (Blu-ray) – It’s hard to even fathom these days what a ruckus this film caused when it was released at the turn of the millennium. At the time, it was one of the most violent films ever made, and all of the violence involved 15-year-olds. I think that the film is a masterpiece, and what makes it so is the care the filmmakers took in world building. I don’t know how faithful an adaptation of the novel the film is (because it’s a hugely thick book), but I’m impressed that director Kenji Fukasaku was able to not only have the skill to allow the audience to be able to differentiate all of the characters in the exceedingly large cast from one another, but also to have us care so much about some of the characters via the use of flashbacks to fill out their backstories. I don’t know what was in the water in Japan from roughly 1997-2003, but there were a ton of amazing movies made during that time, and Battle Royale is near the top of the heap.

19. 2LDK (2003) (DVD) - Two roommates, both actresses and up for the same part, let the minor irritations of sharing an apartment become a major problem while waiting for the phone call that will tell them which of the two of them gets the role. The first half of this 70-minute film builds tension with each of the women getting more and more angry with the other, until, at around the halfway point in the film, the simmering aggressions stop simmering and come to a full boil. The rest of the film has them beating the ever-living crap out of each other until the blood-soaked finale. It’s a strange film, but the two actresses sell the scenario well, and I found myself enjoying the mayhem. It’s sort of like a live-action version of the old Mad Magazine “Spy vs. Spy” cartoons—if you liked those, you’ll probably like this movie. The title is newspaper real estate listing shorthand for “2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen.”


20. The Mortuary Collection (2019) (Streaming--Shudder) - Maybe it has something to do with the stomach flu that I developed yesterday (that’s continued into today), but The Mortuary Collection bored me silly. In it, a young woman shows up at a mortuary, ostensibly to apply for a position that was advertised on the sign outside. But first, she must listen to some creepy tales told by the mortician (played by Clancy Brown, doing his best Angus Scrimm/Tall Man imitation). And, since this is an anthology film, we get to see the tales come to life. None of the four tales are particularly involving or even scary, but all of them together sure make it seem that writer/producer/director Ryan Spindell has a fear of women. Maybe I’m reading too much into this trifle, but then again, there wasn’t a whole lot to keep my attention in the tales themselves. To give credit where credit is due, the film looked great, even if it did deliberately mix a whole lot of things from different decades together in an attempt to give it a timeless quality. It didn’t work, but I appreciate the effort anyway.


21. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) (DVD) – Strictly by-the-numbers horror film rips off several horror films all at once, most notably Carrie and A Nightmare on Elm Street (yet again). Mary Lou Maloney, Hamilton High’s newly-crowned 1957 Prom Queen and resident slut, gets accidentally burned to death when her cuckolded boyfriend drops a stink bomb on her (and, no, that’s not a euphemism) and catches her dress on fire. Thirty years later, the cuckolded boyfriend is now the principal of Hamilton High, and the guy Mary Lou was cheating on him with is the town priest, because life’s neat like that. The principal’s son is dating Vicki, whose mother makes Carrie White’s mom…still look crazy, but not all that much more crazy. Anyway, from what I can gather, Mary Lou’s spirit is trapped in a trunk in the drama department’s prop room, because why not? Vicki, scrounging around for a dress to wear to prom because her mom won’t let her buy a new one, opens the trunk, and Mary Lou’s spirit possesses her and does a lot of naughty things. Then Mary Lou’s spirit gets sent back to her grave, because it sets up a convenient “twist” ending. The guy that wrote this now writes and directs Hallmark Channel Christmas movies, because sometimes life IS neat like that. I forthwith call for a moratorium on naming characters after famous horror film directors; it annoyed me in Final Destination, and it annoys me even more here. By my count, they name-dropped TEN horror directors, and that’s just annoying as shit. Stop it already.


22. Curse of the Demon (a.k.a. Night of the Demon) (1957) (DVD) - I watched the full-length, unedited 95-minute British version of Curse of the Demon, and it scratched my autumn itch. In it, Dana Andrews goes to Britain for a parapsychology conference and gets caught up in an investigation of a devil worship cult. It’s a moody, gorgeously-photographed film that manages to build up a wonderful feeling of dread. I’m really, really surprised that it’s taken me this long to get around to watching it in its entirety; I’ve seen all the monster scenes in it before, but this was my first time to watch the film all the way through, and it was every bit the classic that I’d always heard that it was.


23. In Search of Darkness (2019) (Streaming--Shudder) - Astoundingly long documentary about horror films of the ‘80s, which is probably my next-to-least favorite decade for horror movies. It takes a mostly year-by-year approach to covering the decade (with other topics thrown in between most of the years, like a section devoted to special effects, one about final girls, etc.), but the talking heads mostly gab about the films that have been discussed to death throughout the years. While this is okay, I guess, it hurts a little to see posters for films that are never talked about used prominently (like Beyond Evil and Scarecrows), while we have to listen to yet more “experts” expound on the virtues of films like Re-Animator and Pet Sematary. Most of the folks interviewed are interesting to hear from (and I was amazed at how good Caroline Williams looks these days), but I’m not a fan of James A. Janisse’s game-show host delivery. Overall, the documentary seemed to get most of its facts straight (although there was a poster for Vincent Price’s Madhouse from 1974 placed pretty prominently in the layout of 1983 posters), but it’s probably best viewed either in small chunks or as background noise if you’re cooking or cleaning.


24. Cure (1997) (DVD) - Apparently, I am not on the same wavelength as Kiyoshi Kurosawa, the director of Cure. Because I’d heard that it was one of the scariest films ever, I’ve tried to watch his film Kairo (also known as Pulse) three times now, and each viewing has left me more puzzled than the last. While I’m happy to report that Cure wasn’t nearly as perplexing to me as Kairo, I still don’t think that I “got” it. In it, murders are being committed by various, seemingly unconnected people, with all the victims bearing X-shaped wounds on their necks, positioned so that both of their carotid arteries are cut. The detective on the case eventually figures out who’s behind the killings, but that only opens up more mysteries. I will admit that the last shot of the film before the end credits had me chuckling with nervous laughter through the first thirty seconds or so of the cast roll.


25. Tower of Evil (1972) (Streaming--Google Drive) - I really quite enjoyed Tower of Evil; it’s a British film made in the early ‘70s set in an isolated spot, with plenty of violence and nudity. What’s not to love? The film takes place on Snape Island, a tiny, isolated island off the coast of England where a lot of people end up dead. The plot has a lot of twists and turns, but my biggest takeaways from the film were the poor American accents by the film’s younger cast members and the far-out fashions. It’s definitely worth a look on a slow afternoon.

26. Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967) (DVD) – Watching this film is becoming an annual October tradition for me. It’s really, really dumb, but I saw it as a kid (in the theater, no less!), and I’ve had a soft spot for it ever since. It’s kind of like what would happen if you threw a PRC programmer, a James Bond knock-off film, a Hee Haw episode, and The Ghost and Mr. Chicken into a blender and hit “puree.” If you’re a fan of ‘60s country music, you might enjoy this a lot more than most people, since it features Merle Haggard, Sonny James, Ferlin Husky, and others singing songs you’ve probably never heard before. It also features Basil Rathbone, John Carradine, and Lon Chaney, Jr. as three-quarters of a spy ring. I’ve got a 35mm theatrical print of this film slowly disintegrating in my garage.


27. Fade to Black (1980) (DVD) – To say that Eric Binford is movie-obsessed is like saying the Grand Canyon is a hole in the ground. No, he’s beyond obsessed, and it shows in his day-to-day dealings with everyone whom he comes into contact with on a daily basis, from his wheelbound-chair aunt with whom he lives to the bullies, including his boss, at his job at a film exchange. Eventually, after he’s stood up for a date by a Marilyn Monroe lookalike and then turned down by a prostitute in the same night, he snaps and starts killing people while costumed as some of his favorite movie characters. Being an obsessive film nut myself, I thought that I would be able to relate to the character of Binford (who’s played by Dennis Christopher), but the character is so socially inept and maladjusted even before he goes off the deep end into madness that I couldn’t work up much sympathy for him. It seems like writer/director Vernon Zimmerman wanted to eat his cake and have it, too—he wants us to feel sorry for Binford and cheer when he gives his enemies their comeuppance, but between the poor writing for the character and Christopher’s weaselly performance, I found it hard to work up any feeling for Binford (and the film itself, for that matter) except one of contempt.


28. Planet Terror (2007) (DVD) – This feature was created to be part of Grindhouse, the instant double-feature that directors Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino made as an homage to the type of films that used to play at inner-city movie theaters and drive-ins forty-plus years ago. Rodriguez directed this (which, in the theatrical Grindhouse cut, played before Tarantino’s Death Proof), a wild amalgam of pretty much every horror, sci-fi, and action movie of the ‘70s and early ‘80s. Tonight was my first time to see the film as a standalone entity, which is the way that the two films that made up Grindhouse were released in the rest of the world. Both films were also cut by about twenty minutes each to make the Grindhouse double-feature theatrically viable (yet it still ran over three hours), so this was also my first time to see the full-length cut of the film. I think that I enjoyed it more this time than the two times I’ve previously seen it as part of Grindhouse. I can’t really put my finger on why I liked it more this time around, but knowing that there wasn’t another 90 minutes of movie after it probably helped a great deal. It’s gory, trashy fun, impossible to take seriously, so just buckle up for safety and surrender to the mayhem. Director Rodriguez also did the seriously groovy fuzz guitar-based score.

29. The Black Cat (1934) (DVD) – Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi star together for the first time in this in-name-only adaptation of one of Poe’s most famous short stories. The plot is overly complicated, especially when you consider that the film runs just a little over an hour, but it’s not the plot that matters so much as the interplay between the two horror greats. It’s kind of odd to see Lugosi as the good guy for a change, but he’s able to elicit quite a bit of audience sympathy. Karloff is appropriately menacing, but the real star of the film is the set design, which is atypical of the films of the period and quite stunning. My favorite line, spoken by Lugosi after another character says that there’s a lot of supernatural baloney going on: “Supernatural? Perhaps. Baloney? Perhaps not.”


30. The Ninth Gate (1999) (Blu-ray) – Roman Polanski’s film version of Arturo Perez-Reverte’s novel El Club Dumas puts him squarely back into the territory of modern Satanism that he mined so successfully with Rosemary’s Baby back in the 1960s. In this one, Johnny Depp plays a rare book dealer who’s hired by a super-wealthy guy (Frank Langella) to compare his copy of a super-rare book (that reported was co-written by the devil himself) to the other two extant copies of the same book to see if his is a forgery. To do this, the book dealer has to travel to Portugal and France, and what he finds there is one big Satanic mystery. I enjoyed this film thoroughly; the film looks gorgeous, the mystery is intriguing, and Polanski doesn’t seem to have lost any of his filmmaking prowess in the thirty years that passed between Rosemary’s Baby and this film.

31. The Survivor (1981) (DVD) - This muddled, ineffectual adaptation of James Herbert’s novel of the same name about the lone survivor of a plane crash was directed by actor David Hemmings and has a great cast (including Robert Powell from The Asphyx, Jenny Agutter from An American Werewolf in London, and Joseph Cotten from Citizen Kane and Baron Blood). It just doesn’t work, however. I suppose that the ending was surprising when the film first came out, but a whole lot of films have had similar endings in the intervening 40 years, and it doesn’t pack the wallop that it should. The novel, however, scared me a lot when I read it back in high school. I suggest checking it out instead of watching this film.


32. Daughters of Darkness (1971) (DVD) - A young, newly-married couple are the only guests at a huge hotel in Belgium until a vampiric countess and her “secretary” show up. Things go downhill rapidly. This is yet another film based on the legend of the Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who, for some inexplicable reason, became the subject of several movies in the early ‘70s. (Others of note are Countess Dracula, The Legend of Blood Castle, and one segment of Immoral Tales.) It also was one of even more films of the time to feature lesbian vampires, a sub-genre which Hammer’s The Vampire Lovers jump-started. By my count, Daughters of Darkness was one of at least seven lesbian vampire films released in 1971 alone. It stars Delphine Seyrig, who was a staple in art-house French cinema at the time, and John Karlen, just off his stint on Dark Shadows. I still haven’t decided whether I like it or not. I certainly liked aspects of it, but there were also things about it (most particularly John Karlen’s character and his mother) that just didn’t work for me at all. I’ll have to revisit it in the future to see if I like it any better, but for now, it’s not a favorite.


33. The Collector (2009) (Blu-ray / Streaming--Amazon Prime) – (NOTE: I started watching this film via the Blu-ray that I bought a few weeks ago in anticipation of the Challenge...and it crapped out on me about halfway through, which necessitated my switch to Amazon Prime to finish watching it.) An ex-con safecracker goes to a house in the middle of nowhere late one night to steal a big honkin’ uncut gem from a wall safe. Once he gets there, he realizes that another criminal is already on the premises, and the other criminal isn’t a very nice guy. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen any other film that was as tense, squirm-inducing, and completely implausible as this film. Any time during the film that I felt myself tensing up, I would think about how patently stupid the set-up was, and it would take me right out of the film. I don’t want to spoil anyone’s enjoyment of the film, but ask yourself when you watch it how it’s even remotely plausible that “The Collector” could set up the house the way that he did without a massive moving van and several days’ worth of intense labor. I guess it’s possible that he DID have time and resources to do what he did, but if he did, then the director did a poor job of letting the audience in on the time sequence of the film. Don’t misunderstand—I didn’t hate The Collector, but due to my problems with the film’s logic, I really can only recommend it for those who won’t think about it too much. Also, did anyone else notice that this film, today’s subset film, didn’t fit the theme day?

34. The Creeping Flesh (1973) (Blu-ray) – Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee star in this misfire with enough plot for three or four films. In the late 1800s, Cushing brings back a particularly-big humanoid skeleton from New Guinea to his home in England, where his daughter waits. He’s protected her all her life from knowing that her mother, a former dancer in the Folies Bergère, had been committed to the asylum run by his half-brother (Lee), who’s doing unethical research involving electroshock therapy and other nasty practices on his patients, one of whom has escaped and is terrorizing the countryside. Got that? Good, because it gets deeper. Cushing finds out while cleaning the skeleton that water causes it to grow flesh back on the bones, so he allows only a finger to grow flesh before he amputates it and starts experimenting on it. He discovers that the blood of the “creeping flesh” isn’t made up of platelets like human blood; it’s made up of these spidery-looking cells that, because of his handy books on the folklore of New Guinea, he discovers are cells of pure evil. Since he now knows that evil has a physical makeup, he makes a serum that he believes can be used to vaccinate people and keep evil away from them. He tries it out on a blood sample on a microscope slide and, sensing victory, inoculates both a monkey in his lab and his daughter, because apparently that’s how scientists 125 years ago rolled. And then things get crazy. I rented this when it first hit VHS almost forty years ago, and I was hugely disappointed in it, after seeing stills from the film in various books and magazines. This is the first time I’ve seen it since, and I think that the film’s a complete mess. Cushing gives it the ol’ college try, and Lee is suitably menacing as the main villain (you can tell he’s the villain by his dark goatee), but the movie just doesn’t hang together, and there’s no real creature action until the last fifteen minutes or so. I think that all Cushing and Lee fans will want to see this once, but I also feel that once will be enough for the majority of them.


35. The Empty Man (2020) (DVD) - After an intriguing pre-credits sequence set in Bhutan, The Empty Man moves the action to St. Louis, where a girl and several of her friends have gone missing. The girl’s mother calls a “family friend” in to investigate her disappearance, with the only clue being a message written in blood on the missing girl’s bathroom mirror: “The Empty Man made me do it.” The friend, a former police officer, questions one of the missing girl’s other friends and finds out that she, the missing girl, and all the missing friends had been out two nights before and had summoned the Empty Man by blowing on a bottle found on a bridge while thinking about him. Later, while visiting the bridge where the kids had summoned the Empty Man, the former cop finds the bodies of all of the missing kids (except the one he’s actually looking for) hung under the bridge. So far, the set-up for the movie’s great—I was enjoying it and getting Urban Legend vibes, but better. And then the movie shifts gears, with the former officer finding evidence that the missing girl was involved somehow with a New Age-y cult called the Pontifex Institute, and it all went down the tubes. It reminded me a lot of a film from a few years back, The Void, wherein the initial set-up was great, but then the filmmakers went all Lovecraft on the audience and killed the fun. This one’s the same way, except the film goes metaphysical and becomes confusing. I really, really wanted to like this one, but it lost me about halfway through and never regained my interest.

36. Dark Intruder (1965) (Blu-ray) – Leslie Nielsen stars as an occult detective in San Francisco in the last decade of the 19th century. Murders are being committed, and strange totemic carvings are being left at the crime scenes. Nielsen thinks that there might be a demon afoot, and he may be right. This exceptionally short feature (59 minutes) started life as a TV pilot made by Alfred Hitchcock’s production company, but when it didn’t sell, Universal sent it out as a feature to theaters. It’s fun, but it’s not quite the forgotten classic that everyone seems to want to make it out to be. Mark Richmond, the star of another TV project that went to theaters instead (Agent for H.A.R.M.), joins Nielsen in the cast.


37. Freaky (2020) (Blu-ray) – A psychotic killer steals what turns out to be a dagger used in ancient Aztec rituals during a murder spree. He ends up using the dagger to try to kill his next victim, a teen-aged girl, but he’s interrupted after stabbing her once. He flees, but he has a mysterious wound on his chest in the exact same place that he stabbed the girl. The next morning, when he and the girl wake up (in different places, obviously), they eventually come to realize that they’ve swapped bodies…and it turns out that the body swap will become permanent if the dagger isn’t used in the same way by the same people within 24 hours. This film is obviously an homage to Freaky Friday by way of any number of slasher films (particularly the Friday the 13th films, as it even goes so far as to rip off a rather spectacular murder from Jason X). I figured that I would probably like it, since I’ve liked other films of a similar ilk lately (The Babysitter, Happy Death Day), but if the tone of a high-concept film like this one isn’t just right, it can crash and burn spectacularly. Writer/director Christopher Landon got it just right, however, and I had an absolute blast with it. I appreciate that it takes its horror seriously; there’s no jokey Freddie Krueger-esque wisecracks, and some of the murders are pretty icky. It also has the wonderful quality of making the audience care about its characters, which is an all-too-rare occurrence in the horror genre (especially in the last twenty years or so). Vince Vaughn’s performance as both the killer and the teenaged girl trapped in his body really anchors the film, as he never overplays either aspect of his role. I liked this one a lot.


38. Triangle (2009) (Streaming--Google Drive) – Why is it that every horror film that I’ve ever seen that’s set on a yacht-sized boat or bigger doesn’t have a linear story? There’s always some sort of time warp or alternate realities or something else screwy going on, and there’s always a scene featuring food that is yummy one moment and rotting and worm-infested the next. And so it is with this film as well. A woman goes sailing with a friend and a group of his friends, but they encounter a massive storm which capsizes their yacht and leaves them stranded, until a passenger liner shows up and gets close enough to them for them to board it. Once on the ship, they seem to be the only ones there. Up until about the midway point of the film, I was pretty much hating the film’s setup and how the plot was unspooling, but somehow my curiosity got piqued, and I ended up becoming rather invested in how the film might play out. I ended up liking the film much more than I thought that I would. It’s still not perfect, and I still have a LOT of unanswered questions about it, but I think that it’s worth a watch for those with some patience and a high tolerance for ambiguity.

39. The Night of the Sorcerers (1974) (DVD-R recorded from VHS) – This wonderfully terrible voodoo movie is from Amando de Ossorio, the Spanish director who introduced the creepy skeletal resurrected Knights Templar in the “Blind Dead” series of films. It’s kind of hard to believe that this film came from the same guy, as it’s not scary in the least and has pretty much zero atmosphere. Still, it’s got a bunch of zombies and a passel of vampire women in leopard-print bikinis, so it’s definitely worth the eighty minutes that you’ll spend watching it. A detailed plot synopsis isn’t really necessary; all you need to know is that some researchers are in the African “forest” (as a couple of characters call it), and they find out that a local legend concerning a ceremonial voodoo site is all too true. Don’t look for logic within fifty yards of this film; just sit back and enjoy its gonzo shenanigans.


40. Possessor Uncut (2020) (Streaming--Hulu) – The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. Brandon Cronenberg, David’s son, directed this most interesting sci-fi/horror film that would fit snugly into his father’s body of work. It even co-stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, who starred in Cronenberg pere’s kinda-sorta thematically-related film eXistenZ. In this one, Andrea Riseborough stars as an agent who, through brain-implant technology of some sort or another, is able to take over people’s bodies and get them to commit acts that they normally wouldn’t do, such as murder. Unfortunately for her, her latest unwitting host has a strong will, and she finds him fighting for control. I was a bit leery of this film at first, as it seemed to lean a little too much towards the sci-fi end of the spectrum, but it was so well-made that I got sucked in. I found it to be really intriguing, and now I’m looking forward to checking out his next film, Infinity Pool. The uncut version has a surprising amount of graphic violence and nudity, so if you decide to watch that version, be forewarned.


41. The Gate (1987) (Streaming--Google Drive) – This low-budget, PG-13-rated horror film designed for young teenagers did major business at the box office on its opening weekend, probably most due to its saturation ad campaign that hit a week or so before it debuted. I know that it certainly piqued my interest, but I didn’t get around to seeing the film until it hit video. I enjoyed it then, and I’ve enjoyed it the two times that I’ve seen it since. In it, a couple of kids unknowingly unleash a horde of demonic little critters from a hole in one of their backyards, and they have to put everything right again before the kid’s mom and dad get home from a weekend trip. I like that the film takes the situation that it presents seriously and that the threat to the kids is actually dangerous. Stephen Dorff, in his first movie role, is great as one of the kids.


42. The Untold Story (1993) (Streaming--Shudder) – I’m surprised that I’ve never seen this before tonight, because normally I’m all over some Category III (the equivalent of our NC-17 rating) films from Hong Kong, especially those whose reputations precede them. I’ve been hearing about this one for a couple of decades, so it was high time that I saw it. In it, a guy kills the owner of the restaurant where he works (and the rest of the owner’s family, while he’s at it) and declares himself the new owner. After the police are called in to investigate the disappearance of the family, the killer keeps killing to protect his secret, but he’s eventually found out. Like a lot of Hong Kong films, The Untold Story has a lot of unfunny “comic” relief; unlike most Category III films, however, this one doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the nasty stuff—there’s a rape in the film that’s difficult to watch and a LOT of fairly gruesome murders, including those of five (!) children. It would be quite difficult to watch if the cop antics weren’t so grating; apparently, Hong Kong is on some sort of quota system that requires at least one amazingly petulant female character per film. I can’t in good conscience say that I liked The Untold Story, but I did find it fascinating from a sociological standpoint. Fun trivia fact: the actor Anthony Wong, who played the killer, won the Best Actor award at Hong Kong’s version of the Oscars for his performance in this film.


43. Body Bags (1993) (Streaming--Shudder)Tales from the Crypt had proven to be a bonanza for HBO, so Showtime commissioned this film to be the pilot for their answer to that popular TV series. In it, John Carpenter stars as “the Coroner,” who was to be the proposed show’s answer to Tales from the Crypt’s Cryptkeeper. He introduces three stories that would have felt right at home on Tales from the Crypt (or Tales from the Darkside, for that matter), involving murderous gas station attendants, aliens, and eye transplants gone wrong. It’s all very pedestrian, but at least there are multiple cameos to watch for in the stories to help keep you awake. It’s pretty easy to see why this didn’t go to series.


44. Opera (1987) (DVD) – Many consider Opera to be Dario Argento’s last great film. I’m not in that camp (as I think that Trauma is pretty cool, and I’m one of the few fans of The Card Player), but I can see where those people are coming from. In it, Verdi’s Macbeth is being staged as an edgy, new-wave kind of extravaganza, but the legendary curse of “the Scottish play” seems to have come down on this production. First, the opera’s leading lady is hit by a car, prompting the producers to move her understudy, Betty, into the role. After her first performance, someone starts killing members of the opera company, and Betty is the only witness to the killings, as the murderer ties her up and forces her to watch the murders. As is often the case with Argento’s films, the plot is fairly nonsensical, but the murders are staged with panache. The acting is all over the map, but Cristina Marsillach (who had just costarred with Tom Hanks in Every Time We Say Goodbye) makes an attractive leading lady, and Ian Charleson is delightfully rakish in his last film role. Overall, I’d rank this as a mid-tier Argento film, not as good as Suspiria, much better than The Phantom of the Opera, and in about the same league as Cat o’ Nine Tails.


45. Evil Dead II (1987) (Blu-ray) – I think that if you were to ask anyone who saw the original The Evil Dead first run, they’d tell you that it was one of the scariest films that they’d ever seen. I know that it scared me into sleeplessness the night that I first saw it. At the time, the end credit of the film that called it “the ultimate experience in grueling horror” wasn’t hyperbole in the least, at least to me and my friends. After seeing it twice during its theatrical run, I probably watched the VHS tape of it at least a dozen times before this sequel came out. When my best friend and I got in line to see it on its opening night in 1987, we were pumped up beyond belief. We KNEW that this was going to be scarier than the original, and we were ready. By thirty minutes into the film, we realized that we’d been the victims of a bait-and-switch scam—not only wasn’t Evil Dead II scary, it was actually funny. We were in no mood for funny, and we got angrier and angrier as the film wore on. Everyone around us seemed to be enjoying the film a lot, but we weren’t. After it was over, my best friend had a headache from all the hatred that the film inspired, and he was threatening to write a letter to Sam Raimi to tell him exactly where he could store his film. Because of this bad experience, I’ve never taken to Evil Dead II much, although, due to his subsequent films, I’ve come to realize that it’s exactly the film that Raimi wanted to make. I have warmed to it a bit, but it’s still my least favorite of the original trilogy of films.


46. Hell Fest (2018) (Streaming--Netflix) – I wasn’t expecting much from this film, so I was pretty surprised to enjoy it so much. In it, a group of friends go to a Halloween-themed amusement park, where they attract the attentions of a masked killer. The set-up’s not anywhere near original, but the film is nicely shot, the performers aren’t as annoying as the actors in this type of film often are, and the last scene of the film put a very interesting twist on things. Color me a fan.

47. Halloween Kills (2021) (Streaming--Peacock) – I’m in the minority of viewers who didn’t particularly like the 2018 revival of this franchise, so I wasn’t as pumped up about seeing this film as most folks seemed to be. I was more than willing to give it a chance, though, but as I expected, it lived down to my meager expectations. There’s a lot of carnage in this one, but almost no tension, as the film suffers from having too many characters to keep up with. While I like the idea of bringing back characters from the first film (Sheriff Brackett, Tommy, Lonnie, Lindsey, et al.), there were just too many of them to remember their relationships with each other and with the latter-day cast. On top of that, the film adds in flashbacks to 1978, with new characters inserted into the universe of the first film, which really muddied the waters. And once again, Jamie Lee Curtis is stuck in a hospital, wearing a bad wig. To give credit where credit is due, the film looks great; the lighting, especially, is gorgeous. For me, though, the worst thing about the film is that it’s so didactic—I hate to be lectured by something that’s supposed to be entertaining. Luckily, Halloween Ends will finish up this cycle of films next year.

Theme Nights -- Completed!

--- 10/xx: Wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)
-X- 9/30: Indie/Arthouse Crossover - Road Games (1981)
-X- 10/01: SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: Slashers / Serial Killers - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 10/03: Subterranean Horror - The Severed Arm (1973)
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - A Bay of Blood (1971)
-X- 10/05: Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 10/06: School's Out ...Forever! - Cutting Class (1989)
-X- 10/07: Ladies Who Kill - Carrie (1976)
-X- 10/08: Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-X- 10/09: The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas)(1989)
-X- 10/10: The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Battle Royale (Special version) (2001)
-X- 10/11: Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: Skeptical Inquirer - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-X- 10/14: Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-X- 10/15: The Letterboxd Top 250 - Cure (1997)
-X- 10/16: 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Tower of Evil (1972)
-X- 10/17: Theaters of Blood - Fade to Black (1980)
-X- 10/18: Zombies - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: Mystery Horror Films - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Daughters of Darkness (1971)
-X- 10/21: Hooded / Cloaked Figures - The Collector (2009)
-X- 10/22: Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- 10/23: The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: The European Passport to Terror - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: One-Word Titles - Possessor Uncut (2020)
-X- 10/26: Suburban Horror - The Gate (1987)
-X- 10/27: The Four Seasons of Death - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: Horror Anthologies - Body Bags (1993)
-X- 10/29: All the Colors of Giallo - Opera (1987)
-X- 10/30: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- 10/31: Halloween / Samhain – Halloween Kills (2021)
--- 11/01: Horror Comedies Crossover -

31 Films Subset -- Completed!

--- 10/xx: Wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)
-X- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
-X- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
-X- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971)
-X- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
-X- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
-X- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-X- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
-X- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
-X- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-X- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-X- 10/15: Cure - ororama (1997)
-X- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
-X- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
-X- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971)
-X- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
-X- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor Uncut (2020)
-X- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
-X- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
-X- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
-X- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)
--- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)

The Checklist -- Completed!

Select 10 actors:
-X- Jenny Agutter - The Survivor (1981)
--- Arielle Brachfield -
-X- Clancy Brown - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
--- Chuck Connors -
-X- Peter Cushing - The Creeping Flesh (1973)
--- Brad Dourif -
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
-X- Boris Karloff - The Black Cat (1934)
-X- Udo Kier - Mark of the Devil (1970)
-X- Christopher Lee - The Creeping Flesh (1973)
-X- Bela Lugosi - The Black Cat (1934)
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
--- Tiffany Shepis -
-X- P.J. Soles - Carrie (1976)
-X- Tony Todd - Hell Fest (2018)
-X- Recently Deceased (Peter Mark Richmond) - Dark Intruder (1965)

Select 5 directors:
-X- Freddie Francis - The Creeping Flesh (1973)
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
-X- Amando de Ossorio - The Night of the Sorcerers (1974)
--- Takashi Miike -
-X- Steve Miner - Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
--- Jean Rollin -
-X- Pete Walker - Frightmare (1974)
--- James Wan -
-X- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 - Carrie (2013) (Kimberly Peirce)
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
-X- Pino Donaggio - Carrie (1976)
--- Alan Howarth -
-X- Claudio Simonetti - Opera (1987)
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
-X- Rick Baker - Octaman (1971)
--- Joe Blasco -
-X- KNB EFX Group - Planet Terror (2007)
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
-X- Jason Blum - Freaky (2020)
-X- Herman Cohen - Target Earth (1954)
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
-X- Christopher Landon - Freaky (2020)
--- Dardano Sacchetti -
--- Curt Siodmak -
-X- Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Cure (1997)

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
-X- *3-D Film - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- Anthology Film - Body Bags (1993)
-X- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films - Evil Dead II (1987)
--- Based on a True Story -
-X- Based on a Novel - Battle Royale (Special version)(2001)
-X- Candy Cinema, 2 - Carrie (1976)
-X- Cannibalism - Frightmare (1974)
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
-X- Comedy / Spoof - Evil Dead II (1987)
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -
--- Cryptid Cinema -
-X- Death by: Electrocution - Carrie (1976)
-X- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2 - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - Dark Intruder (1965)
-X- Documentary - In Search of Darkness (2019)
--- Dream Horror -
--- Drunk Horror -
-X- Euro Horror - A Bay of Blood (1971)
-X- Enzo Sciotti Art - Evil Dead II (1987)
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
-X- Firearms - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- Flashback - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- Fog, 2 - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- Folk Horror - Mark of the Devil (1970)
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -
--- Ghost / Haunting -
-X- Giallo - Opera (1987)
-X- J-Horror - Cure (1997)
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
--- Killer / Evil Child -
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -
-X- Mad Scientist - Planet Terror (2007)
--- Mummy -
-X- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror - Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967)
-X- Name In Title - Carrie (2013)
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
-X- Shot in Bronson Canyon - Octaman (1971)
--- Shudder Original / Exclusive -
-X- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- Slow Motion - Carrie (1976)
--- Split Personality -
-X- Suicide - Possessor Uncut (2020)
-X- Takes Place in a Crypt - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas)(1989)
-X- Takes Place in a High School - Carrie (1976)
-X- Takes Place in a Library - Carrie (2013)
-X- Takes Place on a Mountain - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- Takes Place on a Holiday - Halloween Kills (2021)
-X- Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Triangle (2009)
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -
-X- Title Spoken By Character, 2 - Carrie (1976)
--- Trailer Compilation -
-X- Travelogue - Daughters of Darkness (1971)
-X- Vampire - Daughters of Darkness (1971)
-X- Voyeurism - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
--- Werewolf -
--- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious -
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -
-X- With Two or More Horror Legends - Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967) (Basil Rathbone, John Carradine, and Lon Chaney, Jr.)
-X- Zombie - Planet Terror (2007)

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
-X- 1946 (75th) - The Spiral Staircase (1946)
--- 1971 (50th) -
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
--- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre -
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
-X- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2- Freaky (2020)

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
-X- Killed during sex - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -
-X- No cell phone service - Hell Fest (2018)
--- Making dumb decisions -
-X- The creepy gas station attendant - Body Bags (1993)
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
-X- The mirror scare - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle - The Night of the Sorcerers (1974)

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
-X- PG - The Creeping Flesh
-X- PG-13 - The Gate (1987)
-X- R - Silent Madness
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
-X- Unrated - Evil Dead II (1987)
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
-X- 1930 - The Black Cat (1934)
-X- 1940 - The Spiral Staircase (1946)
-X- 1950 - Target Earth (1954)
-X- 1960 - Dark Intruder (1965)
-X- 1970 - Frightmare (1974)
-X- 1980 - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 1990 - Cure (1997)
-X- 2000 - Slither (2006)
-X- 2010 - Carrie (2013)
-X- 2020 - The Empty Man (2020)

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
-X- Recently deceased list - Peter Mark Richmond, Dark Intruder (1965)

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video, 2 -
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
-X- 16mm - Schramm (1993)

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982)
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981)
--- The Carrier (1988)
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977)
--- Frankenhooker (1990)
--- Hobgoblins (1988)
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981)
--- Killer Condom (1996)
--- The Killer Tongue (1996)
-X- Octaman (1971)
--- Microwave Massacre (1983)
--- Shakma (1990)
--- Spookies (1986)

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
-X- Original - Carrie (1976)
-X- Remake - Carrie (2013)

Watch films in at least three formats:
-X- First format, (Streaming), (Slither [2006]).
-X- Second format, (DVD), (Target Earth [1954]).
-X- Third format, (Blu-ray 3D), (Silent Madness [1984]).

Watch films in at least three languages:
-X- First language, (Spanish), (Grave Robbers [1989])
-X- Second language, (German), (Schramm [1993])
-X- Third language, (Japanese), (Battle Royale: Special version

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
-X- Film #1 - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- Film #2 - Mark of the Devil (1970)

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
--- Features a character waking up from a nightmare -
-X- Was made in the 1990s - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- Features a LGBT character - Freaky (2020)
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
-X- Features a severed head - Tower of Evil (1972)
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
-X- Was shot in Mexico - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas)(1989)
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
-X- Features a funeral scene - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

-X- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL - Halloween (1978)

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Last edited by rbrown498; 11-04-21 at 08:33 AM.
Old 09-06-21, 11:46 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Sep 30th

1.) Vampyr (1932) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Ah, nothing like a near silent black and white expressionistic German film to really clear out the living room. Vampyr is pretty light on the vampires and mostly follows a man down the rabbit whole into... death? I mean I think I got everything but I am sure there is a deeper meaning here I am missing. And along those lines how do I even rate a movie like this? Pretentious high score, or didn't get it low score? It's a lose lose situation. Thinking objectively this movie came out at roughly the same time as Frankenstein, it tends to rely more on bizarre imagery and on screen reading than a movie probably should, even one from 1932. But then again it is a super early foreign film... I don't know. Most people will find this movie fairly bland and even appreciating it's historical significance and early special effects I did too. Anyway off to the commentary to see why I am a classless lughead.

(3 out of 5)

2.) Commentary For Vampyr (1932) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: While I may have bemoaned the limited genre choices available in the Criterion Crossover here the last few years, I gotta admit they do give good commentary. Wonderful stuffy Englishman giving a very deep track here and yes filling me in on a lot of what I didn't connect the dots on in my first viewing. Just the sort of thing you want to listen to with a glass of fine brandy and infrequently concur with an 'indubitably'. Here's a fancy excerpt: "By this point I think that Dreyer has pretty successfully completely undermined the notion that this needs to be seen either as a subjective dream or as an objective fantastic reality. It is inescapably both together".

(4 out of 5)

B-1.) Iron Monk: Oktoberfest (Oklahoma)

My Thoughts: Crisp almost apple-y scent... yeah I do think this local brew snuck in a bit of fruit somewhere. A very lightly carbonated Marzen style ale that hits with a deepening burnt caramel on the sides of your tongue that intensifies as you get that was of light wheat flavor. Pretty good start! Over the years Iron Monk has kind of hit all over the place with their Oktoberfest offering but they seem to have a good recipe down now. Glad I got this one in a 6-pack.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like chemically but taste amazing... mild but also taste like apple cider.

3.) Road Games (1981) (DVD)

My Thoughts: Stacy Keach doing Rear Window in a big rig driving across the Australian outback. Having seen several terrible trucker movies recently this one really shines as an outstanding example of that sub sub genre. Jamie Lee Curtis is at her Scream Queen height and there is a dog! What more could you want? This one is an old favorite of mine and one of my best blind buys ever. Glad that it was picked as a subset as it game me an excuse to dust it off for the first time in nearly a decade. I see a lot of other poster are watching the new Scream Factory blu but I am still rocking my old Anchor Bay release. One interesting thing I noticed was the Anchor Bay version has the rating listed as Not Rated instead of PG where it is listed as everywhere else. My guess is that they didn't want to put PG on the box thinking it might hurt sales of a genre title. And who knows maybe 18 years ago when I bought this disc the much younger me might have been swayed by that little bit of information. Glad I wasn't though. One thing I will note though is that having Stacy Keach as a truck driver elevates his manliness a bit too much and somewhat lessens the potential peril we see him in. You never think that the killer will be able to out muscle him, even if he is stuck up.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts:
It was good, I was wondering why Jamie Lee Curtis was in Australia movie and truck driver was too nice. If I was truck driver I won't do that... be nice. But it's not that scary. I thought it was more Halloween type scary suspense.

(3 out of 5)

B-2.) Schlafly Tap Room: Pumpkin Ale (Missouri)

My Thoughts: Nice clean pumpkin scent, smells a bit like our seasonal hand soap. Odd deep flavor to this one. Heavy vegetable with a bit of beef stock? It definitely doesn't skew beer.. ah well at least it's a 9%er.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like soap... taste like sour grape juice... not bad.

Oct 1st

4-7.) Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon (2017) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Fuck that was long. Running at almost 7 and a half hours and sporting 254 trailers Trailer Trauma 3 was a bit of a slog, at least between hours 4&6. As usual I did a bit of stats while watching, of the 254 trailer there were 78 trailers for movies I had not seen, 4 that I had seen but don't own and 4 that I owned and haven't watched yet. While on a normal I would count that as pretty bad stats considering I fashion myself a bit of an 80's horror aficionado I think that is pretty good. This collection is still lacking in the additional non-trailer go between type content but is decidedly better than the first 2 Trailer Traumas, admittedly do to it's source material. I had a thought while watching this, I think in my next movie room I want a smallish monitor set with a motion sensor that plays a random genre or grind house style trailer when it senses movement as a bit of ambiance. Also why is My Demon Lover and Moon Trap not in my collection, this is something that needs rectification.

(4 out of 5)

8.) Slither (2006) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Night of the Creeps 2 was flipping' amazing! I am not sure why I never got around to seeing thing movie, it's got the sci-fi, it mixes in some of the funny and it's got that goopy over the top gore, it's exactly my bag. I suppose the confession first. while I was looking over the list of movie that would qualify for my subset (thank you Chad) I came across Slither and thought to myself; "Great! I just bought that!." But it wasn't Slither I had just bought... it was Shivers. A less than ideal sale price later here we are and I am glad to have finally added this one to the collection. We have our classic meteor falls to earth with gooey alien nougat center leading to an invasion of slug critters which have to be repealed by our dashingly good looking small town sheriff (played by one Nathan Fillion). There is for sure shades of what director James Gunn would go on to do here with his Troma references, mismatched music to action and his miniaturized Starro-esk final act. I also adored the Society & Freakshow ascetic... this is just a movie after my own heart.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:
I like it. I don’t know... there is just somehow I like when that big lady is like "i’m hungry!" I think the scariest part... you know that music... that music with one note? (that’s called a jump-scare) That’s mostly what scares me sometimes. The one I really shaked at was the one in the office (with the deer?)yeah that was the loudest one.

B-3.) Dogfish Head: Punkin Ale (Delaware) - 2021 vs 2019

2021 Thoughts: Even as I was pouring it the smell of this one hit me like the scent of a pack of smokes to a fella gone cold turkey a week before. Yeah she was a tall glass of pumpkin ale and she knew it, perfectly fizzy, orange in all the right places… Anyway a very fresh inviting fall scent to this one, Dogfish Head is always a treat and I figured there was no better day than the theme day based on my seasonal alcoholism to crack this one open. A full bodied beer, excellent balance of carbonation, strong rich wheat and barley flavor. Tad much on the hops for me as it will linger in your mouth kinda resting with that hoppy bite that diminishes along the edges for 20-30 seconds after a swig. As with previous years I am hard pressed to really get a sense of the pumpkin here... nutmeg yes, pumpkin maybe? I would have fallen back on maybe I am still a bit messed up from having covid earlier this year (butter and eggs still taste perpetually spoiled to the pallet) but checking my notes this seems to be par for the course for Punkin. Great all around seasonal and something I wouldn't mind having or sharing with others but for purposes of the challenge I am looking for something a bit more of a gimmicky with the pumpkin, just a bit more pumpkin to the face. Don’t recommend drinking in general while reclined as I think I have just a little bit of Punkin in my lungs now... but on a side note it for sure hits the pallet smoother and with less of a nutmeg bite when consumed only slightly chilled (who is even still reading this dribble?)

(3.5 out of 5)

2019 Thoughts: After 2 years in the aged beer drawer this 2019 vintage Punkin is looking noticeably darker and more opaque than it’s 2021 counterpart. Remarkably it hasn’t lost any carbonation though. Taste wise things might be sliding a bit. It has a sharper zing-ier taste a bit seltzer-y almost. After that initial zing you do get some of that pumpkin flavoring but it is quick to bitter in the mouth and also as you drink it your mouth feels like you hav been sucking on a candle as it leaves an odd coating of waxy residue on your tongue and the insides of your mouth. I am not sure what this is. Is it the fresher pumpkin part of the beer going bad or perhaps the breaking down of some other component? Either-way it is a bit less pleasurable feeling than the absence of such a feeling. Is this science or lunacy? Surly the alcohol keeps it it safe yeah?

(2.5 out of 5)

Oct 2nd

9.) Commentary For Slither (2006) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: A lively track with James Gunn, Nathan Fillion & Michael Rooker recorded just after Gunn finished GOTG. Its a fun track but maybe a bit less informative than it could be as the participants seemed to have mostly not seen the movie in awhile and are just as likely to laugh along with the movie as oppose to deliver on the behind the scenes stories. Also James Gun yells most of the track to the point where there is no audio level where both he is reasonable level and you can hear the other participants. Perhaps I need to give the archival track run as I know a commentary on this can be good.

(2.5 out of 5)

10.) Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) (Theater)*

My Thoughts: While this movie was a lot more of the same it was decisively better more of the same. More Tom Harding doing his sweaty Brock, more Venom with the funny, more fights between completely CG but again all just a bit better. But the best part has to be our connective mid-credit sequence scene and the thoughts it spurs of it's eventualities. One things for sure though, I don't need to see Venom fight another symbiote, ever. Also Sony, can you not have such stand out commercials for your products in your movies? Giant Sony Bravia box center screen, side character: "wow what a great tv!" Much cringe. Otherwise I had good time and look forward to Venom's MCU debut.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. I like what the bad guy wearing the tuxedo thing... like Zombieland. The guy in Zombieland kinda reminds me of Yondu, are they similar? I think they are... the guy who always likes the Twinkie. "False Advertisement!" I thought that Venom thinks that boy looks yummy, wants to eat the boy.

11.) My Boyfriend's Back (1993) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I saw the trailer for this movie so much as a kid but oddly enough I never actually rented it, it was definitely in my hand a time or two but it never made it up to the counter. And as such I was unprepared for the amount of weirdness this movie turned out to be. Think Tammy and the T-Rex except a zombie instead of a T-Rex. It was so weird that it really started to turn me around until the ending. Man why ruin what could easily have turned into a cult classic? This could easily have been a big in the cult aftermarket if they had really pushed it to the end. Maybe have the two in old age makeup on a porch at the end, the girl in a rocking chair and what's left of the boy in a bucket, he looks up at her and smile and she kisses him and goes back to reading her book. But perhaps there was a different ending originally and they had to scrub it for this lame happy one? The audio commentary for My Boyfriend's Back is assuredly in my future (something I am sure most people have thought to themselves over the years).

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:
This is giving me a little mixed up what’s in the comic book... what’s true ..its a lot of things and they are confusing me. It was good. I know that mom, maybe? (She recognized her from D.A.R.Y.L. but I didn't make that connection during this review). I think it was a little funny in some part. I thought it was weird when his ear fell off. I think it’s weird when his face is blue. (Was this a good love story?) (thumbs up) Good.

B-4.) Left Hand Brewing Company: Oktoberfest (Colorado)

My Thoughts: Has that fun Oktoberfest scent that fills you with memories of Chicken Dances and delicious sausages. And the, just like that, all of that good favor is out the window once I started drinking it. It just taste off. Too much bitterness here, it overshadows the traditional caramel marzen notes something fierce. There is just a second when you take a swig and your mouth is like yes I know this this is great, and then you wonder if you just drank it out of an ash tray… I had planned to give this one a fair shake after it warmed up as traditionally marzens do fair a bit better as they warm but right after writing the above (and just after the director’s introduction to Silent Madness) I promptly spilled it all over myself and the couch. So here I am after 20 minutes of cleaning later ready to jump into the Founders Oktoberfest I guess.

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like German beer... very mild and crisp. I like it.

B-5.) Founders Brewing Company: Oktoberfest (Michigan)*

My Thoughts: Slightly hoppier and fruiter then the Left Hand, less of that traditional Oktoberfest scent for sure. Taste wise it is pretty middle of the road stuff, almost like an Oktoberfest that had been watered down. Nearly didn’t pick this up as the only way to get it was in a 15 pack but, oh well, they got me. It’s like when you get the low end option for a pitcher at Oktoberfest. I am suddenly feeling like I might have been a bit harsh with the Left Hand Oktoberfest...

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: (Referring to beer disaster) That big how can you drop the shit?! (this beer(probably influenced by spill)) Less scent, very bitter, ew. I don't like it.

12.) Silent Madness 3D (1984) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I really really liked this. As a disclaimer it should be noted I am a 3D fan, an 80's slasher fan and I was a little sauced by the end. As an 80's slasher it is pretty formulaic, when a madman is accidentally released from an insane asylum due to budget cuts it's up to one intrepid doctor to go undercover at a sorority to uncover the truth and save some co-eds along the way. The villain is almost comically bland, the back story is derivative as all hell but man there is just something about formulaic 80's slashers that really do it or me especially when they are decently made and not perpetually in the woods. Add to that some very intriguing (and yes sometimes bad) 3D and this was really a treat. Also this has that whole lost film thing going for it too as, if I am correct, there was no way to buy this movie previous to this release outside of VHS (in the US). My hats off to Vinegar Syndrome for this release and I am looking forward to checking out the commentaries on this disc.

(4.5 out of 5)

Oct 3rd

13.) Dawn Of The Mummy (1981) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: I liked what this movie was trying to do. Travelog horror, set in Egypt with mummies that kill twenty somethings. That sound good like a movie I would enjoy, the end product though... not so good. This Italian zombie movie with 3 sets is pretty bland. There is something about the way that it is edited that just sucks all of the would be tension out of the movie. I picked this up after seeing the trailer on one of the Terror Trauma compilations last year and I would have been happier just having it as a trailer in my life. In this movie potential victims react to everything with an explosion of feat only to immediately forget what just feared them out within a few seconds. It's poorly written, acted, edited, there are no boobs, the transfer is so dark you can't see way may be decent gore (I mean it is an italian movie, right?) & to top it all off the version I bought off amazon is a DVD-R bootleg. Big Oasis Of Zombies vibes.

(2 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It was good (you can say something is bad or you don't like it if you want) I like every movie we watch. Everyone is so scared in this movie.. and they're not mummies they are zombies, right?

B-6.) Prairie Artisan Ales: Mocha Noir (Oklahoma)*

My Thoughts: Not necessarily a seasonal or Halloween beer but it’s got that Silents of the Lambs reminiscent skull butterfly on the front so we are going with it. Pours pitch black with a very minuscule amount of brown head. Smells like a deep red whine poured at an occult book store coffee shop . It’s got the kind of flavor that really attacks your mouth, things that make you glah. Very small hint of a stout-y beer on the tip of your tongue that quickly turns into a vanilla whisky/coffee mess. Just 2 sips in and already I feel like I need a DD. As you drink it it has that feeling that you are drinking something you aren’t supposed to, you know like antifreeze. I am giving this a low score because I find it pretty unpalatable. That being said it is a 14% beer, guaranteed to get you sloshed in 1 bottle and is at the very least different… very different from anything else you are likely to drink for fun. Interest can be fun...

(1.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells definitely soy sauce... fermented soy sauce. Taste like sweet rum. Yeah, I don't thing that's a beer. Weird.

14.) The Severed Arm (1973) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: A solid grindhouse horror film. This is a title that was probably bound to languish in the 'to watch' pile for a few more years if not for the feverous adoration it received on the Force Five podcast from one of the guys involved with sourcing special feature material for Vinegar Syndrome (how do I get a dream job like that?). The story centers around a group of friends trapped for days in a cave when they come to the decision that the only way to live is to start donating arms. Unfortunately the short straw drawer disagrees and just a few minutes after relieving him of his right arm (that was uncalled for, at least do the left) they hear the sound of rescue workers digging to save them. The arm incident drives the one man insane and a few years later he starts hunting the other men, not to kill them but to take their arms! Something which does tend to kill people... Solid movie, great cast & I loved that police officers style. Its kinda fun to not have vulnerable teens as our would be victims, these were all able body men, I think I would have had a hard time with two arms taking some of these guys down. A slightly different title and advertising campaign and this might have been something way more talked about. As it sits you see that art and read the title and your brain kinda fills in the rest but this movie is much better than that autofill you might get off the title.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 4th

15.) A Bay Of Blood (1971) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Finally marking this off the list of shame (especially considering I won this disc as an OHMC prize a few years back). The seminal Bava classic, widely heralded as an inspiration behind the first several Friday the 13th films and more so of the slasher genre to come, is a twisting giallo about the murder of an old woman dead set to keep her property so that no one can develop her picturesque bayside community. The mystery of the killer had be guessing until the end and the end and the end. It’s a movie with a lot of deaths, over the top gore, dark Italian eyes & blond hair. 50 years had done a lot to tame this film but I still found myself perpetually surprised during the last 20 minutes. I wonder if perhaps I should have watched it in Italian, I imagine the scene with the two girls would have played better with everyone speaking their respective languages. Onto the commentary!

(3.5 out of 5)

16.) Commentary For A Bay Of Blood (1971) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Wonderfully in-depth track covering many aspects of the Gialo sub-genre, behind the scenes stories and post film histories (so many heroin issues). I dig the speakers voice and cadence on the track and was also compelled to write down several movies that were mentioned and reccomended over the course of the recording. My one nit pick might be that tis track seemed a little less planned than historian tracks I have become accustomed to lately, frequently having longer stretches of silence. Still a great listen though.

(4 out of 5)

B-7.) Elysian Brewing Company: The Great Pumpkin (Washington)

My Thoughts: Considering some of the low scores I have been doling out to beers thus far this challenge I thought it might be time to give this little ditty from the aged beers drawer a re-sip. This was last years pick for Best Pumpkin Beer. Getting a little bit of the pumpkin scent on top, very light, kind of reminds me of a small upscale gift shop. Out onto the tongue… yeah, still good. Not sure what effect if any the year in the drawer had on this one, perhaps I should give the other one I squirreled away until 2025. Has the weight and initial taste of a nice wheat beer. The pumpkin taste develops on the sides of your tongue, it’s never crazy over-powering or bitter or chemically. I can see why this beer won last year, flipping delicious. It taste like a quality German Purity Law beer pumpkin-i-fied.

(4.5 out of 5)

17.) What The Waters Left Behind (2017) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Hey, an Argentinian horror movie! Fancy. Would like to thank SurfinHank for this one, a true gentlemen. This movie starts out pretty solid as a documentary crew heads into an area beset years ago by an ecological disaster. The ruins of a town years underwater make for a great stage for a horror film and I loved all the drone establishing shots. The movie does unfortunately become something of a Jack of all trades master of none as it shifts into Friday the 13th, Wrong Turn, The Hills Have Eyes, Texas Chainsaw Massacre melange with just a spoonful of Hostel thrown in for good measure. Alas the baddies here never quite reach the level of scariness as any of the movies they are "homaging" but being in another language really helps. Had this been another meh low budget American movie I don't think I would have found it quite so bearable. But in Spanish and with that cast, especially those leading ladies, it was just passable.

(3 out of 5)

Oct 5th

18.) Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror (1975) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I have in the past been outspoken about my distaste for Karen Black, while I am sure she is a fine individual I just don't care for her in films. So when posed with the choice of two commentary tracks on this title, one an historian track and the other a Karen Black track, I decided that maybe I was just being too harsh on Ms Black and that it would be more prudent to give her track a go. And... I still don't like her. Seems pretty full of herself, never wanted to do this movie in the first place... sigh. I will say that I did enjoy it when she was talking about the third entry as she did relate some rather interesting behind the scenes and cut plot elements that were fun to hear about. So while it didn't really change my opinion of Ms Black at least I gleaned some inside into this classic.

(2.5 out of 5)

19.) Witching Time (1988) (VHS)*

My Thoughts: I would consider this a bit of a special purchase. As a lifelong fan of Casandra Peterson I have always been keen to pick up her older VHS exclusive Thriller Video releases but never at the market rate they seemed to demand. Fortunately I did happen across this one for a rather modest $20, if you can consider $20 for a 35 year old VHS tape in the age of 4K to be modest, so that I can finally experience some OG Elvira content. Compared to her Movie Macabre show that would be born from this line I was surprised at how little Elvira you actually get here. With no commercials to bumper you only get an intro and a post credits scene with Elvira and a not insubstantial amount of that is an ad for other Elvira Thriller video releases. She might be ever so slightly more risqué though? I can't ever recall her referring to herself as a "whore" before. The "movie" is actually an episode of a British TV show called Hammer House Of Horror. It involves a 1600's witch, played by Patricia Quinn of Rocky Horror fame, materializing in modern day England and tormenting a man and his lady friend. Trying to kill her, forcing herself on him and just generally trying to make the guy go crazy. A passable story, nothing spectacular. Really I think the box is probably the big appeal here. Looking back I have never scored Elvira vehicles very high but I do keep watching them.

(3.5 out of 5)

20.) Trilogy Of Terror II (1996) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: Although it was fun to catch up with the Zuni fetish doll it was much less effective this time. To make up for the much larger setting they made him way too fast to the point of being somewhat comical, aside from the the other movements and the sounds he makes just weren't as good as that original 70's effort. This time the first two stories were more on point with an anthology but the goofy puppet rats in the first story and the less than stellar child actor in the second story deflate the effort quite a bit. Looking back at my review of the original Trilogy of Terror I pondered the notion of cutting out the best story from each horror anthology and pasting that into a best of reel. None of the stories in this one would have made that reel.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:
I like it. My favorite story is probably the first one because it was the least scariest. (What about Bobby?) It was little too scary. (Trilogy of Terror or Trilogy of Terror II?) I kinda maybe like the second one... maybe because there was a little more horror in it.

21.) Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II (1996) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Wow, now that's how you do an historian track. Did this guy even breath the whole time? It felt like I was being read a history of genre films, with emphasis on made-for-television, during this track. Certainly to the point were it elevated the source material. And he didn't stop with just info on these stories but also talked about the sub sub genres of each entry as well. Almost a perfect track it's a shame it's an extra feature on the Trilogy Of Terror II disc though as I would imagine it will get very little play after people watch the movie.

(4.5 out of 5)

B-8.) Karbach Brewing Co.: Karbachtober Fest Seasonal (Texas)*

My Thoughts: Looks the part, a crystal clear amber beer with a picturesque foamy head. Does smell a bit more supermarket than German.... Watery? Goes down thin and then hits you on the side of your pallet with an almost artificial bitter caramel flavor. And then just as soon as I get some of those traditional Oktoberfest notes in the front of my mouth they just dissolve away into a watery taste. I almost feel like this beer is hydrating me... weird. I gotta say... I am oddly kinda liking this, not unpleasant but does skew fake.

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like American major brand scent. Very light.. less fizz. Almost like grape juice and apple juice without sugar, I don't taste any alcohol.

B-9.) Marshall Brewing Company: Oktoberfest (Oklahoma)

My Thoughts: Very floral almost soapy scent. Thicker, more full bodied than the Texas Oktoberfest and I am getting those deep caramel notes here, they are a bit more burnt and bitter than I would prefer though. As with most Oktoberfest lagers it does get better slightly as it warms hitting those notes clearer and with less bitter.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Very foamy, bitter, less scent... it's not bad. (Oklahoma or Texas?) Oklahoma. I thought the Texas one (would be) more stronger.

22.) Unhinged (2020) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This may be just just because I am a bit tipsy but this was pure exploitation trash and I loved it. Also kinda like Walking Tall as a horror movie? Russel Crowe plays a flabby tabby middle management type who goes off the deep end and runs afoul of our heroine in some heavy warning traffic. Already given up on life he decides to ruin hers by chasing her around town, stealing her phone and then methodically killing her contacts. Pretty ridiculous urban Hitcher where the bad guy is defiantly a former boss or two of mine.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: Well it was pretty good. I like it a lot but some situation is not realistic. You know whypolice didn't come quick enough at the cage or gas station, people seeing that. It's just like 'come on' but it's great. Oh my goodness what happened to Russle Crowe? He is always like hero type...

(4.5 out of 5)

Oct 6th

23.) Cutting Class (1989) (VHS)

My Thoughts: This film didn't know what it wanted to be when it graduated. Filled with your classic 80's horror kills but lacking in the music and suspense. Also lots of comedy here but not enough were I would consider it really a horror comedy. It's weird. And to really stir the pot my ex-rental VHS tape has it sticker labeled as a drama, although that's probably an oversight of someone at the video store making a snap judgement based on the cover. Big draw to most here would be a young Brad Pit but this is also some of the worst acting I have ever seen from him... I don't know. I wanted to like this but in the end it was just kinda meh. Funny to see Roddy McDowel in such an inappropriate roll though. I can't say that I am not still interested in upgrading my VHS to the Blu-Ray though. One wonders about the effects of seeing a film like this all cleaned up and with a bevy of supporting features behind it. Oh! And I did dig seeing the girl from Slither again in here, that was fun.

(3 out of 5)

24.) Night School (1981) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Hey, it's the Wraith!? So I guess black clad motorcycle men were a lot more terrifying in the 80's than they are today. Really dug the laid back more mysterious tone of this early 80's slasher. This is before the craze hit so we are much more in Black Christmas territory here than we are in Friday the 13th territory. Also being set in Boston you really get some interesting historical settings for your American cast to live in that is quite different from most similar movies from this time frame. The mystery to this one becomes apparent, I think, much before what is intended. And I won't go into spoilers but I did not like the end of the narrative arc on this one, the end end I did enjoy. Decent little horror flick but not one that really stands out from the crowd.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 7th

25.) Cursed Films (2020) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I was not on board for the first part of this series. Perhaps I just lean too skeptical. In fact that's maybe one of the reasons why I like horror movies. With genre movies you get to turn off those areas of the brain an just believe that this werewolf is a real thing or that this zombie virus is possible. So when they were interviewing conspiracy podcasters and trumpeting the 'Did you know' section on IMDb I was dreading having to sit through 2+ hours of pseudo-science garbage. Then things took an interesting turn and with the closing of the first episode they completely eviscerated the notion of a 'cursed film' and called everyone who believed in it essentially a moron. And just like that I was back on board, each episode sets up the "curse" and then eloquently knocks it down turning this series more into a study of film safety and on set tragedy in genre films. I dug Troma's participation, Kane Hodders and all other cast and crew members who shared their stories here. Also damn on that final episode, I had never actually seen the footage before, wow. So after a rocky start Cursed Films did redeem it's self and is something I would enjoy watching again in the future (even if they already did all the big ones).

(4 out of 5)

26.) Jackals (2017) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Considering this was a Dollar Tree pickup, I went in with super low expectations and was quite surprised to find out it wasn't bad. After a Manhunter opening set back in the 80's we cut to current day where a family kidnaps an estranged relative to help deprogram him from whatever weird cult he's in. Alas it's a cult of The Strangers type characters and they proceed to Purge siege said family. It's super derivative but well done and you even get some c-listers, as far as horror movies go, and certainly as far as dollar store horror movies go, you could do a lot worse.

(3 out of 5)

27.) A Quiet Place Part II (2020) (4K UHD)*

My Thoughts: More of the same but also exactly what I wanted. Now that's how you do a grade a monster movie. So far during this challenge I have not had any issues pausing and coming back to movies after completing some set assigned task. But that was not the case with this movie as I was glued to my seat actively controlling the volume of my breathing. This next day sequel follows our remaining family back into town where it's not just the creatures you have to watch out for. Very satisfying sequel to the point where I rushed to my computer when it was done to look up the possibility of a Part 3, which it does look they are in pre-production of a spin off. Which is fine as I don't want to watch any more baby peril but I do want to spend some more time in this apocalypse..

(4.5 out of 5)

B-10.) Shiner: Oktoberfest (Texas)

My Thoughts: Very light scent but does skew Oktoberfest-y. It's is a particularly light Oktoberfest ale, lightly carbonated with just a hint go bitterness around the edges of your tongue. Yeah... I am digging it. I did come in with low expectations due to Shiner's previous challenge performance but.. yeah good job this year. This is a good fast drink (and I am drinking it fast because I know Wyvern is going to need the help). Few minutes later note: I was waffling on a 3.5 or a 4 but warmer this is totes a 4.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like American beer but it's a little bit fancy side. Light, hoppy, smooth taste... little bitter... I kinda like it.

B-11.) Rogue Farms: Pumpkin Patch Ale (Oregon)

My Thoughts: Delivering on that seasonal scent, this one smells like pumpkin ale that has been spilled on and soaked into a corduroy jacket. Much to my dismay Pumpkin Patch Ale did not come in it's large iconic orange bottle but comes to us (locally at any rate) in a festively decorated tallboy. Taking a sip I am immediately... yeah, yeah that's the kinda off the wall crazy pumpkin taste I am after. Heavy earthy pumpkin flavoring with just enough cinnamon added do that you know it's there but don't feel like you are at Starbucks. I like this beer and it is complementing Wyvern quite nicely.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like soy sauce again. Very foaming, bitter, sour.. little bit smells like very thick apple cider but taste awful.

Oct 8th

28.) Wyvern (2009) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Yep, it's a made for TV Syfy channel movie and I now own it. But at least it was only $1.88? OK now for the embarrassing part, I didn't think this was terrible. Yeah it does sport a dragon-esk creature portrayed by some bad 10 years older than the feature CG, and it is full of dumb characters and some borderline acting but it had good bones. With slightly better CG and maybe a few actor touch ups this could even be something I may be comfortable talking about in public. Waking up from it's frozen slumber, due to a bit of the ol global warming, a wyvern starts attacking the small Alaskan town of Beaver Falls. There are some light Tremors & Eight Legged Freaks vibes here. In fact if they had cast Kari Wuhrer as the town DJ instead of the girl on the cover I would have been totally on board. But at least they got the sheriff from Critters 2. As it stands it was just fun enough to be passable. (Also I might have been a few deep when I watched it...)

(3 out of 5)

29.) Warlock Moon (1973) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: So, this is a background movie. Not a movie you really set out to see. It's the kinda thing that would play in the drive-in and you would talk to your date or engage in other activities and then maybe watch the more exploitative last 20 minutes. The bulk of this movie is set around a location. Here we have this cool abandoned structure, how can we make a movie out of this? We'll get a guy and a gal to go there and then maybe there is some ghost-y stuff maybe there is some gas lighting... An axe murderer? Woah woah, we gotta keep it PG for wider release. Overall very forgettable but to be fair I did only buy this for the Joe Bob hosting & commentary.

(2.5 out of 5)

30.) Deepstar Six (1989) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: Something about the cover-art for this one and Def-Con 4 left quite an impression on me as a kid and I was drawn to them again and again in the video store. While I never got around to seeing Def-Con 4 as a kid both Deepstar Six and Leviathan had some heavy play in my youth. On VHS and a SD tv the dry for wet stuff looks seamless. Here on blu-ray you do start to see the edges of the set quite a bit more which is a bit of a bummer and a little fun all at the same time. Over the years Leviathan has cemented it's self as the ultimate non-Abyss Abyss film with its better cast, effects and monster but there is something very likable about Deepstar Six and I really enjoy the effort they take to make it Poseidon Adventure-esk in it's perpetually about to flood final reel..

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:
It was good, the monster looks like... you know the diggers from Finn & Jake? Like the big one, something like that. I kinda with there was a scene in the hospital of her holding the baby and then we could see the baby growing and getting older and older. You know to see what it looks like.

31.) Commentary For Deepstar Six (1989) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I started out with the archival Sean S Cunningham and friend track but after about 20 minutes of them pretty much just watching the movie I decided to switch over to the screenwriters track. These guys were much livelier, they are constantly making fun of the movie, the scrip and themselves delving into such things like when they were fired from production and how they started making the movie before finishing the script (to beat Leviathan and Abyss to market). Maybe I have been too harsh with my avoidance of writers tracks in the past as these guys were a blast.

(4 out of 5)

B-12.) Schlafly Tap Room: Oktoberfest (Missouri)

My Thoughts: Pleasant floral hoppy malty scent... am I just saying the same thing every time on smell? I mean they are all beers, eh? I suppose it would only really be interesting if I said something like 'it smells like beer on a crisp October night out at the fair'. But would that be a lie? Is the plate of left over cotton candy from the fair interfering with the brain words right now? Anyway, skews too sharp or an Oktoberfest Ale. You get a mild Marzen up front but then a slightly sour apple taste that envelops your tongue from the outside in. Weird. Also the caramel notes that do develop are overly liquorish-y... yeah. No beueno on this one.

(2 out of 5)

32.) Commentary For Warlock Moon (1973) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Not one of Joe Bobs best commentaries but I think that has more to do with the movie than anything else. As usual he does a dynamite intro (something that he is of course known or and still does to this day). While I would consider this to be the worst of his commentaries I have seen from the dvd line he did in the mid 2000's it's still pretty good. I one about 5 of the releases now and their OOP-ness is making them harder and harder to come by at a respectable price. For the last few years I have tried to get a new one for each OHMC but it may end up being cheaper to just subscribe to Shudder next year. But who knows, fingers crossed I can continue to reasonably complete this line of titles I foolishly didn't buy a decade and a half ago.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 9th

33.) The Neon Demon (2016) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: 314 has to be seen.I decided to watch this while having lunch today and while the screen was strobing and our beautiful heroine is slipping into the depraved world of modeling I was eating a Philly Cheese-stake sandwich and thinking to myself, I am not sure if this movie is really aimed at me. It is a stunningly beautiful film, in fact I kinda regret getting this on Blu-Ray as this is a title that begs for 4K. And while I may not be the target audience there was something almost hypnotic about this film, it made you feel a bit and that's more than most films. Some might see this as style over substance but there is quite a bit of substance to this one. Between this and Starry Eyes it's rough being a young lady L.A. and I for one am going to be on the look out. Not that I live in LA... or am young.. or a girl but still, on guard.

(4 out of 5)

34.) Killers From Space (1954) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: The call signals for the planes were Tar Baby. Terrible 50's sci-fi horror where Peter Graves (Airplane's gladiator loving pilot) is our straight man, abducted by aliens and programed to turn against the government and turn over our nuclear testing scheduling. It has legit some of the worst movie monsters I have ever seen, just guys with with half ping pong ball fake eyes over their real eyes, and there is some regular lizard projected large behind our hero, it's bad, it's all bad. But it does ventures so far into the bad that it came out the other end, not quite to so bad it's good territory but maybe into so bad it's bearable territory. Really I think Perter Graves Voice is what saved this from being a 1 or a 1.5 film.

(2 out of 5)

35.) Little Monsters (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Whats the best way to ruin a zombie movie? Put little kids in it. Or at least that's what I used to think. Now older and a father and a bit more like the leading male than I would like to admit I really connected with this one. Loved the comedy, most I have lol'd all challenge and just the kinda redemptive arc I was looking for. If you liked Shaun Of The Dead there is a fair chance you will like this too. That is unless you really hate Tay Tay in which case maybe you should skip this one. It's too bad this Blu-Ray is bare bones, an audio commentary or a gag reel would have complemented this property well.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Shake it off, shake it off. I thought some of the kids might die, get eaten. My favorite character is the teacher. I thought that this was like a monster movie and not a zombie movie. I like how they actually said '1, 2, 3 eyes on me'.

36.) The Hunt (2020) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: One of the most American movies I have seen in a long time. Also probably a pretty divisive film as our most recent Deadliest Game adaptation has pissed of Democrats hunting Q-Anon types. And while the film comes off decisively against everyone people going to be jumping to conclusions. If you can get around that there is a ton of fun to be had here with our infectiously likable heroine and even with our misguided lead baddie. Add to that some fun over the top gore and the always present 'what would i do in this situation' and you got yourself a solid slice of Americana.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: It was interesting the beginning but too much blood, too gross stuff and I don't care for it. And story wise it's a little weird too. Thats guy movie.

(3 out of 5)

Oct 10th

37.) Nightbooks (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: What do you write when you don't know what to write about? Well you write about how hard it is to write stuff. Jessica Jones as the evil witch, I liked. The kids, I liked. But our lead kid I didn't believe at all. Not for lack of acting but I felt like I could practically see the 35 year old writer behind this thinly vailed cool child character. Oh man, I got kidnapped because I love Lost Boys and Pumpkin Pie... said no 8 year old ever. Well at least not in the last 20 years. But getting over that it is a very competent kids genre/mystery. We learn the rules, we do our teamwork, we secure our happy ending. All with some style along the way. It still felt a bit hollow but one must give some consideration to target audience.

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Is there a second one? Is this part of the horror challenge? It's not horror at all, seems like, didn't really scare me. I like the witch. (What do you like about her?) I don't know, she is cool looking, it's just because she is cool looking.

38.) Malignant (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: How do you even prosecute something like that?Now that was some fresh quality trash! It should be noted, if you haven't seen the movie then stop reading right now, this is a movie that lives and dies on the twist. A mysterious entity starts killing people around our battered heroine. But low and behold... she is Edward Mordrake-ing the whole thing! Alas this was partially spoiled for me when it was called out as a movie heavy in parallel with Basket Case but the reveal still got me in how over the top crazy it was! Not removed and grown up but trimmed down and pushed back in, jeez. The effects get a little overly CG at times but considering what they are trying to do I am willing to give a pass on it. It gave me great pleasure when this movie flipped the switch from run of the mill super-ghost story to head in the back of the head backwards hack and slashing cheese. James, more like this, please.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It was good. It wasn't that scary. Yeah but imagine if there was another me right here (motions to back of head). I think Gabriel was a little weird. (Do any of your classmates have a secret person on the back of their head?) I don't think so.

39.) Corpse Mania (1981) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Is this movie set in the 1980's or the 1800's or the 1600's? It's hard to tell sometimes. This is a weird outlier in Chinese cinema, at least that I have ever come across. We have this odd Necromantic killer who is seemingly targeting a local brothel. Always fun to have them Chinese madams as a lead character and just as with movie Shaw Brothers films we get some satisfying fisticuffs and some humorous b-movie violence. Pretty good for a clearance title.

(3 out of 5)

B-13.) Marshall Brewing Company: Big Jamoke (Oklahoma)*

My Thoughts: Yeah, not really seasonal but... horror related? It's got a skeleton on the front rising a keg like Slim Pickens on the bomb. Anaggressive fruity bouquet with this one. I am getting blackberries, plumbs and maybe just a bit of a wood-y smell. And then it taste exactly like it smells, tart with a lot of deep red wine and blackberry with just a hint of a stout beer finish. I don't really drink porters but I am suddenly thinking that maybe I should?

(4 out of 5)

Oct 11th

40.) Mandy (2018) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: As much as it seemed like Neon Demon wasn't really a movie aimed at me, this... this is a movie aimed exactly at me. It's hardworking 1980's vs weird druggie 1970's. Nicholas Cage plays an everyman logger-type guy, think Wolverine: Origins, who's wife falls afoul of a drugged out cult muscle backed by a group of Hills Have Eyes mother fuckers. Things don't go well and the film kinda revels in the aftermath. Admittedly slow in the first half but that goes a long way into getting you into the right headspace for this one. Of all the movies I have watch so far this month, none are quit so close to art as Mandy. Please don't see my 5 star rating as a glowing recommendation, this is only a movie for weirdos in the right headspace, but if you are one of those...

(5 out of 5)

41.) Teen Wolf Too (1987) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Werewolf hot rodding, werewolf mini-golf, werewolf boxing, werewolf musical numbers, alas it is as bad as I feared. I have avoided this movie for decades as I was afraid it would be... well exactly what it turned out to be. I am not sure if they couldn't get Michael back or if this was meant to be a Jason Bateman vehicle all along, especially with all them Batemen in the credits. In this one Bateman plays the cousin of Michael's character, off to college and then quickly into his wolf suit. He acts a fool, loses his friends, gets them back, super hackneyed stuff with lots borrowed from other 80's teen comedies. Very little redeeming qualities this one and I can't see anyone over 9 or so actually enjoying it.

(2 out of 5)

B-14.) Samuel Adams: Oktoberfest (Massachusetts)

My Thoughts: Very light Oktoberfest scent, skews much happier than it should. The flavor is not what I was expecting, way more barley and toasted oat-y caramel. Somewhat too hoppy for an Octoberfest... what are you doing here Samuel Adams? Tired of being boring and trying to spice it up this year? Light marzen malty beer on the center of the tongue but it's enveloped and extinguished by a ship hoppy taste that remains as the predominant aftertaste on the pallet. A good try to be different this year but kinda just taste like there is some shandy in my Oktoberfest.

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts:
Smells sour... aged beer seems like. Very mild, bitter taste to it. But doesn't taste alcohol that much. Aftertaste is a little weird... I don't know something smells like seafood. I like seafood but it's not what I like the taste.

B-15.) Cabin Boys Brewery: Oktoberfest (Oklahoma)

My Thoughts: Do you think they named their brewery after the Chris Elliot movie? Nah, surely not. Very floral almost aggressively hoppy scent. Taste wise I am kinda digging it. Well better than the Sammy at any rate. Hop infused punch that quickly dissipates on the turn before turning to burnt caramel and then a bitter liquorish flavor. Still not quite right for Oktoberfest but I think I like this one a nit netter even if the way I a, describing it sounds worse than the previous beer. It just tastes... classier, a it more high quality... polished if you will.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts:
Too hoppy, smells like American beer, typical. Very bitter. First some kind of fruit taste but afterwards very bitter. I don't like it.

Oct 12th

42.) Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Wolf (2014) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: After the tragedy of celluloid that was Teen Wolf Too I needed a hairy pallet cleanser. This was a good film, almost a great one if not for some amateur acting and a meh wolf suit. Our story follows an elderly blind man who is being relocated by his less cool than he used to be son Ethan Embry to a retirement community. The day he moves in his neighbor is viciously killed by a lycanthropic terror leaving the man just one month to prepare for the next full moon. Dug the investigation, and our protagonist just kinda being a dick to everyone the whole time, I have seen my old age future and it is this. And I gotta admit I didn't guess the werewolf right and that is another hallmark of a great werewolf movie. Now lets get this movie remade and pit the guy from Don't Breath against some werewolves.

(3.5 out of 5)

43.) Curse III: Blood Sacrifice (1991) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This in name only sequel has white people falling afoul of some tribal black magic giving me heavy third Tales From The Crypt movie vibes. Otherwise it's a pretty standard black magic/monster movie with a fat Creature From The Black Lagoon. It does have Sir Christopher Lee for an added bit of class though.

(3 out of 5)

44.) Scared Stiff (1987) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Going in, based on the cover, I thought this would be a John Buechler-esk 80's puppet-monster movie. But low and behold it turned out to be a much more traditional ghost story, well at least until the final reel. Between pigeons, weird lamps and high 80's fashion our lead single mother moves in with her beau but unfortunately for her the house they move into carries a dark past and is out for blood. The movie is fairly run of the mill until it's final reel 80's effects extravaganza which is a must for any horror fan.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: And then the next move they can have experience from this movie! Why did you think it was going to be like Ghoulies? The Ghoulies are like in a carnival thing, in that one ride, the walk in ride. Let's stop talking about The Ghoulies. The stone kinda looks like the faces on the benches at the zoo in the rainforest part. (Did you like the movie?) I like every movie the same. (What about Dawn of the Mummy?) Except Dawn of the Mummy, it wasn't that good.

45.) Commentary For Scared Stiff (1987) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Run of the mill track with the director, producer and a moderator. Still plenty of interesting content, just nothing outstanding. Oh and we get to add this movie to the real bodies used list as it is confirmed on track as an India skeleton farm client. Something mentioned on track was a post shoot prop yard sale, I wonder how you find out about things like this as I need to up the moviedom with some prop-age.

(3 out of 5)

B-16.) Cabin Boys Brewery: Oktoberfest (Oklahoma)

My Thoughts: It's got one of those pitch black pits that make you wonder if you should really be putting this in your body. Heavy with the pumpkin spice scent and that forboding dark beer smell... kinda like someone transporting pumpkin spice cookies in a fancy car. Taste wise it is a dark barky stout. Pumpkin spice, wood lacker and chalk. Rough at first but you know that 9.5% makes it progressively easier to drink. Do expect to have that just sucked on a wood chip taste in your mouth the next morning though.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 13th

46.) Metamorphosis (1990) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Hey it's a Fly ripoff! And it's got an older but still naked Laura Gemser, aka Black Emmanuelle. So, this movie has an odd feel to it. It's absolutely a fully American production, shot in Virginia but man it feels like an Italian film. The acting, the way people talk, the pacing are all super in line with what you would expect from an Italian production. About to lose his funding a scientist decides the only way to get results quick is to give himself the injection. It works! Until it doesn't. A brief google reveals that there is a longer unrated version of this movie floating around and quite frankly it could have used the extra kick.

(3 out of 5)

Last edited by SterlingBen; 11-03-21 at 10:03 PM.
Old 09-06-21, 11:46 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

47.) Love And Monsters (2020) (4K UHD)*

My Thoughts: Interesting trend into the lighter more friendlier apocalypse. I guess this is a big thing with PG-13 films, apocalypse but not that bad. No rape, no bad words, good lighting, cg baddies. Kinda reminded me of Warm Bodies, yes the world is gone but everyone on the inside is doing fine, taking showers and the menace on the outside is colorful and sometimes humorous. Our hero is the spastic non-survivalist type that just happened to be saved by a strong group at the beginning of the end of the world. Several years have passed and he get in touch with another bunker of survivors where is old girlfriend just happens to reside. The rest of the movie writes it's self, her sets out on a quest to see her, things go wrong, things go right, our hero grows. Pretty boiler plate stuff but this is an apocalypse with imaginative lore, monsters, a likable cast and a dog. This is kinda what I had hoped the 2010 movie Monsters would have been like. But hey, better late than never.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughters Thoughts: I like the movie, it was a good movie. I felt like that kid seems a little like me, in the movie. I don't think it was really worth it to go to the other colony, right? (Perhaps it was worth it for the journey?) Yeah because if he didn't go to the place everyone would die and have a little war.

48.) Disaster L.A. (2014) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: For a movie with no budget, seemingly shot with a group of friends, they did something here. I mean it wasn't good but it was surprisingly large in scope and pretty competently done. In a mixture of archival footage, sound effects, stolen shots, consumer grade computer graphics and pretty much just all around guerrilla shooting Disaster L.A. has the feel of a low budget Hollywood movie...well, except for the acting. Now don't get me wrong, it's bad but it's a pretty well put together bad movie and pretty good for what I am assuming is a student film.

(2 out of 5)

B-17.) Rahr & Son's Brewing Company: Oktoberfest (Texas)

My Thoughts:Rahr's Oktoberfest vs Oktoberfest has turned into somewhat of a yearly tradition at this point. And no matter how it turns out, it's nearly 7 point beer and nearly 10 point beer so it's always a good time. Smells on point. Oh, they have overly bittered that classic marine taste. You get just a hint of it and then your mouth is a wash with bitter lingering hops. Very Oktoberfest ashtray. Later: approaching room temp this is much more drinkable and harder hitting, I am really feeling this right now. I was almost difficult to take the picture of the Oaktoberfest.

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like imported beer. Sour, hoppy but I don't taste that much Alcohol (It's 6.7%) Really? Getting sour after few taste, I don't care for it. Where does that come from? Smells like Germany. (Texas) Really? So many Texas beers. (They are regional).

B-18.) Rahr & Son's Brewing Company: Oaktoberfest (Texas)

My Thoughts: That oak barrel and liquorish scent on top. Taste wise it's not crazy. Kinda taste like doing beer shots off an old book. Very mild with just a small bitter liquorish closer. At 10% I was expecting something vicious but this is dangerously drinkable. The more I imbibe the more that marzan-y Oktoberfest comes out... man, this is pretty good.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like snow mountain. Very bitter and sour taste, very mild after the but I don't like it, not for me.

Oct 14th

49.) Old Dracula (1974) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Now, I admit it might be the booze but this was the tall glass of water I was wanting. David Niven as a classy Dracula, playing up on the legend, doing tours and theme night stays in the castle all while extracting a bit of blood from each guest in the night. One night a group of photographers and Playboy bunnies books a stay (how long until that's a lost reference?) and it just so happens that one of them is the exceedingly rare blood-type needed to bring back his beloved. This is where the movie takes a fun and super politically incorrect twist that I would recommend no one look up, just go watch it. Originally titled Vampira it looks like this was a last minute re-brand to play off the success of Young Frankenstein. And definitely a title that works in your head much better as Vampira which seems like more of a European flesh film.

(4 out of 5)

50.) Commentary For Silent Madness (1984) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This is my second Hysteria Continues track, the first one being on the Vinegar Syndrome release of Graduation Day back in 2015. So I had kinda forgotten all about these guys and was a bit nervous here at the onset with the very relaxed podcast style of the commentary. But very quickly my fears were belayed as these guys really know what they are talking about when it comes to 80's horror. I found the scope of their knowledge on the subject quite vast. Loved the Fangoria articles excerpts and about the wide array of backgrounds of the cast and crew involved. Solid commentary.

(4 out of 5)

51.) Monster From A Prehistoric Planet (1967) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: A couple of steps down from the more known Godzilla & friends content but still a solidly put together bad Japanese monster movie. Something oddly comforting about watching Japanese people talk with poorly matched English audio while a guy in a suit destroys a model city (and this one has two guys!). Just me? This movie does the Kong opener by having a Japanese exploratory team head off to an uncharted island, there is natives and a cute little model volcano. They Shanghai a baby kaiju and then feel the wrath of it's parents in the final reel. All very traveled ground for the genre. Don't expect really anything original here. There is a Japanese boy painted black and wearing an afro wig though and they make him a main character so... there's that.

(2.5 out of 5)

52.) JeruZalem (2015) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Surprise, this found footage travelog movie was pretty good! And having the movie seen through a pair of smart glasses gets over that weird conceit that all found footage movies have of 'why are you still filming?' Two girls take a vacation to Jerusalem but unfortunately for them it is on the day of the biblical apocalypse. Dug the travelog stuff in a very underused local and perhaps one not unaccustomed to explosions and gunshots, our characters didn't necessarily make dumb decisions and a rather interesting apocalypse to top it all off. I dreaded what was to come when this movie turned out to be a found footage film but in the end I was looking up the directors to see what else they had done. I will note though that the worst actor in the entire film is the leading lady, fortunately she is good at voice acting and very rarely in-front of the camera as we are of course watching the events unfold from the bridge of her nose.

(4 out of 5)

Oct 15th

53.) Midsommar (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Black husband from US "Thats some white people shit right there" vibes. Lot of great lessons in this movie like don't stay with bad partners out of some weird sense of obligation, don't tag along on vacations you weren't invited to, don't do drugs and maybe the best lesson: don't go hang out with cults. I mean come on! Handsome Seth Rogan and Black Widow's sister in permanent Grumpy Cat face are that couple who both kinda hate each other. And along with a group of friends all decide to accept an offer to attend a weird festival at a religious commune in Europe. While this movie does deliver on the creeps I never thought it really approached the mystery and intrigue of something like the original Wicker Man as it is all pretty obvious what is slowly happening on screen. It's a good film but seems a bit on the overly praised side, especially when considered against the director's followup up Hereditary.

(3.5 out of 5)

54.) Child's Play (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Like everyone else I was also worried when they said that Brad Dourif wouldn't be voicing Chucky in this version but they did get the very best next actor to do it. No black magic this time as our killer doll is actually a killer robot. Having Chucky be an internet enabled toy of today is a great way to modernize this character but I think they missed the mark somewhat by having him be too creepy as a base doll. The original Chucky was on point as a realistic toy of the 80's and this one... I just don't feel like it has a market penetrating look. That being said this robot gone bad film was pretty good, in fact I think it could have lived on its own without the Child's Play licensing. Also please put Aubrey Plaza in more horror movies!

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It wasn't as good as the other chucky because it was less horror and this chunky was a little more creepy. I think the other Chucky was better. There is only one thing that really scared me, it was when Andy thought it was Chucky bit it was just his mom came. (Jump scare)

55.) A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting (2020) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: So, not my choice but you know it''s about give and take. A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting is basically Netflix ripping of a kids TV show called Odd Squad but using slightly older actors. Our lead baby-sitter, with a troubled past, checks on her ward just a few minutes too late as he is spirited away by a group of lightly colored Troll-esk monsters. Lucky for her there is a Babysitters monster hunter team that swings into action to rescue her client and stop the big bad. Decisively a cinematic effort aimed at those under 10 and so far in the challenge it's the only thing I have watched I thought to myself that I am 'too old' to enjoy this.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Good. I like the bad guy, he reminds me a little bit of a pirate. And I feel like that blue monster is me. I have nothing else to say.

Oct 16th

56.) Blood Cult (1985) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Shot on video trash. But the longer I watched it the more familiar everything looked. After a little IMDB-ing I discovered it was filmed locally! Which maybe not that shocking if you live in LA but if you live in Oklahoma, then that's something. The movie centers around a local Sheriff hot on the trail of a body part snatching killer who he is sure is tied up with Dungeons And Dragons somehow. It's got the gore and horror movie beats even if they are vastly mis-timed add to that a bizarre cast of people that you would probably never otherwise see in a film and you got... something... something different at any rate?. For lovers of trashy shot on video films and Oklahoma residents its interesting as a curiously but most will find it more of a bore.

(1.5 out of 5)

57.) The Haunted Castle Of Muskogee (2021) (In The Flesh) (Wild Card #1)

My Thoughts: This is the first Halloween event I have done since I first joined this challenge back in 2010. Outside of the normal stuff like trick or treating and what not. The last time I went to this event was about 15 years ago. I was single with friends and booze back then, now with the wife and kid it is a bit of a different experience. I must admit I over estimated the daughter's capability to handle the scarier bits. Seeing as how she is so great with the horror movies and forgetting that I am dead inside it didn't quite occur to me that it would really be all that scary for her. But hey everyone needs a little childhood trauma. Overall Hell Fest has ruined this kind of event for me as I will never go anywhere quite so spectacular. A haunted train raid through a trail of inflatable lawn decorations isn't really rocking my world. This is an event probably best for children, cosplayers and drunk people, none of which I was at the time. Also people, so many people, is this public? I don't wish to return to public.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts:
It was OK. I was expecting bigger castle, so a little disappointed but inside was pretty good. And where is mask policy? What happened to mask policy? And need more food stand.

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I don't like the castle... inside the castle. Because it was too scary. It was scarier than a horror movie. I like the train ride because of the music. And I kinda liked the food there but the funnel cake wasn't that good.

58.) The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! (1972) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: You know, all these years and I had never seen an Andy Milligan film. And now that I have seen The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here I see why. This is the kind of bizarre trashy stuff that you get with a lot of Something Weird Video titles. Plots that make no sense, scenes that drag on to fill running time, random torture scenes. I have never been into this kind of movie, too much experimental hippy garbage for me. And I didn't need the animal cruelty scene, at least in Cannibal Holocaust they ate those animals and it served as another method to unease the audience and cryptically warn our protagonist, here it was just inserted for no thematically reason. The best part of this movie is truly the title.

(1.5 out of 5)

B-19.) Clown Shoes: Octofest German-Style Märzen Ale (Massachusetts)

My Thoughts: Flashback brew! This one has been in the aged beer drawer since 2018, it also made an appearance in the bottom right of my challenge "art" that year. Now there is some disconcerting brown floaties in it that... I am just going to ignore. There is a very light hops pellet smell on top and lets dive in. Oh... there has been some flavor change here... Looking back at my 2018 review on this one I marked it as an IPA in disguise with strong hoppy notes and little to none in the way of Marzen taste. Now it taste downright pleasant. There is no aggressive hops bite anymore, if I were going in blind I would think this was just a slightly hoppy apricot beer. I like this much better now than I did fresh in 2018 but also I have been a bit leery about aging cans so it is still a bit worrisome how much the flavor did change...

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Taste like lemony. Very clear, christ, sour feel like lemon and grapefruit combination beer. I like it.

Oct 17th

59.) Commentary For Fade To Black (1980) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Wow, three commentary tracks on this one! I opted for the Hysteria Continues track but will be checking out the historian and lead actor tracks in the future. This commentary was not quite as good as their Silent Madness or Graduation Day tracks and that seems to kind of play into them not growing up fans of this film but learning to appreciate it over time. Also maybe because it is less the slasher and more an odd ball character story but they do have quite the interesting view of labeling this as West Coast Manic. Additionally I really like how they reference original reviews for the movies they do, especially since it seems like every movie reviewer in the 80's hated genre films for some reason. Still worth a listen and I am eager to catch up with those other tracks after the challenge.

(3.5 out of 5)

60.) Chucky S01E01 Extended Version (2021) (Streaming) (Wild Card #2)*

My Thoughts: The one where Chucky gets woke. I found Chucky to be a bit heavy handed with the progressive politics, not that there is anything wrong with that but it almost seemed like every bit of character motivation from out lead was derived from their sexuality.
But I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as series are always a little uneasy on their premier episodes. In this continuation of the pre-reboot mythology Chucky or at least a Chucky has made his way into a garage sale and then into the possession of a trouble youth teen. So far I don't really like any of the characters but it is at least better than Childs Play 4 & 5. Chucky does his shtick and with the right voice although his murder rate does seem, at least in the first episode, to be unusually low. A shaky but acceptable start.

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: I like way better than last Chucky Movies (Seed being the last one she saw) and Chucky changed his face feature, I loved that. And he slapped Jake's face, I like that too. Yeah that's a good start. Waiting to see the second one.

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. I would watch this show more. It's interesting and weird... the doll sculpture.

61.) Galaxy Of Terror (1981) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Grade A low budget Alien knock off. I felt myself captivated by the universe created here and the mystery of the story.. well until the last 20-30 minutes. Up until then though this movie goes all out on the low budget effects and creates a very satisfying and deep Sci-Fi universe to live in, yes you can see the edges of the budget from time to time but a fantastic effort from a smaller studio. Instead of calling out favorite comments I would just suggest if you are into sci-fi and more specifically horror sci-fi that you just take the time to see this one, knowing that the end is kinda meh. Greatly looking forward to listening to the commentary on this one.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 18th

62.) Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror (1981) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This was a fun track with a mix of cast and crew, including the girl who had the close encounter with the worm. And they loved talking about it, a lot. You will hear a lot about that scene and a lot of fascinating behind the scenes stuff about James Cameron, Bill Paxton and Robert England. Before historian tracks became a thing this would have been a pinnacle track for me. But even though it's not quite up there with the top ranks of historian tracks but it was super enjoyable and a worthwhile listen for anyone who liked the movie or is into Roger Coman's menagerie of work.

(4.5 out of 5)

63.) Better Off Zed (2018) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Then to live without you! No, this movie is not the zombie apocalypse equivalent to Better Off Dead. What it is is a super low budget 1 house zombie movie about a couple who didn't flee at the start of the outbreak and now are starting to dig the calming serenity that the the zombie hoard brings. No more work, no more mortgage, power & water still work, why leave? As a genre fan I have seen a lot of low low budget horror movies. Mostly they are out in the woods and they suck. This movie has relatable characters, situations, and a bit of black comedy that hits. Yes it could have been better but I liked it as a tale of non-survivalists in the zombie apocalypse.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts:
Gooood. Guy kind of reminds me of.. the guy from Walking Dead. (Rick?) Yeah, the one that looks similar to that guy. It's not great to be in a house in a zombie movie because then it's just going to get worse and worse. (What is your zombie apocalypse game plan?) Probably just walk around and kill zombies.

64.) Sleepy Hollow High (2000) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: The audacity to put three and a half stars on the cover. This shot on video garbage is an attempt to cash in on the Scream craze that hit in the late 90's. It involves a group of supposed high schoolers (some who look older than me) who have to pick up trash in the woods and get picked off one by one by a guy in a Halloween costume store pumpkin head. It has bad everything. Even the security stickers on the DVD case were so bad I just tossed the case and put it in a replacement as opposed to dealing with them, then after the movie lamented the fact that I squandered a replacement case on this title. This is the kind of trash that the guys at Red Letter Media like to torture themselves with, fun in concept but torture in practice.

(1 out of 5)

B-20.) Shipyard: Pumpkinhead (Maine)

My Thoughts: Challenge staple Pumpkinhead is always a sight for sore eyes when I see it's annual roll into the store. While not boasting the highest ABV I have come to look forward to this perpetually exemplar pumpkin elixir. And this year is no different. Very pleasant pumpkin Spice scent on top, basically the smell your brain conjures up when you try to imagine pumpkin spice beer. Very light, delicious pumpkin beer. Flavor shifts quickly from pumpkin to pumpkin spice with just a slight peppery hint around the outsides of the pallet. I am a fan of beers light on the hops and this is that. Taste like fall.

(4 out of 5)

B-21.) Pairie Artisan Ales: Pumpkin Kerfuffle (Oklahoma)*

My Thoughts: Smells like a pumpkin that's being used as a punch bowl (the punch being guava flavored). Over the lips and past the tongue... thats weird... It's a sour. With an oddly heavy salt chaser. I am not really getting any pumpkin... Mayne if I really concentrate there is just a hint of pumpkin spice at the end of the sip. Awesome can art but this is not the beer I was looking for.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like candle, some kind of. (Grumpy Cat facial expression) Strong fruity... cinnamon-y taste? I don't think that this is that high alcohol... taste bad. Blah.

Oct 19th

65.) Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: This was a perfect genre film. Likable but flawed cast, ancient mystery, fantastic lore and memorable killers. I just dug this all around. Now I must admit that this was following up the worst movie I have seen all month but dang if I didn't one. Starting with its pre-Scream 1994 setting Fear Street knocked it out of the park with the music and the outfits in a way that Capitan Marvel should have. We have a Springfield/Shelbyville dynamic here where one town is prospering and doing great and the other town is kinda run down and also known as the flip out murder capital of the world. As we spend time with our lowly Shelbyville-esk cast we start to unravel that there is an ancient, dare I say Hocus Pocus-y, curse over the town. Great effects, handsome gore, suspense this movie was the while package. Kinda like a season of American Horror story distilled down into a movie where you don't get to used to or tired of the characters. Super excited for the 70's followup.

(5 out of 5)

66.) Fear Street Part Two: 1978 (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Oh no, I should have tried to sync it up where Part Three: 1666 was my number 66, what a fool I was. Not quite as good as the first one. And oddly enough for the same reason, in the first one the music was very on point but here it seemed a bit played out, a little too much Guardians Of The Galaxy in my horror movie. Dug the camp setting and how it went a bit more Meatballs than Friday The 13th... well until the end. Also we seem to get a pretty final wrap up here so I guess they are going for a Gingersnaps Threequel Prequel? Whatever the case I am really liking having a movie and two sequels put up at the same time as opposed to having to wait 2-3 years between each one. Keep that up Netflix.

(4 out of 5)

B-22.) Hacker-Pschorr: Oktoberfest Marzen (Germany)*

My Thoughts: A German classic and frequent winner/runner up for me in the Oktoberfest class of refreshments. A very nice floral and ever so slightly hoppy scene giving me that after the rain on a cool autumns day feel. Mmmm, suddenly I am in the mood for bratwurst and spaetzle. I don't know how many times I can really describe the taste of an Oktoberfest Marzen but this is it. The one might be a touch happier than it could have been but was still outstanding.

(4.5 out of 5)

B-23.) Samuel Adams: Jack-O (Massachusetts)*

My Thoughts: A little touch of New England to go with my Fear Street 1666 viewing. Heavy pumpkin spice scent to that one with maybe just a tad of liquorish and leather.... Now thats that witchy pumpkin taste I have been after. Perfect blend of pumpkin with not too much cinnamon and nutmeg. I don't say this lightly (and I am surprised to be saying it about a Sammy) but this is a perfect pumpkin beer. Currently best pumpkin in challenge and honestly I really don't see that changing.

(5 out of 5)

67.) Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: Alas 1666 is just not as interesting at 1994 or 1978. And the American Horror story casting of our 1666 segment was a bit weak. Especially when thinking about the... situations that our Netflix ethically diverse cast would be actually subjected to back in 1666. Where this film did excel is when they used the 1666 story to tweak the 1994 one. Overall it was a good conclusion of the story, not a great one.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 20th

68.) Count Yorga Vampire (1970) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: I am assuming that the is the American reaction to Hammers popular Dracula series. Not-Dracula moves from stuffy old Europe to sunny California where he's up to his old tricks again of feeding on the locals. This paint by numbers affair is a perfectly fine vampire movie but it is utterly unremarkable in any way. The is perhaps due to targeting a younger or more stuck up audience? It's a PG-13 film and you feel it. I am a bit curious how they are planning on resurrecting him for the sequel though as the last film seemed to end pretty finally for out titular count (assuming his hear is in his stomach of course).

(3 out of 5)

69.) Deadly Friend (1986) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This movie... easily the most I have laughed all challenge. Probably a big disappointment back in 1986 but 100% 'so bad it's good' 80's cheesetastrify now. Where to even begin. This is maybe one of the few movies I have seen this challenge that just didn't know what it wanted to be or what it's characters should be doing or anything. Starts out as maybe an evil Johnny 5 tale, which OK I would be down for. No, old lady from the Goonies shots guns it to pieces while out main cast of characters are trick or treating, which how old are our characters? Ones working in a college laboratory, one is delivering newspapers and then Kristy Swanson is 16 but made up to look older. It's bizarre. Expect to see every juvenile character bleeding from the nose at some point, Lifetime moments, basketball bloopers, parent doping, body snatching, corpse re-animation/robot-i-fication? And that flipping crazy end credits song. There is so much here, so so much. It's a terrible movie but I had a lot of fun watching it.

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Good... this song is a little weird...BB BB BB. I don't like that cover. I like her more when she is a human, was Sam even real? Or was that just a robot all along? I saw something fake, I saw some fake skin. (wrist breaking scene)

70.) The Return Of Count Yorga (1971) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: They upped the rating to R but somehow it still ended up being more boring than the original. Yorga is back... somehow... and this time he is moving in next to an orphanage. He eats people, torments a deaf woman and drowns a pastor in some quicksand. The movie is notable for a having a young Craig T Nelson and the Scooby Doo-esk ending chase through the house with Yorga's vampire harem and the police. Otherwise it was a bit of a bore. The movie that killed the Yorga franchise!

(2.5 out of 5)

B-24.) Sierra Nevada Brewing Co: Oktoberfest (California)

My Thoughts: Overall on point for an Oktoberfest Marzen. A lot more barley than most other Oktos. Goes down smooth and a bit creamy. Caramel barley with a bit of a bitter liquorish finish in the corners of the mouth. Better showing this year than most for Sierra Nevada.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like thick old fashioned Germany type of beer scent. Very light flavor... crisp. And I don't think it's that much alcohol taste. I like it.

B-25.) Tupps Brewery: Full Grown Jack (Texas)*

My Thoughts: Smells like a study full of old books, rather a pleasant one despite it's ominous black pour. Taste like beer that's passed through a used coffee filter. A bit pumpkin to that coffee but it's mostly dark roast. This is a weird one. As far as drinkability foes it is a bit of a chore to muscle down but at 12% that is a chore that becomes progressively easier.

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like soy sauce again. Too much foam. Very strong, very bitter... smells still soy sauce, ak, taste awful. I don't like it. Ah still stay in my nose, smell!

71.) The Omen (1976) (DVD)

My Thoughts: Foundational horror classic. It must have been nearly a quarter of a century since I have last seen this movie, it's one of those movies that is so parodied, so much in the public conscious that I have just never really felt the need to revisit it. Seeing it now I was quite pleased with the heavy travelog and conspiracy investigation aspects to this film that I had forgotten. Also being a father now the 'evil-ness' of the kid seems pretty normal, yeah? I mean I am always on guard when up a ladder with the kid around.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: It was very good, I was a little worried because it is old setting type of movie but it was very interesting. They go to trip various type of places I can see that scenic. But I think that many is the beginning, some curse happen, the second one.

Oct 21st

72.) Harpoon (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Three friends stranded on a boat, no food, no water, no hope. Yep it's one of those movies or at least almost. To make matters worse the friends are on a pretty big falling out right before things go bad. While this might normally yield a bit of a boring film there is quite a bit of effective dark humor that straddles the line a bit between budget Hitchcockian and McG. Admittedly the actors the best but once you get into it it's ok, especially in the final reel. Now I need to go buy a bunch of MREs to pack in my car just in case I get stranded somewhere.

(3.5 out of 5)

73.) Phantasm II (1988) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: I have been wanting one of these Sphere collections for the Phantasm series for forever. Add to that this one containing Part V and the new Unrated Director's Cut not available on any other release and I knew I had to make it mine. Although then it turned out the Unrated Director's cut was only 15 seconds longer... I suppose it's really the Workprint cut where the real cut meat of this film is and fortunately that is included here as well. Nothing new really to say about this rewatch except for maybe with the clarity of blu-ray the first mortuary they go to looks super fake and in our post boobytrap scene you can see a crew member's arm to the left of frame. Even with those conceits this has always been a very satisfying sequel.

(4 out of 5)

B-26.) Tupps Brewery: McKinney Oktoberfest (Texas)

My Thoughts: Smells like a fruity beer, something with citrus. Now that I am tasting it it's orange. Deep with the barley and malty flavor. It's a beer you taste entirely on the back of your tongue. Was this suppose to be an Oktoberfest? Not hitting the marks there but a win for the tasters.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like regular beer. Fruit flavor. But I don't know what... very mild. Ahh, pretty good taste. Maybe a ladies beer? (No)

Oct 22nd

74.) Commentary For Phantasm II (1988) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: A laid back track with the director, the Tall Man and Reggie. Nice to finally get this as looking back at my review of Phantasm II from 2010 I was lamenting the lack of an audio commentary. Fun to hear the guys talk about bad reviews and Reggies past. Apparently he used to work in a mortuary and as an ice cream vendor, any job that didn't require too much effort, classic Reg. Angus Scrimm does his kindly grandfather thing and Don Coscarelli hits us with the behind the scenes trials and tribulation. Worth a listen for any Phantasm fan.

(3.5 out of 5)

75.) The Turn Of The Screw (2009) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Not sure how I really expected this 86 minute made for BBC film to compare to Netflix's 8+ hour epic version but it didn't. My favorite part was probably the BBC America promo at the beginning of the disc. Interesting seeing this right after watching a Phantasm movie as it would seem this pretty heavy handedly lifter the start of the Phantasm theme for their own theme. This telling of the classic tale fails to spook or really even being intriguing at all. Maybe it has better English snootiness though? Also there was something about the way this was shot where the lead actress looks Cabbage Patch-y fairly frequently.

(2.5 out of 5)

76.) Wacko (1982) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Hey it's the singer from Better Off Dead! And in a co-staring roll! What a bizarre film this was... It's an Airplane-esk film that rapid fires the jokes at you, most of which aren't particularly funny but enough land and with the horror emphasis I think I oddly liked this. It's weird, the movie was 70% maybe 80% bad but I had a really good time watching it. 13 Years after the original Lawnmower Massacre our killer is set to strike again at the annual pumpkin prom! filled with red herrings, inappropriate jokes, and some surprising star power, it's up to our leading lady, a local cop and.... Andrew Dice Clay to stop the killer? Weird, manic, horror themed comedy for those of peculiar tastes.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. There is a bunch of lawn mowers in this movie. The little lawn mower looks like an actual car, like a Hot Wheels car. Wacko reminds me of BB... I mean Deadly Friend. The way the head comes off. (did you think it was funny?) I think it was just a regular movie.

77.) Commentary For Wacko (1982) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: A peculiar commentary, delivers on the info, in fact I really liked the budget breakdown the director gives for the movie. The odd part is nearly the entire commentary is the director reading from his autobiography and then doing a little promo about it at the end of the disc. As such there is no down time and it is filled with the stuff you would be interested in hearing about but on the other hand it is a very sleep inducing old guy reading for an hour and a half.

(3.5 out of 5)

B-27.) O'Fallon Brewery: Vanilla Pumpkin Beer (Missouri)

My Thoughts: 2018 & 2019's best pumpkin winner now aged in the drawer for 4 years. I have yet to see this brand back in stores since I bought this 6 pack back in 2018. Smells of vanilla and sour apple. There has been some flavor shift during aging... Some tart fruit notes that were not here previously. And the pumpkin is... gone. You get a very light beer with just a touch of vanilla and grapes around the corners of your mouth and an odd lingering pepperiness on the back of the pallet. A bit sad that this amazing flavor is gone and it makes me wonder how much of it was just liquid flavoring added to a stock beer. Still is's a pleasant drink but no longer the 5 out of 5 that it used to be. Bottom of the glass comment: I might be getting some squash flavor here with the last few sips.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Smells like fruit kinda type vinegar. Fermented apple juice with alcohol. Very light. Smooth. Pretty good.

B-28.) Hoss: Oktoberfest Lager (Colorado)

My Thoughts: I... I don't think I can review anymore Oktoberfest Ales... Marzen this... caramel that. People just look at the pictures anyways. Well, at least this one is a little different. Tons more barley and malts added to the mix this time. Maybe more of an Oktoberfest inspired ale. Dang, even better as it warms.

(4.5 out of 5)

Oct 23rd

78.) Yoga Hosers (2016) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts:I don't think I was drunk enough when I watched this. This is the kind of movie that really makes you think about your life. Is it worth trading an hour and a half of sleep or time with your family or time working on a side project or literally doing anything else then to watch. SO... I wrote that part before the alcohol kicked in. Drunk is the way to watch this movie. The more I drank the better Kevin Smiths daughter's acting got, the more I was okay with German sausage men and the more fun I started to have. Also i forgave a lot of this films flaws when Stan Lee popped up. This kinda reminded me of an episode of Lexx... season 4. If you don't go into this expecting an actual movie you might just possibly have a good time. Maybe? I don't know I feel kinda guilty giving it 3 stars. Maybe most other viewers didn't get drunk and give up on their standards while watching it? Yeah... thats probably the winner, absolutely do not watch lucid.

(3 out of 5)

79.) Hell Fest (2018) (Streaming)

My Thoughts: Got to thinking about this one too much the other day after going to a local Halloween carnival and had to give it a rewatch. And since it's such a comparatively recent rewatch here is the relevant recycled part of my 2018 review: "It's passable as a slasher but thats not really why you are watching it, you are watching it for setting. This vast and amazing horror theme park that is better than anything you will ever go to. At least I can only imagine that that is the case comparing this movie to horror events I have gone to here in Oklahoma. It scratches that horror itch, and them some. Also loved the ending sting."

(3.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Good. (How did this compare to your real life Halloween Festival?) I think it looks scarier. So the guy in Hell Fest just kill people to get the toy for his daughter? He just a crazy guy or a normal person? I like the cat ears but not as much as mine.

80.) Pulse (1988) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Every homeowners worst nightmare, multiple concurrent home repairs! Kind of like the Money Pit if the house was actively trying to kill you. This is one of those movies I have missed for the past 30 years somehow. It
takes the Maximum Overdrive route as an electricity monster(?) tries to eventually take out a Disney kid and his very familiar family. Nothing spectacular but it was enjoyable enough and I dug all the 80's tech macro shots.

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. This is how I think of the pulse monster, he would be a monster but a little like Electro but not a human and he could go into stuff and travel around. I don't have anything else to talk about. No, don't put that, don't put that in.

Oct 24th

81.) Naked Girl Murdered In The Park (1972) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Not the quite the letcherous Giallo that the title would indicate. It takes 55 minutes to find our Naked Girl murdered in the park and it's really more of a lawn than anything. There are quite a few murders in this film but they are all very tame. The film does a good job of presenting an interesting whodunit and is full stocked with beautiful dark eyed Italian ladies in frequent states of undress. Overall I thought it was a pretty decent crime flick. I watched the Italian version both for bragging rights in the checklist and because I have head so much negative feedback about the English dub. And while normally it's not something I would mention this film seems to have some serious color timing problems and a near lack of additional detail over what I would consider a good DVD transfer.

(3.5 out of 5)

82.) Chucky S01E02 Extended Version (2021) (Streaming) (Wild Card #3)*

My Thoughts: Ok, things are trending in the right direction. It does seem like, at this point, they are going for just one kill per episode which is a little off brand for the child's play franchise. I did like the seduction of youth and the hints that maybe there will be some complicit-ness with our lead and Chucky's planned murder spree. Favorite moment was when Chucky was convincing our lead that statistically it was very unlikely that an animated doll killed the housekeeper. Also, how is Chucky so good at video games with those tiny hands? A little more realism in my black magic killer doll tv show, please.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: It was good but I son't know why lady eat the apple, it's obvious see the blade and I love Chucky put the Hello Kitty and go trick or treating, it was funny. Some stuff is getting ridiculous because housekeeper is get killed and people doesn't think anything about Chucky.

My Daughter's Thoughts: Good. I Wonder if that apple is like the same apple.(From 1965? Probably not the
same apple.) His Halloween costume is very simple but it was a little bit weird because of the cut out eye holes.

B-29.) Paulaner: Oktoberfest Bier (Germany)*

My Thoughts: What can I say, I am a sucker fro promotional glassware and unique cans. Nothing feels more like Oktoberfest at home than drinking from the gigantic Paulaner mug. Filling it up with 3 cans/bottles any other time of the year feels a bit weird but when it's just 1 can... Alas I am not the biggest fan of Paulaner's Oktoberfest Bier, their Marzen and Wizen is where it's at though. This one taste much more pedestrian than those. As a beer that made it all the way through You Might Be The Killer and into the first bit of Sputnik you almost can't not feel good drinking it. Paulaner has taken stop spot in the past for their Marzen and Wizen but I can't really say the same is true for their Octoberfest Bier. But the pageantry, oh the pageantry.

(3.5 out of 5)

83.) You Might Be The Killer (2018) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Hey they did the Friday the 13th Evil Mask plot line from the young adult books as a comedy! I loved reading those as a kid, felt so mischievous when I would read them at school always being sure the cover was always faced down so no one could see what I was reading. You Might Be The Killer is a fun Friday the 13th fan fiction where our unreliable narrator, played by Topher from The Dollhouse, calls his bff (Alyson Hannigan) in the middle of the third reel in a camp slasher movie only to realize that he is actually the one doing the killing. The movie is never quite as good as Final Girls but is an entertaining time for genre fans nonetheless less.

(3.5 out of 5)

Oct 25th

84.) Sputnik (2020) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Soviet Stranger Things fan fic? This 80's set Russian thriller follows a young doctor brought in to assess a recently returned cosmonaut only to find out he didn't come back alone. The cover oversells things a little bit in my opinion but we do get a very good alien inside story that if only for the fact that it is told by a different culture is interesting again. Nothing Earth shattering but will scratch that gooey alien itch, also when is the last time you saw a Russian military film?

(3.5 out of 5)

85.) Pandemonium (1982) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This is one of those comedies that tries so hard but is always just a bit off the mark. An inconsequential plot follows a small cheer team practicing in a high cheerleader murder area. Each student is knocked off in a silly way but laughs are few and fare between in this movie. The best part of it is Pee Wee Herman's animosity towards a Canadian cop horse. Judge Reinhold was cringily bad in this to the point of almost being painful to watch. Overall despite it's surprising star power, Pandemoniums attempt to Airplane the 80's slasher genre don't make it off the ground. It's a movie made for adults with jokes that only kids will like.

(2.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. I like it because it's weird and it's kinda similar to Wacko. I liked the horse, I liked how he was wearing a costume, horses don't really wear costumes.

B-30.) Stonecloud Brewing Company: Festbier Autumn Lager (Oklahoma)*

My Thoughts: Sharp hoppy scent. What even is a Festbier? Just a term used to freestyle your Oktoberfest? The taste is unusual. Has the underpinnings of a traditional Oktoberfest with an extra serving of hops. It's not to IPA levels or anything but hops+Oktoberfest aren't really that completory as the hops tend to overshadow everything. Also aftertaste is like you just chewed on a dandelion. (Later reflection) As it warms it does get significantly better, the hops completely disappear and are replaced by a bit of green grape flavor. If it tasted like this the whole time I would have scored it a lot higher (this warm reminds me of Ginga Kogen cold).

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells little sour weird smell. Very sharp first, thick but it's not that bad aftertaste.

86.) Skinner (1993) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Well, this was... something. Ted Rami stars as the psycho who has a pension for killing and skinning prostitutes so he can wear their skin. He is pursued by his only surviving victim played by Traci Lords and he rents a room in Rikki Lakes house. Very low budget and very derivative (even if the writer claims otherwise in the special features) but with a surprising amount of gore, especially for the 90's. There were scenes very reminiscent of the Guinea Pig series. And while I appreciated that bit of creativity in an era know for its' prudishness the movie wasn't that good. It was an OK phycho killer movie with some faces but did little (outside of gore effects) to stand out from the crowd.

(3 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: Ahh, it's very weird, if more people involved it's better. Just creepies and victims no other people, no cops or nothing. And a little slow too. And that psycho killer is putting someone's skin and walking in the daytime, really? Pick more like Unhinged next time.

(3 out of 5)

Oct 26th

87.) Commentary For You Might Be The Killer (2018) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: You know I am a big fan of commentaries but I would suggest you skip this one if you liked the movie. I found knowing the origin of the story kinda messed how much I liked movie, maybe that more of a me problem though. Otherwise it was a fine enough track with the filmmakers with all the normal behind the scenes stuff you would expect but the how the sausage was made bit on the story killed some of my goodwill for the movie proper. Also come on with the Blu-Ray startup trailers, I can't even pause them?

(3 out of 5)

88.) The Dead Don't Die (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: What a quirky laid back zombie apocalypse. This is a movie that takes awhile to get going and even then it goes slow. There are plot threads that go nowhere, randomness here and there, it feel like a complete mess of a film but I dug it. Focus Films always have a certain kind of cast in them and this film is no different, it's a Focus Films cast vs zombies. Lots of observational talking about the issue, not so much dealing with it. I could have just kept watching these characters if this had been a series, a Walking Dead with out all the constant interpersonal drama, that would be nice. Maybe it was a little heavy handed on the fourth wall breaks though.

(4 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. It wasn't really scary movie, it's kinda weird. I wish we could see some aliens or what if the aliens were the zombies?

B-31.) Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co: Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale (Kentucky)*

My Thoughts: Straight up smells like bourbon, nothing else. Not overly hoppy... bitter but a more chalky/dark chocolate bitterness to this one. It's a very light beer that goes down easy and the aftertaste/side of the mouth taste is bourbon. I am kinda getting some pumpkin spice cinnamon but the more I drink it the more that 12% makes it's self known. Not the best tasting pumpkin beer but I really like this high ABV + weird + doesn't taste like you are drinking it out of an ashtray or off a hobo's back. Love it.

(5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Smells like bitter beer, very thick scent. Ehhh, very sour weird fruity. I don't know, strong fruit scent but I don't know what. It's very sweet, seems high alcohol. I don't like it. (It's a 12%-er) Oh yeah, it's kicking very good.

89-91.) Parasyte E13-24 (2015) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: He does not have sex with his alien hand, most unbelievable part of the series. This series really started stagnating in the middle but things pick up again once the government gets in on the fight. In typical anime fashion we do get an unbeatable villain that our protagonist must go up against but it is nice that the series kind of neatly concludes and doesn't try to drag it out any further. Overall the uniqueness of the first few episodes is the high point in the series. I would definitely recommend checking out the first 4 episodes or so and if you like it it's not a terrible investment to finish.

(3-3.5 out of 5)

Oct 27th

92.) Halloween Kills (2021) (Theater)*

My Thoughts: He kills sooooo many people this time, I frequently wondered if Rob Zombie was secretly behind the camera again. Looking it seems that HK40 is currently the raining champ for Halloween films with a body count of 27, just for comparison sake his count on the previous film was only 15. Micheal is Jason now but without the camp. This whole film is just weak plot, murder, weak plot, murder. It sucks some of the fun out of it when Michael isn't mortal anymore. Also Michale running in the 1978 flashback? Did they watch the 1978 film? With so many terrible sequels under his belt one really can't say that this is the worst Halloween but I would consider it one of the lesser ones. Michael vs Firefighters was cool though.

(2.5 out of 5)

93.) Sideshow (2000) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: A collaboration between Fred Olen Ray and Full Moon, both of which peaked in the late 80's and stopped making legitimately enjoyable content in the mid to late 90's. As with most of their post 1997 products we have really more of a 20-30 minute anthology segment that is stretched out to feature length. In this one we have a group of "teens" who are dicks at a local carnival and eventually get sucked in as features in it's freak show. The acting is all around bad, the effects are at times ok but usually pretty run of the mill and the locations are few. This is the kind of movie made specifically to sucker rental dollars out of people and it stays very out of 'so bad it's good' territory. Unless you are a big Phil Fondacaro fan there is no reason to ever watch this, I only watched it as it came free as a pack in title with Better Off Zed.

(2 out of 5)

Last edited by SterlingBen; 11-13-21 at 11:09 AM.
Old 09-06-21, 11:47 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

B-32.) Bell's Brewery: Oktoberfest Beer (Michigan)*

My Thoughts: Pleasant, slightly sharp floral scent. Hmm. Hops bite up front with a malt closer in the back of your mouth. Not wholly pleasant... a little skunky. Not great. (Later) As it warms it takes on a watered down Marzen taste, either way not great.

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Sour weird smell. That pumpkin beer? (No) Really? Taste like pumpkin beer.

B-33.) Boulevard: Bob's '47 Oktoberfest (Kansas)

My Thoughts: Already smelling the part way more than the Bell's Oktoberfest... tasting the part more too. This one is a barley-ed up Oktoberfest. Wheaty and all around thicker. A manlier beer if you will. Smooth down the middle and then lights up the sides of your mouth with that malty barley flavor. Not bad, certainly better than the one before.

(3.5 out of 5)

94.) 3 A.M. 3D (2012) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: It's a Thai horror anthology! Also a chance to flex some import 3D content. We have haunted hair story, a necro-ghosty affair and office pranks gone wrong. The third story is far and away the best of the bunch and if I am thinking objectively it's because of it's heavy use of humor. There is something about Asian ghosts that if not done exactly right leads them to be somewhat less intimidating. It reminds me of when I went to a haunted house in Japan and then all the jump out actors were 5'-5'3". Cool to see the cultural differences in haunting entertainment but less effective than a huge barrel chested guy running at me with a chainsaw. Where was I? Oh the movie! I was ready to kind or write this off as a waste of time or perhaps a bit culturally incompatible after the first two segments but I really really liked the third segment. Wouldn't that be the coolest office to work in? This title was popular enough in Thailand for a sequel which I have a 3D release of on the watch shelf as well. 3D was meh but there was a few good ghost hands coming off the screen.

(3 out of 5)

Oct 28th

95.) Funeral Home (1980) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Hey, it's Morty from Meatballs! This was actually a pretty good classic Grindhouse horror flick. Well, at least when I could see it. This film is notable for having one of the worst transfers I have seen in years, it is a super dark VHS digitization where someone really should have adjusted the tracking on the VCR before starting their capture. Anyway, a young girl returns to live with her grandmother in a funeral home turned bed and breakfast but look out, there is something hiding in the basement! Also don't look on the back of the DVD case as a screenshot of the reveal takes up about half of the back cover. This is a satisfying small town mystery that takes more than a little from Hitchcock in the form of inspiration. I enjoyed it but given the state of the DVD would not recommend anyone pick up this release.

(3.5 out of 5)

96.) Body Bags (1993) (Blu-Ray)

My Thoughts: One of the weaker anthologies but it's got enough going for it to keep the lights on. We have a psycho killer segment, hair gone wild and an evil eye. All with good star power, the first episode is the best but the hair is the one that will stick with you. Also I love how everyone is some sort of genre name, I saw you Greg Nicotero, walking that dog. Overall though this is a Tales From The Crypt knock off and it feels it. Super interested to give this Carpenter commentary a listen though.

(3 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: Good. (Favorite Episode?) Maybe the hair one because it is the least scary, kinda like peanut butter solution. I like the lady at the beginnings look. Like her hair style.

B-34.) Elysian Brewing Company: Punkuccino Coffee Pumpkin Ale (Washington)

My Thoughts: Oh thats so close to Dunkachino. Smells like cold black pumpkin spice blend coffee. Never having drank paint varnish I can on't guesstimate at what it may taste like and my brain tells me there might be some in here. Otherwise carbonated coffee, a dark and a little bitter lingering coffee flavor. Not bad, especially with how difficult to drink coffee beers can be.

(3.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Stinks... like coffee and vinegar put together smell. Like stinky expresso coffee. Very thick, tacit a little ahhh like coffee but sour. Awful, ek.

97.) Commentary For Body Bags (1993) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Surprisingly not a great commentary. Segment one has Carpenter and Revenge of the Nerds star Robbert Carradine struggling to find things to say, frequently just explaining what is happening on screen. Similarly on the second track it seems like Carpenter doesn't really know what to talk about but Keech saves a lot of that segment. It's weird because I remember him being very engaging on the various tracks he did with Kurt Russel. Segment 3 does not have Carpenter but a frequent producer of his and the maker of a Body Bags retrospective. This segment probably has the most interesting information and lots of talking about a naked Mark Hamill. Overall a bit of an underwhelming track and not quite the disc seller I thought it would be.

(2.5 out of 5)

Oct 29th

98.) Cropsey (2009) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: Interesting documentary that starts as as look at a local urban legend, the apparently east cost based (Crop sea). It then transitions into an investigation on suspected real life kid killer who may have been the inspiration of said urban legend. Add to this a decent amount of urban exploration in an abandoned insane asylum and you've got some entertainment. Also it's split nature makes it a bit better than if they had just dedicated their production in any specific direction. The "ending" was a little hacky though with the 'you decide the truth' after nearly everything in the doc points to the guy having had done it. Yes there are a few things that don't like acquaintances and maybe the blood in the feet but his crazy serial killer letter from jail aren't doing anything for him. Highly worth checking out and quite frankly mandatory if you live in New York.

(4 out of 5)

99.) Stage Fright (2014) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: The songs weren't catchy. If there is one thing that has to be solid in a musical it's the songs. The actors were fine, the direction was fine but the music here was a chore to sit through. It's an unforgivable faux pas for a musical, I mean if Troma can make a musical with decent music then anyone can, right? You gotta wonder how many people passed said it was working all the way through for it to finally make it's way onto disc and be like this. But also I guess that's why it was being clearances at Dollar Tree.

(2 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it? To me it's not really horror-y. It's not horror enough, more musical enough. I like that song they sung during practice before that person grabs the girl, I mean not the killer, as part of the dancing... I don't know.

100-101.) Giallothon (2019) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: This is a... bonus film? Included with the All The Colors of Giallo documentary. Clocking in at a little over 4 hours this is a collection of 82 Giallo trailer from the 70's & 80's. This was a pretty good collection of films I had mostly not seen. Lots of violence, nudity, synthesizers and repeating of the titles. Seemed it wasn't uncommon at the time to repeat the title 5+ times in these Giallo trailers. Fun watch and definitely a candidate if I can ever realize my motion sensor movie room trailer set up.

(3.5 out of 5)

B-35.) Santa Fe Brewing Co: Oktoberfest (New Mexico)

My Thoughts: Wonderful, highly carbonated and lightly grape-y scent to this one. Yeah... I am digging this one. Slightly sharp cheesy onset that mellows into a lovely wheat and the malty marine beer. I feel like this would be an excellent food beer. Yes. Good job this year Santa Fe Brewing Co!

(4.5 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste:
Not that much smell, very light beer... smell nothing special. Very mild. Seems low alcohol but little bitter and seems ike sake flavor aftertaste. Sake OK? I kinda like it.

B-36.) Erdinger Weissbrau: Oktoberfest Weissbier (Germany)*

My Thoughts: Grassy slightly hoppy scent. No... I do not care for this one. Hoppy/watery American grocery store taste. This beer is from Germany? It must be the junk they export because no one locally would want to drink it. House beer with a squirt of lemon at best.

(2 out of 5)

My Wife's Taste: Hoppy American beer smell like Budweiser. Sour, lemon-y, christ but very... I don't know... can drink well. Very smooth and a little sour, I don't feel alcohol. I mean don't taste alcohol.

Oct 30th

102.) Mom And Dad (2017) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: If you are fed up with kids always being off limits in horror movies have I got a film for you!What a wonderful movie to watch with the wife. A mysterious signal get sent out across the country that causes parent to become homicidal maniacs with 1 goal, kill their kids. In most cases this turns out to be a very easy itch to scratch but our mains are resourceful enough to make the chase fun. Weird seeing Selma Blair as the burnt out mom, she will always be the teenage dream to me. Nick Cage is in his element and otherwise this movie turned out to be some pretty fun shlock with some delicious dark comedy War of the Roses meets The Crazies vibes. Notably though the ending does leave you without a sense of closure.

(4 out of 5)

My Wife's Thoughts: It is interesting but they dob't have any story why parent get crazy or what happen to the baby or anything, then ending is suck. I thought.. I expect a little better story wise. People just get crazy. I do not like that ending.

(3 out of 5)

103.) Leprechaun 3 (1995) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Before The Ring's deadly screen pop-out villainess there was the Leprecaun 3's magic hooker electrocution sex-bot. This is a movie made for 10 year old boys and the TV censors in mind. This time around the Leprechaun find himself in Las Vegas, or at least in a few Las Vegas themed sets interspersed with scope shots of the Strip. It's the lowest common denominator type stuff; terrible one liners, characters acting only in ways that service the plot, Leprechaunitus and low budget attempts to emulate Nightmare on Elm Street style kills. Also aside from Warwick we do take a step down in cast quality here from the second entry in the franchise. There is some nostalgic fun a certain audience might have with this title but otherwise there is no better example of the poor state of genre films in the mid 90's than Leprechaun 3.

(2 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: I like it. My favorite is the second one and this one. (Do you want to see Leprechaun 4?) How can the Leprechaun still be alive? I think it's because the coin is not destroyed.

104.) The Lords Of Salem (2012) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Perhaps the one Rob Zombie movie I am most likely to rewatch in the future. Set in old Salem our protagonist, Sheri Moon, is slowly sucked into a Rosemary's Baby-esk conspiracy but as an adult. I liked her flawed but functional adult character as it is very much in line with a few of my remaining friends and it was a fun projection to see them fall into this web of the occult. The movie is a little basic with it's creepiness and maybe holds a bit too long or is a bit too obvious with it's creep outs when compared to slightly more contemporary works like Hereditary but I liked it. And it undeniably had some style to it. It was more like Rob Zombie doing a regular movie instead of his usual interpretation of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

(3.5 out of 5)

B-37.) Flying Dog Brewery: The Fear: Imperial Pumpkin Ale (Maryland)

My Thoughts: Almost didn't pick this one up this year, something about that Hunter S Thompson art makes it seem like it not going to taste that good. Confusing smell. Grape soda spilt on a freshly cleaned grocery store floor? The taste... is rough. Bitter chalk brown beer that turns liquorish-y and really lingers with that bitterness. I taste some pumpkin spice at the back of the pallet but you really got to focus to get it, mostly you are just going to get root-y bitterness. This is one of those beers you try to drink without actively tasting.

(1.5 out of 5)

Oct 31st

105.) Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: I think this was the surprise of the challenge for me, and on the last day no less! This a recorded off tv 80's period piece slasher spoof. Our normal cast of ladies is replace by a bunch of dude bros and our comedy is very much in that outlandish/awkward Adult Swim style. For whatever reason I really connected to the funny on this one. Obviously this is very specific humor that won't play to all audiences but for the right genre fan this is gold. Loved the little bits of cut off commercials and the way the movie started to bleed into them and now I have to look into this creative team as they very much seem like some sort of pre-existing comedy ensemble. Even if everything else I bought from Scream Team Releasing sucks it was worth it, just for this.

(4.5 out of 5)

106.) Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Busy track, lots of people lots of talking. Seems like you are getting the majority of the cast here and they are all having a great time and are genuinely funny people. It is probably the loudest commentary I have listened to this challenge but if you dug the movie it's a fun continuation also you get to find out what 'beef' means.

(4 out of 5)

107.) Firestarter (1984) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: And my list of shame just got a little bit smaller after finally catching this 80's Stephen King classic. It's Scanners for the whole family when a couple imbued with physic powers after taking an experimental government treatment have a pyro-capable kid. As usual the government just can't contain their excitement, there is some running, some catching, some disturbing grooming and a spectacular finale. I am glad I finally got around to this one, it's a classic for a reason.

(4.5 out of 5)

My Daughter's Thoughts: It was good. Like her powers were kinda cool. (Were you sad about the dad?) Kind of. When her hair flows up it kinda look a little like the thing from Stranger Things... who's that bald kid? (Eleven) Because Eleven kinda does that thing like she does. Stranger Things kinda copied a little bit.

108.) Cemetery Of Terror (1985) (Blu-Ray)*

My Thoughts: Big time Spookies vibes with this one. It's got a house party with disposable teenagers, a lost group of trick or treaters, corps stealing, evil book reading, demonic resurrection, ghosts, zombies and a notable Italian genre actor. All of this while being set in Mexico gave this 80's spook show a little extra flavor. It had that kind of American but not quite thing going on, and Pepsi Free, I have never actually seen a Pepsi Free, I know Marty asks for one back in 1955 but I have never actually seen anyone drinking it! Had this been a US movie with the all the same plot and effects I don't think I would have liked it as much as I did, the culture barrier pushed it just a little over the top.

(3.5 out of 5)

B-38.) Great Divide Brewing Company: Pumpkin Ale (Colorado)*

My Thoughts: The penultimate beer of the challenge has a dark/hoppy forbidding smell to it with an ever so slight hint of pumpkin spice. Wood. Liquorish. Bitter. But it's not a mouth enveloping bitterness and tends to keep to the top back of the pallet. Not great but an interesting last pumpkin beer. Taste wise I might get a little pumpkin too. But this one really just taste like a slightly easier to drink Fear Imperial Pumpkin Stout. Digging the artwork though.

(2 out of 5)

109.) Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular (2021) (Streaming)*

My Thoughts: This is the closest I have ever been on a Best Of The Worst. The three movies this year were Primal Rage, Dorm Of The Dead & Don't Panic. Primal Rage has been an eBay saved search for awhile and there goes my chances of getting that at a reasonable price and Don't Panic is in my 'to watch' pile. (Going to have to give it a few years before I watch it now). Quality wise I thought this was better than the last few Halloween Spooktaculars, and the secret ingredient seemed to be Mike super drunk. A few quotes that really stuck with me were "You gotta turn off the part of your brain that has seen movies", "Spirit tots" & "My eyes are down here". Oh and Jay with the VS merch. Only draw back was having the VS titled spoiled for me while it sat in the watch pile, otherwise quality content.

(4 out of 5)

B-39.) Paulaner: Oktoberfest Marzen (Germany)

My Thoughts: Last beer of the challenge. I couldn't just let the underwhelming Oktoberfest Bier be my Paulaner of the year so I had to sneak this one in at the last minute. Has that perfect mellow caramel-y toasted Oktoberfest scent. I really got a look up some more interesting synonyms for smell/scent. And taste wise... well I guess I am just full of it. This taste ver much in line with the Oktoberfest Beir from earlier in the challenge. I wonder if it's just this years batch wasn't quite up to snuff. Or maybe I still have some lingering Covid taste altering side effects. Whatever, the beer is at least doing it's job. Now to finish this glass and give my liver a few months off.

(3 out of 5)

Nov 1st

110.) Slaxx (2020) (DVD)*

My Thoughts: I almost liked this. I was down with the setting, I was down with the premise but the acting wasn't quite there and the pacing was way way off. Even at 77 minutes (with credits) this dragged. Trimmed 20 minutes and make it part of some kooky duology and it could have killed. As it stands in this release, even as a fan of the ridiculous, I can't recommend it.

(2.5 out of 5)


Theme Night:

-x- 09/30: Indie/Arthouse Crossover
..........Commentary For Vampyr
..........Road Games
-x- 10/01: SterlingBen's Fermentation Of Fear

-x- 10/02: Slashers / Serial Killers

..........Venom: Let There Be Carnage
..........Silent Madness 3D
-x- 10/03: Subterranean Horror
..........Dawn Of The Mummy
..........The Severed Arm
-x- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Face-off (1921 vs 1946 vs 1971 vs 1996)

..........A Bay Of Blood
..........Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
-x- 10/05: Elvira's Movie Macabre 30th Anniversary
..........Witching Time
-x- 10/06: School's Out ...Forever!
..........Cutting Class
-x- 10/07: Ladies Who Kill

-x- 10/08: Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films

..........Commentary For Warlock Moon
-x- 10/09: The Ultimate Guide To Strange Cinema
..........The Neon Demon
-x- 10/10: The Asian Buffet Of Terror
..........Corpse Mania
-x- 10/11: Streaming Originals & Exclusives

-x- 10/12: In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels

..........Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
-x- 10/13: Skeptical Inquirer

-x- 10/14: Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved

..........Commentary For Silent Madness
-x- 10/15: The Letterboxd Top 250

-x- 10/16: 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United

..........Blood Cult
-x- 10/17: Theaters Of Blood
..........Commentary For Fade To Black
-x- 10/18: Zombies

..........Better Off Zed
x- 10/19: Mystery
..........Fear Street Part One: 1994
..........Fear Street Part Two: 1978
..........Fear Street Part Three: 1666
x- 10/20: Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures
..........Count Yorga Vampire
..........The Return Of Count Yorga
x- 10/21: Hooded/Cloaked Figures
..........Phantasm II
- 10/22: Supernatural / Quiet / Soft
..........The Turn Of The Screw
x- 10/23: The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial
..........Yoga Hosers
x- 10/24: The European Passport To Terror
..........Naked Girl Murdered In The Park
x- 10/25: One-Word Titles
x- 10/26: Suburban Horror
..........The Dead Don't Die
x- 10/27: The Four Seasons Of Death
..........Halloween Kills
x- 10/28: Horror Anthologies
..........Body Bags
..........Commentary For Body Bags
x- 10/29: All The Colors Of Giallo
x- 10/30: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell
..........The Lords Of Salem
x- 10/31: All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest
..........Cemetery Of Terror
..........Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular
-x- 11/01: Horror Comedies Crossover

Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
-x- 1930 - Vampyr (1932)
.................Commentary For Vampyr (1932)
--- 1940 -
-x- 1950 - Killers From Space (1954)
x- 1960 - Monster From A Prehistoric Planet (1967)
x- 1970 - The Severed Arm (1973)
.................A Bay Of Blood (1971)
.................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood (1971)
.................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror (1975)
.................Warlock Moon (1973)
.................Commentary For Warlock Moon (1973)
.................Old Dracula (1974)
.................The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here (1972)
Count Yorga Vampire (1970)
.................The Return Of Count Yorga (1971)
.................The Omen (1976)
.................Naked Girl Murdered In The Park (1972)
-x- 1980 - Road Games (1981)
.................Silent Madness 3D (1984)
.................Dawn Of The Mummy (1981)
.................Witching Time (1988)
Cutting Class (1989)
.................Deepstar Six (1989)
.................Commentary For Deepstar Six (1989)
Corpse Mania (1981)
.................Teen Wolf Too (1987)
.................Scared Stiff (1987)
.................Commentary For Scared Stiff (1987)
.................Commentary For Silent Madness (1984)
.................Blood Cult (1985)
.................Commentary For Fade To Black (1980)
.................Galaxy Of Terror (1981)
.................Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror (1981)
.................Deadly Friend (1986)
Phantasm II (1988)
.................Commentary For Phantasm II (1988)
Wacko (1982)
.................Commentary For Wacko (1982)
.................Pulse (1988)
.................Pandemonium (1982)
.................Funeral Home (1980)
.................Firestarter (1984)
.................Cemetery Of Terror (1985)
-x- 1990 - My Boyfriend's Back (1993)
.................Trilogy Of Terror II (1996)
.................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II (1996)
Curse III: Blood Sacrifice (1991)
.................Metamorphosis (1990)
.................Body Bags (1993)
.................Commentary For Body Bags (1993)
.................Leprechaun 3 (1995)
-x- 2000 - Slither (2006)
................Commentary For Slither (2006)
................Sleepy Hollow High (2000)
The Turn Of The Screw (2009)
................Sideshow (2000)
................Cropsey (2009)

-x- 2010 - Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon (2017)
.................What The Waters Left Behind (2017)
.................Jackals (2017)
.................The Neon Demon (2016)
.................Little Monsters (2019)
Mandy (2018)
.................Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Wolf (2014)
.................Disaster L.A. (2014)
.................JeruZalem (2015)
.................Midsommar (2019)
.................Child's Play (2019)
.................Better Off Zed (2018)
.................Harpoon (2019)
.................Yoga Hosers (2016)
.................Hell Fest (2018)
.................You Might Be The Killer (2018)
.................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer (2018)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
.................Parasyte E13-24 (2015)
.................3 A.M. 3D (2012)
.................Stage Fright (2014)
.................Giallothon (2019)
.................Mom And Dad (2017)
.................The Lords Of Salem (2012)
.................Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015)
.................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III (2015)

-x- 2020 - Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
.................Unhinged (2020)
.................Cursed Films (2020)
.................A Quiet Place Part II (2020)
.................The Hunt (2020)
.................Nightbooks (2021)
.................Malignant (2021)
.................Love And Monsters (2020)
.................A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting (2020)
.................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition (2021)
.................Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)
.................Fear Street Part Two: 1978 (2021)
.................Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021)
Sputnik (2020)
.................Halloween Kills (2021)
Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular (2021)
.................Slaxx (2020)

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
x- PG - Road Games

..............Warlock Moon
..............Commentary For Warlock Moon
..............Teen Wolf Too
..............Old Dracula
..............Monster From A Prehistoric Planet

..............Commentary For Wacko
-x- PG-13 - Venom: Let There Be Carnage
...................My Boyfriend's Back
.A Quiet Place Part II
...................Love And Monsters
Count Yorga Vampire
Yoga Hosers
-x- R - Slither
...........Commentary For Slither
...........Silent Madness
...........The Severed Arm
A Bay Of Blood
...........Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
...........Trilogy Of Terror II
...........Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
...........Cutting Class
...........Deepstar Six
...........Commentary For Deepstar Six
...........The Neon Demon
...........Little Monsters
The Hunt
Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
...........Scared Stiff
...........Commentary For Scared Stiff
...........Commentary For Silent Madness
...........Child's Play
...........Commentary For Fade To Black
...........Galaxy Of Terror
...........Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror
...........Deadly Friend
The Return Of Count Yorga
...........The Omen
...........Hell Fest
The Dead Don't Die
...........Halloween Kills
Funeral Home
...........Body Bags
...........Commentary For Body Bags
...........Stage Fright

...........Mom And Dad
Leprechaun 3
...........The Lords Of Salem
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
-x- Unrated
- Vampyr
.....................Commentary For Vampyr
.....................Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon
.....................Dawn Of The Mummy
.....................What The Waters Left Behind
.....................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
.....................Cursed Films
.....................Killers From Space
.....................Corpse Mania
.....................Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Wolf
.....................Disaster L.A.
.....................Blood Cult
.....................A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting
.....................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition
.....................Better Off Zed
.....................Sleepy Hollow High
.....................Fear Street Part One: 1994
.....................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
.....................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
Phantasm II
.....................Commentary For Phantasm II
.....................The Turn Of The Screw
.....................Naked Girl Murdered In The Park
You Might Be The Killer
.....................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
Parasyte E13-24
.....................3 A.M. 3D
.....................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
.....................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III
Cemetery Of Terror
.....................Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular
--- M -
x- GP - The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here

Watch films in at least three formats:
-x- First format, (Blu-Ray), (Vampyr).
...........................................(Commentary For Vampyr)
...........................................(Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon)
...........................................(Commentary For Slither)
...........................................(My Boyfriend's Back)
...........................................(Silent Madness 3D)
...........................................(The Severed Arm)
...........................................(What The Waters Left Behind)
Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror)
...........................................(Trilogy Of Terror II)
...........................................(Cursed Films)
...........................................(Deepstar Six)
...........................................(Commentary For Deepstar Six)
...........................................(The Neon Demon)
...........................................(Little Monsters)
...........................................(The Hunt)
...........................................(Teen Wolf Too)
...........................................(Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Wolf)
...........................................(Curse III: Blood Sacrifice)
...........................................(Scared Stiff)
...........................................(Commentary For Scared Stiff)
...........................................(Old Dracula)
...........................................(Commentary For Silent Madness)
...........................................(Child's Play)
...........................................(The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here)
...........................................(Commentary For Fade To Black)
...........................................(Galaxy Of Terror)
...........................................(Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror)
...........................................(Deadly Friend)
Phantasm II)
Commentary For Phantasm II)
...........................................(Commentary For Wacko)
...........................................(Yoga Hosers)
...........................................(Naked Girl Murdered In The Park)
...........................................(You Might Be The Killer)
...........................................(Commentary For You Might Be The Killer)
...........................................(The Dead Don't Die)
...........................................(Parasyte E13-24)
...........................................(3 A.M. 3D)
...........................................(Body Bags)
...........................................(Commentary For Body Bags)
...........................................(Mom And Dad)
...........................................(Leprechaun 3)
...........................................(The Lords Of Salem)
...........................................(Dude Bro Party Massacre III)
...........................................(Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III)
Cemetery Of Terror)
-x- Second format, (DVD), (Road Games).
...........................................(Dawn Of The Mummy)
A Bay Of Blood)
...........................................(Commentary For A Bay Of Blood)
Warlock Moon)
...........................................(Commentary For Warlock Moon)
...........................................(Killers From Space)
(Corpse Mania)
...........................................(Disaster L.A.)
...........................................(Monster From A Prehistoric Planet)
...........................................(Blood Cult)
...........................................(Better Off Zed)
...........................................(Sleepy Hollow High)
Count Yorga Vampire)
The Return Of Count Yorga)
The Omen)
...........................................(The Turn Of The Screw)
Funeral Home)
...........................................(Stage Fright)
-x- Third format, (Theater), (Venom: Let There Be Carnage).
Halloween Kills)
-x- Fourth format, (VHS), (Witching Time).
.........................................(Cutting Class)
-x- Fifth format, (4K UHD), (A Quiet Place Part II).
...........................................(Love And Monsters)
-x- Sixth format, (Streaming), (Nightbooks).
................................................(A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting)
................................................(Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition)
................................................(Fear Street Part One: 1994)
................................................(Fear Street Part Two: 1978)
................................................(Fear Street Part Three: 1666)
................................................(Hell Fest)
Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular)

Watch films in at least three languages:
-x- First language, (German), (Vampyr).
................................................(Commentary For Vampyr)
-x- Second language, (Spanish), (What The Waters Left Behind).
.....................................................(Cemetery Of Terror)
-x- Third language, (Cantonese or Mandarin), (Corpse Mania).
-x- Fourth language, (Italian), (Naked Girl Murdered In The Park)
-x- Fifth language, (Russian), (Sputnik)
-x- Sixth language, (Japanese), (Parasyte E13-24)
-x- Seventh language, (Thai), (3 A.M. 3D)

Select 10 actors:
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
--- Clancy Brown -
--- Chuck Connors -
--- Peter Cushing -
--- Brad Dourif -
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -
--- Udo Kier -
x- Christopher Lee - Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
--- Bela Lugosi -
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
--- Tiffany Shepis -
--- P.J. Soles -
--- Tony Todd -
--- Recently Deceased (insert actor) -

Select 5 directors:
--- Freddie Francis -
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
--- Steve Miner -
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
x- James Wan - Malignant
--- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 -
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
--- Pino Donaggio -
--- Alan Howarth -
--- Claudio Simonetti -
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
--- Rick Baker -
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
--- Christopher Landon -
--- Dardano Sacchetti -
--- Curt Siodmak -
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
x- *3-D Film - Silent Madness 3D

........................Commentary For Silent Madness
........................3 A.M. 3D
-x- Anthology Film - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
.................................Trilogy Of Terror II
.................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
3 A.M. 3D
Body Bags
.................................Commentary For Body Bags
-x- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films - Midsommar
-x- Based on a True Story - Cropsey
-x- Based on a Novel - Vampyr
.....................................Commentary For Vampyr

.....................................The Hunt
.....................................Fear Street Part One: 1994
.....................................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
.....................................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
.....................................The Turn Of The Screw
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
-x- Cannibalism - Road Games
.............................What The Waters Left Behind
.............................Warlock Moon
Commentary For Warlock Moon
.............................The Neon Demon
-x- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
.......................................................................Trilogy Of Terror II
.......................................................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II

--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
x- Comedy / Spoof - My Boyfriend's Back
Cutting Class
...................................Little Monsters

...................................Teen Wolf Too
...................................Love And Monsters
...................................Old Dracula
...................................Better Off Zed
...................................Commentary For Wacko
...................................Yoga Hosers
...................................You Might Be The Killer
...................................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
The Dead Don't Die
Body Bags
...................................Commentary For Body Bags
...................................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
...................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

-x- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film - Vampyr
............................................................................Commentary For Vampyr
--- Cryptid Cinema -
x- Death by: Electrocution - Chucky S01E01-02
..............................................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
..............................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

-x- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2 - Slither
.................................................................................................... .Commentary For Slither
.................................................................................................... .
Body Bags
.................................................................................................... .Cropsey
-x- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - My Boyfriend's Back
A Bay Of Blood
...........................................................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
...........................................................Deepstar Six
...........................................................Commentary For Deepstar Six
-x- Documentary - Cursed Films
Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular
-x- Dream Horror - Vampyr
...............................Commentary For Vampyr
...............................My Boyfriend's Back
...............................The Neon Demon

...............................Scared Stiff
...............................Commentry For Scared Stiff
...............................Sleepy Hollow High
Phantasm II
...............................Commentary For Phantasm II
...............................The Lords Of Salem

x- Drunk Horror - Dude Bro Party Massacre III
..............................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III
-x- Euro Horror - Vampyr
...........................Commentary For Vampyr
A Bay Of Blood
...........................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
...........................Witching Time
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -
x- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space - Slither
.....................................................................Commentary For Slither
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
.....................................................................A Quiet Place Part II
.....................................................................Killers From Space

.....................................................................Galaxy Of Terror
.....................................................................Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror
.....................................................................Phantasm II
.....................................................................Commentary For Phantasm II
.....................................................................The Dead Don't Die
.....................................................................Parasyte E13-24
Body Bags
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
x- Firearms - A Bay Of Blood
.......................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
.......................What The Waters Left Behind

.......................Fear Street Part One: 1994
.......................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
.......................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
.......................Halloween Kills
-x- Flashback - Silent Madness 3D
A Quiet Place Part II
.........................Killers From Space

.........................Scared Stiff
.........................Commentary For Scared Stiff
.........................Commentary For Silent Madness
.........................Fear Street Part One: 1994
.........................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
.........................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
.........................Phantasm II
.........................Commentary For Phantasm II
You Might Be The Killer
.........................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
Stage Fright
.........................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
.........................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III
--- Fog, 2 -
x- Folk Horror - Nightbooks

...........................Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
...........................Fear Street Part One: 1994
...........................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
...........................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
...........................The Lords Of Salem
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
x- Found Footage
- JeruZalem
--- Frankenstein -
-x- Ghost / Haunting - Vampyr
....................................Commentary For Vampyr
....................................Warlock Moon
Commentary For Warlock Moon

....................................Scared Stiff
....................................Commentary For Scared Stiff
....................................The Turn Of The Screw
....................................3 A.M. 3D
Cemetery Of Terror
-x- Giallo - Naked Girl Murdered In The Park
--- J-Horror -
x- Kaiju / Giant Monster - Killers From Space
Love And Monsters
...........................................Monster From A Prehistoric Planet
-x- Killer / Evil Animal - Trilogy Of Terror II
......................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
Deepstar Six
......................................Commentary For Deepstar Six
-x- Killer / Evil Child - Trilogy Of Terror II
...................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
The Omen
-x- Killer / Evil Doll - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
.................................Trilogy Of Terror II
.................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II

.................................Child's Play
.................................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition
--- Luchador -
x- Made-for-TV Movie - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
........................................Trilogy Of Terror II
........................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
Body Bags
........................................Commentary For Body Bags
-x- Mad Scientist - Metamorphosis
..............................Deadly Friend
-x- Mummy - Dawn Of The Mummy
x- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror - Stage Fright
-x- Name In Title
- Mandy
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
x- Ouija Board - Red Letter Media's 2021 Halloween Spooktacular
--- Phobias -
-x- Psychological - Vampyr
...............................Commentary For Vampyr
Warlock Moon
Commentary For Warlock Moon

...............................Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
...............................Scared Stiff
...............................Commentary For Scared Stiff
...............................Commentary For Fade To Black
...............................Galaxy Of Terror
...............................Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror
...............................Funeral Home
...............................The Lords Of Salem
-x- Quarantine - Love And Monsters
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
x- Shudder Original / Exclusive - Cursed Films

-x- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Road Games
...................................................................Silent Madness 3D
...................................................................The Severed Arm
...................................................................Cutting Class
Warlock Moon
Commentary For Warlock Moon
...................................................................The Neon Demon

...................................................................Corpse Mania
...................................................................Commentary For Silent Madness
...................................................................Blood Cult
...................................................................The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here
...................................................................Commentary For Fade To Black
...................................................................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition
...................................................................Sleepy Hollow High
...................................................................Fear Street Part One: 1994
...................................................................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
...................................................................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
...................................................................Commentary For Wacko
...................................................................Hell Fest
...................................................................You Might Be The Killer
...................................................................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
Halloween Kills
Funeral Home
...................................................................Body Bags
...................................................................Commentary For Body Bags
...................................................................Stage Fright
...................................................................Mom And Dad
Leprechaun 3
...................................................................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
...................................................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III
Cemetery Of Terror
--- Slow Motion -
x- Split Personality - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
You Might Be The Killer
...................................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
Funeral Home
...................................Leprechaun 3
-x- Suicide - What The Waters Left Behind
.....................The Lords Of Salem

--- Takes Place in a Crypt -
x- Takes Place in a High School - Cutting Class
.......................................................A Babysitter's Guide To Monster Hunting
.......................................................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition

.......................................................Fear Street Part One: 1994
.......................................................Commentary For Wacko
.......................................................Parasyte E13-24
-x- Takes Place in a Library - Nightbooks
...............................................Blood Cult
--- Takes Place on a Mountain -
x- Takes Place on a Holiday - Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition
Halloween Kills
Cemetery Of Terror
-x- Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Deepstar Six
..............................................................Commentary For Deepstar Six
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -
x- Title Spoken By Character, 2 - Cutting Class
.......................................................Deepstar Six
Yoga Hosers
.......................................................Parasyte E13-24
.......................................................The Lords Of Salem
.......................................................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
.......................................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

-x- Trailer Compilation - Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon
-x- Travelogue - Dawn Of The Mummy
Leprechaun 3
-x- Vampire - Vampyr
......................Commentary For Vampyr
Old Dracula
Count Yorga Vampire
The Return Of Count Yorga
-x- Voyeurism - Silent Madness 3D
x- Werewolf
- Teen Wolf Too
........................Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Wolf
........................The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here
-x- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - Witching Time
..........................................................Trilogy Of Terror II
..........................................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II

..........................................................Curse III: Blood Sacrifice
..........................................................Blood Cult
..........................................................Fear Street Part One: 1994
..........................................................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
..........................................................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
..........................................................The Omen
..........................................................The Lords Of Salem
..........................................................Dude Bro Party Massacre III
..........................................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

..........................................................Cemetery Of Terror
--- Wilhelm Scream -
-x- With Commentary - Commentary For Vampyr
......................................Commentary For Slither
Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
......................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
......................................Commentary For Deepstar Six
......................................Commentary For Warlock Moon

......................................Commentary For Scared Stiff
......................................Commentary For Silent Madness
......................................Commentary For Fade To Black
......................................Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror
......................................Commentary For Phantasm II
Commentary For Wacko
......................................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
Commentary For Body Bags
......................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

-x- With Two or More Horror Legends - Sideshow (Brinke Stevens, Phil Fondacaro)
-x- Zombie - Slither
.....................Commentary For Slither
.....................My Boyfriend's Back
Little Monsters

.....................Disaster L.A.
.....................Better Off Zed
.....................Phantasm II
.....................The Dead Don't Die
Cemetery Of Terror

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
--- 1946 (75th) -
x- 1971 (50th) - A Bay Of Blood
...........................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
...........................The Return Of Count Yorga
-x- 1996 (25th) – Trilogy Of Terror II
............................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
x- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre - Witching Time
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
x- Killed during sex - A Bay Of Blood
....................................Commentary For A Bay Of Blood
Dude Bro Party Massacre III
....................................Commentary For Dude Bro Party Massacre III

-x- New House, New Problems, 2
- Scared Stiff
.........................................................Commentary For Scared Stiff
-x- No cell phone service - Slither
...........................................Commentary For Slither
Little Monsters

...........................................Disaster L.A.
...........................................Better Off Zed
The Dead Don't Die
-x- Making dumb decisions - Silent Madness 3D
..............................................Trilogy Of Terror II
..............................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
Warlock Moon

..............................................Commentary For Warlock Moon
..............................................Commentary For Silent Madness
..............................................Better Off Zed
..............................................Sleepy Hollow High
..............................................Deadly Friend
The Return Of Count Yorga
Halloween Kills

-x- The creepy gas station attendant - What The Waters Left Behind
Body Bags
.............................................................Commentary For Body Bags
-x- The evil doll that comes to life - Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror
........................................................Trilogy Of Terror II
........................................................Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II
........................................................Child's Play
........................................................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition
x- The mirror scare - Malignant
x- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle - Harpoon
Leprechaun 3

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list -

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video ,2 -
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original -
--- Remake -

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 -
--- Film #2 -

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
x- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - My Boyfriend's Back
........................................................................................Scared Stiff

........................................................................................Sleepy Hollow High
........................................................................................Deadly Friend
The Turn Of The Screw
........................................................................................Commentary For Wacko
........................................................................................The Lords Of Salem
-x- Was made in the 1990s - Skinner
-x- Features a LGBT character - What The Waters Left Behind
....................................................The Neon Demon
Old Dracula
....................................................Chucky S01E01-02 Extended Edition

....................................................Fear Street Part One: 1994
....................................................Fear Street Part Two: 1978
....................................................Fear Street Part Three: 1666
....................................................Halloween Kills
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
-x- Features a severed head - Dawn Of The Mummy
.................................................Night School
Little Monsters

.................................................Blood Cult
.................................................Child's Play
.................................................Sleepy Hollow High
.................................................The Omen
.................................................You Might Be The Killer
.................................................Commentary For You Might Be The Killer
The Dead Don't Die
-x- Has a scene in a nightclub - Venom: Let There Be Carnage
...................................................Old Dracula
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
-x- Features a funeral scene - Vampyr
................................................Commentary For Vampyr
................................................The Omen
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live
or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
-x- (The Haunted Castle Of Muskogee). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

In an effort to keep FTVs high, this was a year marked with b-string Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Aliens, Monsters & Garments. This was my 12th year of participation & my 12 year of hitting the coveted 100+ mark. The 110 films I watched this year were in 8 languages hit every theme night but as has been the case for the last several years did not complete the checklist.

Number of 1st time views:
101 out of 110 - 91.8% vs. (2020 - 89.8%)

Number of 1st time drinks:
13 out of 38 - 34.2% vs (2020 - 54.8%)

Number of titles viewed with wife or daughter:
33 out of 110 - 30% vs. (2020 - 28.7%)

Most watched Sub-Genre / Type
1). Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - 40 out of 110 - (36.4%)
2). Comedy / Spoof - 19 out of 110 - (17.3%)
3). Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - 17 out of 110 - (15.5%)

Highest Rated First Time Views
(4.5 out of 5 or better)

Slither - 4.5
Silent Madness 3D - 4.5
Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II - 4.5
A Quiet Place Part II - 4.5
The Hunt - 4.5
Mandy - 5
Commentary For Galaxy Of Terror - 4.5
Fear Street Part One: 1994 - 5
The Omen - 4.5
Dude Bro Party Massacre III - 4.5
Firestarter - 4.5

Notable 4's
Trailer Trauma 3: 80's Horrorthon
Little Monsters
Mom And Dad

My Lowest Rated Titles Of The Challenge
(1.5 out of 5 or lower (1 being the lowest possible
Blood Cult - 1.5
The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! - 1.5
Sleepy Hollow High - 1

Best Oktoberfest Beer:
Rahr & Son's Brewing Company: Oaktoberfest

Best Pumpkin Beer:
Samuel Adams: Jack-O

Best Horror Companion Dog
Boy the dog from Love And Monsters
Runner Up
Not quite a Dingo from Road Games

Best 3D Gimmickry
Silent Madness 3D

Not So Terrible Baddie
Rape-y witch from the past from Witching Time

Special Feature Better Than The Feature
Commentary For Trilogy Of Terror II

Favorite Final Girl
Crystal from The Hunt

Most Cringe
David Niven In blackface in Old Dracula

WTF Award

Last edited by SterlingBen; 11-05-22 at 11:58 AM.
Old 09-07-21, 12:24 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 221
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

2021 Horror Challenge

First Time Viewing = Orange

September 30
1. Santa Sangre (1989) - 3/5 (4K UHD)
1.5. Black Summer: Season 2, Episode 1 (2021)

October 1
2. Black Summer: Season 2, Episode 2 (2021)
3. Slither (2006) - 3/5 (Stream)
4. Black Summer: Season 2, Episodes 3 & 4 (2021)

October 2
5. Black Summer: Season 2, Episodes 5 & 6 (2021)
6. Silent Madness (1984) - 2.5/5 (3D Blu-ray)
6.5. Black Summer: Season 2, Episode 7 (2021)

October 3
7. Black Summer: Season 2, Episode 8 (2021)
8. My Bloody Valentine (1981) - 3.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 4
9. She-Wolf of London (1946) - 2.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 5
9.5. Brand New Cherry Flavor: Episode 1 (2021)
10.5. Night of the Living Dead (1968) - 3.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 6
11.5. The Birds (1963) - 3/5 (4K UHD)

October 7
12.5. Dead & Buried (1981) - 4/5 (4K UHD)

October 8
13.5. Brand New Cherry Flavor: Episodes 2 & 3 (2021)
14.5. Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) - 3/5 (Stream)
15.5. Brand New Cherry Flavor: Episodes 4 & 5 (2021)

October 9
16. Brand New Cherry Flavor: Episode 6 (2021)
17. Psycho (1960) - 3/5 (4K UHD)
18. Tourist Trap (1979) - 4/5 (Blu-ray)

October 10
19. The Wailing (2016) - 4/5 (Stream)

October 11
20. Brand New Cherry Flavor: Episodes 7 & 8 (2021)
21. Creepshow: Season 2, Episodes 1 & 2 (2021)
22. The Mortuary Collection (2019) - 3/5 (Stream)

October 12
22.5. Creepshow: Season 2, Episode 3 (2021)
23.5. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) - 3.5/5 (Download)

October 13
24.5. Curse of the Demon (1957) - 3/5 (Download)

October 14
25. Creepshow: Season 2, Episode 4 (2021)
26. The Definitive Document of the Dead (2012) - 3/5 (Blu-ray)

October 15
26.5. Creepshow: Season 2, Episode 5 (2021)
27.5. Cure (1997) - 2.5/5 (Download)

October 16
28.5. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episodes 1 & 2 (2021)
29.5. The Bird With The Crystal Plumage (1970) - 3.5/5 (4K UHD)

October 17
30.5. Fade To Black (1980) - 2.5/5 (Stream)

October 18
31. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episode 3 (2021)
32. Dawn of the Dead (1978) - 5/5 (4K UHD)

October 19
33. The Ninth Gate (1999) - 3.5/5 (Download)

October 20
34. Wildling (2018) - 2.5/5 (Download)
34.5. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episode 4 (2021)

October 21
35. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episode 5 (2021)
36. The Nun (2018) - 2.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 22
37. Annabelle (2014) - 3/5 (Blu-ray)

October 23
38. Freaky (2020) - 3/5 (Download)
38.5. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episode 6 (2021)

October 24
39.5. Triangle (2009) - 4.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 25
40.5. Possessor (2020) - 3.5/5 (Download)

October 26
41.5. 30 Days of Night (2007) - 2.5/5 (Blu-ray)

October 27
42. American Horror Story: Double Feature - Episode 7 (2021)
43. The Untold Story (1993) - 1.5/5 (Stream)

October 28
44. Body Bags (1993) - 3/5 (Stream)

List Complete (11th Challenge)

Movie Count By Decade

1940's - 1
1950's - 1
1960's - 3
1970's - 3
1980's - 7
1990's - 4
2000's - 3
2010's - 6
2020's - 2

Best Movie of the Month - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Worst Movie of the Month - The Untold Story
Best First Time Viewing - The Wailing
Average Movie Rating - 3.15/5

Theme Nights
-X- 10/01: 20% Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - My Bloody Valentine (1981)
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - She-Wolf of London (1946)
-X- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Night of the Living Dead (1968)
-X- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - The Birds (1963)
-X- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - Dead & Buried (1981)
-X- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-X- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Tourist Trap (1979)
-X- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - The Wailing (2016)
-X- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unnoficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-X- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - The Definitive Document of the Dead (2012)
-X- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Cure (1997)
-X- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - The Bird With The Crystal Plumage (1970)
-X- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Fade To Black (1980)
-X- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
-X- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Wildling (2018)
-X- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - The Nun (2018)
-X- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - Annabelle (2014)
-X- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends
The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Possessor (2020)
-X- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - 30 Days of Night (2007)
-X- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Body Bags (1993)
--- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo -
--- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell -
--- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror -Sl

Subset List
--- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
--- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)
--- xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)

-X- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
--- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
--- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971) / The Frighteners (1996)
--- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
--- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
--- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
-X- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
--- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
--- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
-X- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
--- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-X- 10/15: Cure - ororama (1997)
--- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
-X- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
--- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) / Wildling (2018)
--- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
--- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020)
--- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
-X- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
--- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
--- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
--- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)

Horror Challenge
2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011

Last edited by Bladz; 11-01-21 at 12:03 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 07:27 AM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

1. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) 73 min.
2. Not of This Earth (1957) 67 min.
3. Count Dracula (1970) * 97 min.
4. Hush (2016) * 82 min.
5. I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House (2016) * 89 min.
6. Titane (2021) * 108 min.
7. Cuadecuc, Vampir (1971) * 66 min.
8. Girl From Nowhere: Pregnant (2021) * 48 min.
9. At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964) * 82 min.
10. Frankenstein (1931) 70 min.
11. The Call of Cthulhu (2005) 47 min.
12. Mark of the Vampire (1935) 60 min.
13. Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 75 min.
14. Hausu (1977) 88 min.
15. Son of Frankenstein (1939) 100 min.
16. Host (2020) * 68 min.
17. Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957) 63 min.
18. Tales from the Hood (1995) * 98 min.
19. Annabel Lee (2001) 20 min.
20. Taxidermia (2006) * 95 min.
21. Sabrina (2018) * 114 min.
22. Girl From Nowhere: Minnie and the Four Bodies (2021) * 44 min.
23. Haunted Spooks (1920) 25 min.
24. Nosferatu: Phantom of the Night (1979) 106 min.
25. The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) * 76 min.
26. Humanoids from the Deep (1980) * 80 min.
27. Fear Street: 1994 (2021) * 106 min.
28. Jaws 2 (1978) * 116 min.
29. Queen of Blood (1966) * 78 min.
30. Fear Street: 1978 (2021) * 109 min.
31. The Addams Family 2 (2021) * 93 min.
32. The Haunting of Hill House: Steven Sees a Ghost (2018) * 60 min.
33. The Haunting of Hill House: Open Casket (2018) * 51 min.
34. The Haunting of Hill House: Touch (2018) * 53 min.
35. The Haunting of Hill House: The Twin Thing (2018) * 53 min.
36. The Haunting of Hill House: The Bent-Neck Lady (2018) * 70 min.
37. Fear Street: 1666 (2021) * 113 min.
38. War of the Satellites (1958) 66 min.
39. The Monolith Monsters (1957) * 77 min.
40. The Haunting of Hill House: Two Storms (2018) * 56 min.
41. Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) * 97 min.
42. Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) * 76 min.
43. Girl From Nowhere: Yuri (2021) * 42 min.
44. The Devil-Doll (1936) 78 min.
45. Slumber Party Massacre III (1990) * 87 min.
46. Cool Air (1999) 43 min.
47. Frankenstein (1910) 13 min.
48. The Haunting of Hill House: Eulogy (2018) * 60 min.
49. There Was a Little Girl (1981) * 93 min.
50. Island of Lost Souls (1932) 70 min.
51. Vampyros Lesbos (1971) * 89 min.
52. Lamb (2021) * 106 min.
53. She Killed in Ecstasy (1971) * 80 min.
54. The Haunting of Hill House: Witness Marks (2018) * 42 min.
55. Halloween Kills (2021) * 105 min.
57. Happy Birthday to Me (1981) * 111 min.
58. Jaws 3 (1983) 98 min.
59. The Haunting of Hill House: Screaming Meemies (2018) * 57 min.
60. Goedam: Crack (2020) 9 min.
61. Goedam: Destination (2020) * 8 min.
62. The Iron Rose (1973) 80 min.
63. The Haunting of Hill House: Silence Lay Steadily (2018) * 71 min.
64. Goedam: Special Guest (2020) * 9 min.
65. The Raven (1935) 61 min.
66. Leprechaun (1993) * 91 min.
67. The Black Cat (1934) 66 min.
68. Critters (1986) * 85 min.
69. Man Made Monster (1941) * 60 min.
70. Pontianak (2017) * 13 min.
71. Goedam: Curiosity (2020) * 7 min.
72. The Wolf Man (1941) 70 min.
73. Demon Seed (1977) * 95 min.
74. I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957) * 76 min.
75. Goedam: Red Shoes (2020) * 8 min.
76. The Invisible Man (1933) 72 min.
77. The Stepford Wives (1975) * 115 min.
78. The Fall of the House of Usher (1928) 66 min.
79. Girl From Nowhere: Sotus (2021) * 46 min.
80. Goedam: Dimension (2020) * 10 min.
81. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) 61 min.
82. Spirits of the Dead (1968) * 121 min.
83. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Great Good Place (2020) * 53 min.
84. Goedam: Threshold (2020) * 8 min.
85. Goedam: Birth (2020) * 15 min.
86. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Pupil (2020) * 44 min.
87. Raw (2016) 99 min.
88. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Two Faces, Part One (2020) * 55 min.
89. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Way It Came (2020) * 52 min.
90. Exmalum (2018) * 5 min.
91. What Happened to Kali (2018) * 14 min.
92. A Black Cat in a Bamboo Grove (1968) 99 min.
93. When a Stranger Calls (1979) * 97 min.
94. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Altar of the Dead (2020) * 53 min.
95. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Jolly Corner (2020) * 65 min.
96. Black Sunday (1960) 87 min.
97. Eraserhead (1977) 89 min.
98. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Two Faces, Part Two (2020) * 58 min.
99. 3 Versos (2016) * 13 min.
100. Run Runner Run (2017) * 11 min.
101. Daughters of Darkness (1971) 100 min.
102. Maniac Cop (1988) * 85 min.
103. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Romance of Certain Old Clothes (2020) * 55 min.
104. The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Beast in the Jungle (2020) * 50 min.
105. The Diabolical Dr. Z (1966) * 87 min.
106. The Ten Steps (2004) 10 min.

*First time viewing

Last edited by ororama; 10-29-21 at 02:14 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 07:33 AM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

list is finalized
Total number of viewings: 71

Total number of first time viewings (FTV☼): 48
Theme night challenge: complete
Subset list challenge: complete
Number of challenges: 10

Top Ten FTVs

in alphabetical orderThe Amityville Horror
Dead & Buried
Evil Dead Trap
Family Portraits
Ghost Stories
Halloween Kills
The Wind
Witchfinder General

October Horror Challenge 2021

Thursday, September 30th
1) Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)

Friday, October 1st

2) Road Games (1981)
3) Slither (2006) ☼

Saturday, October 2nd
4) Silent Madness (1984)

5) Edge of the Axe (1988)

Sunday, October 3rd
6) The Severed Arm (1973)
7) Night Killer (1990)

Monday, October 4th
8) Bay of Blood (1971) ☼

Tuesday, October 5th
9) Witchfinder General (1968)

Wednesday, October 6th
10) Cutting Class (1989)

Thursday, October 7th
11) Carrie (1976)

Friday, October 8th
12) Dead and Buried (1981) ☼

13) Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)

Saturday, October 9th
14) Fear No Evil (1981)
15) Deathdream (1974)
16) Grave Robbers (1989)

Sunday, October 10th
17) Battle Royale (2000)
18) Evil Dead Trap (1988)

Monday, October 11th
19) The Mortuary Collection (2019) ☼

Tuesday, October 12th
20) Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)

Wednesday, October 13th
21) Ghost Stories (2017) ☼

Thursday, October 14th
22) Shallow Grave (1987) ☼

Friday, October 15th
23) Horror of Dracula (1958) ☼
24) Cure (1997)

Saturday, October 16th
25) Halloween Kills (2021) ☼
26) Tower of Evil (1972)

Sunday, October 17th
27) Fade to Black (1980)

Monday, October 18th
28) The Living Dead Girl (1982) ☼
29) Planet Terror (2007)

Tuesday, October 19th
30) Resurrection (1999) ☼
31) The Ninth Gate (1999)

Wednesday, October 20th
32) Daughters of Darkness (1971)
33) Sleepwalkers (1992)

Thursday, October 21st
34) Screamers (1995)
35) The Collector (2009) ☼
36) The Babysitter (2017) ☼

Friday, October 22nd
37) The Dead Zone (1983)
38) Wildling (2018) ☼

Saturday, October 23rd
39) Freaky (2020) ☼
40) Valentine (2001) ☼

Sunday, October 24th
41) Beyond Terror (1980) ☼
42) The Black Cat (1989) ☼
43) Triangle (2009) ☼
44) Devil Story (1986) ☼

Monday, October 25th
45) Blades (1989) ☼
46) Virus (1999)

Tuesday, October 26th
47) Curse of the Demon (1957)
48) The Gate (1987)
49) Parents (1989) ☼
50) The Amityville Horror (1979) ☼
51) The Spiral Staircase (1946) ☼

Wednesday, October 27th
52) The Frighteners (1996)
53) The Untold Story (1993)
54) Winterbeast (1992) ☼
55) Amityville 2: The Possession (1982) ☼

Thursday, October 28th
56) Tales from the Darkside (1990) ☼
57) Body Bags (1993) ☼
58) Amityville 3-D (1983) ☼
59) Family Portraits (2003) ☼

Friday, October 29th
60) The Empty Man (2020) ☼
61) Opera (1987)
62) Who Saw Her Die? (1972) ☼
63) Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes (1989) ☼
64) Orgasmo (1969) ☼

Saturday, October 30th
65) Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987)
66) The Wind (2018) ☼
67) Amityville 1992: It's About Time (1992) ☼
68) Possessor (2020) ☼

Sunday, October 31st
69) In Search of Darkness (2019) ☼
I watched this over several nights but finished it on Halloween
70) Hell Fest (2018) ☼
71) Primal Rage (1988) ☼
2021 Theme List

-X- 20% Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Slither
-X- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Edge of the Axe
-X- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - The Severed Arm
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - Bay of Blood
-X- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Witchfinder General
-X- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - Cutting Class
-X- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - Carrie
-X- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - Slumber Party Massacre II
-X- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Fear No Evil
-X- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - Evil Dead Trap
-X- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - The Mortuary Collection
-X- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unnoficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II
-X- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Ghost Stories
-X- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - Shallow Grave
-X- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Horror of Dracula
-X- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Tower of Evil
-X- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Fade to Black
-X- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - The Living Dead Girl
-X- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - Resurrection
-X- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Daughters of Darkness
-X- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - Screamers
-X- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Dead Zone
-X- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends
The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Freaky
-X- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - Beyond Terror
-X- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Blades
-X- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - Parents
-X- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Untold Story
-X- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Tales from the Darkside
-X- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo - Who Saw Her Die?
-X- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Amityville 1992: It's About Time
-X- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror -
orrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror - Hell Fest

2021 Subset List
-X- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
--- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)
--- xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)

-X- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
-X- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971) / The Frighteners (1996)
-X- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
-X- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
-X- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-X- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
-X- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
-X- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-X- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-X- 10/15: Cure - ororama (1997)
-X- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
-X- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
-X- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) / Wildling (2018)
-X- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
-X- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020)
-X- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
-X- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
-X- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
-X- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)

Last edited by DaveyJoe; 11-08-21 at 11:25 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 08:33 AM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

FTV - 82

Oct. 1
1. Wildling (2018) - Streaming - Netflix
2. Malignant (2021) - Streaming - HBOMax
3. Slither (2006) - Blu-ray

Oct. 2
4. Silent Madness (1984) - 3D Blu-ray
5. The Blair Witch Project (1999) - Blu-ray (with audio commentary)
6. Venom (2018) - 3D Blu-ray
7. Hellbenders (2012) - 3D Blu-ray
8. Friday the 13th - Part III (1982) - 3D Blu-ray
9. It Came From Outer Space (1953) - 3D Blu-ray

Oct. 3
10. The Severed Arm (1973) - Blu-ray
11. Green Room (2015) - Blu-ray
12. Slaxx (2020) - Streaming - Shudder
13. Cult of the Cobra (1955) - DVR
14. Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix

Oct. 4
15. American Horror Story - "Thirst" 10.3 (2021)
American Horror Story - "Blood Buffet" 10.4 (2021)
16, A Bay of Blood (1971) - Blu-ray
17. Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 (2021) - Streaming (Netflix)

Oct. 5
18. Witchfinder General (1968) - Blu-ray
19. American Horror Stories - "Rubber (Wo)man: Part 1 (2021)
American Horror Stories - "Rubber (Wo)man: Part 2 (2021)

Oct. 6
20. Cutting Class (1989) - Blu-ray

Oct. 7
21. Paranormal Activity (2007) - Blu-ray (with Rifftrax)
22. The Hunt (2020) - Blu-ray
23. What We Do In the Shadows - "Casino" 3.4 (2021) - DVR
What We Do In the Shadows - "The Chamber of Judgement" 3.5 (2021) - DVR
What We Do In the Shadows - "The Escape" 3.6 (2021) - DVR
What We Do In the Shadows - "The Siren" 3.7 (2021) - DVR

Oct. 8
24. American Horror Story - "Gaslight" 10.5 (2021) - DVR
American Horror Story - "Winter Kills" 10.6 (2021) - DVR
25. The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - Blu-ray
26. The Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) - Blu-ray
27. The Slumber Party Massacre III (1990) - Blu-ray

Oct. 9
28. Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968) - DVR
29. The Hidden Hand (1942) - DVR
30. Halloween (1978) - UHD (with Rifftrax)
31. Dead Men Walk (1943) - DVR
32. Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989) - Blu-ray
33. Midnight Mass - "Book I: Genesis" 1.1 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
Midnight Mass - "Book II: Psalms" 1.2 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
34. Midnight Mass - "Book III: Proverbs" 1.3 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
Midnight Mass - "Book IV: Lamentations" 1.4 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
35. The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) - Blu-ray

Oct. 10
36. Midnight Mass - "Book V: Gospel" 1.5 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
Midnight Mass - "Book VI: Acts of the Apostles" 1.6 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
37. Battle Royale (2000) - Blu-ray
38. Escape the Undertaker (2021) - Streaming - Netflix

Oct. 11
39. The Mortuary Collection (2019) - Streaming - Shudder
40. Lyle (2014) - Streaming - Shudder
41. The Black Cat (1934) - Blu-ray

Oct. 12
42. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 (1987) - Streaming - Shudder
43. Don't Fuck in the Woods (2016) - Blu-ray

Oct. 13
44. Night of the Demon (1957) - Streaming - Fandor
45. Freaky (2020) - Blu-ray

Oct. 14
46. Haunters: The Art of the Scare (2017) - Streaming - Shudder
47. Planet Terror (2007) - Blu-ray

Oct. 15
48. The Collector (2009) - Blu-ray
49. The Collection (2012) - Blu-ray
50. Halloween (1978) - UHD

51. American Horror Story - "Take Me to Your Leader" 10.7 (2021) - DVR
American Horror Story - "Inside" 10.8 (2021) - DVR
52. Halloween (2018) - UHD
53. Halloween Kills (2021) - Streaming - Peacock
54. Paranormal Activity 2 (2010) - Blu-ray

Oct. 16
55. Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory (1961) - Blu-ray
56. Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) - Blu-ray
57. Paranormal Activity 4 (2012) - Blu-ray
58. The Thing (1982) - UHD
59. Opera (1987) - Blu-ray
60. Scared to Death (1947) - DVR

Oct. 17
61. The Mysterious Doctor (1943) - DVR
62. Fade to Black (1980) - Blu-ray
63. Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) - Blu-ray

64. What We Do In the Shadows - "The Wellness Center" 3.8 (2021) - DVR
The Simpsons - "Treehouse of Horror XXXII" (2021) - DVR
The Great North - "The Yawn of the Dead Adventure" (2021) - DVR
Bob's Burgers - "The Pumpkinening" (2021) - DVR
65. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2016) - Blu-ray 3D

Oct. 18
66. Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) - Blu-ray 3D
67. Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) - Blu-ray 3D
68. Carrie (1976) - Blu-ray

Oct. 19
69. The Ninth Gate (1999)

Oct. 20
70. Tower of Evil (1972) - Blu-ray

71. Dave Made a Maze (2017) - Blu-ray
72. American Horror Stories - "Drive In" 1.3 (2021) - Streaming - Hulu
American Horror Stories - "The Naughty List" 1.4 (2021) - Streaming - Hulu
73. Fright Night (2011) - Blu-ray 3D

Oct. 21
74. The Bye Bye Man (2017) - Blu-ray

Oct. 22
75. The Evil Dead (1983) - UHD
76. The Raven (1935) - Blu-ray
77. The Evil Dead II (1987) - UHD
78. 47 Meters Down (2017) - Blu-ray
79. American Horror Story - "Blue Moon" 10.9 (2021) - DVR
American Horror Story - "Future Perfect" 10.10 (2021) - DVR

Oct. 23
80. A Quiet Place Part II (2020) - UHD
81. Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
82. The Invisible Ray (1936) - Blu-ray
83. Triangle (2009) - Streaming - Peacock
84. Midnight Mass - "Book VII: Revelation" 1.7 (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
The Movies That Made Us - "Halloween" (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
85. Night School (1981) - Blu-ray
86. The Movies That Made Us - "Friday the 13th" (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
The Movies That Made Us - "Nightmare on Elm Street" (2021) - Streaming - Netflix
87. Eegah (1962) - DVD (MST3K version)

Oct. 24
88. Devil Story (1986) - Blu-ray
89. Black Friday (1940) - Blu-ray
90. Murders in the Zoo (1933) - Blu-ray
91. The Mad Doctor of Market Street (1942) - Blu-ray
92. The Strange Case of Doctor Rx (1942) - Blu-ray
93. The Mad Ghoul (1943) - Blu-ray

Oct. 25
94. Clown (2014) - Blu-ray
95. Possessor (2020) - UHD
96. The Gate (1987) - Streaming - Tubi

Oct. 26
97. Twilight (2008) - Streaming - Netflix (with Rifftrax)
98. Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) - Blu-ray
99. The Walking Dead - "On the Inside" 11.6 (2021) - DVR
The Walking Dead - "Promises Broken" 11.7 (2021) - DVR

Oct. 27
100. The Untold Story (1993) - Streaming - Shudder
101. American Horror Stories - "Ba'al" 1.5 (2021) - Streaming - Hulu
American Horror Stories - "Feral" 1.6 (2021) - Streaming - Hulu

Oct. 28
102. Through the Fire (1988) - Blu-ray
103. The Lamp (1987) - Blu-ray
104. Body Bags (1993) - Streaming - Shudder
105. Tromeo & Juliet (1997) - Blu-ray
106. The Lighthouse (2019) - Blu-ray

Oct. 29
107. A Serbian Film (2010) - Blu-ray
108. Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021) - Streaming - Disney+
Lego Star Wars - Terrifying Tales (2021) - Streaming - Disney+
109. Wacko (1982) - Blu-ray
110. Pandemonium (1982) - Blu-ray
111. Duck! The Carbine High Massacre (1999) - Blu-ray
112. The Police Are Blundering in the Dark (1975) - Blu-ray
113. Ticks (1993) - UHD
114. Victor Crowley (2017) - Blu-ray
115. Ice Cream Man (1995) - Blu-ray

Oct. 30
116. What We Do in the Shadows - "A Farewell" 3.9 (2021) - DVR
What We Do in the Shadows - "The Portrait" 3.10 (2021) - DVR
The Goldbergs - "The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin (2021) - DVR
Home Economics - "Box of King-Size Candy Bars, $48.99" 9.4 (2021) - DVR
117. Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) - Streaming - Paramount+
118. American Horror Stories - "Game Over" 1.7 (2021) - Streaming - Hulu
Animaniacs - "Episode 11" 1.11 (2020) - Streaming - Hulu
Duncanville "Witch Day" 1.4 (2020) - Streaming - Hulu
119. Psycho Goreman (2020) - Blu-ray
120. Cure (1997) - Streaming - YouTube
121. Star Time (1992) - Blu-ray
122. Unsane (2018) - UHD

Oct. 31
123. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970) - Blu-ray
124. Hocus Pocus (1993) - UHD
125. Saint Bernard (2018) - Blu-ray
126. The Conners - "Peter Pan, The Backup Plan, Adventures in Babysitting, and a River Runs Through It" 4.5 (2021) - DVR
Craig of the Creek - "Trick or Creek" 3.10 (2020) - DVR
Duncanville - "Witch Day 2" 2.12 (2021) - DVR
Teen Titans Go! - "Ghost With the Most" 6.25 (2020) - DVR
Teen Titans Go! - "Pepo the Pumpkinman" 7.23 (2021) - DVR
127. WNUF Halloween Special (2013) - Blu-ray
128. Drag Me to Hell (2009) - Blu-ray (with Rifftrax)
129. House of Wax (1953) - 3D Blu-ray
130. The AGFA Horror Trailer Show (2020) - Blu-ray
131. Scary Tales (1993) - Blu-ray
132. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (1966) - UHD

-X- 10/01: 20% Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Slither
-X- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Silent Madness
-X- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - The Severed Arm
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) -
-X- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Witchfinder General
-X- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - Cutting Class
-X- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - The Hunt
-X- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - The Slumber Party Massacre II
-X- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Grave Robbers
-X- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - Battle Royale
-X- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - The Mortuary Collection
-X- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unnoficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2
-X- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Freaky
-X- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - Haunters: The Art of the Scare
-X- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Halloween
-X- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory
-X- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Fade to Black
-X- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - Resident Evil: Afterlife
-X- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - The Ninth Gate
-X- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Fright Night
-X- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - The Bye Bye Man
-X- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Evil Dead
-X- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends
The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Eegah
-X- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - Devil Story
-X- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Clown
-X- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - Twilight
-X- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Untold Story
-X- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Body Bags
-X- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo - The Police Are Blundering in the Dark
-X- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin
-X- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror - Hocus Pocus

Daily Subset - COMPLETE
--- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
-X- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)
--- xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)

-X- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
-X- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
-X- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
-X- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971) / The Frighteners (1996)
-X- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
-X- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
-X- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-X- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
-X- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
-X- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-X- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-X- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
--- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-X- 10/15: ororama - Cure (1997)
-X- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
-X- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
-X- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-X- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) / Wildling (2018)
-X- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
-X- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
-X- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
-X- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
-X- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020)
-X- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
-X- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
-X- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
-X- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
-X- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
-X- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)

Select 10 actors:
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
-X- Clancy Brown - Hellbenders
--- Chuck Connors -
--- Peter Cushing -
-X- Brad Dourif - Wildling
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
-X- Boris Karloff - The Black Cat
--- Udo Kier -
-X- Christopher Lee - Curse of the Crimson Altar
-X- Bela Lugosi - The Black Cat
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
-X- Tiffany Shepis - Victor Crowley
-X- P.J. Soles - Halloween
-X- Tony Todd - Victor Crowley
-X- Recently Deceased (Daria Nicolodi) - Opera

Select 5 directors:
--- Freddie Francis -
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
-X- Steve Miner - Friday the 13th - Part III
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
-X- James Wan - Malignant
-X- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 - Slumber Party Massacre
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
--- Pino Donaggio -
--- Alan Howarth -
--- Claudio Simonetti -
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
--- Rick Baker -
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
--- Christopher Landon -
--- Dardano Sacchetti -
--- Curt Siodmak -
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
-X- *3-D Film - Silent Madness
-X- Anthology Film - The Mortuary Collection
--- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films -
-X- Based on a True Story - The Untold Story
--- Based on a Novel -
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
-X- Cannibalism - The Mortuary Collection
-X- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson - The Pit and the Pendulum
-X- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax - Paranormal Activity
-X- Comedy / Spoof - Slaxx
-X- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film - Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
--- Cryptid Cinema -
--- Death by: Electrocution
--- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2
--- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber -
-X- Documentary - Haunters: The Art of the Scare
--- Dream Horror -
--- Drunk Horror -
-X- Euro Horror - Devil Story
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -
-X- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space - It Came From Outer Space
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
--- Firearms -
--- Flashback -
--- Fog, 2 -
--- Folk Horror -
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
-X- Found Footage - Paranormal Activity
--- Frankenstein -
--- Ghost / Haunting -
-X- Giallo - Bay of Blood
-X- J-Horror - Battle Royale
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
--- Killer / Evil Child -
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -
--- Mad Scientist -
-X- Mummy - Devil Story
-X- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror - Slumber Party Massacre 2
-X- Name In Title - Carrie
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
-X- Ouija Board - Paranormal Activity
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
-X- Shudder Original / Exclusive - The Mortuary Collection
-X- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Silent Madness
--- Slow Motion -
--- Split Personality -
-X- Suicide - Battle Royale
--- Takes Place in a Crypt -
-X- Takes Place in a High School - Cutting Class
--- Takes Place in a Library -
--- Takes Place on a Mountain -
-X- Takes Place on a Holiday - Halloween
-X- Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Triangle
-X- Three Installments in a Franchise - Paranormal Activity
-X- Title Spoken By Character, 2 - Fright Night
--- Trailer Compilation -
--- Travelogue -
-X- Vampire - Fright Night
--- Voyeurism -
-X- Werewolf - Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory
-X- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - Blair Witch Project
--- Wilhelm Scream -
-X- With Commentary - The Blair Witch Project
-X- With Two or More Horror Legends - Curse of the Crimson Altar
-X- Zombie - Anna and the Apocalypse

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
--- 1946 (75th) -
--- 1971 (50th) -
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
--- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre -
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
--- Killed during sex -
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -
--- No cell phone service -
--- Making dumb decisions -
--- The creepy gas station attendant -
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
--- The mirror scare -
--- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle -

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
--- PG -
--- PG-13 -
--- R -
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
--- Unrated -
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
-4- 1930 - The Black Cat
-8- 1940 - The Hidden Hand
-4- 1950 - It Came From Outer Space
-6- 1960 - Witchfinder General
-8- 1970 - The Severed Arm
-19- 1980 - Silent Madness
-13- 1990 - The Blair Witch Project
-8- 2000 - Slither
-29- 2010 - Wildling
-33- 2020 - Malignant

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list -

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
-X- Video ,2 - Duck! The Carbine High Massacre
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original -
--- Remake -

Watch films in at least three formats:
-29- First format, Streaming, Wildling
-64- Second format, Blu-ray, Slither
-10- Third format, 3D Blu-ray, Silent Madness
-16- Fourth format, DVR, Cult of the Cobra
-12- Fifth format, UHD, Hallowen (1978)
-1- Sixth format, DVD, Eegah

Watch films in at least three languages:
-X- First language, English, Wildling
-X- Second language, Spanish, Grave Robbers
-X- Third language, Japanese, Battle Royale
-X- Fourth language, Cantonese, The Untold Story
-X- Fifth language, Serbian, A Serbian Film
-X- Sixth language, Czech, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
-X- Seventh language, Italian, Police Are Blundering in the Dark

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 -
--- Film #2 -

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
--- Features a character waking up from a nightmare -
-X- Was made in the 1990s - Duck! The Carbine High Massacre
-X- Features a LGBT character - Lyle
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
-X- Features a severed head - Night School
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Last edited by clckworang; 11-07-21 at 07:51 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 09:52 AM
DVD Talk Ultimate Edition
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 4,053
Received 213 Likes on 140 Posts
Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

***LIST FINAL - 141 TOTAL WITH SUBSET, CHECKLIST, & THEMES COMPLETE; 13TH YEAR INGems: Deeper You Dig, Death of a Vlogger, Bad Blood Blood From Stone, Nine Miles Down, Mortuary Collection, Last Matinee, Black Gloves, The Room, Noonday Witch, Day of the Lord, Triangle
Disappointments: Slaxx, Feast 2-3, Open 24 Hours, Babysitter: Killer Queen, In Search of Darkness, Curse of the Blind Dead, Haunting of Mary Celeste, Shed of the Dead, Hell's Kitty, From Dusk Till Dawn II, Tailgate
More Highlights:Weirdest Creature: Bad Blood, The Brain, Shocking Dark, Slither | Most Thought Provoking: The Room, Death of a Vlogger, Sator, Don’t Blink | Guilty Pleasures [Not Good But Still Great] : Shocking Dark, The Convent, Devil’s Rain | Gore Award: Battle Royale, For the Sake of Vicious, Dead Squad | Funniest: Scare Package, I Blame Society | Sleaziest: Gratuitous shower scene everywhere; in Jack-O, Daughters of Darkness, Prom Night II, Carrie, etc [Not as much sleaze overall but a surprisingly amount of leering shower scenes] | Strangest: November, Marebito, The Stairs | Scariest: His House, Wind Chills | Favorite Subset Film: Road Games, Triangle [Least favorite was In Search of Darkness]
Theme = theme day related [106 total, 75.7%]| Subset = subset discussion film [Minimums Complete] | 1st = first time viewing [104 total films, 74.3%]
September 30 [From Dusk, 7:30pm Texas time] [Indie Crossover] (1 hours, 41 minutes watched)
01. Road Games (1981, 101 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Stacy Ketch is a force of nature carrying the film and it's got a lot of smart subtlety. Brilliant idea to have a cheerful truck driver stumbling through the landscape of a serial killer never revealing too much. The subtle plot told through news reports and backdrop feels atmospheric. Format: Streaming [Vudu]. Theme Subset

October 2 [Drunks/Bars Theme Night] (10 hours, 45 minutes watched)
02. Feast [Unrated] (2005, 86 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Excellent practical effects and pacing make Feast a dark gorey joy often sidetracked by cringe moments of awkward humor. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
03. Feast II: Sloppy Seconds (2008, 100 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Continuation from the first with Spanish wrestling midgets, awkward adulterous used care salesmen love triangles, and more cringe humor than horror with sometimes effective gore and sometimes rubber suit madness that too often missed the mark; but maybe I just wasn't in a braindead enough mood for it's unique brand of humor. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
04. Feast III: The Happy Finish (2009, 80 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Production values are a bit higher in this third installment and some of the framing is more experimental to the point of being distracting; it's weird and unabashedly far out in horror elements which get back more to the forefront than in the second one with better effects in a more claustrophobic setting but still the epic creatures are a bit too sidelined to the eccentric humor. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
05. Slither (2006, 95 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Slither is a fun movie but its a bit too on the nose with influences that it detracts because so many elements are too readily familiar, even near copies. The toxic romance of the villain and his wife with themes of (emotional and sexual) marriage fidelity is nice but ultimately that comes across as shallow (or too deep for me to see). Its oddball to me how nonchalant all the police are about the monster - they laughing and are matter of fact about it although I much prefer this to the other extreme of blindly yelling cusswords to emote fear but theres got to be some middle range. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
06. Blood From Stone (2020, 116 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Moody neon lit ballad filled that does cliche vampire angst with style nailing tone but sometimes getting aimless as it runs over long. The vampire metaphor for insatiable neediness and isolated is well mined here but hardly revolutionary. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
07. Useless Humans (2020, 77 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Stupid but delightfully cheesy film not really worth watching but also refreshing casual for the moment. My kids came in and made fun of it. The most predictable format complete with weapon montage and childhood nostalgia accompanied by romantic tension - it's like every movie before it but with a rubber suit alien this time. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
08. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, 91 minutes) ★★★★★★★★½✰ I've always really liked NOES even if it's such an obvious rip off of other films (bed death is my favorite); this time I watched it with my kids and my son got scared of Freddy at bedtime. Format: Streaming [Vudu]

October 2 [Slashers Theme Night] (8 hours, 9 minutes watched)
09. Party Hard Die Young (2018, 90 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Noisy nightclub party scenes interrupt the generic slasher and come across as a series of odd dance skin montages so much that it took me a while to notice it was the same characters in more than a few of the segments; eventually gels together into something more typical (and even too typical) creating a mediocre high energy up tempo slasher. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
10. Open 24 Hours (2018, 102 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ The obvious uncertain psychological slasher at a gas station plot should have tipped me off to how routine this would feel; there's some cool staging and it's well shot but doesn't do much to stand out coming across more like a made for tv Hitchcock remake than tense horror. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
11. Predator (1987, 107 minutes) ★★★★★★★★★✰ The macho action staging goes a long way to made Predator stand out and he is a timelessly cool villain. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu]
12. Ruin Me (2017, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Interesting premise that gets too twist minded and has some distractingly unconvincing characters (goth couple, nerdy sidekick guy, etc) that walks towards having some drama weight with a moral romantic issue that just gets feed into the woodchipper for the predictable. Even the main characters are not well defined and the the 'Slasher Sleepout' premise seems to weave in and out of relevance however fits the staging. [Fear Inc did this same thing so much better] Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
13. Saw [Unrated] (2004, 103 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Saw has great production values and tone zig zagging across time and characters to fill a story of two characters locked in one room with some convincing twists. It's theme isn't especially deep and Saw gets distracted with the 'live your best life or die' messaging sometimes but altogether it works. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] Theme

October 3 [Underground Theme Night] (10 hours, 48 minutes watched)
14. Nine Miles Down (2009, 86 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Digging 9 miles down before disappearing a man is stuck with a mysterious woman as he investigates resulting in a surreal character drama that is just oddball enough to work despite it's cheap limited production. The chills are often downplayed and subtle using the great 9 miles down setup as subtle backdrop implying more horror than it shows. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
15. Marebito (2004, 92 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ A dark fairy tale with a too strange setup and one better not to think about too much but if we ignore what is shown and look more at abstract ideas of it there's something cool about the unashamed oddness beyond what comes across on camera. Format: 480p Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
16. The Deeper You Dig (2019, 95 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Amazingly psychic melodrama with lots of cool effects and a smart script that flips from straight forward thriller to something that's easy to follow but just outside of cleanly understanding blending horror tropes with something like a focus on themes of grief and shame placing theme above plot. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
17. The Rizen (2017, 94 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Cheap with pretentiously overlong explanation but marches boldly through it's shortcomings towards a cosmic darkness with ambition to spare wallows in occult and cosmic not seen enough of horror. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
18. The Rizen: Possession [aka The Facility (2019, 90 minutes) [color=darkgreen]★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰
More cleanly produced sequel (apparently the second in a planned trilogy) that rehashes a bit of the first and has a 'possession' mechanic that makes little sense; it's brain dead with some fleetingly cool visuals and like the first overlong in trying to explain it's nonsense before landing it what seems to be something too familiar from the first installment. If they make a third one I hope it lives up better to the obvious ambition in these. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
19. Paranorman (2012, 92 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Colorful sight gags with great character design flood the screen with smart humor. Format: Streaming [Vudu]
20. Star Light (2020, 90 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Surprisingly routine plot but a bloody horror b-movie worth watching at least once but ends up patterned in a familiar way. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st

October 4 [Anniversary Theme Night] (4 hours, 37 minutes watched)
21. The Frighteners [Theatrical] (1996, 110 minutes) ★★★★★★★★✰✰ The Frighteners does an excellent job of balancing zany cartoonish visual style with actors who are generally more deadpan and straight creating a film that's both comedic and serious enough to be a thrill (seems like a lot of comedies error too far into comedy). The Dammers character is fun and Combs is a phenom but I've always felt he hurts the tone of the film some because his role is so unashamedly nonsensical that is feels like a reverse deus ex machina coming out of nowhere to hamstring and sabotage. The scenes are often filled with a lot of amusing moving pieces awash in ghosts, multiple villains of different types, and great set design. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
22. The Spiral Staircase (1946, 83 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Apparently drafted from a radio production the witty and theatrical dialogue carry this film a long way with a relatively straight plot by todays standards; the camera work is good with sweeping gothic style complete with atmospheric rain effects. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
23. Bay of Blood (1971, 84 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Gnarly kills across a scenic lakeside landscape with some chill 70s music and lingering nature shots as cardboard thin characters run, scream, and die. Format: Streaming [Shudder] Theme Subset

October 5 [Elvira Theme Night] (5 hours, 49 minutes watched)
24. Bad Blood: The Movie (2016, 80 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Amazing practice effects with the right amount of campy and a compellingly unusual frog monster that's gory and slimey and equal measures funny and monstrous. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
25. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988, 96 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Fun comedy with great 80s adventure comedy elements and some laugh out loud moments; it's campy and silly with hit or miss humor. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
26. Witchfinder General (1968, 86 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Witchfinder General is one mean spirited film, which is why I think it's considered horror rather than just historical drama. I enjoy historical films like this and wish there were more antiquated setting horror films because the visuals feel more unique/important. It seems like a missed opportunity to not better explore the depth of the historical inspiration and instead let the incomparable Vincent Price ham it up onscreen (the backstory seems fascinating but overlooked in favor of schlock and screen presence). This film must have inspired a number of others because it feels like mean spirited witch finding it a subgenre of it's own. Format: Streaming [Youtube] Theme Subset
27. The Addams Family (2019, 87 minutes) ★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Animation that looks less than modern with Addams Family being shoehorned into 'Minions' style popular design rather than uniquely reflecting something core to the Addams Family origins; the plot is largely generic and it never rises above the level of occasionally cute. It's hard to be too critical of a kids' movie but there are some amazing kids' films out today and Addams Family is slacking. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu]

October 6 [School Theme Night] (6 hours, 8 minutes watched)
28. Carrie (1976, 98 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ The bittersweet slow burn of Carrie is well staged with good pacing. This is Brian DePalma's film and clever direction steals the show (the slow motion announcement of the prom queen and as a continuation bookmarking the slow motion locker scene is brilliant). The musical tones and sound effects are also impactful. The mother's over the top religious mania doesn't seem realistic to the point of detracting from the film but I do like the themes of sin revisited on the youth (themes Carrie doesn't quite earn because they're taken too much on face value). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
29. Carrie (2013, 99 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰Watching the remake back to back highlighted a lot of shortcomings in the newer version, what a horrible tamed down 'too close to the original' rehash; the remake has a bit more carnage in places but too little too late. 1976 uses visuals much more effectively and the remake goes to this a characters narrating what happens bit. Chloë Grace Moretz has a lot of talent but she feels miscast here because she seems too relatable and 'popular girl' vibe. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
30. Cutting Class (1989, 91 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Cutting Class was serviceable and b-grade even by b-grade slasher standards; some of the kills were amusing (bleacher, photocopier were standouts) and it had a fun dated fashion sense but otherwise fell flat with such a small group of red herrings. Format: Streaming [Youtube] 1st Theme Subset
31. The Lurker (2019, 80 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Brilliant idea to stage a horror movie around a Shakespeare play to draw out parallels but doesn't seem to live up to it's potential despite some cool gore effects. Obvious from the marketing the 'plague doctor' masked killer seems generic and the twist not remarkable. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 7 [She Kills Theme Night] (4 hours, 51 minutes watched)
32. Wilding (2018, 92 minutes) ★★★★★★★★✰✰ The psychological approach is surreal and refreshing, the mind warp mental battle with symbolism and flashbacks. I don’t usually like backstory heavy exposition that seeks to explain the motives of whichever characters (rather than showing them in a fleshed present scene) but Wilding is uses backstory well. Actress Bel Powley is brilliant with varied nonverbal and nails it as a relatable innocent (or not). The characters are mostly likeable and that goes a long way and it has a a cool twist on the rabid pitchfork villager tropes. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
33. Daughters of Darkness (1971, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★★★½✰ The strangeness of every character here works overall and DoD is a film not afraid to be odd. It's a movie about mental influence more than bloodshed, so much that the death scenes might be it's weakest part. Artful empty beach shots and soundtrack contribute to the moodiness. Format: Streaming [Youtube] Theme Subset
34. Venom (2018, 112 minutes) ★★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Better than I expected even on rewatch but the computer generated imagery is sometimes distracting and the bad guy is forgettable - it's popcorn fun but could have been much more than it is (Venom 2 seems promising). Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu]

October 8 [Joe Bob Briggs Theme Night] (9 hours, 9 minutes watched)
35. Don't Blink (2014, 92 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Great script with surreal premise that makes good use of low budget except for some the acting. Sight gags work well at implied horror more than is shown. A theme is spoiled a bit early by a character but that also adds a wrinkle suggesting more than is apparent. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
36. Slumber Part Massacre II (1987, 77 minutes) ★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ The staged enthusiasm for slumber parties comes across as insincere like a group of adults trying to pretending to slumber party. The killer is too cheesy casual to be very interesting; it's like a strange sitcom grade horror murdered more by the least convincing lip singing ever than any driller. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
37. Silent Madness (1984, 93 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ The production values and acting were better than I expected but it was a bit slow in the middle. With a more daring screenplay it seems like this could have been a much more interesting film. There is a sly social angst about healthcare providing some social commentary. Sorority house slashers are a decent excuse to introject 'scenery' into the film but it seems really pointless to them confine it to a basement broiler room, there's got to be a surprisingly meta humor to that in somewhat denying the audience the setting it established by going to the dungeon. For a 3D film there seemed to be only a few 3D gimmicks. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
38. The Brain (1988, 94 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Surprisingly subdued and polished for a 'weird' concept film with David Gale (from Reanimator) turning out an excellent mad scientist. The Brain effects are compelling, slimy, and far out. Where has The Brain been my whole life? Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
39. The Severed Arm (1973, 91 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ I enjoyed the grisly setup and cool premise much more than I expected even if it wasn’t consistent but after a while the arm reaching out from a darkness just off screen but got a little old.Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
40. 1922 (2017, 102 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Scenic and poetic with a relentless bitter lead who is hard to follow in being so disgruntled over so many things then being disgruntled because he acted the way he did when he was disgruntled dulling the comeuppance because he is so 'emo' in his approach to everything. Some of the fright imagery is effectively but is cliche (my wife and I joked about it being a Poe story update). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st

October 9 [Strange Cinema Theme Night] (7 hours, 24 minutes watched)
41. Priest [Unrated] (2011, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ CGI scenic popcorn action works overall but some of the 'western' vibes feel pretentious and it's ultimately hollow. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
42. Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989, 88 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ The atmosphere was great and I liked the cheap looking but just effective enough creature effects; I wish there was more monster carnage and it seemed like too often there were fleeting glimpses. Overall serviceable but not great; glad I got to watch it. Format: Streaming [Youtube] 1st Theme Subset
43. Frightmare (1974, 88 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Slow and dry with a psychological edge; some of the staging was complicated but has a zinger of an ending. Format: Blu-ray 1st Theme
44. The Old Ways (2020, 90 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ I liked what they were trying to do but felt routine despite the cool bruja antics; there's not much traditional plot and what there is feels engineered and unrelatable. Occasionally cool imagery but a lot of muck. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
45. Trick 'R Treat (2007, 82 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ My favorite segment is the werewolf one; violent pastiche that's hit or miss with some fun spot on Halloween mood punctuated by distracting gore. Format: Streaming [Vudu]

October 10 [Asian Cinema Theme Night] (8 hours, 33 minutes watched)
46. Battle Royale [Director's Cut / Special Edition] (2000, 122 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ I haven't always been a fan of Battle Royale but enjoyed revisiting it today. Ill admit at first it was hard to keep track of all the characters and the premise is distractingly odd (despite Lord of Flies and Most Dangerous Game being classics) so I set out to just enjoy the bloody spectacle. Drama tidbits like love triangles add a lot of needed drama and the kills are varied / well done. The sci-fi action element goes a long way in keeping it fast paces despite the long run time of the Directors Cut. There are a lot of little scene details that feel like they add to implied story. Its pulp fun but I don't give a lot of weight to thematic elements of kids fighting as a metaphor here because the plot as symbolism doesn't seem developed beyond the immediate drama, but maybe I am overlooking some of that. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
47. Impetigore (2019, 106 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Cool premise with some promising visuals and a mystery thriller pacing that often works but doesn't get the the heights of creepy I had hopes for from the director of the better Satan's Slave. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
48. The Babysitter (2017, 85 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Fast paced and fun Home Alone and Scott Pilgrim V the World horror hybrid that has cartoonish humor in spades. Format: Streaming [Vudu]
49. The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020, 101 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Mimics the original too much with characters returning that feel like generic copies of what were already wafer thin cartoons (that works in one film but not enough to sustain 2); the twist was cool but overall felt un-necessary and unsatisfying. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
50. Winchester (2018, 99 minutes) ★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Historical accuracy goes a long way but the efforts to recreated over simplified a lot of what could have been an interesting film ultimately having a few token ghosts with not much character depth. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st

October 10 [Streaming Exclusives/Originals Theme Night] (4 hours, 45 minutes watched)
51. The Mortuary Collection (2019, 108 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Pending. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
52. Slaxx (2020, 77 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Many characters are obnoxious to a point where it doesn't feel like effective humor or commentary. The premise is ripe for going crazy but mostly feel subdued with relatively straight kills. It's worth watching and I'm always down for 'up with the people' style content but here it felt hollow like an overly long in joke about retail work. Format: Streaming [Shudder] 1st Theme Subset
53. The Room (2019, 100 minutes) ★★★★★★★★✰✰ Surreal film in my wheelhouse with far out and thoughtful seeming content about how fleeting material/life is and fantasy versus reality within that. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
00. [Caught my 9 year old son's baseball game, his first time as a pitcher - he got three outs by strike out performing better than average for his league but needs to work on his form and not throw so many rainbow curves]

October 12 [Unofficial Sequels Theme Night] (6 hours, 10 minutes watched)
54. Prom Night II: Hello Mary Lou (1987, 97 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ I'd always heard good things about PN2 but it takes a bit too long to get going before getting really good. PN2 has some great scenes; the chalk board kill might be one of my favorites overall. PN2 is a nice time capsule. It's distracting how PN2 keeps going from casual upbeat high school drama to somewhat out of place ominous religious content through confessionals and melodramatic prayer. PN2 has many "homages" in it's DNA but going from Carrie to The Exorcist is a leap. Format: 480p Full Screen Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
55. Shocking Dark [aka Terminator II] (1989, 90 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Hypnotically bad shamelessly ripping off Aliens with a dash of time travel thrown in (to also riff on Terminator); but despite the horrible copying the creature effects are slimy and good so overall I enjoyed this generic low rent copy of better films. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
56. The Wicker Tree (2011, 96 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Scenic and theatrical with a slow moving eerie vibe that perhaps tries too hard to 'companion' with Wicker Man (so doesn't feel as original, the whole film you're waiting for a similar twist). Some of the updates are nice but the morality purity rings theme doesn't quite work, which is perhaps an element of oddball humor that often falls flat and contrasts too much with the serious scenic nature of other elements. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
57. Curse of the Blind Dead (2020, 87 minutes) ★½✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ I'm never seen any of the original Blind Dead films but this 'remake' (?) was a horrible waste of what could have been a cool image; there's an over the top post apocalyptic red moon subplot that makes no sense and torture of women is the biggest fright with some occasional knight templar cameo work. The acting is bad and the effects serviceable but with no plot and not thrills it might be the worst film I've seen this month. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 13 [Skeptics Theme Night] (7 hours, 8 minutes watched)
58. Curse of the Demon [US Cut] (1957, 80 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ I like how Night of the Demon goes hard into the occult; even today most films treat the occult as a cartoonish joke or favor killers and ghosts rather than mystic arts so Night of the Demon maintains a novel plot. The creature effects are excellent especially for a film of this era and I think showing the far out demon goes a long way in making Night of the Demon stand out - the creature is an almost lurid elevation of the plot giving menace a form. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
59. I Blame Society (2020, 84 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Darkly funny upbeat killer perspective documentary style film with a director/actress lead that's reliable but awkward enough to be funny and menacing. The gleeful embracing of the 'gimmick' falls apart a little near the end up overall satisfying. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
60. Death of a Vlogger (2017, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★★★★✰ Smart twists carry this film between challenging reality and supernatural jump scares with some meta elements and a lot of mileage for a film with talking heads about a small apartment. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
61. Triggered (2019, 83 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Gimmick premise follows routine slasher pathways with a Saw inspired twist; offering little original stuff but serviceable enough. Does the whole cursing to emote thing a bit much. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
62. Dead Dicks (2020, 94 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Surreal metaphysical hook is great but peters out some by the ending (I'm still not sure what happened); much better than I expected due to some mind messing out of the ordinary premise and some commentary about reinventing oneself. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st

October 14 [Documentary Theme Night] (5 hours, 50 minutes watched)
63-64. In Search of Darkness (2019, 244 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ I love 80s horror movies but found myself annoyed with In Search of Darkness - it's machine gun approach too fleetingly glossed over too many films giving little of interest from random seeming podcasters and youtubers. There was occasional gold with people like Barbara Crampton (a national treasure), Joe Dante, Caroline Williams, Tom Atkins, or even Slipknot guy Corey Taylor giving insightful or first hand accounts but otherwise it was just fans and celebrities quickly gushing over the most immediate elements of commonly known films from the era. We all know Gremlins is awesome or that it was cool to see Jason in Times Square; but aside from a pep rally kind of enthusiasm for horror there's little to sit through 4 hours for and it could have used a ton of editing. The people who made In Search of Darkness obviously love horror movies so I feel bad not liking their aimless shallow film more. Format: Streaming [Shudder] 1st Theme Subset
65. Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90s (2019, 106 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Focusing more on low budget films it had some interesting stories of how film makers shamelessly stretched funds or curious stories directly from people involved in the films. Poorly cobbled together it ran as a series of interviews from seemingly random movies without too much cohesion, some more immediately recognizable than others; but it sometimes felt more than an interview clip compilation than a cohesive whole. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 15 [Letterboxd Top 250 Horror Theme Night] (7 hours, 56 minutes watched)
66. Cure (1997, 112 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ The hard boiled cop thriller nature gels into a gritty tone with good pacing. The premise is a great way to offer crazy wtf killings and surrealism to the crime proceedings adding a surprisingly intense psychological bend. While the material is smart and well staged I'll admit Kiyoshi Kurosawa films are often too slow for me or with twists that don't quite stand up to the development. At least part felt like a device that negates the film because outside of plot the resolution was preinstalled. I'm not sure I quite understand the end but perhaps it's these details that will make Cure stick with me a little longer than most as a puzzle; or stand more as a testament to style over substance. Format: Streaming [Youtube] 1st Theme Subset
67. November (2017, 115 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Wonderful cinematography black and white marvel with far out folksy comedy and psychedelic farm life antics that have a timeless feel like a bizzaro dark fairy tale; at times feel pretentiously artsy or too distracted by subplots but great to look at. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
68. The Haunting of the Mary Celeste (2020, 74 minutes) ★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Aquatic horror films are atmospheric and a weakness of mine so had high hopes for Mary Celeste (Ghost Ship is a guilty pleasure). Here there's not much scares as it sinks towards a predictable plot with a basic style. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
69. Halloween (1978, 91 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ I've never really understood the appeal of Halloween, it's got an epic theme song with a relatable urban backdrop and a bizarre killer but it's slow pacing and attempts at implying mystery don't work with me. I tried to watch this with my 9 year old son and 13 year old daughter but they quickly lost interest. Format: Streaming [Vudu]
70. Evil Dead II (1987, 84 minutes) ★★★★★★★★½✰ Evil Dead 2 is a kinetic upbeat gore comedy that is one of the best horror movies ever made and a highlight of the franchise. Its effects have aged but in a delicious way that compliments its lighthearted comedic tone. The tracking shots work well and theres a lot of cinematic experimentation that make ED2 feel unique even beyond the far out plot and effects. The evil hand is a great twist and emphasizes that the supernatural force here has not shape of its own but can attack only in the forn of something familiar or loved; its a girlfriend, mother, or part of oneself rather than some masked killer - abstract but ever changing enough its never ill defined. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset

October 16 [VCI / Video Stores Theme Night] (7 hours, 50 minutes watched)
71. Tower of Evil (1972, 89 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ ToE's fog covered wtf gorey introduction is quite a hook and the back and forth narrative structure keeps things fast paced even when its some blowhards gabbing in a lab. This was clearly a time of different sexual attitudes. The island tower is scenic enough and setting goes a long way here even as the film fails to be consistent with its teasing introduction with a slew of boring walking around the tower segments. Poor acting alert. I like ToE a lot more than Im suggesting but some of the sound effects and set design is awfully cartoonish, I expect Scooby and Shaggy any minute nearing the end - which is a whiplash inducing difference in tone from the lurid glorious intro.Format: Blu-ray 1st Theme Subset
72. Devil's Rain (1974, 86 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Really fun if you don't take it too seriously. Intoxicating mix of gruesomely effective and Halloween store grade rubber with a so bad it's good satanic book plot that's mostly disposable and some western imagery that works better than it should in a so bad it's good stew. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
73. Scare Package (2019, 107 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Silly parody of genre tropes that is too cartoonish but occasionally funny with enough zest and energy with some special effects that give it more mileage then the plot alone; it's like a Mad magazine version horror film. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
74. Tamara (1974, 86 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Neat twist on teenage horror with cool supernatural elements but a plot that boils down to cliche slasher elements and a romance so implausible it spoils that around it. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
75. Benny Loves You (2019, 94 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Gleefully gory with some heart but attempts at humor or gore beyond reason distracts from the energy that sometimes works; least convincing workplace comedy elements ever. A surprising amount of CGI for a film literally about puppets and Benny's neediness is distractingly unconvincing. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
76. Found (2019, 94 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ A zinger of an ending like something out of a scary story anthology book with some suburban angst but questionable acting and motives that take too long to come together to a twist that works. Format: Blu-ray 1st Theme

October 17 [Theaters Theme Night] (5 hours, 38 minutes watched)
77. Fade to Black (1980, 102 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Dennis Christopher is amazing as the hero/villain and makes FtB work but the poor state of his life is forced and unconvincing. I think FtB is a surface level thriller but if there is any subtext about movies being corrosive then that seems odd and out of synch with the audience; or maybe its saying that people need to really understand cinema at a deeper level than trivia and obsession. FtB goes too dark too soon then falls into an angst, murder, repeat pattern salvaged from being more formulaic by some great costume gags. Format: Streaming [Youtube] 1st Theme Subset
78. John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns [Masters of Horror] (2005, 59 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Imagery is great but a plot that's too familiar and off paced with a character seeming to stumble on plot advancement not earned. Format: Streaming [YOutube] 1st Theme
79. The Last Showing (2014, 89 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Commentary that sometimes works and an obsession with it's gimmick that doesn't really hold up especially towards the end; Robert Englund is always good and the production is solid. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
80. The Last Matinee (2020, 88 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Aimless theatrical setting has a hangout comedy feel with a stylish backdrop and cryptic cloaked killer that is slow going at times but overall I enjoyed it. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
[My son wanted to watch Return of the Killer Tomatoes but kept getting bored (rightfully so) so we didn't ever really finish it]

October 18 [Zombies Theme Night] (6 hours, 49 minutes watched)
81. Army of the Dead (2021, 148 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Post-apocalyptical fantasy with some strange elements and a visual style that staggers between top notch and pretentious never really taking risks with safe familiar 'las vegas,' heist, and zombie tropes; it's a fun film to not take seriously but doesn't justify it's long run time and the ending feels like it just crashes and stops. Format: UHD Streaming [Netflix] 1st Theme
82. Planet Terror [Theatrical] (2007, 91 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Clever premise but the self indulgent humor and intentionally bad elements are distracting when I'd rather just watch a straight bad or good film; I remember liking Death Proof a lot more than PT. There's more emphasis on barbeque than zombies. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
83. Shed of the Dead (2019, 82 minutes) ★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Shaun of the Dead style rehash with more relationship 'humor' and some clever medieval role playing interludes that don't do enough to save the overly familiar slacked comedy format. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
84. Yummy (2019, 88 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰ Staging in a plastic surgery clinic adds a nice element of body horror and social commentary. Yummy has some of the bizarre humor that works in many cases but doesn't quite make sense beyond the weirdness of it and despite some of this can feel like another routine zombie comedy at times. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 19 [Mystery Theme Night] (5 hours, 23 minutes watched)
85. The Ninth Gate (1999, 133 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Surprisingly effective for a film that spends so much time with closeups of Johnny Depp's head staring into books. The premise of cryptic knowledge hidden ahead of us is a chilling one with a score to sell it and it's well paced despite the overly long length. This might be the nerdiest film I've seen so far this month with it's focus on books; there's a joke in here about NG being a film about reading a book. NG uses some of the same 'dance steps' so close to what made Rosemary's Baby work but here much less effective (RB being a top 10 for me). What happens in the film isn't always a logical progression of the plot but often a strange out of nowhere twist - literally like some unknown hitting us all in the back of the head out of nowhere which is an element that somewhat spoils the film in the end. Frank Langeria is a mastermind actor and always a pleasure to watch. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
86. Triangle (2009, 99 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Triangle is a brilliant film less remarkable for it's horror elements than for it's unique story structure and layered play on Bermuda Triangle style myth. This time I noticed that the plot progresses in a literal triangle, which is clever and shows how Triangle is less a plot and more a spectacle even if a few times the mystery dips more towards nonsense than eerie. It's atmospheric and the ocean liner is a great visual device. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
87. Hotel Transylvania (2012, 91 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Fun spirited upbeat film with heart that is the right kind of kinetic animated (in more ways than one) family entertainment. It's referential without being too consumed with parody and filled with sight gags in a setup that's most concerned with being fun. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu]

October 20 [Vampire/Werewolf Theme Night] (5 hours, 43 minutes watched)
88. Ten Minutes to Midnight (2020, 73 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Twisty reflective vampire drama with psychological elements and a fun turn from Caroline Williams; just non-sense enough to be shocking and interesting. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
89. I Am Lisa (2020, 92 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Understanding it's a B-movie up front would have helped me enjoy it more. Formulaic rape revenge style film with mean spirited characters including over the top corrupt cops, a good girl turned sadistically bad (to a fault), and unlikeable people everywhere. The acting is decent but the script is not and werewolf effects lacking. I think I was most let down by the impossibly high Rotten Tomato rating. There's a 'b-movie' vibe that works making decent use of formula and cliches in a modern film but don't expect much more. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
90. From Dusk Till Dawn II: Texas Blood Money (1999, 88 minutes) ★½✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Pretentiously macho to comedic extremes with more posturing than frights to the point of being intentionally funny (like the one guy who never puts on a shirt, or the strangely long scene of the crew blankly discussing an adult film). There's a heist scene and a conclusion that sort of happens but nothing that feels very thrilling. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
91. Dead Squad: Temple of the Undead (2018, 90 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Cartoonish whimsy and gore meld to create a hypnotic blend of silly and intense in a film not to be taken serious but worth the ride if you don't have high expectations and are down for the cheesy. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st

October 21 [Hooded/Cloaked Figure Theme Night] (7 hours, 16 minutes watched)
92. The Collector (2009, 90 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ The bizarre aloof gaze of The Collector is effective at cutting past the silliness of the s&m gimp looking mask. It makes him seem both everyday with simple clothing and far out at the same time. Some of the traps are unintentionally funny in being so extreme; but thats probably part of what made the film work. Collector is very effective at making the house look labyrinth and as if there is room for all sort of stuff without seeming stretched. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
93. The Collection (2012, 82 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Bigger scenes with more wild kills and better pacing. Better defines the killer for better or worse and shows off with an over the top kill intro. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
94. Initiation (2020, 96 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Socially conscious killer film with some heart and an interesting twist. There is a seemingly pointless other than thematic but visually interesting social media element where messages popup next to characters. At times it seemed routine but ultimately did some smart things that felt relevant. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
95. Static (2012, 83 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Grief based home invasion style horror that has a cool way of approaching twists that don't feel so new. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
96. Hangman (2015, 85 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Chilling voyeurism eyed view of a creepy subtle home invasion with domestic subplots punctured by an eerie human invader. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 22 [Supernatural Theme Night] (7 hours, 55 minutes watched)
97. The Empty Man (2020, 137 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Ambitious but indulges too far into inventing it's own rules to justify nonsense movie logic. The day countdown format is a good one that helps divide the film and give it an interesting structure. At times it errors more on the side of subtle. The fact that it just doesn't make sense is both strength and weakness with far our surrealism but then the ambitious mysticism fluff that often falls flat. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] Theme Subset
98. The Stairs (2021, 92 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Brilliantly weird and funny premise of a stairs that appears in the woods then reappears later but suffers from obnoxious characters and too little Stairs. It's redeemed somewhat in the final third with some abstract entrapment but also distilling it down into something more specific that works but also spoils the far out bizarre of it. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
99. The Black Gloves (2017, 80 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Surprisingly good psychological horror with some pretentious ballet elements and questionable acting but a surreal premise that sticks with viewers and some nice foreshadowing that builds into an ending not unpredictable but still impactful. I don't know much about the Black Swan source ballet and if I did it might have impacted my enjoyment of BG. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
100. Queen of Spades (2021, 91 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Shamelessly familiar composite of other films with imagery that's occasionally effective and better than it ought to be; I would find myself annoyed at the copying one scene then the next scene felt it played ok considering. It might have been better to watch the source films but pacing later in the film helped it overcome many many limitations. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
101. La Casa [aka The House] (2019, 75 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Haunted house style footage abounds as a detective wonders through an abandoned house without too much direct plot in a gimmick that worked for me because I'm a sucker for ambiance and seems to connect to a 'true life' haunted site. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 23 [Ball Theme Night] (6 hours, 30 minutes watched)
102. There's Someone Inside Your House (2021, 96 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Clever gimmick of a killer wearing his victim's face and revealing their secrets presents some interesting twists to a familiar format that's presented with polished style and a predictable reveal among the scenic imagery of a blazing cornfield - routine and pretty. Format: UHD Streaming [Netflix] 1st Theme
103. Freaky (2020, 102 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ The playfulness with gender norms was at times clever and at times annoying. Sometimes cute but not for a feature film. The dark twist on Freaky Friday is smart but some characters were too generic. The plot is too much of a chase quest and combined with thinner characters not enough time for Freaky to really play more deeply with it's themes and premise. I enjoyed the upbeat nature of Freaky and assortment of side characters that really carried the film. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
104. Scream (1996, 111 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ My 10 year old wanted to watch Scream because his video games have Ghostface skins; he said it was slow in parts and I think he's right. Scream is one of Wes Craven's lesser films that is too referential and not bloody enough with it's sexuality based motive being perhaps it's most interesting element (and no one ever talks about how envelope pushing that really was). Format: Streaming [Vudu]
105. Lights Out (2016, 81 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Great imagery with a cool premise that gets lost in backstory and over explanation for an ending that's shocking but pulls punches before it ever lands by setting up a stopgap. I want to like Lights Out more than I do because the darkness monster idea is a good one. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu]

October 24 [European Theme Night] (3 hours, 12 minutes watched)
106. Draug (2018, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ I'm a sucker for dark historical action movies like Draug and it pulled me in. Some of the effects don't work and acting lukewarm but it presents something different and if it were a studio film may have felt more sanitized and less gritty. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
107. Don't Torture a Duckling (1972, 105 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Giallo with an lot of red herrings including a cool witchcraft slant and some opposing religious tropes that work well as a backdrop for murder of children, which is almost an emotional cheap shot. Some of it's effects are dated to the point of being unintentionally funny but a lot of other 70s elements give it a cool context beyond the film. Format: Blu-ray 1st Theme
[Ended up going to my daughter's soccer game and she did well as goalie then we went to go get her costume - a flesh colored alien style mask with trench coat and hat to go with my son who is Sam from Trick R Treat; we also got pumpkins very late in the season]

October 25 [One Word Titles Theme Night] (7 hours, 30 minutes watched)
108. Posessor [Uncut] (2020, 103 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Possessor is well shot with great cinematography and an engaging serious thoughtful style of film making to the most ridiculous storyline that plays by it's own far out rules. It's a surprisingly layered plot with relatable themes of identity and belonging peppered into gory assassinations staggering between pulpy and contemplative. Possessor deserves the acclaim it's gotten and is the kind of serious minded science fiction we need more of. I like that Posessor isn't afraid to take liberties with reality to make the most of film as a medium but sometimes it takes something near metaphysical and pushes it too far with a surprisingly complicated movie logic. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
109. Fright (1971, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Tense atmospheric babysitter horror that works for much of it's first half and even through everyone involved in a solid actor with clear theatrical chops some of the later film developments veer into being too hammy and plot contrivances that worked chillingly at first don't stop until they've become tired imitations of what worked so well. The less bad guys rant the better. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
110. Spiral (2019, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Attempts at being socially conscious are appreciate but Spiral remains too abstract to a fault as our hero fights against something eerie; it's great to never fully explain the horrors but here they're formless and confusing. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
111. Sacrifice (2020, 87 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Obvious Lovecraft imitation annoyed me at first; then they made Barbara Crampton take one an obnoxious and inconsistent fake Norwegian accent but I was glad to have stuck with it because in the middle it gets better with some of the predictable Lovecraft tropes and just when it seemed like it might be a legit film it nosedives into one of the most disappointing and pointless endings of this year's challenge. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
112. Tailgate [Bumperkleef] (2019, 86 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Horribly dubbed film with a daylight filled slow chase scene that never reaches the intensity of other similar films like Joyride or Unhinged; the killer has a unique weapon that makes it a bit more memorable but it's played so matter of fact and casually that it fells more like an action comedy than a horror film (lacking some of the dark intensity I've become use to in the genre). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme9

October 26 [Suburban Theme Night] (8 hours, 22 minutes watched)
113. The Gate (1987, 85 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ The kids in The Gate feel more like real kids. Takes some time to get going but capsules the late 80s well enough it feels vintage and nostalgic. The effects are novel with a great mix of ghastly and silly. It makes me wonder why more horror movies don't try for something more original like The Gate does here; but it never really feels like harbingers of 'Hell on Earth' so that part always confused me (least convincing Hell ever). It's sad that we've lost all the arcane knowledge that heavy metal had to offer now that it's less mainstream. Relatable house design goes a long way. I really like The Gate and am surprised it's less commonly mentioned than stuff like Poltergeist or Amityville Horror. Format: Streaming [Vudu - Free With Ads] 1st Theme Subset
114. Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021, 107 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Atmospheric tone well shot that plays on slasher tropes with a cool supernatural twist that is equal measures familiar and far out. Format: Streaming [Netflix] 1st Theme
115. Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 (2021, 110 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Surprised to realize these are based on RL Stine books; which I can now see in the familiar elements of the plot but these are so well directed it doesn't feel overly familiar (not that I jived with Stine) and not obvious they'd be based on children's literature. Part 2 is a little weaker than the first because it feel more exposition focused that the first sort of tripping over plot points established in the prior as it stages a few effective scenes and does well with the tone. Format: Streaming [Netflix] 1st
116. Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021, 114 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ The different settings intertwines are cool but now Fear Street is jumping the shark by rehashing plot points and contorting to tell a prequel setting that doesn't feel organic even if it has some cool imagery and continues to be well directed. There's an element of the origin is that back things just happened even in 1666 which is disappointing consider the emphasis on origin in the first two. Format: Streaming [Netflix] 1st Theme
117. Cadaver (2020, 86 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Artfully constructed with immersive setting but a plot that really wants people to buy into it's post apocalyptic vision without selling it. The theatrical elements of the plot play well in a film but it's subdued to a fault and feels more routine than shocking although with some decent staging. Format: UHD Streaming [Netflix] 1st

October 27 [Seasons Titles Theme Night] (6 hours, 9 minutes watched)
118. The Untold Story (1993, 95 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Everyone here is so mean spirited it starts to feel repetitive. There is a level of tension and the gore effects are nice. It's curious because Untold Story seems to want us to empathize with the villain and that's ambitious but failed here (because he is so mean and they just showed us a slew of degenerate gore at his hands, which is maybe part of the dark comedy). I feel like Asian films do a better job of incorporating comedy or having films that are comedies so dark they blur the line. Format: Streaming [Shudder] 1st Theme Subset
119. Wind Chill (2007, 91 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Atmospheric winter environment goes a long way in a film that throws a lot at us it sometimes feels like a stew of different movies held together by a snowscape with imagery that is occasionally sticks with me and some chills (ha) that come out of nowhere to keep it unpredictable (in part because it's never clear what the conflict is). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
120. The Noonday Witch (2016, 90 minutes) ★★★★★★★½✰✰ Rural grief horror that contrasts loss and isolation with amber fields of grain bleached in daylight; it's poetic and thoughtful presenting a story beyond terror while delivering horror that is subtle enough to get under your skin. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
121. His House (2020, 93 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Socially conscious horror with an ethnic feel that does some creative and different things with tropes. Format: UHD Streaming [Netflix] 1st

October 28 [Anthology Theme Night] (4 hours, 40 minutes watched)
122. Body Bags (1993, 94 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Body Bags is a fun anthology and it's interesting to catch some of the cameos, a lot of star power here. It sometimes veers towards being too hammy and could use some edits for pacing so while it's serviceable fare I would have expected more from the usually great John Carpenter and even the inconsistent Tobe Hooper. Carpenter seems to give it his all as The Coroner but it's a bit too similar to The Cryptkeeper. The Hair segment is one of the more amusing and interesting ones once it finally gets to the hook. The Eye segment is a very familiar tale so much so that it makes me curious about the origins of eyeball and organ transplant horror (I suppose Frankenstein). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
123. The Source of Shadows (2020, 83 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Artistically shot but generally limited scope vignettes with no framework or obvious connection and often patterned with some vague character being followed by something unidentified until the end. I liked the animated one a bit more and also the end one about the phone, Withheld. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
124. V/H/S/94 (2021, 103 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ I have enjoyed the previous VHS films but this one feels less envelope pushing that some of the others and with elements that felt more routine. My favorite segment was the storm drain one with others like Empty Wake or Terror (with the militia) feeling under developer or familiar (VHS already did a first person tech segment even if it wasnt as bloody). Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 29 [Giallo Theme Night] (4 hours, 45 minutes watched)
125. Opera (1987, 107 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Opera is surprisingly meta with a film about killings around an opera that draws people's attention and is televised so we are watching a film about a performance (opera?) that is secondary to the main performance (killings in our horror film?) while a within film audience is oblivious to the film/murders and the opera is also being televised so it's people watching people not watching the danger (or the film we are watching). It reminds me of Plato's 'allegory of the cave' where the shadows projected on a cave wall to people chained within are the prisoners' reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world (whatever the real world is here - the film, the opera, the murders, the tv within the film, etc). The famous forced viewership gag relates well to this theme even if it's less convincing because eyeballs are recessed so you can't tape down needles to impair blinking. One of the worst things that can happen here is the loss of vision (ironic for a film centered around musical performance). The creepy obsessiveness about eyes and watching is the best part of Opera and maybe there's more depth to it than was readily obvious to me at first. The door murder might be a top 10 for this month. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
126. All the Colors of the Dark (1972, 87 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Groovy psychological Satantic film that reminds me of a more trendy upbeat and strange Rosemary's Baby; but some elements are unconvincingly weird (that like intro) and some of the psychological elements feel like a cop out to explain away imagery as perhaps unreal. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
127. Dark Tower (1987, 91 minutes) ★★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰ Long winded odd characters flirt with comedy in a film that seems to otherwise take itself seriously except that nothing really happens for so much of the middle of the film; it's a relic of it's time in some ways and of padded film making but not an effective horror film . Format: Streaming [Youtube] 1st
128. The Dark of the Lord (2020, 93 minutes) ★★★★★★★✰✰✰ Watched on a whim but found it to be surprisingly effective after a long slower introduction; it shamelessly merges torture porn with exorcism tropes in a way that makes some of the routine elements feel more wild and unexpected. Format: Streaming [Netflix] 1st

October 30 [Demonic/Satanic Theme Night] (11 hours, 57 minutes watched)
129. Boardinghouse (1982, 98 minutes) ★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ I suppose you could laugh at Boardinghouse and it seems likely the guy who made it had some fun doing so but it's a chore to slog through other than some occasional oddball elements. Format: Streaming [Youtube] Theme
130. Over Your Dead Body (2014, 93 minutes) ★★½✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Confusing plot told through period theatrical performances by actors intertwined with their personal life in ways that perhaps mirror the play - it's a unique structure but didn't really strike me as interesting and often felt aimless, even confusing. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st
131. Hell's Kitty (2018, 98 minutes) ★★✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ B-level cameos galore in a film that has wooden acting about a short film if that caliber premise that's not as much fun as it should be considering the parade of talent. There are only so many times calling a cat your pussy can be used as a joke before it gets even less funny. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
132. Sator (2019, 85 minutes) ★★★★★✰✰✰✰✰ Scenic visually interesting film with a slight plot about a demon intertwined with real world documentary footage from an older woman with possible dementia that makes chilling use of the little it has. It's a scary idea but presented in sometimes too minor a way but slow burns into something more bizarre. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
133. The Convent (2000, 80 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ Guilty pleasure that I've enjoyed in the past so I was excited to see it in 4K. It's a cheap film with neon blacklight monsters but is so gleeful with things that the exploding nun carnage ends up being a lot of fun. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] Theme
134. The Strangers [Theatrical] (2008, 86 minutes) ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ My wife enjoys watching The Strangers and this year she shared that she could really see more of the flaws with it but we enjoy it and have a lot of in jokes about the film. This year our son watched part of it with us but was too scared to finish and my wife made us fast forward past some. Format: Streaming [Vudu]
135. Hush (2016, 82 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Brilliant use of structure with a tense performance that makes a generic premise and killer work perhaps due to trim pacing and the inventive use of some visual narrative devices. It's routine but amazing at the same time. Format: Streaming [Netflix]
136. The Dark and the Wicked (2020, 95 minutes) ★★★★★★✰✰✰✰ Abstract slow burn with a refreshing change in pace and content from the usual films of this type but also experimental perhaps to a fault; I enjoyed it but when I tried to describe it to my wife I wasn't sure how I could. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

October 31 [Halloween Theme Night] (6 hours, 19 minutes watched)
137. Halloween (2018, 106 minutes) ★★★★½✰✰✰✰✰ Not a fan of them returning to Strode (again again) because it feels like too heave handed an attempt to lean on the original with a replacement Loomis and some odd dialogue. Format: UHD Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
138. Jack-O (1995, 88 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ Fun rubber suit halloween monsters in a low budget movie featuring Linnea Quigley could have worked better as a short film considering the fluff in many of the scenes. Format: Streaming [Vudu] Theme
139. Halloween Kills (2021, 105 minutes) ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰✰ There are sooo many references to the original it starts to feel tired quickly. World building and elaborate continuity is the last thing Halloween needs. I think it was a mistake to bring Strode back in 2018 for that reason (leaning too much on rehashing the original) and I dont understand the weird Jamie Leigh Curtis worship. (Admittedly I think even the original Halloween is over rated). I like the idea of two survivors from the first film reflecting as they age as a subplot but not with as much emphasis as it has here and the retcon stuff is strange. The fire scene is a thing of beauty then meh. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme Subset
140. For the Sake of Vicious (2020, 80 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Action siege film with some horror elements set on Halloween night and nice levels of tension; it's brutal and I liked it more than I expected because of the Halloween elements and it's Rashomon style mystery thriller pieces that don't always make sense. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme

November 1 [Till Dawn] [Comedy Crossover Theme Night] (1 hours, 26 minutes watched)
141. The Columnist (2019, 86 minutes) ★★★★★★½✰✰✰ Flirts with being a routine killer comedy but has a nice social commentary elements and gets sarcastic enough that it hits above it's weight for what happens on screen; there's some innovative seeming mix of social media/commentary with murder and what feels like a refusal to take sides but to a degree that some of the conclusion feels too uncertain. Format: Streaming [Vudu] 1st Theme
Checklist [Completed Minimums]:
DONE Select 10 actors [11 out of 10]:
-X- Jenny Agutter - Dark Tower
--- Arielle Brachfield -
-X- Clancy Brown - Mortuary Collection
--- Chuck Connors -
--- Peter Cushing -
-X- Brad Dourif - Wilding
-X- Elissa Dowling - Hell's Kitty
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -
-X- Udo Kier - Cigarette Burns
-X- Christopher Lee - The Wicker Tree
--- Bela Lugosi -
-X- Lynn Lowry - Hell's Kitty
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
-X- Scout Taylor-Compton - Star Light, The Lurker
-X- Tiffany Shepis - Star Light, Direct to Video
-X- P.J. Soles - Carrie
--- Tony Todd -
-X- Recently Deceased (insert actor) - Priest (Christopher Plummer)

DONE Select 5 directors [5 out of 5]:
-X- Freddie Francis - Dark Tower
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
-X- Takashi Miike - Over Your Dead Body
--- Steve Miner -
--- Jean Rollin -
-X- Pete Walker - Frightmare
-X- James Wan - Saw
-X- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director - I Blame Society, Slumber Party Massacre 2
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

DONE - Select 2 film composers [2 out of 2]:
-X- Pino Donaggio - Carrie
--- Alan Howarth -
--- Claudio Simonetti -
-X- Christopher Young - The Empty Man

DONE - Select 2 makeup effects artists [3 out of 2]:
-X- Rick Baker - Body Bags
--- Joe Blasco -
-X- KNB EFX Group - Planet Terror, Priest
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
-X- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) - The Collection (Robert Hall)

DONE - Select 2 producers [2 out of 2]:
-X- Lawrence Bender - From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money
-X- Jason Blum - Freaky, Lights Out, Halloween Kills
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

DONE - Select 2 writers [4 out of 2]:
-X- Christopher Landon - Freaky
-X- Dardano Sacchetti - Bay of Blood
-X- Curt Siodmak - The Brain
-X- Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Cure

DONE - Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types [56 out of 30]:
-X- *3-D Film - Silent Madness
-X- Anthology Film - Mortuary Collection, Trick R Treat, Body Bags, The Source of Shadows
-X- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films - Evil Dead II, Scream, Trick R Treat
-X- Based on a True Story - La Casa, The Untold story
-X- Based on a Novel - Carrie, Fear Street
-X- Candy Cinema - Carrie
-X- Cannibalism - Road Games, The Last Matinee
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
-X- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
-X- Comedy / Spoof - The Frighteners
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -
--- Cryptid Cinema -
-X- Death by: Electrocution - Prom Night 2
-X- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2 - A Nightmare on Elm Street, Body Bags
-X- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - Bay of Blood, Frightmare
-X- Documentary - In Search of Darkness, Direct to Video
-X- Dream Horror - A Nightmare on Elm Street
-X- Drunk Horror - Feast
-X- Euro Horror - Daughters of Darkness, Opera, Don't Torture a Duckling
-X- Enzo Sciotti Art - Evil Dead II
-X- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space - Useless Humans, Predator
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
-X- Firearms - The Frighteners, Winchester
-X- Flashback - Feast 2
-X- Fog, 2 - Curse of the Demon
-X- Folk Horror - The Wicker Tree
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
-X- Found Footage - Death of a Vlogger
--- Frankenstein -
-X- Ghost / Haunting - Death of a Vlogger
-X- Giallo - Bay of Blood
-X- J-Horror - Marebito
-X- Kaiju / Giant Monster - Feast
-X- Killer / Evil Animal - Army of the Dead [which has a killer tiger]
-X- Killer / Evil Child - Battle Royale
-X- Killer / Evil Doll - Benny Loves You
-X- Luchador - Feast 2-3
-X- Made-for-TV Movie - The Babysitter 1-2, Fear Street 1-3
-X- Mad Scientist - The Brain
--- Mummy -
-X- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror - Slumber Party Massacre II
-X- Name In Title - Carrie
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
-X- Psychological - Wilding
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
-X- Shudder Original / Exclusive - Mortuary Collection, Impetigore
-X- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Ruin Me, Party Hard Die Young
-X- Slow Motion - Carrie
-X- Split Personality - Posessor
-X- Suicide - Carrie
-X- Takes Place in a Crypt - The Frighteners
-X- Takes Place in a High School - Cutting Class, Carrie
-X- Takes Place in a Library - Carrie (remake)
-X- Takes Place on a Mountain - Wilding
-X- Takes Place on a Holiday - Trick 'R Treat [Halloween]
-X- Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Triangle
-X- Three Installments in a Franchise - Feast 1-3
-X- Title Spoken By Character - I Am Lisa
--- Trailer Compilation -
-X- Travelogue - Daughters of Darkness (Belgium)
-X- Vampire - Daughters of Darkness
-X- Voyeurism - Hangman
-X- Werewolf - Wilding
-X- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - The Ninth Gate
-X- Wilhelm Scream - Feast
--- With Commentary -
-X- With Two or More Horror Legends - Shed of the Dead [Kane Hodder, Michael Berryman, Bill Moseley]
-X- Zombie - Paranorman

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
-X- 1946 (75th) - The Spiral Staircase
-X- 1971 (50th) - Bay of Blood
-X- 1996 (25th) – The Frighteners

DONE - Select 1 from the following anniversaries [2 out of 1]:
-X- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
-X- 40th Anniversary of MTV - Scream
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals -
-X- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball - Scream, Trick R Treat, Freaky, Hotel Transylvania, The Babysitter, etc

DONE - Select 3 from the following horror film tropes [8 out of 3]:
-X- Killed during sex - Bay of Blood
-X- New House, New Problems - His House
-X- No cell phone service - Ruin Me
-X- Making dumb decisions - Queen of Spades
-X- The creepy gas station attendant - Open 24 Hours
-X- The evil doll that comes to life - Benny Loves You
-X- The mirror scare - Queen of Spades
-X- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle - Feast, Don't Blink

DONE - Select 4 ratings [4 out of 4]:
--- G -
-X- PG - Fright
-X- PG-13 - Lights Out
-X- R - Freaky
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
-X- Unrated - Posessor
--- M -
--- GP -

DONE - ​Select 6 decades of film history [9 out of 6]:
--- Pre-1930 -
--- 1930 -
-X- 1940 - The Spiral Staircase (1946)
-X- 1950 - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-X- 1960 - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 1970 - Bay of Blood (1971), Fright (1971)
-X- 1980 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
-X- 1990 - The Frighteners (1996)
-X- 2000 - Feast (2006)
-X- 2010 - November (2019)
-X- 2020 - Freaky (2020)

DONE - Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality [1 out of 1]:
-X- Recently deceased list - Priest (Christopher Plummer), The Collection (Robert Hall)

DONE - Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
-X- Video - Boardinghouse
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

DONE - Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
-X- Boardinghouse (1982) - on 10/30
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

DONE - Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
-X- Original - Carrie
-X- Remake - Carrie

Watch films in at least three formats:
-X- First format, Streaming, Road Games, Feast, etc. [16 in UHD streaming, 2 in 480p Streaming]
-X- Second format, Blu-ray, Frightmare.
-X- Third format, DVD, Jack-O.

DONE - Watch films in at least three languages [6 out of 3]:
-X- First language, Japanese, Marebito, Battle Royale, Cure
-X- Second language, Spanish, Grave Robbers.
-X- Third language, Estonian, November.
-X- Fourth language, Indonesian, Impetigore.
-X- Fifth language, Italian, Don't Torture a Duckling.
-X- Sixth language, Swedish, Draugh
-X- Seventh language, Norwegian, Cadaver
-X- Eight language, Dutch, The Columnist

DONE - Watch 2 films with similar plots:
-X- Film #1 - Carrie
-X- Film #2 - Prom Night 2

DONE - Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that [8 out of 3]:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
-X- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - Queen of Spades, Sacrifice
-X- Was made in the 1990s - Cure
-X- Features a LGBT character - Feast 2, I Am Lisa
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
-X- Features a severed head - The Deeper You Dig
-X- Has a scene in a nightclub - Party Hard Die Young
-X- Was shot in Mexico - The Devil's Rain
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
-X- Features a funeral scene - Mortuary Collection, V/H/S/94
-X- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of - Curse of the Blind Dead

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
-X- Meadows Place Fall Festival (a local city event with bouncy houses and food vendors). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Theme Nights [31/31 Completed]:
-X- 10/01: 20% Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Feast 1-3, Blood From Stone, Useless Humans
-X- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Party Hard Die Young, Open 24 Hours, Ruin Me, Saw
-X- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - Nine Miles Down, Marebito, The Deeper You Dig, The Rizen, Rizen: Possession
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - The Frighteners (1996), Bay of Blood (1971), The Silent Scream (1946)
-X- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Witchfinder General
-X- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - Carrie, Carrie, Cutting Class
-X- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - Daughters of Darkness, Wilding
-X- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - Slumber Party Massacre II, Silent Madness, The Brain
-X- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Grave Robbers, Frightmare
-X- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - Battle Royale, Impetigore
-X- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - Mortuary Collection, Slaxx, The Room
-X- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unnoficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Prom Night II: Hello Mary Lou
-X- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Death of a Vlogger, Curse of the Demon, I Blame Society
-X- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - In Search of Darkness, Direct to Video
-X- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Cure, Evil Dead II, November
-X- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Tower of Evil, Devil's Rain, Scare Package, Found
-X- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Fade to Black, The Last Showing, The Last Matinee
-X- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - Planet Terror, Army of the Dead, Yummy, Shed of the Dead
-X- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - The Ninth Gate, Triangle
-X- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - 10 Minutes to Midnight [Vampire], I Am Lisa [Werewolf]
-X- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - The Collector, The Collection, Initiation
-X- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Empty Man
-X- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Freaky, There's Someone in Your House
-X- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - Draug, Don't Torture a Duckling
-X- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Posessor, Fright
-X- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - The Gate, Fear Street 1
-X- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Untold Story [Summer?], Wind Chill [Winter],
-X- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Body Bags, V/H/S/94
-X- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo - Opera, All the Colors of Dark
-X- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Hell's Kitty, Sator, Boardinghouse, The Convent
-X- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror - Halloween (2018), Halloween Kills, Jack-O, For the Sake of Viscious


Subset Films [100% Completed]:
-X- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981) [on 9/30]
-X- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020) [on 10/11/21]
--- xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)

-X- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006) [on 10/01]
-X- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984) [on 10/8]
-X- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
-X- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) [on 10/04] / A Bay of Blood (1971) [on 10/04] / The Frighteners (1996) [Frighteners on 10/04]
-X- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
-X- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989) [on 10/6]
-X- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976) [on 10/6]
-X- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) [on 10/8]
-X- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989) [on 10/9]
-X- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000) [on 10/10]
-X- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019) [on 10/11]
-X- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) [on 10/12]
-X- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957) [on 10/13]
-X- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019) [on 10/14]
-X- 10/15: ororama (1997) - Cure [on 10/15]
-X- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972) [on 10/16]
-X- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980) [on 10/17]
-X- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007) [on 10/18]
-X- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999) [on 10/19]
-X- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) [on 10/7] / Wildling (2018) [on 10/07]
-X- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009) [on 10/21]
-X- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020) [on 10/22]
-X- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)[on 10/23]
-X- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009) [on 10/19]
-X- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020) [on 10/25]
-X- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987) [on 10/26]
-X- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993) [on 10/27]
-X- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993) [on 10/28]
-X- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987) [on 10/29]
-X- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987) [on 10/15]
-X- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021) [on 10/31]
Summary Viewing Stats:
Total Watched: 141 films - 217 hours, 7 minutes (92.39 minutes per film average)
By Decade: 2020s 33 | 2010s 52 | 2000s 16 | 1990s 9 | 1980s 17 | 1970s 14 | 1960s 1 | 1950s 1 | 1940s 1
By Format: Digital 135 [16 in 4K/UHD, 2 in 480p standard definiton] | Blu-ray 4 | DVD 1
Average Film Star (★) Rating: 5.5 stars out of 10 ★★★★★½✰✰✰✰ [Scale: 5 ★ is average, < 5 is bad and > 5 is good]

Last edited by Undeadcow; 11-02-21 at 12:52 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 10:22 AM
DVD Talk Gold Edition
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

September 30 (after dusk)
1. Resurrection (1999)*
2. Pyewacket*
3. Wolf Guy*

October 1
4. Demons of the Mind*
5. Evil Dead Trap*
6. Death Screams*
7. Skinned Deep*
8. Piranha II: The Spawning*

October 2
9. The Forsaken*
10. Shallow Grave (1987)*
11. Murder-Rock: Dancing Death*
12. V/H/S

October 3
13. Calendar Girl Murders*
14. The House of Usher (1989)*

October 4
15. V/H/S/2
16. V/H/S: Viral*

October 5
17. Suspiria (1977)
18. Demons

October 6
19. The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
20. Killer Klowns from Outer Space

October 7
21. Blood for Dracula*
22. Tremors
23. There's Someone Inside Your House*

October 8
24. Daughters of Darkness
25. Leprechaun
26. Leprechaun 2*

October 9
27. Halloween (1978)
28. Dawn of the Dead (1978)

October 10
29. The Fog
30. Midnight*

October 11
31. Alien
32. House of 1000 Corpses
33. Doctor Butcher M.D.

October 12
34. Christine
35. The Bees*

October 13
36. Zombie
37. Halloween II (1981)

October 14
38. The House by the Cemetery
39. The Black Cat (1981)

October 15
40. Return of the Living Dead

October 16
41. Halloween Kills*

October 17
42. Theatre of Blood
43. The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism*
44. Creature with the Atom Brain*
45. They Live

October 18
46. Who Saw Her Die?*
47. The Black Cat (1989)*

October 19
48. Prince of Darkness
49. A Day of Judgement*

October 20
50. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
51. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

October 21
52. Slumber Party Massacre (2021)*
53. A Stranger Is Watching*
54. VHS 94*

October 22
55. Hack-o-Lantern
56. Shivers
57. Leprechaun 3

October 23
58. Halloween III: Season of the Witch
59. The Lords of Salem
60. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead

October 24
61. Deadly Friend*
62. Hell Fest*
63. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

October 25
64. Just Before Dawn
65. Messiah of Evil
66. Dead Alive
67. Halloween Party (1989)*

October 26
68. Tourist Trap
69. Maniac (1980)
70. Halloween (2018)

October 27
71. Night of the Living Dead (1990)
72. Leprechaun 4: In Space*

October 28
73. WNUF Halloween Special*
74. Ticks*

October 29
75. The Shining
76. Halloween Kills
77. The Evil Dead

October 30
78. Sleepaway Camp
79. Night of the Demons
80. Halloween H20

October 31
81. Crypt of the Vampire*
82. The Uncanny*
83. The Masque of the Red Death
84. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man*
85. The Invisible Man (1933)
86. Trick 'r Treat

A * denotes a new viewing.

Last edited by alfonsosoriano; 11-01-21 at 04:13 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 11:47 AM
DVD Talk Legend
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

17th Annual
October Horror Movie Challenge

12th year participating!

**List Complete **
53 First time viewings
132 films viewed

- First time viewing
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ - Rating on a 1 to 10 scale

September 30th
1. 4-D Man (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
2. The Most Dangerous Game (1932) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 1st
3. Shivers (1975) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
4. The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
5. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 2nd
6. These Are the Damned (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
7. The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
8. Macabre (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
9. Eye of the Devil (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
10. The Disembodied (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
11. From Hell It Came (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
12. Two on a Guillotine (1965) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
13. Killers from Space (1954) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
14. Frankenstein (1931) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
15. The Cat and the Canary(1939) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 3rd
16. The Old Dark House (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
17. Cash on Demand (1961) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
18. The Gorgon (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
19. House of Wax (2005) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
20. Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
21. Ghost Ship (2002)"DarkRed"]▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
22. The Invisible Man (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
23. Horror of Dracula (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 4th
24. World War Z (2013) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
25. Black Sheep (2006) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 5th
26. Poltergeist (1982) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
27. Poltergeist (2015) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
28. The Snorkel (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
29. Maniac (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 6th
30. Phantasm (1979) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
31. The Mummy's Shroud (1967) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 7th
31. Leprechaun (1993) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
32. Leprechaun 2 (1994) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 8th
33. Chamber of Horrors (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
34. The Brides of Fu Manchu (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
35. The Lighthouse (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
36. Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 9th
37. Tremors: Shrieker Island (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
38. Color Out of Space (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
39. Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
40. Gretel & Hansel (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
41. Cauldron of Blood (1970) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
42. Sputnik (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
43. The Black Scorpion (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 10th
44. Die! Die! My Darling! (1965) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
45. Stop Me Before I Kill! (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
46. Leprechaun 3 (1995) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
47. Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
48. Fear in the Night (1972) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
49. Frankenstein - TV Miniseries Pt1 (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
50. Frankenstein - TV Miniseries Pt2 (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
51. The Return of Godzilla (aka Godzilla 1984) (1984) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
52. The Dead Don't Die (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
53. The Black Cat (1934) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 11th
54. The Invisible Ray (1936) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
55. Black Friday (1940) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
56. Never Take Candy From A Stranger (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
57. Scream of Fear (1961) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 12th
58. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
59. The Raven (1935) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
60. Leprechaun 5: In the Hood (2000) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
61. Leprechaun 6: Back 2 Tha Hood (2003) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 13th
62. Leprechaun: Origins (2014) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
63. Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
64. The Stranglers of Bombay (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 14th
65. The Blob (1988) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
66. Terror of the Tongs (1961) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 15th
67. A Bucket of Blood (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
68. Dementia 13 (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
69. The Pirates of Blood River (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 16th
70. Rose Red - Pt1 (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
71. Rose Red - Pt2 (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
72. Rose Red - Pt3 (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
73. Salem's Lot - Pt1 (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
74. Salem's Lot - Pt2 (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
75. The Shining (1997) - Pt1 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
76. The Shining (1997) - Pt2 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
77. The Shining (1997) - Pt3 ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
78. Creatures the World Forgot (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 17th
79. Doctor Sleep - Theatrical (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
80. The Frighteners - Director's Cut (1996) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
81. The Rite (2011) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
82. King Kong (1933) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 18th
83. The Fog (1980) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
84. The Howling (1981) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 19th
85. The Camp on Blood Island (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
86. Yesterday's Enemy (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
87. The City of the Dead (aka Horror Hotel) (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 20th
88. Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah (1995) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
89. Godzilla Vs. Megaguirus: The G Annihilation Strategy (2000) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 21st
90. Dawn of the Dead (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
91. The Terror (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 22nd
92. Phantom of the Opera (1943) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
93. Land of the Dead (2005) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 23rd
94. Europa Report (2013) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
95. Re-Animator - Integral version (1985) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
96. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
97. Twilight (2008) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
98. The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
99. Gojira (1954) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
100. Godzilla: King of the Monsters! (1956) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
101. Curse of the Undead (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 24th
102. The Phantom of the Opera (1929) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
103. The Phantom of the Opera (1925) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
104. Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
105. Revenge of the Creature (1955) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
106. The Creature Walks Among Us (1956) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
107. Shaun of the Dead (2004) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
108. Drag Me to Hell (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
109. Dracula (1992) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 25th
110. King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
111. Bride of Re-Animator (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 26th
112. The Quatermass Xperiment (1955) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
113. X the Unknown (1956) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
114. Quatermass 2 (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 27th
115. Quatermass and the Pit (1967) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
116. Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
117. Horror of Dracula (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 28th
118. The Mummy (1999) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
119. It - Pt1 (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 29th
120. It - Pt2 (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 30th
121. An American Werewolf in London (1991) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
122. Brightburn (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
123. The Mummy Returns (2001) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
124. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
125. The Scorpion King (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
126. Psycho (unrated, restored)(1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 31st
127. Hocus Pocus (1993) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
128. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
129. Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
130. Zombieland (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
131. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
132. The Ghost Breakers (1940) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

Last edited by BobO'Link; 10-31-21 at 07:46 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 11:59 AM
Senior Member
lrend's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 327
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

My 9th year participating
**List Complete**
Total Movies Watched: 111
First Time Viewings: 74
Personal Goal Completed

Personal Goal:
**Watch one unwatched movie a day

- First time viewing
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ - Rating on a 1 to 10 scale

September 30
1. Bad Milo (2013) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
2. Ghost Adventures (2019) Halloween Special ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 1
3. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
4. House of Haunted Hill (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 2
5. Malignant (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
6. Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
7. Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
8. Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
9. Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
10. Trailer Park of Terror (2008) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 3
11. #Like (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
12. Graveyard Shift (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 4
13. A Bay of Blood (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
14. Intruders (2015) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 5
15. Elvira's Movie Macabre: Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
16. Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special: Messiah of Evil ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
17. Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special: The City of the Dead ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 6
18. Carrie (2013) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
19. The Haunting of Molly Hartley (2008) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
20. The Hunger (1983) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 7
21. Black Sheep (2006) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
22. American Mary (2012) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
23. Housebound (2014) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 8
24. Stop Me Before I Kill! (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
25. Joe Bob Put a Spell on You: Tammy and the T-Rex (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
26. Sugar Hill (1974) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 9
27. Leprechaun (1993) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
28. The Skin I Live In (2011) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
29. Critters (1986) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
30. There's Someone Inside Your House (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
31. Thir13en Ghosts (2001) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
32. Hell Fest (2018) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
33. Don't Panic (1987) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 10
34. The Believer (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
35. Apparition (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
36. Sorority Row (2009)▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
37. Lingering (2020)▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 11
38. Seance (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
39. V/H/S/94 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 12
40. Blood Fest (2018) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
41. Hellraiser: Inferno (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
42. XX (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 13
43. Candyman (1992) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
44. A Haunted House 2 (2014) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
45. Grave Encounters (2011) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 14
46. Demon House (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
47. Eli Roth’s History of Horror S3.E1 & S3.E2 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
48. WNUF Halloween Special (2013)▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
49. House of Wax (2005)▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 15
50. Little Shop of Horrors (1986) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
51. Final Destination (2000) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
52. Final Destination 2 (2003) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
53. Halloween Party (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 16
54. Final Destination 3 (2006) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
55. The Final Destination (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
56. Final Destination 5 (2011) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
57. Evil Dead (1981) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
58. Playback (2012) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
59. Boys From County Hell (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
60. Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 17
61. Grave Encounters 2 (2012) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
62. Demons (1985) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
63. Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire ( 2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
64. Polaroid (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
65. Ghost Adventures S15.E3 & S15.E4 (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 18
66. Planet Terror (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
67. The Conspiracy (2012) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 19
68. Nightbooks (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
69. Angel (1983) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
70. Terror Train (1980) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 20
71. The Gorgon (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
72. Blood and Chocolate (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
73. Dracula (1931) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 21
74. Boogeyman 2 (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
75. Ghost Adventures S15.E5 & S15.E6 (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 22
76. Ghost Adventures S15.E7 & S15.E8 (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
77. Separation (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
78. I Am Lisa (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
79. The Endless (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
80. The Empty Man (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
81. Videodrome (1983) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 23
82. Gaia (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
83. Black Christmas (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
84. Feral (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
85. Trick (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
86. Terrified (2017) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
87. Things Heard & Seen (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
88. The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs S11.E1: Mother's Day (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 24
89. The House that Screamed (1969) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
90. Hold Your Breath (2012) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
91. Creepshow 2 (1987) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 25
92. Possessor (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
93. Delirium (2018) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
94. Creepshow S3. E1 & S3. E2 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 26
95. Brightburn (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
96. Drag Me to Hell (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 27
97. The Lodge (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
98. The Wretched (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 28
99. The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
100. Books of Blood (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
101. Horror Noire (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
102. Creepshow S3.E3 & S3.E4 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 29
103. Night Teeth (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
104. Black Sabbath (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
105. Creepshow S3.E5 & S3.E6 (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 30
106. The Dark and The Wicked (2020) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
107. Night of the Demons (1988) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
108. The Brood (1979) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 31
109. Halloween Kills (2021) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
110. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
111. The Frighteners (1996) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

-X- 10/01: Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - House on Haunted Hill (1959)
-X- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Trailer Park of Terror (2008)
-X- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - Graveyard Shift (1990)
-X- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - A Bay of Blood (1971)
-X- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Elvira's Movie Macabre: Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks
-X- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - Carrie (2013)
-X- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - American Mary (2012)
-X- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films -
Joe Bob Put a Spell on You: Tammy and the T-Rex (2021)

-X- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - The Skin I Live In (2011)
-X- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - Lingering (2020)
-X- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - Seance (2021)
-X- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unnoficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hellraiser:Inferno (2000)
-X- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Candyman (1992)
-X- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - Demon House (2019)
-X- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
-X- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Playback (2012)
-X- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Demons (1985)
-X- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - Planet Terror (2007)
-X- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - Nightbooks (2021)
-X- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Dracula (1931)
-X- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - Boogeyman 2 (2007)
-X- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Empty Man (2021)
-X- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends
The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Things Heard & Seen (2021)
-X- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - The House that Screamed (1969)
-X- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Possessor (2020)
-X- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - Brightburn (2019)
-X- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Lodge (2019)
-X- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Books of Blood (2020)
-X- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo - Black Sabbath (1963)
-X- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Night of the Demons (1988)
-X- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror - Halloween Kills (2021)

Select 10 actors:
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
--- Clancy Brown -
--- Chuck Connors -
-X- Peter Cushing - The Gorgon (1964)
-X- Brad Dourif - Graveyard Shift (1990)
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -
--- Udo Kier -
-X- Christopher Lee - The City of the Dead (1960)
-X- Bela Lugosi - Dracula (1931)
--- Lynn Lowry -
-X- Virginia Madsen - Candyman (1992)
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
--- Tiffany Shepis -
--- P.J. Soles -
-X- Tony Todd - Hell Fest (2019)
--- Recently Deceased (insert actor) -

Select 5 directors:
--- Freddie Francis -
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
--- Steve Miner -
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
-X- James Wan - Malignant (2021)
--- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 -
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
--- Pino Donaggio -
--- Alan Howarth -
--- Claudio Simonetti -
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
--- Rick Baker -
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
--- Christopher Landon -
-X- Dardano Sacchetti - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- Curt Siodmak -
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
--- *3-D Film -
--- Anthology Film -
--- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films -
--- Based on a True Story -
--- Based on a Novel -
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
--- Cannibalism -
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
-X- Comedy / Spoof - Bad Milo (2013)
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -
--- Cryptid Cinema -
--- Death by: Electrocution
--- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2
-X- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- Documentary -
--- Dream Horror -
--- Drunk Horror -
--- Euro Horror -
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
--- Firearms -
--- Flashback -
--- Fog, 2 -
--- Folk Horror -
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -
--- Ghost / Haunting -
-X- Giallo - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- J-Horror -
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
--- Killer / Evil Child -
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -
--- Mad Scientist -
--- Mummy -
--- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror
--- Name In Title -
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
-X- Ouija Board - Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)
--- Phobias -
-X- Psychological - #Like (2019)
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
-X- Shudder Original / Exclusive - Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special: Messiah of Evil
--- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac -
--- Slow Motion -
--- Split Personality -
--- Suicide -
--- Takes Place in a Crypt -
--- Takes Place in a High School -
--- Takes Place in a Library -
-X- Takes Place on a Mountain - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- Takes Place on a Holiday -
--- Takes Place on or Under the Sea -
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -
--- Title Spoken By Character, 2 -
--- Trailer Compilation -
--- Travelogue -
--- Vampire -
--- Voyeurism -
--- Werewolf -
--- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious -
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -
--- With Two or More Horror Legends -
--- Zombie -

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
--- 1946 (75th) -
-X- 1971 (50th) - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
-X- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre - Elvira's Movie Macabre: Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
-X- Killed during sex - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -
-X- No cell phone service - Intruders (2015)
--- Making dumb decisions -
--- The creepy gas station attendant -
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
--- The mirror scare -
--- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle -

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
--- PG -
-X- PG-13 - The City of the Dead (1960)
-X- R - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
--- Unrated -
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
--- 1930 -
-X- 1940 - The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
-X- 1950 - House on Haunted Hill (1959)
--- 1960 -
-X- 1970 - A Bay of Blood (1971)
--- 1980 -
-X- 1990 - Graveyard Shift (1990)
-X- 2000 - Trailer Park of Terror (2008)
--- 2010 -
-X- 2020 - Malignant (2021)

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list -

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video ,2 -
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original -
--- Remake -

Watch films in at least three formats:
-X- First format, Blu-Ray, Bad Milo.
-X- Second format, DVD, Trailer Park of Terror.
-X- Third format, Streaming (Shudder), House on Haunted Hill.

Watch films in at least three languages:
-X- First language, Korean, Lingering (2020).
--- Second language, (insert language), (insert title).
--- Third language, (insert language), (insert title).

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 -
--- Film #2 -

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
-X- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - Separation (2021)
--- Was made in the 1990s -
-X- Features a LGBT character - Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021)
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
--- Features a severed head -
-X- Has a scene in a nightclub - The Hunger (1983)
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Last edited by lrend; 11-02-21 at 08:53 AM.
Old 09-07-21, 02:39 PM
DVD Talk Special Edition
Join Date: Feb 2002
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

goal: 50
super goal of impossible measures due to life: 100

everything watched on blu-ray unless noted.

09/30: (dusk)
001. death screams
002. agfa horror trailer show
003. basket case
004. bad ronald
005. the house that would not die
006. the car
007. chopping mall
008. alone in the dark
009. the forest
010. death spa
011. killer workout
012. the borrower
013. eyes of a stranger
014. he knows you're alone
015. phenomena
016. demons
017. the addams family
018. final exam
019. suspiria (2018)
020. the house on sorority row
021. demons 2
022. motel hell
23. sleepaway camp 2

Last edited by bse; 10-17-21 at 05:41 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 03:34 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Total Viewings - 105 First Time Viewings (***) - 41

Sept 30
1. Road Games (1981) - Australian "road horror" with Stacey Keach as a truck driver on the trail of a serial killer. Stacy Keach is believable and excellent as the protagonist. The relationship between Keach and Jamie Lee Curtis also works very well. My only gripe might be that the horror elements were tame and played down. This one plays more like a crime noir/thriller.
2. Frankenstein (1931) - The granddaddy of horror films. The film that really kick started the mainstream popularity of horror films and influenced all future films. A great cast, wonderful sets and a great gothic atmosphere. 10/10
3. Wilding (2016) - Initially intended to be a series, this made for TV movie starts out with a good premise helped by the presence of Brad Dourif as the father of a child that is turning into a wolf. The transformation and final look of the wolf girl is a bit shaky, but overall a decent one time watch.6/10 ***

Oct 1st
4. Beauty and the Beast (1946) - A great fantasy film with beautiful cinematography. A timeless classic.10/10
5. Blood (1973) - Mercifully, my last watch in the Milligan dungeon box set from Severin.2/10 ***
6. Carnage (1984) - By the 1980's one would have hoped that Andy Milligan was able to improve his films in some fashion, but based on Carnage, that doesn't appear to be the case. This "Hatchet for a Honeymoon" tale is just as dull and inept as his films from the 1970s. Having finished the Andy Milligan box set, one of the most painful, patience testing experiences I have ever had,the bottom line is Milligan just had no talent . 3/10 ***
7. The Bride of Frankenstein (1931) - Sequel to the original film is also a masterpiece of gothic horror. Beautifully shot with outstanding performances from Karloff, Colin Clive and Ernest Thesiger. The interplay between the two mad scientists is the highlight of the film with its morbid dark humor.10/10
8. Man Bites Dog (1992) - Interesting mockumentary as a film maker and his crew follow around a psychotic serial killer who indiscriminately kills and provides commentary on societal issues. Very dark and disturbing in parts. 7/10***
9. Slither (2006) - Early James Gunn film about an alien egg that releases these leech type creatures that inhabit and change humans into squid creatures. Michael Rooker is excellent as the husband/turned squid. Good moments of humor mixed with horror.7/10

Oct 2nd
10. Son of Frankenstein (1939) - Another classic in the franchise, mainly because of Bela Lugosi's performance as Ygor. Great gothic atmosphere and sets. Lionel Atwill was great as the Police inspector. I thought Basil Rathbone was a bit over the top and the film drags a bit in the middle. 8/10
11. Silent Madness (1984) - A slasher from the heyday of slashers, 1984. An escaped mental patient who killed a bunch of sorority girls returns to hunt down even more while the psychiatric hospital tries to cover up his escape. The two hospital attendants, who are as psychotic as the patients, make the movie. I also enjoyed Sydney Lassik as the crabby police sheriff. Slow in the 2nd act, but overall a fun watch. 7/10

Oct 3rd
12. The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) -The Universal Frankenstein franchise takes a turn into the quick buck programmer territory with this film, but still enjoyable and a super quick watch at 67 minutes. Bela is great as Ygor and Lon Chaney brings an interesting and powerful presence as the monster. 7/10
13. The Severed Arm (1973) - A very effective independent horror flick from the 1970s with a good story, good acting and solid production values with the exception of the cheesy special effects, which are comparable to HG Lewis films. An enjoyable watch. 7/10
14. The Spiral Staircase (1946) -A murder mystery melodrama with an all star cast. Ethel Barrymore plays a sickly woman who is head of a house with a dark past and two malevolent brothers. The camera work is excellent. 8/10 ***

Oct 4th
15. The Spiral Staircase (1946) - Listened to the commentary track which was just okay.
16. A Bay of Blood (1971) - Bava's Gialli film is a precursor to Friday the 13th. One could argue the first Friday film is remake of Bay of Blood both in setting and kills. The body count is high in this one and the gore as well. 8/10
17. The Phantom Carriage (1921) - A strong gothic horror film from the golden age. A tremendous technical achievement, as well as a fantastic story of one man's sin and redemption after encountering Mr. Death on the eve of New Years Day.10/10
18. Antebellum (2020) - A black woman's life is told in the past, present and future with a surprising ending that attempts to tie it all together. An interesting concept, but the execution was lacking in my opinion.5/10 ***
19. Frankenstein meets the Wolfman (1943) - A childhood favorite from saturday late night chiller theater days. Sure, Bela is a bit old to play the monster, but Lon Chaney was great as the wolfman and the final battle was exciting. 7/10

Oct 5th
20. The Woodchipper Massacre (1988) - Shot on video goodness from the 1980s. Aunt Tess (played by Patricia McBride) comes to house sit her three kids while their parents are away. Holy cow, Patricia McBride over acted in this one big time- super annoying character. The attempt at comedy was just too over the top and forced.Lots of filler scenes that do nothing to move the story along. I counted 3 times a scene with a cheap honda, pulling out of the driveway, pulling into the driveway, driving down the street , etc. I do appreciate the effort, particularly given they only spent 400 bucks on the whole movie according to IMDB.4/10 ***
21. House of Frankenstein (1944) - The final in the Universal Frankenstein franchise is a monster mash with Dracula, Wolfman, Hunchback and Frankenstein's monster all packed into 70 minutes of breezy fun. Definitely geared to monster kids.7/10
22. A Stranger is Watching (1982) - Sean Cunningham's directorial effort after Friday the 13th is a murder/kidnapping for ransom story that is technically well done, but is a bit run of the mill. I thought Rip Thorn did a great job as the kidnapper, but the film lacked in any kind of real suspense. 6/10 ***

Oct 6th

23. Blood Legacy (Legacy of Blood) (1971) - John Carradine stars as a wealthy man who upon his death leaves his fortune to his ungrateful kids, but with the stipulation they stay in the house for one week. Of course, people start getting bumped off.Not sure why, but I seem to have watched a bunch of movies with this "murder for inheritance" plot lately. This one was not bad at least from an acting standpoint. 6/10 ***
24. The Witchfinder General (1971) - A classic horror film and perhaps Vincent Price's best role. Tigon pictures selected the young Michael Reeves to direct and I think he did a fantastic job. Based loosely on a real witchfinder names Mathew Hopkins.8/10
25. Cutting Class (1989) - A solid slasher from the late 1980's that has good characters, good kills, and an exciting finale. My only issue with the film is the film doesn't really get to the meat until the 40 minute mark. The film could have probably been trimmed by 10 minutes.

Oct 7th
26. I was a teenage werewolf (1957) - Michael Landon (little house on the prairie) plays an angry high school student sent to a doctor for treatment. The doctor transforms him into a werewolf. Great werewolf makeup. A fun breezy watch, but geared to kids.6/10
27. Carrie (1976) - A complex story of one young woman's coming of age, her psychotic, abusive mother and a group of mean high school girls who torment Carrie. Everyone is in for a surprise because Carrie has telekinetic powers. Sissy Spacek is excellent as Carrie and the last 30 minutes are classic horror. 8/10
28. The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) - A tepid, dull period drama about a man obsessed with staying young and the portrait that reveals the opposite affect. i found the acting, particularly Hurd Hatfield to be listless and uninteresting.5/10 ***
29. Honeymoon (2014) - A tense, well acted story about a couples honeymoon at a lake house turns bizarre and ultimately deadly. Well acted with a great deal of tension. Very enjoyable watch.8/10 ***
30. Carrie (2002) - Basically a shot for shot remake, but with the addition of police interrogation scenes scattered throughout the film, which I don't think did anything to improve the story. The running time of over 2 hours is also a major negative as the story drags. The acting was decent, but no comparison to the original.5/10 ***

Oct 8th

31. The Mummy (1932) - Probably the best mummy movie ever made with Hammer's remake a close second. The acting and makeup are superb and the story's pacing (which some complain about) actually enhances the overall impact in my opinion. Karloff's make-up is arguably the best in the Universal canon.8/10
32. Slumber Party Massacre 2 (1987) - Comedy spoof of the Slasher genre is a fun film. The Killer played by Atanas Ilitch really made the movie. 6.5/10

Oct 9th
33. Graveyard Shift (1990) - A rat infestation occupies the night shift staff of a plant. Brad Dourif steals the show as the exterminator. Fun Eco-Horror film.7/10 ***
34. Grave Robbers (1989) - Half satanic film, half slasher. This Mexican horror flick does a great job of blending two genres with alot of good kills. Acting was shaky, but that might be due to the english language track. 7/10
35. The Mummy's Hand (1940) - Universal decided to go right to the quickie programmers for its next Mummy film 8 years after the original. It's 67 minutes with alot of comedic filler between Dick Foran and Wallace Ford. George Zucco as the egyptian priest is the best thing about this one. Tom Tyler is an okay mummy, but there isn't enough of him. This one definitely hasn't held up well for this monster kid.6/10

Oct 10th
36. Battle Royale (2000) -A bloodbath variant of The Most Dangerous Game story, but done very effectively. Don't get caught up in trying to figure out which character is which. Just watch and enjoy the over the top bloodbath 8/10
37. Graveyard Shift (1987) - While looking into the Graveyard Shift film (the good one from 1990), I discovered another film with same title that came out 3 years earlier. Apparently a straight to video effort by a canadian director about a vampire who drives a taxi during the graveyard shift. He seduces people who want to die and the story revolves around a housewife/cop who wants to be with him. Rock bottom production values, very 80s fashions, but a decent time waster.5/10 ***

Oct 11th
38. Warning Sign (1985) - A deadly virus accidently breaks out at a high security research lab turning people into raging killers. A movie from 1985 that I don't see people talking about, but was very good. Of course the whole scenario is prescient today.7/10 ***
39. The Mortuary Collection (2019) - A good anthology of horror stories with a great wrap around story.
I was really impressed with Clancy Brown's performance as the mortuary attendant. 7/10
40. Vacancy (2007) - A couple is stranded at a run down motel and attacked. Very much a home invasion subgenre, except the home is a hotel room. Intense and well acted. 7/10 ***
41. Cold Hell (2017) - A Shudder exclusive about an islamic misogynist who kills women. A female taxi driver witnesses one of the murders and the hunt is on. What makes the movie is the interplay between the protagonist and the German police officer trying to solve the murders. Initially, unlikable, the officer shows he has heart. The film was good, but the reveal of the killer was a bit sudden and I think an opportunity to increase the suspense was missed.7/10 ***

Oct 12th

42. The Mummy's Tomb (1942) - The Mummy's Tomb picks up where The Mummy's Hand leaves off, including a ten minute rehashing of the events in the Mummy's Hand, which leaves little more than 45 minutes for the new story. Basic revenge story with Kharis returning to Mapletown to extract revenge on those who desecrated the tomb. Probably the weakest in the series, although Lon Chaney was a welcome addition as the mummy. 6/10
43. Kuroneko(1968) - A mother and daughter are murdered, but make a deal with Evil (satan?) to return and drink the blood of the Samurai that killed them. A beautifully told, atmospheric story of love and revenge.8/10 ***
44. Hello Mary Lou Prom Night 2 (1987) - A sequel that is better than the original Prom Night. A mashup of Exorcist, Carrie and Nightmare on Elm Street with a solid story, good acting and interesting kills. The promiscuous Mary Lou is burnt to death on prom night and come back years later to take her revenge.7/10
45. Dracula (1931) - Bela Lugosi is Dracula. His finest performance and the one that immortalized him. The film has a stagy feel, but that is to be expected given the time it was made and the fact that the film adaptation's inspiration at that time was the hugely successful stage play. A classic.8/10

Oct 13th

46. Dracula's Daughter (1936) - A direct sequel to the original 5 years later and picking up right at the end of Dracula 1931 with Edward Van Sloan being confronted by the police. Dracula's daughter appears to see if the spell her father has over her has been lifted. A bizarre entry in the Universal cycle, but interesting. Gloria Holden and Irving PIchel definitely carry the film.6/10
47. Horror High (1973) - A nerdy high school student turns into a hairy beast after being forced to drink a potion he created while experimenting with Guinea Pigs. A decent entry from Crown international, but overall pretty tame.5/10 ***
48. Curse of the Demon (1957) - I could watch this over and over. One of the best satanic/devil films along with The Exorcist and The Devil Rides Out. Creepy, gothic atmosphere coupled with outstanding acting make this a classic of the genre.9/10

Oct 14th

49. The Man Who Laughs (1928) - Conrad Veidt is excellent as a man who has a surgically fixed smile by an evil gypsy doctor. A good story, well acted. As much a drama/romance as Horror.8/10
50. House of Dracula (1945) - Another monster mash up like House of Frankenstein, with a very similar plot. Fun, breezy watch, but definitely for monster kids.6/10
51. Its Nothing Mama, Just a Game (1974) - David Hemmings plays a sadistic, entitled son of a wealthy, protective mother who likes to torture and rape women, with his mom's approval of course. I thought this was just okay. For a Euro horror I was expecting more sleaze and I am not sure David Hemmings makes a convincing sadist. Needs a rewatch.6/10 ***

Oct 15th

52. In Search of Darkness (2019) - A very ambitious documentary that attempts to cover all the bases of 80s horror films through trailer clips and interviews. I thought they did a good job hitting the high spots.7/10 ***
53. Cure (1997) - I am not sure what to make of this one. A police officer investigates a series of murders where the victim has a large x carved from his neck to his chest. More of a psychological horror than a serial killer film. Very interesting, but also leaves you with alot of questions 7/10 ***

Oct 16th

54. Last House on Dead End Street (1973) - A surprisingly effective independent shocker from the early 70s. Nihilistic and vicious story about a ex-con who turns to making snuff movies to make money. The dialogue is extremely real and well done for such a low budget move. The music choices were unnerving and effective. The only negatives was that the dialogue was dubbed in later.7/10 ***
55 Tower. of Evil (1972) - A proto-slasher involving a group of swinger kids who get bumped off while staying on a remote, foggy island. The film kind of drags in the middle, but has a decent ending.6/10
56. The Designated Victim (1971) - Interesting Gialli with Tomas Milan playing the spoiled husband of a rich wife who he wants to sell her interest in a business for the cash. He befriends an odd guy who wants him to kill his brother in exchange for him killing Milan's wife. Need to rewatch this one.6/10 **
57. Honeymoon (1985) - A french woman in danger of being deported gets involved in a marriage for convenience, but her husband takes things too seriously. An interesting psychological thriller from the 80s. A bit slow, but an interesting, well acted watch.6/10 ***
58. Halloween Kills (2021) - Wow, this was a mess. This film doesn't know whether it wants to be a dark comedy spoof of Halloween or a serious Halloween film. The gore is over the top to the point of comedic. Lots of head scratching plot points and character decision making in this one.5/10 ***

Oct 17th

59. Fade to Black (1980) - An under rated slasher about a movie obsessed kid who snaps and kills people by recreating scenes from movies. 7/10
60. The Mummy's Ghost (1944) - Lon Chaney is back as Kharis and this time John Carradine is the high priest. I enjoy Ghost much more than Tomb or Hand. Chaney is menacing and powerful. 7/10

Oct 18th

61. The Face of Fu Manchu (1965) - The first of five films featuring Chris Lee as Fu Manchu and probably the best with the help of Nigel Green's performance as Manchu's nemesis.7/10
62. Planet Terror (2007) - A deadly virus unleashes a horde of zombies in this over the top grindhouse flick from the mind of Tarantino. I had alot of fun revisiting this one.7/10
63. Cannibal Mercenary (1983) - A mercenary, desperate for money to help his daughter who has Polio goes on a dangerous mission. Asian Rambo with amped up cheese factor. Kind of a mess, particularly the editing.5/10 ***
64. Faces of Death (1978) - A documentary that was notorious in the 1970's, but is fairly tame. A seemingly endless serious of reenactments of various forms people and animals die. Probably most disturbing was the slaughterhouse footage and the killing of a baby monkey. 5/10

Oct 19th

65. Fear Street 1994 (2021) - A retro slasher that attempts to capture the feel of the 1990's while including modern characters. An okay watch. I thought the movie was a bit silly and predictable.6/10 ***
66. The Ninth Gate (1999) - Polanski returns with an interesting story about a book dealer (Depp) who gets involved in a satanic cult. A bit long at 2 hours and 15 minutes, but I found it to be an interesting watch. A slow burn, immersive experience.7/10 ***
67. The Mummy's Curse (1944) - Although Chaney's makeup is not as good due to the use of a mask, the awakening of princess ananka is the highlight of the entire series. Overall, a fun watch and the best of the three Chaney Mummy films.7/10

Oct 20th

68. The Bride of Fu Manchu (1966) - A bit of a drop in quality from the first film. This one picks up where the first left off, with Fu Manchu putting together his weapon of mass destruction by holding the daughters of the best scientists in the world hostage. Most of the film Chris Lee is holed up in one or two rooms of his doomsday operation. A silly, comic book plot, but a fun watch. 6/10
69. Daughters of Darkness (1971) - I have never been a big fan of this modernized Countess Bathory story. I think the movie looks great and the acting is very good, but I find it a bit dull. 6/10
70. Virus The End (1980) - A post apocalyptic story about a deadly virus that kills off all humanity except for a small group who make their way to the Antartica. An all start cast including Glenn Ford, Oliva Hussey, Chuck Conners. An enjoyable watch.7/10 ***

Oct 21st

71. The Collector (2009) - The Collector is ludicrous but alot of fun. It is a turn your brain off film. I do think the sequel is even better.7/10
72, Phantom of the Opera (1943) - Not a favorite of mine in the Universal canon. Lots of extended opera scenes that strike me as high pitched screaming. Very little mayhem or Phantom action.6/10

Oct 22nd

73. The Torture Chamber of Dr Sadism (1967) - A classic of Euro Gothic horror. Chris Lee is excellent as Count Regula. The sets and atmosphere are spooky. Only issue I have is the pacing could be better. Regula doesn't make his return until the third act.7/10
74. Necromancy (1972) - Orson Welles plays a cult leader obsessed with Necromancy because he wants to bring his dead son back from the dead. Interesting watch, a bit slow in the second act.6/10 ***
75. Blood for Dracula (1974) - A dark comedic version of the Dracula story with a whole unique take on the story. Dracula is weak and near death and must have virgin blood. OF course, he has a hard time finding it in modern Italy, which leads to hilarity. The dialogue works and the acting is a perfect contrast to the laughable dialogue.7/10
76. The Empty Man (2020) - My second watch of the Empty Man was as enjoyable as the first. The opening pre-title sequence is awesome. A very interesting supernatural thriller. A bit long for 2 hours and 15 min 7/10

Oct 23rd

77. Freaky (2020) - A fun one time watch. Slasher Comedy about a high school girl who swaps bodies with a grown man serial killer. Vince Vaughn pulled it off as the mind of a girl. 6/10 ***
78. The Sorcerer's (1967) - One of Karloff's last film and one of Michael Reeves first film. Interesting story about an old couple who relive their youth through mind control of a young man. A bit tame, but interesting. 6/10

Oct 24th

79. Frontiers (2007) - A group of criminals hideout in a rural house only to be terrorized by the inhabitants. Brutal and at the same time beautifully shot, this movie is like an updated variation on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre story. excellent 9/10 ***
80. Possessor (2020) - The apple doesn't fall far from the tree with the Chronenbergs. A strange , surreal story about body jumping and mind control. I am not sure what the motivation for this was, but it was interesting.8/10 ***
81. The Curious Dr Humpp (1969) - Bizarre sexploitation flick about a mad scientist obsessed with sex. We got strippers, a talking brain in a jar, orgies, etc. Wild stuff from Argentina.6/10***

Oct 25th

82. Triangle (2009) - My second watch of this doppleganger/ groundhog day film. Its an okay watch, but I find the repetition of scenes to be tedious.6/10
83. Ebola Syndrome (1996) - Bat shit crazy Hong Kong flick about a maniac who kills his boss and wife, flees to South Africa and contracts Ebola. A wild, fun ride.8/10
84. Blade (1998) - Wesley Snipes as a vampire hunter in this silly, comic book story. A fun one time watch.6/10 ***
85. Crypt of the Vampire (1964) - Italian gothic goodness with Chris Lee as the cousin of the Karnstein family and the vampire curse that hangs over them. A bit slow and talky, but very atmospheric.6/10

Oct 26th

86. The Gate (1987) - The Gate is one of those "kids in peril" films from the late 80s that is nostalgic if you grew up with it. If not, i don't think it holds up. A group of kids find a hole in the ground unlocks the gates of hell. The kids are annoying to me, but the special effects are great. 6/10
87. The Cremator (1969) - Chech film that is a character study of a polite, well mannered crematorium manager who slowly goes mad, obsessing about purity of blood and death. A technically well done film.8/10 ***
88. The Vengeance of Fu Manchu (1967) - A new director and partnership with Shaw Bros helped lavish better production values in this third of the Fu Manchu series. This time Fu Manchu simply wants to kill Nayland Smith in the most complex way possible of course, by creating a twin. Comic book silly, but fun. 7/10
89. The Creeping Flesh (1973) - Saw this one in the drive in in the 1970s. It's a fun film, a childhood favorite, but it is a bit slow and the real horror doesn't play out until the final act so i can see how people might not like this one7/10
90. Fear Street 1978 - I definitely liked the second film better than the first. I liked the campground setting and the kills were brutal and gory. 7/10 ***

Oct 27th

91. Bermuda Triangle (1978) - Mexican production about a ship looking for the lost city of atlantis that encounters strange happenings in the bermuda triangle. The whole film is a mystery to me. Meandering, dull and self indulgent at almost 2 hours. A painful watch.3/10 ***
92. The Untold Story (1993) - A brutal, fast paced story based on "The Eight Immortals Restaurant Murders". Anthony Wong is great as a complete maniac, without any morals or empathy. He was also great in Ebola Syndrome.8/10
93. The Blood of Fu Manchu (1968) - A threadbare plot gives Chris Lee little to do but sit in his chair while Lin Tang carries out his dirty work. Its a shame Franco wasn't given much to work with here , although he makes the most of it with beautiful cinematography.5/10
94. Fascination (1979) - A criminal looking for a hiding spot finds a castle with two women who seduce him. Brigit Lahey looks amazing in this film. The story is unusually linear and coherent for a Jean Rollin film.7/10

Oct 28th

95. Body Bags (1993) - A horror anthology with three solid stories and a great wrap around with John carpenter. 7/10
96. Castle of the Living Dead (1964) - Chris Lee plays count Drago, who invites entertainers to his castle, but they don't know he likes to mummify people.Creepy, gothic atmosphere. Look out for Donald Sutherland playing a police office and an old lady!.7/10
97, Halloween (2007) - Alot has been said about Rob Zombie's Halloween, so I don't think I need to add to those comments other than to say its an unpleasant film with not a single character that has redeeming values or likable. I also personally do not like the humanization of Michael Myers or the back story. 5/10

Oct 29th

98. Halloween II (2009) -As with the first film, the characters are so shrill and unlikable it just takes me out of the movie. Laurie Strode is turned into a screaming, cursing nightmare and Dr Loomis is now a greedy, narcissist. Parts of the film replicate the original Part II, but the inclusion of Sherry Moon as a ghost angel and the white horse is just horrible. 4/10
99. Killer Condom (1996) - I really enjoyed this film. I expected some kind of Troma like toilet humor, but this was an intelligent film played serious by the cast, letting the situation be the comedy and it worked well. Of course, its a ridiculous scenario about a scientist who creates a piranha like condom that goes after all sinners, but it was funny and well acted. Its also a a bit of a character study about the protagonist, a gay cop in HY city.7/10 ***

Oct 30th

100. Opera (1987)- Opera has it all, great music, iconic kill scenes and an interesting story. 9/10
101. Evil Dead 2 (1987) - The perfect blend of physical comedy and horror, which is not easy to do. My hat off to Raimi.

Oct 31st

102. Halloween (1978) - An annual ritual is to watch the first two Halloween films. A classic that holds up with repeat viewings.10/10
103. Halloween 2 (1981) - A superb sequel together with the first film can be considered one continuous story. 9/10
104. Halloween 3 Season of the Witch (1982) - Had this film not had Halloween in the title (maybe season of the witch instead) then I think it would have alot more fans. Its a solid horror film and Tom Atkins is great in it.7/10

Nov 1st

105. Slaxx (2020) - Horror comedy about a clothing store that produces killer jeans. Silly, but a decent one time watch. The key to these type films are memorable characters. Unfortunately, there really isn't any stand out performances here.6/10 ***

Select 10 actors: 11
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
--- Clancy Brown -mortuary collection
--- Chuck Connors -virus the end 1980
--- Peter Cushing -the creeping flesh
--- Brad Dourif -wilding
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
-- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -frankenstein
--- Udo Kier -blood for dracula
--- Christopher Lee -face of fu manchu
--- Bela Legosi -son of frankenstein
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -halloween rob zombie
--- Tiffany Shepis -
--- P.J. Soles -carrie
--- Tony Todd -
--- Recently Deceased (insert actor) -daria nicolodi

Select 5 directors: 5
--- Freddie Francis -the creeping flesh
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco - the blood of fu manchu
--- William Grefé -
-- Amando de Ossorio
--- Takashi Miike -
--- Steve Miner -
-- Jean Rollin -facination
--- Pete Walker -
--- James Wan -
--- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 -honeymoon - leigh janiak
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -the bermuda triangle 1978
Select 2 film composers: 3
--- Pino Donaggio -carrie
--- Alan Howarth -planet terror
--- Claudio Simonetti -opera
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists: 2
--- Rick Baker -body bags
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -planet terror
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers: 3
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -halloween kills
--- Herman Cohen -I was a teenage werewolf
--- Dino De Laurentiis -evil dead 2

Select 2 writers: 4
--- Christopher Landon -freaky
--- Dardano Sacchetti -a bay of blood
--- Curt Siodmak -frankenstein meets the wolfman
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -cure

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types: 46
--- *3-D Film -silent madness
--- Anthology Film -mortuary collection
--- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films -
--- Based on a True Story witchfinder general
--- Based on a Novel -a stranger is watching
--- Candy Cinema, 2 - carry
--- Cannibalism -the severed arm
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
--- Comedy / Spoof -slumber party massacre 2
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -the beauty and the beast 1946
--- Cryptid Cinema -
--- Death by: Electrocution blood legacy 1971 (will to die)
--- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film /
--- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber -a bay of blood
--- Documentary -in search of darkness
--- Dream Horror -antebellum
--- Drunk Horror -
--- Euro Horror -Its nothing mama just a game
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -evil dead 2
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
--- Firearms -battle royale
--- Flashback -the maid the severed arm
--- Fog, 2 -
--- Folk Horror -witchfinder general
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -dracula 1931
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -frankenstein
--- Ghost / Haunting -carnage
--- Giallo -a bay of blood
--- J-Horror -kuroneko
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -graveyard shift
--- Killer / Evil Child -woodchipper massacre
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -carrie 2003
--- Mad Scientist -ghost of frankenstein
--- Mummy -the mummy 1932
--- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror phantom of the opera
--- Name In Title -picture of dorian gray
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -honeymoon
--- Quarantine -warning sign
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
--- Shudder Original / Exclusive -cold hell
--- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac -man bites dog
--- Slow Motion -carrie
--- Split Personality -
--- Suicide -cure
--- Takes Place in a Crypt -crypt of the vampire
--- Takes Place in a High School -cutting class
--- Takes Place in a Library -curse of the demon
--- Takes Place on a Mountain -
--- Takes Place on a Holiday -
--- Takes Place on or Under the Sea -bermuda triangle
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -fu manchu
--- Title Spoken By Character, 2 -
--- Trailer Compilation -
--- Travelogue -road games
--- Vampire -graveyard shift 1987
--- Voyeurism -
--- Werewolf -wilding
--- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious -grave robbers
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -the spiral staircase
--- With Two or More Horror Legends -son of frankenstein
--- Zombie -planet terror

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff": 3

--- 1921 (100th) -phantom carriage
--- 1946 (75th) -spiral staircase
--- 1971 (50th) -a bay of blood
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries: 3

--- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre -necromancy
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
-- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -dracula (1931)
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-freaky

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes: 5
--- Killed during sex -the collector
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -carnage
--- No cell phone service -
--- Making dumb decisions -halloween kills
--- The creepy gas station attendant -body bags
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
--- The mirror scare -mortuary collection

Select 4 ratings: 6
--- G - face of fu manchu
--- PG - virus the end (1980)
--- PG-13 - the gate
--- R - carrie
--- NC-17 -
--- X - the curious dr humpp
--- Unrated - witchfinder general
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history: 9
--- Pre-1930 - the phantom carriage
--- 1930 - the bride of frankenstein
--- 1940 - beauty and the beast
--- 1950 - I was a teenage werewolf
--- 1960 - witchfinder general
--- 1970 - the severed arm
--- 1980 - road games
--- 1990 - man bites dog
--- 2000 - slither
--- 2010 - honeymoon
--- 2020 - halloween kills

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list - opera

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video ,2 - woodchipper massacre 1988
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm - carnage 1984
last house on dead end street
Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) - killer condom
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original - carrie 1976
--- Remake - carrie 2002

Watch films in at least three formats:
--- First format, (insert format), (insert title). Blu Ray kuroneko
--- Second format, (insert format), (insert title). dvd Slumber party massacre 2
--- Third format, (insert format), (insert title). streaming halloween kills

Watch films in at least three languages:
--- First language, (insert language), (insert title). French , beauty and the beast 1946
--- Second language, (insert language), (insert title). spanish, grave robbers 1989
--- Third language, (insert language), (insert title). german, cold hell 2017
japenese , kuroneko
Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 - house of frankenstein
--- Film #2 - house of dracula

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that: 4
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
--- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - necromancy
--- Was made in the 1990s - graveyard shift
--- Features a LGBT character - halloween kills
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
--- Features a severed head - carnage 1984
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Last edited by numbercrunch; 11-01-21 at 05:59 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 05:41 PM
DVD Talk Reviewer
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

This will be my 16th consecutive year participating in the "October Horror Movie Challenge!"
Total Horror Movies Before This Year = 583.75

"Lights out. And now the movies, folks. . ."

September 30, 2021 {after sundown}
1. The Darkness (2016) - I really liked Kevin Bacon's thriller A Stir of Echoes years ago. He should've been in a remake of that rather than this lifeless supernatural flick.

October 1, 2021
2. Svengoolie: Village of the Damned (2020 / 1960)
3. Svengoolie: Village of the Giants (2019 / 1965) - Like last year, I'm treating this challenge as an opportunity to clean up my DVR of over a year's worth of Svengoolie showings on METV. Here's two installments with movies whose titles started with "Village."

October 2, 2021
4. Svengoolie: 4D Man (2020 / 1959)
5. Svengoolie: 13 Ghosts (2019 / 1960) - Two more Svengoolie-hosted films - this time with titles starting with numbers.

October 3, 2021
6. Svengoolie: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (2020 / 1943)
7. Svengoolie: Son of Dracula (2020 / 1943) - Yet another pair of Svengoolie-hosted movies - this time, it's a double-dose of Universal Monster sequels.

October 4, 2021
8. The Invisible Woman (1940) - Silly but entertaining sequel in Universal's original Invisible Man series.

October 5, 2021
9. Revenge of the Creature (1955) - A John Agar-led sequel to Creature from the Black Lagoon that's not quite as good, but still entertaining in a 1950s way.

October 6, 2021
10. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966) - Pleasant juvenile Don Knotts vehicle that takes full advantage of his scaredycat routine.

October 7, 2021
10.5 Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales (2021) - I appreciated the visual references to classics like The Lost Boys and The Shining, but my son seemed much more taken with this new animated special on Disney+ than I was.

October 8, 2021
11.5 Svengoolie: The Mummy's Ghost (2019 / 1944)
12.5 Svengoolie: The Mummy's Curse (2020 / 1944) - Two sequels from Universal's original Mummy franchise hosted by Svengoolie - both had Lon Chaney Jr. as the mummy.

October 9, 2021
13.5 Svengoolie: The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (2020 / 1953)
14.5 Svengoolie: The Beast Must Die! (2021 / 1974) - Two very different films with Beast in the title - but both hosted by Svengoolie!

October 10, 2021
15.5 Svengoolie: The Deadly Mantis (2020 / 1957)
16.5 Svengoolie: The Mole People (2020 / 1956) - Two 1950's sci-fi flicks from Universal hosted by Svengoolie.

October 11, 2021
17. Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021) - Disappointing Halloween special on Disney+ that actually sidelines most of the Muppets gang to focus on Gonzo and Pepe - even my son lost interest midway through.

October 12, 2021
18. The Thing from Another World (1951) - One of my favorite cinematic examples of 1950s science fiction horror! This has a well-written script with a developed sense of setting.

October 13, 2021
19. Gargoyles (1972) - I've been aware of this TV movie for a long time - it has a small cult following to this day. It's okay (now that I've finally seen it) - perhaps most notable for featuring early work from Stan Winston.

October 14, 2021
19.25 The Ray Bradbury Theater - "Zero Hour" (1992) - This episode is quite dated, but it does follow Bradbury's story pretty well.

October 15, 2021
20.25 Halloween Kills (2021) - My wife described this as "campy" - and this sequel is indeed over-the-top slasher film excess. We liked it.

October 16, 2021
21.25 Svengoolie: Cry of the Werewolf (2020 / 1944)
22.25 Svengoolie: The Werewolf (2019 / 1956) - Two vintage black-and-white werewolf movies hosted by Svengoolie!

October 17, 2021
23.25 Svengoolie: The Two Faces of Dr.Jekyll (2019 / 1960)
24.25 Svengoolie: The Gorgon (2019 / 1964) - Two old English horror flicks from Hammer Studios hosted by Svengoolie!

October 18, 2021
24.5 The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular! (2017) - Halloween special on Disney+ with an interesting animation style and a short, fun parody of the 1931 Frankenstein.

October 19, 2021
24.75 Short Story Showcase: The Fall of the House of Usher (1976) - This was an okay adaptation of Poe's story produced, I suspect, for the classroom.

October 20, 2021
25 The Fall of the House of Usher (2012) - Christopher Lee narrated this animated take on Poe's classic story.

October 21, 2021
26 Under Wraps (2021) - This Mummy comedy is about the quality you'd expect from a Disney made-for-cable production. It did hold my son's interest, which is always a win.

October 22, 2021
27. Svengoolie: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (2020 / 1964)
28. Svengoolie: The Mummy's Tomb (2020 / 1942) - Two Svengoolie-hosted Mummy features - one from Hammer and the other from Universal.

October 23, 2021
29. Svengoolie: Night Monster (2020 / 1942)
30. Svengoolie: The Return of the Vampire (2020 / 1943) - A double dose of vintage Bela Lugosi films, as hosted by Svengoolie!

October 24, 2021
31. Svengoolie: The Evil of Frankenstein (2019 / 1964)
32. Svengoolie: Horror of Dracula (2020 / 1958) - Two more servings of vintage Hammer horror, hosted by Svengoolie.

October 25, 2021
33. Abbott and Costello Go To Mars (1953) - Passingly entertaining, but A&C have done better movies.
33.5 Mickey's Tale of Two Witches (2021) - Another Halloween offering from Disney+ - This one at least kept my son's interest throughout.

October 26, 2021
34.5 Munster, Go Home! (1966) - Amusing film entry in the original The Munsters franchise.
34.75 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends "The Bride of Dracula!" (1983)
35 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends "The Education of a Superhero" (1983)
35.25 Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends "Attack of the Arachnoid" (1983) - I watched the Dracula episode of this series with my son for the challenge (it has one of the most nonsensical endings I've ever seen in a cartoon) and then we watched two more before he lost interest, both of which had "creature of the week" type storylines.

October 27, 2021
36.25 The Addams Family 2 (2021) - Based upon this sequel, I think Hotel Transylvania is a more successful animated horror slapstick franchise.

October 28, 2021
37.25 Svengoolie: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (2020 / 1958)
38.25 Svengoolie: The Son of Dr Jekyll (2019 / 1951) - Two black-and-white entries in cinematic weirdness, as hosted by Svengoolie!

October 29, 2021
39.25 Svengoolie: Mysterious Island of Beautiful Women (2018 / 1979)
40.25 Svengoolie: The Car (2019 / 1977) - Two productions from the '70s hosted by Svengoolie.

October 30, 2021
41.25 Svengoolie: Billy the Kid Versus Dracula (2020 / 1966)
42.25 Svengoolie: Mr. Sardonicus (2019 / 1961)
43.25 Svengoolie: Berserk (2020 / 1967) - A triple feature of cinematic oddness from the 1960s, courtesy of Svengoolie.

October 31, 2021
44.25 Svengoolie: Valley of the Dragons (2020 / 1961)
45.25 Svengoolie: It Came from Beneath the Sea (2019 / 1955)
46.25 Svengoolie: Dr Cyclops (2020 / 1940) - Another triple feature of genre classics, as hosted by Svengoolie.

Total # of movies = 46.25
All-Time 16-Year Total = 630

Out of 16 October Horror Movie Challenges I've participated in at DVD Talk, 2021 is my third best showing - only beaten by 2009 (52 movies) and 2007 (50 movies). I'd say I did pretty darn well!

11 months to go until (hopefully) DVD Talk's 2022 October Horror Movie Challenge!

Last edited by mrpeavey; 11-01-21 at 02:26 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 05:45 PM
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Indy24LA's Avatar
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Indy's 13th Annual Halloween/Horror Challenge

Indy's 2020 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2019 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2018 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2017 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2016 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2015 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2014 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2013 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2012 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2011 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2010 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2009 Halloween/Horror Challenge

Goal= 50
* indicates first time viewing

September 30
1. Haunt* (2019)- It's good and atmospheric, but missing the humor beats that offset the tension. Keep in mind, I am a big fan of the "new" haunted mazes subgenre.

October 1
2. Don't Breathe 2* (2021)- What If... Daredevil was an evil bastard. Different enough from the first movie, but definitely not as good. Worth watching if you liked the first one or just a huge Stephen Lang fanboy.
3. Midnight Mass S1 E1: Book I: Genesis*, S1 E2: Book II: Psalms*- Religion and horror tend to go hand in hand, and this one leans into the religious elements pretty heavily. The setting is almost as compelling as the story, which is interesting so far.

October 2
4. Return of the Living Dead (1985)- If you make a top ten list of best 80's horror movies, this has to be on it. And by 80's, I mean fashion, music, dialogue, and sensibility. This is both a cult classic and just plain old classic.

October 3
5. Piranha (2010)- What to say about this CGI-fest... maybe something like this is the Howard Stern of horror movies. Sure it's entertaining with some talent all around, but it does lack the fun and charm of the "Jaws ripoff" original.
6. Spiral: From the Book of Saw* (2021)- I know Chris Rock is trying to rebrand, but not sure his brand fits into the Saw franchise. The mystery is pretty obvious and honestly there hasn't been a really good Saw movie since the third one. Only watch it if you're a massive Saw fan. And if you are, please seek help afterwards.

October 4
7. Slasher: Guilty Party S2 E1: Six Feet Under*, S2 E2: Between Good and Evil*- Take a buncha unlikeable characters who did something terrible and sequester them up in the Great White North and see what happens. Think of it as, "I Know What You Did Last Summer, Eh."
8. Nightbooks* (2021)- You had me at Krysten Ritter. Here's a fun, Goosebumps-like story that's spooky for the whole family.
9. The Craft Legacy* (2020)- Oh this will piss off the anti-woke retrophiles, so it automatically gets a star for that. Here, there be spoilers: Some folks, lets call them what they are, misogynists who are either too cowardly to admit it or just too stupid to realize it, can handle a movie where men are the bad guys as long as there's a man or three that get to play the hero (e.g. the Wonder Woman movies). But they will bitch, moan, and troll if a man is the villain and women are heroes w/o any male help. This movie is how a remake/reboot should be; modern/current (sorry fossil culture) and different enough to have a reason to exist, yet still honor the original.
10. Midnight Mass S1 E3: Book III: Proverbs*, S1 E4: Book IV: Lamentations*

October 5
11. Slasher: Guilty Party S2 E3: Saint Sebastian*, S2 E4: Night of Hunters*
12. Midnight Mass S1 E5: Book V: Gospel*, S1 E6: Book VI: Acts of the Apostles*

October 6
13. Midnight Mass S1 E7: Book VII: Revelation*,
Toy Story of Terror
14. Wolfman (2010)- I think we can all agree it's just hard to do a good werewolf film, especially if you try and stay true to the source material. But this movie acquits itself well enough to be engaging and entertaining. But there's definitely room for improvement; like don't take yourself more seriously than the DCU for pete's sake.

October 7
15. Universal's Halloween Horror Nights* - This was my first time going and the production level was through the roof. Some truly awesome mazes, but the scariest thing was the crowd level. It's like Floridians eat a bowl of Coronavirus for breakfast every morning and just smile.

October 8
16. Final Destination 3 (2006)- I grew up with the Friday the 13th franchise, so I am okay with repeating a template with only some minor tweaks. Like this time, it's a roller coaster.

October 9
17. Carrie (2013)- I bet this pitch went, "Let's remake Carrie, but make it more like an X-Men flick." Also, everyone was just too pretty... know what I mean?

October 11
18. Land of the Dead (2005)- This is good ole fashioned Romero zombie fun. The social commentary was a little too on the rotting nose, and the main hero was too vanilla, but all in all, it's a pretty good ride.
19. Saw (2004)- I forget how good this was. The first one isn't so much torture porny as you'd think. It really is more mystery/twisty. And when are we finally going to put James Wan up on the horror Mount Rushmore? Cause, damn it, he belongs there.
20. Muppets Haunted Mansion* (2021)- This was great. We'd just rode the Haunted Mansion the day before, so probably enjoyed it that a lot more due to that. Come on, you take my favorite theme park ride and mash it with the Muppet... that's a recipe for success in anyone's cook book.
LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales* (2021)- I know what you're gonna ask, is this cannon? Hell if I know or care. All I care about is it's funny and has some cool/spooky moments.

October 12
21. Motel Hell* (1980)- Someone has an axe to grind against counterculture. I get this was a dark comedy, but it just wasn't my brand of humor. I didn't hate it and can see why it's a cult classic, but it didn't speak to me.
22. What Lies Beneath (2000)- Zemeckis does Hitchcock. I love these old fashioned, slow burn mystery/thrillers; they possess a certain charm.

October 13
23. Malevolent* (2018)- This was better than I expected. Of course, I didn't expect much since I've never heard of it. The new Black Widow and her con-gang investigate an old haunted manor. Yeah, we've seen this before, but it was well done.

October 14
24. Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat* (1989)- What the hell is this movie... a campy western horror comedy mash-up? It's got a ton of minor actors from the 80's along with the Chin, Rex Manning, and a sleep walking David Carradine, yet some of the worst acting and ordinary effects you'll ever see. I will say there's some interesting elements and you can see the seeds of True Blood and Underworld, but it's just too ridiculous.
25. Slasher: Guilty Party S2 E5: Out of the Frying Pan*, S2 E6: Drone*
26. Silent Madness* (1984)- I assume this was written by a 13-year-old hopped up on Pixy Stix. The fight scenes are worse than something out of a high school play. The best word to sum up everything about this movie is amateur.

October 15
27. Slasher: Guilty Party S2 E7: Dawn of the Dead*, S2 E8: The Past Is Never Dead*
28. Sinister (2012)- Simply one of the best horror films of the last decade. Has it all, good acting, interesting story, and creepy-ass bad guy.
29. Hubie Halloween (2020)- This is a Halloween classic and don't let anyone tell you differently. Calls back to Adam Sandler's prime... can I legally say that? This really leans into the spirit of the season and is more fun than your neighbor's Halloween party. I mean really Dave, it takes more than a six pack of Löwenbräu, a bowl of candy corn, and the Monster Mash on repeat.

October 16
30. Tourist Trap* (1979)- A odd mashup of Carrie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and House of Wax that actually works. Chuck "the Shotgunman" Conners hobbles through this creepy, cautionary tale about minding your own damn business.
31. Halloween Kills* (2021)- Or better yet, Halloween Disappoints. Spoilers galore alert: I'll do this like a year end performance review and start with the positive, they got Michael right. He was menacing and unstoppable, like a force of nature. The negative, and there's plenty of that; it ignores the 3 points of a good slasher. Point one, the fun of the cat and mouse game between the killer and their victims is nonexistent. Most of the film has Michael killing randos while the main characters are caught up in a pseudo capital riot. Point two, the dread and fear is missing from most of this film. None of the main characters are really frightened of Michael. And if they aren't, why would the audience be? Point three, there's almost no humor to offset the violence, and this was co-written by Danny McFreakingBride. I know slashers aren't known for being smart, but this one was just unforgivingly dumb. You have doctors and other hospital staff who are in a triage situation suddenly going wilding and stampeding patients. You have Tommy not knowing what Michael looked like because he wore a mask for one night over 40 years ago? C'mon man, his infamous face, which was on the local news by the way, would have been burned into the traumatized guy's brain. Everyone in that town, in the world, would know what he looked like. Most of what this movie had to offer (the unruly mob claiming an innocent life, Michael transforming into something more than a man) has been done better in the sequels it ignores.
32. The Exorcist S1 E1: Chapter One: And Let My Cry Come Unto Thee*, S1 E2: Chapter Two: Lupus in Fabula*- What if Daniel Craig's James Bond was a priest instead of a secret agent? I am finding out in this well written, acted, and produced show.

October 17
33. The Movies That Made Us S3 E1: Halloween*, S3 E2: Friday the 13th*- Eventually they will either run outta things to say about these movies or everyone involved in them will be dead.
34. Pet Sematary Two* (1992)- What happens when you remove Stephen King from the Pet Sematary equation? You get Pet Sematary II. Edward Furlong smirks his way through this feels like made for TV movie that asks, what if you brought douche bags back from the dead? Not the worse flick, but nothing special either.
35. Train to Busan* (2016)- Aka Zombies on a train. Takes place in the World War Z universe, at least in my mind, with the Olympic level zombies going for the gold, well, flesh. It's a great ride... for us, not for anyone on that terror train. And like with most zombie movies, the moral is people are the real enemy and maybe we deserve to be consumed.
36. Hunter Hunter* (2020)- Aka Casper off the grid. Casper and his family chooses to rough it as trappers and encounter a "mean" wolf. Very well done and really takes its time to put you inside their arduous lives. Then John Connor shows up and well the moral is people are the real enemy and maybe we deserve to be consumed.

October 18
37. The Movies That Made Us S3 E3: A Nightmare on Elm Street*, S3 E4: Aliens*
38. Saw II (2005)- Bigger, badder, and bloodier. This is where Saw gets it's torture porn reputation from. And where you get to know the man behind the puppet, Jigsaw. Side note, this movie is now old enough to drive, hows that for feeling ancient.
39. The Exorcist S1 E3: Chapter Three: Let 'Em In*, S1 E4: Chapter Four: The Moveable Feast*

October 19
40. The Manor* (2021)- Kinda sorta an allegory for old age and just like old age, ends on a big downer. Could have been a lot creepier, but it felt rushed, kinda like youth I guess.

October 20
41. The Exorcist S1 E5: Chapter Five: Through My Most Grievous Fault*, S1 E6: Chapter Six: Star of the Morning*

October 21
42. Slasher: Solstice S3 E1: 6am to 9am*, S3 E2: 9am to 12pm*- The show gets more woke as the seasons progress. Which I have no problem with, it is called progress. So if you are anti-woke, you are simply part of the inequality problem, no matter what cowardly excuse you hide behind. Sorry, I listened to a DE&I call at work and I just get so angry with how some ignorant people cloud the issue with their own personal BS.
43. Insidious (2010)- So damn good. I know there are, what do they like to be called, horror purist or some other drivel, that say you can't make a good PG-13 horror movie. Or a big studio horror movie. Don't drink the Red Bull my friends, cause talented filmmakers can do anything the silly naysayers deem impossible. The big unresolved question is, how the hell did they afford either of those houses on only a teacher's salary?

October 22
44. The Sixth Sense (1999)- Even when you know the twist that the kid is severely mentally ill and this is all happening in a snow globe, the movie's still incredibly effective. Such a well made film with attention to detail that is dare I say almost Kubrickesque
45. The Exorcist S1 E7: Chapter Seven: Father of Lies*, S1 E8: Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers*

October 23
46. Halloween (1978)- Instead of raving about how much this is a classic and one of my favorite films, I'll point out that the teenage boy in the very beginning took Judith upstairs and was done and gone in the time it took lil Mikey to walk into the house and get a knife. You can't teach that kinda speed.
47. Insidious Chapter 2 (2013)- Definitely a step down, but a worthy sequel that explains everything from the first movie. You could even say it over explains. They are going to need loads of couples therapy though.
48. The Exorcist S1 E9: Chapter Nine: 162*, S1 E10: Chapter Ten: Three Rooms*
49. What We Do in the Shadows S3 E6: The Escape*, S3 E7: The Siren*, S3 E8: The Wellness Center*, S3 E9: A Farewell*- I absolutely love the movie, but I have to admit I'm enjoying the show even more. Guillermo, Nadja, and Colin Robinson improve upon the film's dynamic and help make this just a smidge better.

October 24
50. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)- This is my favorite Halloween sequel partly due to the nostalgia of finally getting a new Michael Myers movie and partly cause this is just a good continuation of the series. Rachel and Jamie breathe a certain freshness into the franchise and overcomes shoulder pads and a weird, ever changing mask.
51. Slasher: Solstice S3 E3: 12pm to 3pm*, S3 E4: 3pm to 6pm*
52. The Unholy* (2021)- This was not bad and worth a watch, but it doesn't really bring anything new to the table. Think of it more like the Conjuring lite. Negan plays grown-up journalist Stephen Glass searching for the next big story that will break the internet. What he finds is the next big ghost-witch-demon looking to break the spirit of the weak minded masses.

October 25
53. The New Daughter* (2009)- How have I never even heard of this flick? Recently divorced Kevin Costner moves his young son and teenage daughter to rural South Carolina to punish them for their sins I guess. So no matter what happens, he's the real villain. The girl finds an "evil mound" on the property that causes changes in her adolescent body. Is it possession or puberty... and is there really a difference?
54. Ghostbusters (2016)- I know the incels attacked this movie like the Greeks attacked Troy, but it really is a funny and enjoyable romp. It honors the original (a little too much though) and the ghosts are imaginative and dazzling. To any of its critics, I offer a two word rebuttal... Kate McKinnon. Mike drop, BOOM.

October 26
55. Slasher: Solstice S3 E5: 6pm to 9pm*, S3 E6: 9pm to 12am*
56. The Exorcist S2 E1: Janus*, S2 E2: Safe as Houses*- Discount Daniel Craig and a de-aged Antonio Banderas hit the road for an exorcism world tour. This is good mind you, but I can understand why it got cancelled. You really do paint yourself into a corner with a show about possessions and exorcisms.
57. Get Out (2017)- It's my second time watching this, and I think it was even better knowing the "twist". This movie is so well done. The best horror is layered, usually with sociopolitical, religious, or familial undertones. And this is less undertone and more overtone. I get the criticism though, "another movie where white people are the villains." If only there were more movies and TV shows where white people were the heroes, right? #NeverEnough

October 27
58. The Night House* (2020)- Winner for best first time view! This is a wonderful psychological thriller that is so good, it not only has you doubting the sanity of the main protagonist, but your own as well. Well written and acted, and the setting isn't just another character, but the star of the show. I don't care what happened in that house, I would never move.
59. The Exorcist S2 E3: Unclean*, S2 E4: One For Sorrow*

October 28
60. Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)- Similar to the Annabelle franchise, the first movie's meh... not great but not bad. The second one is a prequel which turns out to be pretty damn good. This flick is creepy and suspenseful all thanks to horror's new it-guy, Mike Flanagan. The most unbelievable thing is that some adults actually think a toy mass produced by Hasbro can really summon spirits. And there is no restriction on those people breeding, crazy huh.
61. The Exorcist S2 E5: There But for the Grace of God, Go I*, S2 E6: Darling Nikki*

October 29
62. Slasher: Solstice S3 E7: Midnight to 3am*, S3 E8: 3am to 6am*
63. Hocus Pocus (1993)- I vibe with this movie so much. What, am I trying to hard? It really does get better each year. Speaking of sex, there is a lot of sexually undertones in this, naa'mean?
64. The Exorcist S2 E7: Help Me*, S2 E8: A Heaven of Hell*

October 30
65. Ticks* (1993)- Another one of those humans vs. mutated nature flicks. Gangsta Carlton Banks, the voice of Howard the Duck, Ami Dolenz, and the other Bosom Buddy go camping near ganja lake just begging for lime disease. And of course, the moral is people are the real enemy and maybe we deserve to be consumed.
66. Saw III (2006)- Does make it seem like a planned trilogy by tying up all the loose ends from part I and II nicely. More time with Jigsaw is always a good time, even though his self-righteous bullshit is weak sauce.
67. Trick r Treat (2007)- Love this flick, it's fun and enjoyable series of intertwined stories that celebrates the spirit of the season. This is a classic that spawned a minor horror icon in Sam.
68. The Exorcist S2 E9: Ritual & Repetition*, S2 E10: Unworthy*

October 31
69. Creepshow 2 (1987)- A lesser sequel but still pretty good that serves as a series of morality plays. The theme is do evil to innocent people and you will pay dearly for it. It's a shame that's not true, there are tons of MAGA hatted troglodytes spreading lies and hate all the while pretending to be on the side of the angels. I guess you could argue they are paying for it slowly by leading miserable lives, but is it too much to ask that they be stalked by a dead hitchhiker too?
70. Aftermath* (2021)- A troubled, generic couple try and overcome infidelity and a bad nose job in a fancy new home. C'mon man, doesn't everyone know not to buy a murder house? This was okay, give them points for trying, but it doesn't really have that magic. Also, did Lamplighter really say, "Watch the Boys?" Talk about meta allusions.
71. The Thing (1982)- Ending the challenge with a near perfect movie. Everything about this film works and it's a master class in story telling. Even MacReady's crazy-ass hat.

Last edited by Indy24LA; 11-01-21 at 07:20 AM.
Old 09-07-21, 06:13 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

F = First Time Viewing
S = Subset Film
T = Daily Theme
[✓]100 movies
[✓]Finish checklist, themes, and subset films
[✓]Finalize list at the end
September 30
October 1
4Burke and Hare2010imdb
5The Wolf of Snow Hollow2020imdb
October 2
6Bingo Hell2021imdb
7Black as Night2021imdb
8Silent Madness1984imdb
9Friday the 13th: A New Beginning1985imdb
10Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives1986imdb
11Axeman at Cutter's Creek2013imdb
12Slasher: Thicker Than Water (S04E01)2021imdb
--Slasher: The Sins of the Father (S04E02)2021imdb
13Slasher: In Trust (S04E03)2021imdb
--Slasher: Upstairs Downstairs (S04E04)2021imdb
October 3
14The Severed Arm1973imdb
15What Waits Below1984imdb
16Amityville II: The Possession1982imdb
17The Wizard of Gore1970imdb
18The Wizard of Gore2007imdb
19The Curse of King Tut's Tomb1980imdb
21The Comeback1978imdb
October 4
23The Spiral Staircase1946imdb
24Ecologia del delitto1971imdb
25The Frighteners1996imdb
October 5
26Slasher: Family Ties (S04E05)2021imdb
--Slasher: Face Time (S04E06)2021imdb
27Slasher: Goldfinger (S04E07)2021imdb
--Slasher: Kindred (S04E08)2021imdb
28Witchfinder General1968imdb
2912 Hour Shift2020imdb
30Psychic Killer1975imdb
October 6
31Cutting Class1989imdb
32Evil: N Is for Night Terrors (S02E01)2021imdb
--Evil: A Is for Angel (S02E02)2021imdb
33Evil: F Is for Fire (S02E03)2021imdb
--Evil: E Is for Elevator (S02E04)2021imdb
34Girls Nite Out1982imdb
October 7
36The Stylist2020imdb
October 8
38Slumber Party Massacre II (Last Drive-In)1987imdb
40Terror Train (Last Drive-In)1980imdb
October 9
41The Neon Demon2016imdb
42Ladrones de tumbas1989imdb
43Death Bed: The Bed That Eats1977imdb
44Chapelwaite: Blood Calls Blood (S01E01)2021imdb
--Chapelwaite: Memento Mori (S01E02)2021imdb
45Fright Night1985imdb
47Lobster Man from Mars1989imdb
October 10
48Furankenshutain no kaijû: Sanda tai Gaira1966imdb
49Batoru rowaiaru2000imdb
50Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein1948imdb
53Evil: Z Is for Zombies (S02E05)2021imdb
--Evil: C Is for Cop (S02E06)2021imdb
October 11
54The Mortuary Collection2019imdb
56Things Heard & Seen2021imdb
57The Manor2021imdb
October 12
58Evil: S Is for Silence (S02E07)2021imdb
--Muppets Haunted Mansion2021imdb
59Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II1987imdb
60Ratu Ilmu Hitam2019imdb
October 13
61Night of the Demon1957imdb
62Evil: B Is for Brain (S02E08)2021imdb
--Evil: U Is for U.F.O. (S02E09)2021imdb
63Evil: O Is for Ovaphobia (S02E10)2021imdb
--Evil: I Is for IRS (S02E11)2021imdb
October 14
65In Search of Darkness (1)2019imdb
66In Search of Darkness (2)2019imdb
67In Search of Darkness (3)2019imdb
68Shadow Play1986imdb
October 15
69Swamp Thing: Pilot (S01E01)2019imdb
--Swamp Thing: Worlds Apart (S01E02)2019imdb
October 16
71Tower of Evil1972imdb
73The Ripper1985imdb
October 17
75Fade to Black1980imdb
76The Final Girls2015imdb
77Fear Street: 19942021imdb
78Fear Street: 19782021imdb
79Fear Street: 16662021imdb
80Evil: D Is for Doll (S02E12)2021imdb
--Evil: C Is for Cannibal (S02E13)2021imdb
81Dark and Stormy Night2009imdb
October 18
82Army of the Dead2021imdb
83Planet Terror2007imdb
84Psycho Goreman2020imdb
85Dracula: Prince of Darkness1966imdb
October 19
86The Ninth Gate1999imdb
87Girl on the Third Floor2019imdb
88The Boy Behind the Door2020imdb
October 20
89Les lèvres rouges1971imdb
91Werewolves Within2021imdb
92Love Bites1993imdb
October 21
93The Collector2009imdb
94Midnight Mass: Book I: Genesis (S01E01)2021imdb
--Midnight Mass: Book II: Psalms (S01E02)2021imdb
October 22
95The Empty Man2020imdb
97The Night House2020imdb
October 23
98Don't Tell a Soul2020imdb
99Willy's Wonderland2021imdb
101The Picture of Dorian Gray1945imdb
103Teacher Shortage2020imdb
104Chucky: Death by Misadventure (S01E01)2021imdb
--Chucky: Give Me Something Good to Eat (S01E02)2021imdb
October 24
106In Fabric2018imdb
107The Haunted House1929imdb
--The Case of the Stuttering Pig1937imdb
--Lock Your Door1949imdb
--Veliki strah1958imdb
--The Dummy1982imdb
--The Trick1997imdb
--The Door in the Woods2018imdb
--The Girl in the Woods2020imdb
108Swamp Thing: He Speaks (S01E03)2019imdb
--Swamp Thing: Darkness on the Edge of Town (S01E04)2019imdb
109Due occhi diabolici1990imdb
110Martyrs Lane2021imdb
111The Power2021imdb
October 25
115Midnight Mass: Book III: Proverbs (S01E03)2021imdb
--Midnight Mass: Book IV: Lamentations (S01E04)2021imdb
October 26
116I Am Not a Serial Killer2016imdb
117The Gate1987imdb
October 27
118Till Death2021imdb
119Into the Dark: Treehouse2019imdb
120Scream for Help1984imdb
121I Know What You Did Last Summer: It's Thursday (S01E01)2021imdb
--I Know What You Did Last Summer: It's Not Just for Dog Shit (S01E02)2021imdb
122Bat sin fan dim: Yan yuk cha siu bau1993imdb
October 28
123Body Bags1993imdb
124Torture Garden1967imdb
October 29
127Midnight Mass: Book V: Gospel (S01E05)2021imdb
--Midnight Mass: Book VI: Acts of the Apostles (S01E06)2021imdb
128Midnight Mass: Book VII: Revelation (S01E07)2021imdb
--Chucky: I Like to Be Hugged (S01E03)2021imdb
October 30
129Swamp Thing: Drive All Night (S01E05)2019imdb
--Swamp Thing: The Price You Pay (S01E06)2019imdb
130Evil Dead II1987imdb
131The Old Ways2020imdb
132Swamp Thing: Brilliant Disguise (S01E07)2019imdb
--Swamp Thing: Long Walk Home (S01E08)2019imdb
October 31
135Swamp Thing: The Anatomy Lesson (S01E09)2019imdb
--Swamp Thing: Loose Ends (S01E10)2019imdb
136Horror Noire2021imdb
139Halloween Kills2021imdb
November 1

[✓] Checklist Completed
[✓]Select 10 actors
[✓]Jenny AgutterBurke and Hare
[✓]Arielle BrachfeldAxeman
[✓]Clancy BrownThe Mortuary Collection
---Chuck Connors
[✓]Peter CushingTorture Garden
[✓]Brad DourifThe Wizard of Gore (2007)
[✓]Elissa DowlingGirl on the Third Floor
[✓]Deborah ForemanLobster Man from Mars
[✓]Stephen GeoffreysFright Night
---Boris Karloff
---Udo Kier
[✓]Christopher LeeDracula: Prince of Darkness
[✓]Bela LugosiAbbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
[✓]Lynn LowryRabid
[✓]Virginia MadsenSwamp Thing
---Julian Sands
[✓]Tiffany ShepisAbominable
[✓]P.J. SolesCarrie
[✓]Scout Taylor-ComptonGetaway
---Tony Todd
[✓][Recently Deceased] Julie StrainLove Bites
[✓][Recently Deceased] Daria NicolodiOpera
[✓][Recently Deceased] Barbara ShelleyDracula: Prince of Darkness
[✓][Recently Deceased] Cloris LeachmanShadow Play
[✓]Select 5 directors
[✓]Freddie FrancisTorture Garden
---Jesús "Jess" Franco
---William Grefé
---Amando de Ossorio
---Takashi Miike
---Steve Miner
---Jean Rollin
[✓]Pete WalkerThe Comeback
[✓]James WanMalignant
[✓][Female Director] Gigi Saul GuerreroBingo Hell
[✓][Recently Deceased] Norman J. WarrenTerror
[✓]Select 2 film composers
[✓]Pino DonaggioCarrie
---Alan Howarth
[✓]Claudio SimonettiOpera
[✓]Christopher YoungThe Empty Man
[✓]Select 2 makeup effects artists
[✓]Rick BakerThe Frighteners
---Joe Blasco
[✓]KNB EFX GroupEvil Dead II
[✓]Matthew MungleDracula (1992)
---Dick Smith
[✓][Recently Deceased] Robert Green HallHalloween (2018)
[✓]Select 2 producers
---Lawrence Bender
[✓]Jason BlumBingo Hell
---Herman Cohen
[✓]Dino De LaurentiisAmityville II
[✓]Select 2 writers
[✓]Christopher LandonFreaky
[✓]Dardano SacchettiA Bay of Blood
---Curt Siodmak
[✓]Kiyoshi KurosawaCure
[✓]Select 30 sub-genres/types
[✓]3-D FilmSilent Madness
[✓]Anthology FilmThe Mortuary Collection
[✓]Appears on 'TSZDT'Road Games
[✓]Based on a True StoryBurke and Hare
[✓]Based on a NovelNightbooks
[✓]Candy CinemaCensor
[✓]CannibalismThe Neon Demon
---Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson
[✓]Cinematic Titanic/Horror Host/MST3K/RiffTraxSlumber Party Massacre II
[✓]Comedy/SpoofLobster Man from Mars
[✓]Criterion/Masters of CinemaThe Phantom Carriage
[✓]Cryptid CinemaAbominable
[✓]Death By: ElectrocutionCarrie
[✓]Director or Writer Cameo in Own FilmThe Stylist
[✓]Distributor/Studio: Kino LorberThe Comeback
[✓]DocumentaryIn Search of Darkness
---Dream Horror
[✓]Drunk HorrorThe Wolf of Snow Hollow
[✓]Enzo Sciotti ArtEvil Dead II
[✓]Euro HorrorA Bay of Blood
[✓]Extraterrestrial/Takes Place in SpaceSlither
---Fan Film
---Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List
[✓]Film From TCM's October ScheduleCurse of the Demon
[✓]FirearmsPlanet Terror
[✓]FlashbackFriday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
[✓]FogTower of Evil
[✓]Folk HorrorWitchfinder General
---Found Footage
[✓]FrankensteinAbbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
[✓]From a Basil Gogos PaintingDracula (1931)
[✓]Ghost/HauntingThe Frighteners
[✓]Kaiju/Giant MonsterThe War of the Gargantuas
---Killer/Evil Animal
---Killer/Evil Child
[✓]Killer/Evil DollChucky
[✓]Mad ScientistRabid
[✓]Made-for-TV MovieThe Curse of King Tut's Tomb
---Musical/Rock 'n' Roll Horror
[✓]Name in TitleDracula (1992)
---Nation of Origin: Russia
---Ouija Board
[✓]PsychologicalThe Night House
---Shot in Bronson Canyon
[✓]Shudder Original/ExclusiveThe Queen of Black Magic
[✓]Slasher/Psycho/Homicidal ManiacFriday the 13th: A New Beginning
[✓]Slow MotionFade to Black
---Split Personality
[✓]SuicideBattle Royale
[✓]Takes Place in a CryptGrave Robbers
[✓]Takes Place in a High SchoolCutting Class
[✓]Takes Place in a LibraryThings Heard & Seen
[✓]Takes Place on a HolidayTerror Train
---Takes Place on a Mountain
[✓]Takes Place on or Under the SeaD-Railed
[✓]Three Installments in a FranchiseFear Street
[✓]Title Spoken by CharacterFright Night
---Trailer Compilation
[✓]VampireBlack as Night
[✓]WerewolfWolves Within
---Wilhelm Scream
[✓]Witchcraft/Satanic/ReligiousAmityville II
[✓]With CommentaryThe Final Girls
---With Two or More Horror Legends
[✓]ZombieArmy of the Dead
[✓]Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff"
[✓]1921 (100th)The Phantom Carriage
[✓]1946 (75th)The Spiral Staircase
[✓]1971 (50th)A Bay of Blood
[✓]1996 (25th)The Frighteners
[✓]Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
[✓]40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie MacabreWitchfinder General
---40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films
[✓]40th Anniversary of MTVFriday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
[✓]50th Anniversary of Monster CerealDracula
---100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball
[✓]Select 3 horror film tropes
---Killed during sex
[✓]New house, new problemsThings Heard & Seen
[✓]No cell phone serviceOld
---Making dumb decisions
[✓]The creepy gas station attendantBody Bags
[✓]The evil doll that comes to lifeChucky
[✓]The mirror scareFriday the 13th: A New Beginning
[✓]The suddenly unpredictable vehicleFreaky
[✓]Select 4 ratings
[✓]GThe War of the Gargantuas
[✓]PGRoad Games
[✓]Unrated12 Hour Shift
[✓]Select 6 Decades of Film History
[✓]Pre-1930The Phantom Carriage
[✓]1940sThe Spiral Staircase
[✓]1950sCurse of the Demon
[✓]1960sWitchfinder General
[✓]1970sThe Severed Arm
[✓]1980sRoad Games
[✓]1990sThe Frighteners
[✓]2010sBurke and Hare
[✓]Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality
[✓]Robert Green HallHalloween (2018)
[✓]Julie StrainLove Bites
[✓]Daria NicolodiOpera
[✓]Barbara ShelleyDracula: Prince of Darkness
[✓]Cloris LeachmanShadow Play
[✓]Norman J. WarrenTerror
[✓]Watch a film shot on 1 of the following
[✓]VideoThe Ripper
---8mm (Super 8)
[✓]Watch 1 OHMC "favorite"
[✓](a 2009 subset pick)Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
[✓]Watch a film and its remake back-to-back on the same day
[✓]OriginalThe Wizard of Gore (1970)
[✓]RemakeThe Wizard of Gore (2007)
[✓]Watch films in at least 3 formats
[✓]First format: StreamingMalignant
[✓]Second format: Blu-raySlither
[✓]Third format: TheaterAbbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
[✓]Watch films in at least 3 languages
[✓]First language: Silent/SwedishThe Phantom Carriage
[✓]Second language: SpanishGrave Robbers
[✓]Third language: IndonesianThe Queen of Black Magic
[✓]Fourth language: JapaneseCure
[✓]Watch 2 films with similar plots
[✓]FirstFright Night
[✓]Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
[✓]Stars a Julie (Strain, Anne Prescott, Benz, Harris, Adams)Psychic Killer (Adams)
[✓]Features a character waking up from a nightmareThe Wizard of Gore (2007)
[✓]Was made in the 1990sLove Bites
[✓]Features a LGBT characterAxeman
---Was written by Charles B. Griffith
[✓]Features a severed headFriday the 13th: A New Beginning
[✓]Has a scene in a nightclubThe Neon Demon
[✓]Was shot in MexicoGrave Robbers
[✓]Is listed in Suburban GrindhouseGirls Nite Out
---Takes place at a national park
---Features a funeral scene
[✓]Title includes 'Return of'/'Curse of'/'Bride of'/'Son of'The Curse of King Tut's Tomb

Personal Challenges:
[✓] Checklist Completed
General Stuff
[✓]Optional items from the main checklist
[✓]Attend a live or virtual eventBoo at the Zoo
[✓]Listen to a horror movie soundtrackFright Night
[✓]Read a horror novel or novella:
[✓]--Dan WellsI Am Not a Serial Killer (novel)
[✓]--Samanta SchweblinFever Dream (novella)
[✓]--Grady HendrixMy Best Friend's Exorcism (novel)
[✓]--Yoko OgawaRevenge (short stories)
[✓]--Carmen Maria MachadoIn the Dream House (memoir)
[✓]Read a horror comic book or graphic novelMy Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris
[✓]Read a horror magazineFamous Monsters of Filmland #38
[✓]Watch a movie adaptation of a book I read this year
[✓]The Picture of Dorian Gray
[✓]I Am Not a Serial Killer
---Cover all the title types on IMDb
[✓]Feature FilmRoad Games
[✓]TV MovieThe Curse of King Tut's Tomb
[✓]TV SeriesSwamp Thing
[✓]TV EpisodeSlasher
[✓]TV SpecialMuppets Haunted Mansion
[✓]Mini-SeriesMidnight Mass
[✓]DocumentaryIn Search of Darkness
[✓]Video GameOxenfree
[✓]Short FilmThe Haunted House
[✓]VideoThe Ripper
[✓]TV ShortThe Girl in the Woods
[✓]Podcast SeriesThe Harrowing
[✓]Watch at least 90 minutes of short films
[✓]The Haunted House
[✓]The Case of the Stuttering Pig
[✓]Lock Your Door
[✓]Veliki Strah
[✓]The Demon
[✓]The Dummy
[✓]The Trick
[✓]The Door in the Woods
[✓]The Girl in the Woods
[✓]Check off at least 10 distinct first-time watches from among these lists
[✓]Letterboxd’s Top 250 Horror FilmsThe Phantom Carriage
The Spiral Staircase
[✓]Edgar Wright’s 1,000 Favorite MoviesWitchfinder General
Daughters of Darkness
Road Games
[✓]Guillermo del Toro’s twitter film recommendationsWitchfinder General
In Fabric
[✓]Rotten Tomatoes' Best Horror Movies Directed by Women12 Hour Shift
Fear Street: 1994
Fear Street: 1978
The Stylist
Fear Street: 1666
[✓]Letterboxd’s Official Top 25 Horror Films of 2021The Night House
Fear Street: 1666
Fear Street: 1978
Werewolves Within
Till Death
[✓]TSZDT's 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Horror FilmsThe Neon Demon
In Fabric
Feminism Beyond the Final Girl
[✓]Check off all the women on the regular checklist
[✓]Jenny Agutter (actor)Burke and Hare
[✓]Arielle Brachfeld (actor)Axeman
[✓]Elissa Dowling (actor)Axeman
[✓]Deborah Foreman (actor)Lobster Man from Mars
[✓]Lynn Lowry (actor)Rabid
[✓]Virginia Madsen (actor)Swamp Thing
[✓]Tiffany Shepis (actor)Axeman
[✓]P.J. Soles (actor)Carrie
[✓]Scout Taylor-Compton (actor)Getaway
[✓]Julie Strain (recently deceased, Julies)Love Bites
[✓]Daria Nicolodi (recently deceased)Opera
[✓]Barbara Shelley (recently deceased)Dracula: Prince of Darkness
[✓]Cloris Leachman (recently deceased)Shadow Play
[✓]Julie Anne Prescott (Julies)Teacher Shortage
[✓]Julie Benz (Julies)Two Evil Eyes
[✓]Julie Harris (Julies)Crimewave
[✓]Julie Adams (Julies)Psychic Killer
[✓]Watch at least 5 titles by female directors
[✓]Gigi Saul GuerreroBingo Hell
[✓]Maritte Lee GoBlack as Night
[✓]Brea Grant12 Hour Shift
[✓]Jill GevargizianThe Stylist
[✓]The Soska SistersRabid
[✓]Deborah Navarra-BrockSlumber Party Massacre II
[✓]Shari Springer BermanThings Heard & Seen
[✓]Axelle CarolynThe Manor
[✓]Susan ShadburnShadow Play
[✓]Prano Bailey-BondCensor
[✓]Leigh JaniakFear Streets
[✓]Alethea JonesEvil
[✓]Ruth PlattMartyrs Lane
[✓]Corinna FaithThe Power
[✓]Tracey MoffattBedevil
[✓]Elza KephartSlaxx
[✓]Watch at least 2 titles with a female cinematographer
[✓]Natalie KingstonThe Wolf of Snow Hollow
[✓]Cybel MartinBlack as Night
[✓]Kim DerkoRabid
[✓]Natasha BraierThe Neon Demon
[✓]Hillary SperaRun
[✓]Annika SummersonCensor
[✓]Erin NaifehGetaway
[✓]Ari WegnerIn Fabric
[✓]Laura BellinghamThe Power
[✓]Amanda TreyzTreehouse
[✓]Cristina DunlapBit
[✓]Watch at least 2 titles with a female screenwriter
[✓]Akela CooperMalignant
[✓]Fran WalshThe Frighteners
[✓]Brea Grant12 Hour Shift
[✓]Deborah Navarra-BrockSlumber Party Massacre II
[✓]Shari Springer BermanThings Heard & Seen
[✓]Axelle CarolynThe Manor
[✓]Susan ShadburnShadow Play
[✓]Prano Bailey-BondCensor
[✓]Mishna WolffWerewolves Within
[✓]Jaclyn BethamGetaway
[✓]Ruth PlattMartyrs Lane
[✓]Corinna FaithThe Power
[✓]Tracey MoffattBedevil
[✓]Marcella OchoaThe Old Ways
[✓]Debra HillHalloween
[✓]Patricia Gomez & Elza KephartSlaxx
[✓]Watch at least 1 title based on a book by a female author
[✓]Selma LagerlöfThe Phantom Carriage
[✓]Ethel Lina WhiteThe Spiral Staircase
[✓]Elizabeth BrundageThings Heard & Seen
---Watch at least 2 titles with a female composer
[✓]Jill FraserCutting Class
[✓]Emilie Levienaise-FarrouchCensor
[✓]Anna DrubichFear Streets, Werewolves Within
[✓]Martina EisenreichWildling
[✓]Anne MüllerMartyrs Lane
[✓]Elizabeth BernholzThe Power
[✓]Morgan KibbyTreehouse
[✓]Isabelle Engman-BredvikMadres
[✓]EmmoLei SankofaHorror Noire
[✓]Delphine MeasrochSlaxx
[✓]Watch at least 3 titles that pass the Bechdel Test and the Mako Mori Test
[✓]The Spiral Staircase
[✓]The Neon Demon
[✓]Watch at least 1 title about a group of women
[✓]Slumber Party Massacre II
[✓]The Neon Demon
[✓]Watch at least 1 title with a young (child/pre-teen) female protagonist
[✓]Psycho Goreman
[✓]Martyrs Lane
[✓]Watch at least 1 title discussed in Carol J. Clover's seminal
fundamental work 'Men, Women, and Chain Saws'
[✓]The Spiral Staircase
Intersectionality and Ally-ism
[✓]Watch at least 3 titles with a BIPOC protagonist
[✓]Bingo Hell
[✓]Black as Night
[✓]Watch at least 1 title directed by a BIPOC director
[✓]Gigi Saul GuerreroBingo Hell
[✓]Maritte Lee GoBlack as Night
[✓]Joston TheneyAxeman
[✓]James WanMalignant
[✓]Robert RodriguezPlanet Terror
[✓]Justin PowellThe Boy Behind the Door
[✓]M. Night ShyamalanOld
[✓]Tracey MoffattBedevil
[✓]Kimani Ray SmithHorror Noire
---Watch at least 1 title directed by/featuring indigenous peoples
---Watch at least 3 titles with positively-portrayed/fully-realized LGBTQ characters
[✓]The Neon Demon
[✓]Fear Streets

Last edited by alyxstarr; 11-03-21 at 11:27 AM.
Old 09-07-21, 06:37 PM
DVD Talk Ultimate Edition
Toddarino's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Northeastern Wisconsin
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Received 819 Likes on 543 Posts
Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Goal : 138
Bold = Subset
Black = DVD
Blue = Blu-ray
Red = Streaming
Yellow = UHD
Green = VHS
Purple = Theatrical
ftw = First Time Watch

Checklist : Completed

Select 10 actors: Completed
X Jenny Agutter - the Survivor
--- Arielle Brachfield -
X Clancy Brown - the Mortuary Collection
X Chuck Connors - Summer Camp Nightmare
--- Peter Cushing -
X Brad Dourif - Spontaneous Combustion
--- Elissa Dowling -
X Deborah Foreman - Sundown
X Stephen Geoffreys - Fright Night
--- Boris Karloff -
--- Udo Kier -
X Christopher Lee - The Howling II
X Bela Legosi - Dracula
--- Lynn Lowry -
X Virginia Madsen - Zombie High
X Julian Sands - Warlock
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
X Tiffany Shepis - Abominable
X P.J. Soles - Carrie
--- Tony Todd -
X Recently Deceased (Daria Nicolodi) - Inferno

Select 5 directors: Completed
--- Freddie Francis -
X Jesús "Jess" Franco - Ilsa the Wicked Warden
X William Grefé - Whiskey Mountain
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
X Steve Miner - Warlock
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
X James Wan - the Conjuring
X Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 - Axelle Carolyn - the Manor
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers: Completed
X Pino Donaggio - Carrie
X Alan Howarth - Halloween II
X Claudio Simonetti - Suspiria
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists: Completed
X Rick Baker - the Frighteners
--- Joe Blasco -
X KNB EFX Group - Planet Terror
X Mathew Mungle - Silver Bullet
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers: Completed
--- Lawrence Bender -
X Jason Blum - Freaky
--- Herman Cohen -
X Dino De Laurentiis - Silver Bullet

Select 2 writers: Completed
X Christopher Landon - Freaky
X Dardano Sacchetti - A Bay Of Blood
--- Curt Siodmak -
X Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Cure

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types: Completed
X *3-D Film - Silent Madness
X Anthology Film - Creepshow 2
--- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films -
X Based on a True Story - Dead Ringers
X Based on a Novel - Summer Camp Nightmare
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
X Cannibalism - Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies
X Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson - Trilogy Of Terror
X Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax - Angel/Terror Train
X Comedy / Spoof - Class Reunion
X Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film - Dead Ringers
X Cryptid Cinema - Abominable
X Death by: Electrocution - Carrie
X Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2 - the Frighteners
X Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - Tower Of Evil
X Documentary -In Search Of Darkness
--- Dream Horror -
X Drunk Horror - Slither
X Euro Horror - Daughters Of Darkness
XEnzo Sciotti Art - Evil Dead 2
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
—-Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
--- Firearms -
XFlashback - the Severed Arm
X Fog, 2 - Wilding
X Folk Horror - Witchfinder General
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -
X Ghost / Haunting - the Conjuring
X Giallo - A Bay Of Blood
X J-Horror - Battle Royals
X Kaiju / Giant Monster - Curse Of The Demon
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
X Killer / Evil Child - Battle Royale
X Killer / Evil Doll - Puppet Master
--- Luchador -
X Made-for-TV Movie - Trilogy Of Terror
X Mad Scientist - Planet Terror
--- Mummy -
--- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror
--- Name In Title -
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
X Shot in Bronson Canyon - Abominable
X Shudder Original / Exclusive - Slaxx
X Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Silent Madness
--- Slow Motion -
--- Split Personality -
X Suicide - Carrie
X Takes Place in a Crypt - Grave Robbers
X Takes Place in a High School - Zombie High
X Takes Place in a Library - Carrie
X Takes Place on a Mountain - Whiskey Mountain
--- Takes Place on a Holiday -
X Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Ghost Ship
X Three Installments in a Franchise - Halloween
X Title Spoken By Character, 2 - the Frighteners
--- Trailer Compilation -
X Travelogue - Daughters of Darkness
X Vampire - Sundown
--- Voyeurism -
X Werewolf - Silver Bullet
X Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - Inferno
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -
X With Two or More Horror Legends - House Of Dracula
X Zombie - Zombie High

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff": Completed
X 1921 (100th) - the Phantom Carriage
X 1946 (75th) - the Spiral Staircase
X 1971 (50th) - A Bay Of Blood
X 1996 (25th) – Frighteners

Select 1 from the following anniversaries: Completed
X 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre - Witchfinder General
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of
MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of
Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of
Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes: Completed
--- Killed during sex -
X New House, New Problems, 2 - the Amityville Horror
--- No cell phone service -
--- Making dumb decisions -
X The creepy gas station attendant - Body Bags
X The evil doll that comes to life - Puppet Master
X The mirror scare - Silent Madness
X The suddenly unpredictable vehicle - Alone In The Dark

Select 4 ratings: Completed
--- G -
X PG - Road Games
X PG-13 - The Gate
X R - Scream
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
X Unrated - the Descent
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history: Completed
X Pre-1930 - the Phantom Carriage
X 1930 - Dracula
X 1940 - The Spiral Staircase
X 1950 - The Creature From The Black Lagoon
X 1960 - Witchfinder General
X 1970 - Suspiria
X 1980 - Road Games
X 1990 - Scream
X 2000 - Abominable
X 2010 - the Conjuring
X 2020 - Freaky

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality: Completed
X Recently deceased list - Daria Nicolodi

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following: Completed
X Video ,2 - Sledgehammer
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites": Completed
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
X Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and it’s remake back to back on the same day: Completed
X Original - the Amityville Horror
X Remake - the Amityville Horror

Watch films in at least three formats: Completed
X First format, (dvd), (Road Games).
X Second format, (Blu-ray), (Slither).
X Third format, (vhs), (Scream).

Watch films in at least three languages: Completed
X First language, (English), (Road Games).
X Second language, (Spanish), (Grave Robbers).
Third language, (Japanese), (Battle Royale).

Watch 2 films with similar plots: Completed
X Film #1 - Evil Town
X Film #2 - Evils Of The Night

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that: Completed
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
X Features a character waking up from a nightmare - Alone In The Dark
X Was made in the 1990s - Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies
X Features a LGBT character - Warlock
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
X Features a severed head - Road Games
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
X Was shot in Mexico - Grave Robbers
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

X Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - Halloween Kills

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONA

Subset : Completed

X 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
X 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)
X xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021) Halloween Kills

X 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
X 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
X 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
X 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971) / The Frighteners (1996)
X 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
X 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
X 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
X 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
X 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
X 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
X 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
X 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
X 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
X 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
X 10/15: Cure - ororama (1997)
X 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
X 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
X 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
X 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
X 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) / Wildling (2018)
X 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
X 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
X 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
X 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
X 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020)
X 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
X 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
X 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
X 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
X 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
X 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)

1. Road Games (ftw)
2. Dead Ringers (ftw)

3. Slither
4. the Conjuring
5. Scream
6. Creepshow 2

7. Silent Madness (ftw)
8. Abominable (ftw)
9. Blood Hook
10. Alone In The Dark (ftw)
11. Suspiria
12. Inferno (ftw)

13. the Severed Arm (ftw)
14. Summer Camp Nightmare (ftw)
15. Spontaneous Combustion (ftw)
16. Warlock (ftw)
17. Auntie Lee’s Meat Pies (ftw)
18. Sledgehammer (ftw)
19. Whiskey Mountain (ftw)

20.The Phantom Carriage (ftw)
21. The Spiral Staircase (ftw)
22. A Bay Of Blood (ftw)
23. The Frighteners
24. Zombie High (ftw)
25. Class Reunion (ftw)

26. Witchfinder General (ftw)
27. Sundown the Vampire In Retreat (ftw)
28. Silver Bullet
29. Ghost Ship

30. Cutting Class (ftw)
31. Ilsa the Wicked Warden (ftw)
32. the Amityville Horror
33. the Amityville Horror
34. the Survivor (ftw)

35. Carrie
36. Return To Horror High
37. Spookies
38. The Descent

39. Slumber Party Massacre II
40. Children Of The Corn
41. Demon Knight
42. Monster Dog
43. Angel (ftw)
44. Terror Train

45. Grave Robbers (ftw)
46. Dead Heat
47. Maniac Cop
48. Maniac Cop 2 (ftw)
49. Maniac Cop 3 (ftw)
50. Psycho Cop Returns
51. Evil Dead
52. Night Of The Zombies (ftw)

53. Battle Royale
54. the People Under The Stairs
55. House Of Wax
56. Fright Night

57. The Mortuary Collection (ftw)
58. Ice Cream Man
59. Maximum Overdrive
60. Prom Night

61. Prom Night II
62. Pumpkinhead
63. Friday the 13th (remake)
64. Puppet Master

64. Curse Of The Demon (ftw)
65. The Haunting
66. the Manor (ftw)
67. the Relic

68. In Search
69. Of Darkness
70. Part II
71. Winterbeast (ftw)

72. Cure (ftw)
73. Phantasam
74. the Burning
75. Blood Games
76. Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker (ftw)

77. Tower Of Evil (ftw)
78. Halloween Kills (ftw)
79. Frightmare (ftw)
80. Beyond Dreams Door (ftw)
81. Night Of The Creeps
82. April Fool’s Day

83. Fade To Black
84. Savage Weekend (ftw)
85. The Forest (ftw)
86. Don’t Go In The Woods (ftw)
87. Night Of The Comet

88. Planet Terror
89. Death Proof
90. Return Of The Living Dead
91. Return Of The Living Dead II
92. Night Of The Living Dead (remake)

93. The Ninth Gate(ftw)
94. Lord Of Illusion (ftw)
95. Trilogy Of Terror (ftw)

96. Daughters Of Darkness (ftw)
97. Wildling (ftw)
98. The Howling
99. An American Werewolf In London
100. The Howling II (ftw)

101. The Collector (ftw)
102. Cabin In The Woods
103. American Gothic (ftw)
104. The Town That Dreaded Sundown (ftw)

105. The Empty Man (ftw)
106. Nightmare Cinema (ftw)
107. The Unseen (ftw)
108. Dead & Buried

109. Freaky (ftw)
110. Edge Of The Axe (ftw)
111. Evil Town (ftw)
112. Evils Of The Night (ftw)
113. Pieces (ftw)
114. Demons (ftw)
115. Demons 2 (ftw)

116. Triangle (ftw)
117. Dracula
118. Spanish Dracula (ftw)
119. Bram Stoker’s Dracula
120. Salem’s Lot
121. Return To Salem’s Lot
122. House Of Dracula (ftw)

123. Possessor (ftw)
124. Nosferatu In Venice (ftw)
125. Nightmare Weekend (ftw)
126. Graduation Day (ftw)
127. Girls School Screamers (ftw)

128. The Gate
129. The Gate II ( ftw)

130. The Untold Story (ftw)
131. Night Of The Demons

132. Body Bags
133. The Creature From The Black Lagoon
134. The Evil (ftw)

135. Opera (ftw)
136. Last Night In Soho (ftw)
137. In The Mouth Of Madness

138. Evil Dead 2
139. Antlers (ftw)
140. Evil Dead
141. Friday the 13th part 2
142. Friday the 13th part 3
143. Halloween 25 years of Terror

144. Halloween
145. Halloween II
146. Halloween : H20
147. Halloween ‘18
148. Halloween Kills
149. Halloween III

150. Slaxx (ftw)

Last edited by Toddarino; 11-07-21 at 12:11 PM.
Old 09-07-21, 07:59 PM
DVD Talk Platinum Edition
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Millville, New Jersey
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

(1) Christine. (1983) A teenager buy's his first car that turns out to have a demented mind of its own. 8/10
(2) The Haunting. (1963) A group of ghost hunter types stay in a haunted mansion to test it's supernatural powers. Good, but a bit outdated. 7/10
(3) Bled. (2009) A man meets an artist at a gallery and gives her a potion that takes her to another vampiric universe. 8/10
(4) Brides of Dracula. (1960) My first entry of the Hammer productions. A decibel of Dracula raids the countryside after being released from captivity. 8/10
(5) The Fall of the House of Usher. (1960) My first entry in the Vincent Price genre. Aman comes across the Usher mansion to claim his bride. And to spar with her brother who will do anything to keep her from leaving. 8/10
(6) The Wolf Man (1941) A man is bitten by a wolf and then turns into the raging Wolf Man. 9/10
(7) Horror of Dracula. (1958) Grandaddy of the Dracula Hammer series. Cushing and Lee shine in this one. 9/10
(8) The Thing from Another World. A flying saucer crashes at the North Pole. A team of Military soldiers and scientists are sent to investigate. 8/10
(9) Twilight Zone- The Movie. A series of short stories centering around the famous Twilight Zone TV series of the 60's. 7/10
(10a) Twilight Zone- The Grave. An outlaw is killed by the town. And requests a meeting with a bounty hunter at his grave. Excellent. Dark and spooky. 10/10
(10b) Twilight Zone- Still Valley. A confederate soldier takes a book of witchcraft from an old warlock to stop the Union army. 9/10
(11) Underworld- Rise of the Lycans. Vampires vs. Werewolves. Shows the beginning of the Underworld series. 8/10
(12) Dracula, (1979) Frank Langella stars in this supposively romantic version of the count. Nice gothic sets. 7/10
(13) What Lies Beneath. (2000) A family is torn a part by a deadly secret 8/10
(14) Frankenstein. (1931) A mad scientist composes a human from the dead parts of other humans. 8/10
(15) The Curse of La Llorina. A Mexican legend of the woman who drowns her children in a river. Looks for other children to replace them. 9/10
(16) The Fog. (1980) A suspicious fog bank that hides a deadly secret for a California town. 8/10
(17) Bride of Frankenstein. A talking Frankenstein needs a friend. Preferably a mate. But something is wrong. " She hates me " as he destroys the castle. 8/10
(18) The Mummy's Hand, (1940) An Abbot and Costello team fund an expedition to look for the treasure of the Mummy's. And find one. 6/10
(19) Psycho. (1960) A woman meets her end as she's steals a small fortune and winds up at the Bates Motel. 9/10
(20) Kolchak- The Night Stalker. (1974) Made for TV movie. A Las Vegas news reporter stumbles across a serial killer who is a vampire. I have been watching this ever since it was released back in '74. Never get's old and wasted. 10/10
(21) Brahm Stokers Dracula. (1992) Tale based on the Dracula book by Brahm Stoker. Great gothic horror. One of my favorites. If not the #1 in my book. 10/10
(22) The Mothman Prophecies. A news reporter stumbles upon a vast number of warning Mothman sightings that happen before a disaster in West Virginia. 9/10
(23) The Mummy. I don't like this one as much as the other Universal's. It does has some good moments, like the flashback sequence. But I feel that it's very slow and loses me most of the time. 5/10
(24) Dracula. (1931) Bela Lugosi dons the cape as the famed Dracula. 8/10
(25) An American Haunting. The bell witch of Tennessee is the legend here in Red River. Nice story. This has been a good re-watchable movie for me over the years. 8/10
(26) Outpost. (2007) A mercenary team travels to Eastern Europe to check out an old WWII German bunker system that harbors some interesting leftover creatures. 8/10
(27) The Fly. A scientist accidentally turns himself partially into a fly when it unwittingly travels through one of his experience. Creepy ending. 8/10
(28) The Howling. (1981) A TV Newsreporter is sent to a colony in the mountains to rest and ends up being the main attraction of a werewolf colony. 8/10
(29) The Omen. (1976) An US ambassador receives a anti-christ newborn child after his own newborn is mysteriously murdered. 9/10
(30) Creature from the Black Lagoon. An expedition team is sent to the Amazon, preferably the Black Lagoon. Where they encounter the creature. 8/10
(31) The Others. (2001) Great movie centering around a family when the mother kills her children and they live happily ever after. 9/10
(32) An American Werewolf in London. Two American tourists traveling in London get attacked while backpacking. One is killed the other survives with a werewolf bite. 8/10
(33) Tales of Terror. Three Vincent Price film shorts. Morella being the Ace of the bunch. 6/10
(34) Halloween. (1978) of course. Halloween on Halloween. Doesn't get any better that the original to end this years challenge on Halloween. 9/10

Last edited by JOE29; 10-31-21 at 08:04 PM.
Old 09-08-21, 12:21 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Ghost World
Posts: 1,602
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

Select 10 actors:
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
--- Clancy Brown -
--- Chuck Connors -
--- Peter Cushing -
--- Brad Dourif -
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -
--- Udo Kier -
--- Christopher Lee -
--- Bela Lugosi -
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
--- Tiffany Shepis -
--- P.J. Soles -
--- Tony Todd -
--- Recently Deceased (insert actor) -

Select 5 directors:
--- Freddie Francis -
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
--- Steve Miner -
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
--- James Wan -
--- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 -
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
--- Pino Donaggio -
--- Alan Howarth -
--- Claudio Simonetti -
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
--- Rick Baker -
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
--- Christopher Landon -
--- Dardano Sacchetti -
--- Curt Siodmak -
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
--- *3-D Film -
--- Anthology Film -
--- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films -
--- Based on a True Story -
--- Based on a Novel -
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
--- Cannibalism -
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
--- Comedy / Spoof -
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -
--- Cryptid Cinema -
--- Death by: Electrocution
--- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2
--- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber -
--- Documentary -
--- Dream Horror -
--- Drunk Horror -
--- Euro Horror -
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
--- Firearms -
--- Flashback -
--- Fog, 2 -
--- Folk Horror -
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -
--- Ghost / Haunting -
--- Giallo -
--- J-Horror -
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
--- Killer / Evil Child -
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -
--- Mad Scientist -
--- Mummy -
--- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror
--- Name In Title -
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
--- Shudder Original / Exclusive -
--- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac -
--- Slow Motion -
--- Split Personality -
--- Suicide -
--- Takes Place in a Crypt -
--- Takes Place in a High School -
--- Takes Place in a Library -
--- Takes Place on a Mountain -
--- Takes Place on a Holiday -
--- Takes Place on or Under the Sea -
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -
--- Title Spoken By Character, 2 -
--- Trailer Compilation -
--- Travelogue -
--- Vampire -
--- Voyeurism -
--- Werewolf -
--- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious -
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -
--- With Two or More Horror Legends -
--- Zombie -

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
--- 1946 (75th) -
--- 1971 (50th) -
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
--- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre -
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
--- Killed during sex -
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -
--- No cell phone service -
--- Making dumb decisions -
--- The creepy gas station attendant -
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
--- The mirror scare -
--- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle -

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
--- PG -
--- PG-13 -
--- R -
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
--- Unrated -
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
--- 1930 -
--- 1940 -
--- 1950 -
--- 1960 -
--- 1970 -
--- 1980 -
--- 1990 -
--- 2000 -
--- 2010 -
--- 2020 -

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list -

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video ,2 -
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original -
--- Remake -

Watch films in at least three formats:
--- First format, (insert format), (insert title).
--- Second format, (insert format), (insert title).
--- Third format, (insert format), (insert title).

Watch films in at least three languages:
--- First language, (insert language), (insert title).
--- Second language, (insert language), (insert title).
--- Third language, (insert language), (insert title).

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 -
--- Film #2 -

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
--- Features a character waking up from a nightmare -
--- Was made in the 1990s -
--- Features a LGBT character -
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
--- Features a severed head -
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Last edited by indiephantom; 09-27-21 at 01:39 AM.
Old 09-08-21, 01:37 AM
Senior Member
cwileyy's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 351
Received 28 Likes on 13 Posts
Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

14th Year of Fun!

Goal: ???


☼ indicates first time viewing

Week 1

- October 1 -

- October 2 -

- October 3 -

- October 4 -
1. Suspiria (1977) ★★★★★

- October 5 -

- October 6 -
2. There's Someone Inside Your House (2021) ★★★ ☼

- October 7 -
3. The Mummy (1999) ★★★★
Week 2
- October 8 -

- October 9 -

- October 10 -

- October 11 -

- October 12 -

- October 13 -

- October 14 -
Week 3
- October 15 -

- October 16 -
4. Halloween (2018)★★★½

- October 17 -

- October 18 -

- October 19 -

- October 20 -

- October 21 -
Week 4
- October 22 -
5. The Cabin in the Woods (2011) ★★★★

- October 23 -
6. Titane (2021) ★★★★½

- October 24 -

- October 25 -
7. Doctor X (1932) ★★★

- October 26 -

- October 27 -

- October 28 -
The Final Days and Halloween
- October 29 -

- October 30 -

- October 31 -
8. Blood and Black Lace (Sei donne oer l'assassino) (1964) ★★★★

9. Halloween Kills (2021) ★★★★

Select 10 actors:
--- Jenny Agutter -
--- Arielle Brachfield -
--- Clancy Brown -
--- Chuck Connors -
--- Peter Cushing -
--- Brad Dourif -
--- Elissa Dowling -
--- Deborah Foreman -
--- Stephen Geoffreys -
--- Boris Karloff -
-X- Udo Kier - Suspiria (1977)
--- Christopher Lee -
--- Bela Lugosi -
--- Lynn Lowry -
--- Virginia Madsen -
--- Julian Sands -
--- Scout Taylor-Compton -
--- Tiffany Shepis -
--- P.J. Soles -
--- Tony Todd -
--- Recently Deceased (insert actor) -

Select 5 directors:
--- Freddie Francis -
--- Jesús "Jess" Franco -
--- William Grefé -
--- Amando de Ossorio -
--- Takashi Miike -
--- Steve Miner -
--- Jean Rollin -
--- Pete Walker -
--- James Wan -
--- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 -
--- Recently Deceased (insert director) -

Select 2 film composers:
--- Pino Donaggio -
--- Alan Howarth -
-X- Claudio Simonetti - Suspiria (1977)
--- Christopher Young -

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
--- Rick Baker -
--- Joe Blasco -
--- KNB EFX Group -
--- Mathew Mungle -
--- Dick Smith -
--- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) -

Select 2 producers:
--- Lawrence Bender -
--- Jason Blum -
--- Herman Cohen -
--- Dino De Laurentiis -

Select 2 writers:
--- Christopher Landon -
--- Dardano Sacchetti -
--- Curt Siodmak -
--- Kiyoshi Kurosawa -

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
--- *3-D Film -
--- Anthology Film -
-X- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films - Suspiria (1977)
--- Based on a True Story -
-X- Based on a Novel - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Candy Cinema, 2 -
--- Cannibalism -
--- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson -
--- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax -
--- Comedy / Spoof -
--- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film -
--- Cryptid Cinema -
--- Death by: Electrocution
--- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2
--- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber -
--- Documentary -
-X- Dream Horror - Suspiria (1977)
--- Drunk Horror -
-X- Euro Horror - Suspiria (1977)
--- Enzo Sciotti Art -
--- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space -
--- Fan Film -
--- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List -
--- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule -
-X- Firearms - The Mummy (1999)
-X- Flashback - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Fog, 2 -
--- Folk Horror -
--- From a Basil Gogos Painting -
--- Found Footage -
--- Frankenstein -
--- Ghost / Haunting -
--- Giallo -
--- J-Horror -
--- Kaiju / Giant Monster -
--- Killer / Evil Animal -
--- Killer / Evil Child -
--- Killer / Evil Doll -
--- Luchador -
--- Made-for-TV Movie -
--- Mad Scientist -
-X- Mummy - The Mummy (1999)
--- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror
--- Name In Title -
--- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2
--- Ouija Board -
--- Phobias -
--- Psychological -
--- Quarantine -
--- Rape / Revenge -
--- Shot in Bronson Canyon -
--- Shudder Original / Exclusive -
-X- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Slow Motion -
--- Split Personality -
--- Suicide -
--- Takes Place in a Crypt -
-X- Takes Place in a High School - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Takes Place in a Library -
--- Takes Place on a Mountain -
--- Takes Place on a Holiday -
--- Takes Place on or Under the Sea -
--- Three Installments in a Franchise -
--- Title Spoken By Character, 2 -
--- Trailer Compilation -
--- Travelogue -
--- Vampire -
--- Voyeurism -
--- Werewolf -
-X- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - Suspiria (1977)
--- Wilhelm Scream -
--- With Commentary -
--- With Two or More Horror Legends -
--- Zombie -

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
--- 1921 (100th) -
--- 1946 (75th) -
--- 1971 (50th) -
--- 1996 (25th) –

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
--- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre -
--- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films -
--- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 -
--- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 -
--- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2-

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
--- Killed during sex -
--- New House, New Problems, 2 -
--- No cell phone service -
--- Making dumb decisions -
--- The creepy gas station attendant -
--- The evil doll that comes to life -
--- The mirror scare -
--- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle -

Select 4 ratings:
--- G -
--- PG -
-X- PG-13 - The Mummy (1999)
-X- R - Suspiria (1977)
--- NC-17 -
--- X -
--- Unrated -
--- M -
--- GP -

​Select 6 decades of film history:
--- Pre-1930 -
--- 1930 -
--- 1940 -
--- 1950 -
--- 1960 -
-X- 1970 - Suspiria (1977)
--- 1980 -
-X- 1990 - The Mummy (1999)
--- 2000 -
--- 2010 -
-X- 2020 - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
--- Recently deceased list -

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
--- Video ,2 -
--- 8mm (Super 8) -
--- 16mm -

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
--- Shakma (1990) -
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
--- Original -
--- Remake -

Watch films in at least three formats:
-X- First format, 4K UHD, Suspiria (1977)
-X- Second format, Streaming, There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Third format, (insert format), (insert title).

Watch films in at least three languages:
-X- First language, English, Suspiria (1977)
--- Second language, (insert language), (insert title).
--- Third language, (insert language), (insert title).

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
--- Film #1 -
--- Film #2 -

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
--- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams -
-X- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Was made in the 1990s -
-X- Features a LGBT character - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
--- Was written by Charles B. Griffith -
--- Features a severed head -
--- Has a scene in a nightclub -
--- Was shot in Mexico -
--- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse -
--- Takes place at a national park -
--- Features a funeral scene -
--- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of -

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL

--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL

Last edited by cwileyy; 09-30-22 at 06:42 PM.
Old 09-08-21, 07:32 AM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

100 Years of Horror

1. Genuine (1920)*
2. The Haunted Castle (1921)*
3. The Headless Horseman (1922)*
4. Felix the Ghost Breaker (1923)*+
5. The Hands of Orlac (1924)*
6. The Monster (1925)*
7. Midnight Faces (1926)*
8. Prelude (1927)*+
9. The Fall of the House of Usher (1928)*
10. The Unholy Night (1929)*
11. The Bat Whispers (1930)*
12. The Phantom (1931)*
13. Vampyre (1932)*
14. Supernatural (1933)*
15. Maniac (1934)*
16. Condemned To Live (1935)*
17. The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (1936)*
18. The Hounds of the Baskerville (1837)*
19. Kaibyô nazo no shamisen (1938)*
20. The Face at the Window (1939)*
21. Before I Hang (1940)*
22. Man Made Monster (1941)*
23. The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942)*
24. The Return of the Vampire (1943)*
25. Cry of the Werewolf (1944)*
26. The Vampire's Ghost (1945)*
27. The Flying Serpent (1946)*
28. Scared to Death (1947)*
29. The Creeper (1948)*
30. Master Minds (1949)*
31. The Cuckoo Clock (1950)*+
32. The Man from Planet X (1951)*
33. The White Reindeer (1952)*
34. It Came From Outer Space (1953)*
35. Target Earth (1954)*
36. The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)*
37. X The Unknown (1956)*
38. I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957)*
39. Attack of the Puppet People (1958)*
40. Night of the Ghouls (1959)*
41. The City of the Dead (1960)*
42. Shadow of the Cat (1961)*
43. Night of the Eagle (1962)*
44. X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963)*
45. Strait-Jacket (1964)*
46. Die! Die! My Darling! (1965)*
47. The Undertaker and his Pals (1966)*
48. Gallery of Horror (1967)*
49. House of Evil (1968)*
50. Night Gallery (1969)*
51. Crescendo (1970)*
52. A Bay of Blood (1971)*
53. Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972)*
54. Scream Blacula Scream (1973)*
55. Corpse Eaters (1974)*
56. Race With the Devil (1975)*
57. Crypt of Dark Secrets (1976)*
58. The Car (1977)*
59. Someone's Watching Me (1978)*
60. Fascination (1979)*
61. The Watcher in the Woods (1980)*
62. Night School (1981)*
63. Unhinged (1982)*
64. The Deadly Spawn (1983)*
65. Invitation to Hell (1984)*
66(6). Making Contact (1985)*
67. Neon Maniacs (1986)*
68. My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1987)*
69. The Brain (1988)*
70. I, Madman (1989)*
71. Grim Prairie Tales (1990)*
72. Popcorn (1991)*
73. Dust Devil (1992)*
74. Ed and His Dead Mother (1993)*
75. In the Mouth of Madness (1994)*
76. Tales From the Hood (1995)*
77. Bad Moon (1996)*
78. The Night Flyer (1997)*
79. Phantoms (1998)*
80. Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein (1999)*
81. Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth (2000)*
82. Elivra's Haunted Hills (2001)*
83. Deathwatch (2002)*
84. Dead End (2003)*
85. Creep (2004)*
86. Cursed (2005)*
87. Severance (2006)*
88. Inside (2007)*
89. Lake Mungo (2008)*
90. Triangle (2009)*
91. Insidious (2010)*
92. Fright Night (2011)*
93. John Dies at the End (2012)*
94. V/H/S/2 (2013)*
95. 13 Sins (2014)*
96. Hidden (2015)*
97. The Blackout Experiments (2016)*
98. Mother! (2017)*
99. A Quiet Place (2018)*
100. Parasite (2019)*

101. His House (2020)*
102. Chucky Episodes 1, 2 and 3 (2021)*
103. It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (1966) / Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021)*
104. A Quiet Place Part II (2021)*
105. Brightburn (2019)*
106. Us (2019)*
107. An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe (1970)
108: Thriller (1983) / Michael Jackson's Ghosts (1996) / Michael Jackson's Halloween (2017)*
109. Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Episodes: XXXII, XXXI, XXX, XXIX, XXVIII* / Garfield in Disguise (1985)
110. Gary Larson's Tales from the Far Side (1994)* / Homestar Runner Halloween Shorts / Toy Story of Terror / Halloween is Grinch Night / The Skeleton Dance
111. Halloween (1978)
112. Halloween (2018)
113. Halloween Kills (2019)*

*First time viewing
+Wild Card

Last edited by ViewAskewbian; 11-01-21 at 06:24 PM.
Old 09-08-21, 08:43 AM
DVD Talk Special Edition
MysterioMan007's Avatar
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

2021 Horror Challenge
*=First time Viewing
Italics=Subset pick
September 30
1. Road Games (1981)
2. Arachnophobia (1990)
3. Insidious (2010)

October 1
4. Slither (2006)
5. Night of the Creeps (1986)
6. Twice Dead (1988)*
7. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
8. Feast (2005)
9. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

October 2
10. Silent Madness (1984)*
11. Jeepers Creepers (2001)
12. Friday the 13th (1980)
13. Halloween (1978)
14. Halloween II (1981)
15. The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

October 3
16. Halloween 4: The Curse of Michael Myers (1988)
17. The Severed Arm (1973)*
18. The Descent (2005)
19. The Descent: Part 2 (2009)
20. The Cave (2005)
21. As Above, So Below (2014)
22. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989)
23. Tremors (1990)
24. Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996)

October 4
25. Tremors 3: Back to Perfection (2001)
26. Tremors 4: The Legend Begins (2004)
27. The Spiral Staircase (1946)*
28. A Bay of Blood (1971)*
29. The Phantom Carriage (1921)*
30. The Frighteners (1996)
31. The 'Burbs (1989)
32. Halloween 6:The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) *PRODUCER'S CUT*

October 5
32.5 Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales (2021)*
33.5 Phantasm (1979)
34.5 Phantasm II (1988)
35.5 Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994)
36.5 Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998)
37.5 Phantasm: Ravager (2016)
38.5 Witchfinder General (1968)*
39.5 Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988)

October 6
40. Escape the Undertaker (2021)*
41. Cutting Class (1989)*
42. Halloween: H20 (1998)

October 7
43. Carrie (1976)
44. The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
45. The Loved Ones (2009)

October 8
46. Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
47. Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
48. Slumber Party Massacre 2 (1987)

October 9
49. Grave Robbers (1989)*
50. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
51. Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
52. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
53. The Monster Squad (1987)

October 10
54. Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015)
55. Battle Royale (2000)
56. Boogeyman (2005)
57. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
58. Flatliners (1990)
--- American Horror Story 7x1: Election Night (2017)*
59. Z Nation, 2x7: Down the Mississippi (2015)*
60. Hush (2016)
--- Stranger Things 1x1: The Vanishing of Will Byers (2016)
61. Stranger Things, 1x2: The Weirdo on Maple Street (2016)
--- Stranger Things 1x3: Holly, Jolly (2016)
62. Stranger Things, 1x4: The Body (2016)

October 11
63. The Omen (1976)
64. Damien: Omen II (1978)
65. The Final Conflict (1981)
66. The Exorcist (1973)
67. The Mortuary Collection (2019)*

October 12
68. Prom Night (1980)
69. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
70. Spree (2020)*
--- Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 1x1: Welcome to the Hellmouth (1997)
71. Buffy the Vampire Slayer,1x2: The Harvest (1997)
72. Muppets Haunted Mansion (2021)*
73. Boogeyman 2 (2007)*
74. Ghostbusters (1984)
75. Ghostbusters II (1989)
76. Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018)
--- Stranger Things 1x5: The Flea and the Acrobat (2016)

October 13
77. Stranger Things 1x6: The Monster (2016)
78. Curse of the Demon (1957)*
79. Halloween (2018)

October 14
82. In Search of Darkness (2019)
83. Halloween Kills (2021)*
84. Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

October 15
--- Chucky, 1x1: Death By Misadventure (2021)*
85. Supernatural, 8x2: What's Up, Tiger Mommy? (2012)
86. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
87. Child's Play (1988)
88. Cure (1997)
89. Tremors: Shrieker Island (2020)
--- Stranger Things, 1x7: The Bathtub (2016)
90. Stranger Things, 1x8: The Upside Down (2016)
91. The Conjuring (2013)
92. Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part 6 (1986)

October 17
93. Crawl (2019)
94. Tower of Evil (1972)*
95. Poltergeist (1982)
96. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)
--- The X-Files, 1x11: Eve (1993)
97. Stranger Things, 2x1: MADMAX (2017)

October 17
98. Child's Play 2 (1990)
99. Gremlins (1984)
100. Fade to Black (1980)
101. Final Destination 5 (2011)
---- Sam and Colby: Our Terrifying Night at Dracula's Castle (2021)*
102. I Know What You Did Last Summer, 1x1: It's Thursday (2021)*
103. Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)

October 18
104. Child's Play 3 (1991)
105. Planet Terror (2007)
106. Zombieland (2009)
107. Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
----- Teen Wolf, 3x8: Visionary (2013)
108. The Walking Dead,1x1: Days Gone By (2010)

October 19
109. Final Destination (2000)
110. Final Destination 2 (2003)
111. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
112. The Shining (1980)
113. Final Destination 3 (2006)
114. The Ring (2002)
----- Sam and Colby: Our Scariest Seance in World's Largest Catacombs (2021)*
115. Chucky,1x2: Give Me Something Good to Eat (2021)*

October 20
116. Daughters of Darkness (1971)*
117. Wildling (2018)*
118. The Ring Two (2005)

October 21
119. The Collector (2009)
120. The House on Sorority Row (1982)
121. Sam and Colby: Returning to Queen Mary Room B340 (2021)*
122. The Lost Boys (1987)
123. Fright Night (1985)
124. The Final Destination (2009)

October 22
125. Bride of Chucky (1998)
126. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
127. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
---- Legacies, 3x1: We're Not Worthy (2021)*
128. Midnight Mass, 1x1: Book I: Genesis (2021)*
129. Seed of Chucky (2004)
130. The Empty Man (2020)*

October 23
131. Freaky (2020)
132. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
133. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
134. Psycho (1960)

October 24
135. Halloween (2007)
136. Triangle (2009)*
137. The Babysitter (2017)
---- Midnight Mass, 1x2: Book II: Psalms (2021)*
138. Sam and Colby- Overnight in USA's Most Haunted Forest: The Jersey Devil (2021)*
139. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
140. Doctor Sleep - Director's Cut (2019)

October 25
141. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
142. The New Daughter (2009)*
143. Benny Loves You (2019)*
144. Possessor (2020)*
145. It (2017)
146. It Chapter Two (2019)
147. Aftermath (2021)*

October 26
148. The Gate (1987)
149. Jason X (2001)
150. Till Death (2021)*

October 27
151. The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story (1993)*

---- Sam and Colby: Haunted Hotel Del Coronado (2021)*
152. Chucky, 1x3: I Like to Be Hugged (2021)*
---- Stranger Things, 2x2: Trick or Treat, Freak (2017)
153. Stranger Things, 2x3: The Pollywog (2017)
154. Halloween II (2009)
155. The Strangers (2008)
156. Hell Fest (2018)
157. The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018)
158. Blood Fest (2018)

October 28
159. Body Bags (1993)*
160. Tales of Halloween (2015)
161. Sam and Colby: Waverly Hills Sanitarium (2021)*

October 29
162. Trick 'r Treat (2007)
163. Haunt (2019)
164. Opera (1987)*
165. Paranormal Activity (2007)
166. All Hallows' Eve (2012)

October 30
167. Happy Death Day (2017)
168. Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
169. Fear of Rain (2021)*
170. The Evil Dead (1981)
171. Evil Dead II (1987)
172. Army of Darkness (1992)
173. A Quiet Place (2018)
174. A Quiet Place Part II (2020)
175. Goosebumps (2015)

October 31 - Halloween
176. Wind Chill (2007)
177. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
178. Scream (1996)
179. Scream 2 (1997)
180. Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
181. Sam and Colby: Alone in the Real Conjuring House (2021)*
182. The Conjuring 2 (2016)
183. Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
184. Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)
185. The Omen (1976)
186. Slaxx (2020)*

Last edited by MysterioMan007; 11-01-21 at 08:01 AM.
Old 09-08-21, 11:21 AM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***




* ROAD GAMES (Roadgames) (1981)

"On the world's loneliest highway it's not a game - it's murder!"
Directed by: Richard Franklin
Runtime: 101 min
Country: Australia / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Archive
Checklist: Rated PG
Rating: *****

"The world becomes a giant test tube!"
Directed by: George A. Romero
Runtime: 103 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Lynn Lowry (Cast)
Rating: ***

"Something is alive in the funhouse...something that, tonight, will turn the funhouse into a carnival of terror!"
Directed by: Tobe Hooper
Runtime: 96 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-Ray
Checklist: 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films
Rating: ***½
DAY ONE: 05 H 00 M

SLITHER (2006)

"What's Gotten Into You?"
Directed by: James Gunn
Runtime: 95 min
Country: Canada / U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Comedy/Spoof
Rating: ****

"Evil Hungers For Your Soul"
Directed by: Darin Ferriola
Runtime: 105 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: R.I.P. Thomas 'Tiny' Lister (Cast)
Rating: ***
6* CONSUMPTION (Live-In Fear) (2016)

"Evil Is Eternal"
Directed by: Brandon Scullion
Runtime: 80 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Arielle Brachfield (Cast)
Rating: *
7* HAVENHURST (2016)

"Evil Lives Here"
Directed by: Andrew C. Erin
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Stars a Julie (Julie Benz)
Rating: **½

"If you thought you knew the Bigfoot legend, think again…"
Directed by: Patrick Magee
Runtime: 106 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Takes place on a mountain
Rating: **½
9* IN FABRIC (2018)

"A Film by Peter Strickland"
Directed by: Peter Strickland
Runtime: 118 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Has a scene in a nightclub
Rating: ***
10* BRAHMS: THE BOY II (2020)

"He's made a friend."
Directed by: William Brent Bell
Runtime: 86 min
Country: U.S. / China / Canada / Australia
Language: English
Format: Showtime
Checklist: Rated PG-13
Rating: **½
11* ANTEBELLUM (2020)

"If it chooses you, nothing can save you."
Directed by: Gerard Bush, Christopher Renz
Runtime: 105 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Rape/Revenge
Rating: **½

"Hard work never killed anyone. Until now."
Directed by: Chris Baugh
Runtime: 88 min
Country: Ireland / UK
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Features a funeral scene
Rating: ***
DAY TWO: 14 H 28 M


"HE'S OUT NOW...The Terror has just begun!"
Directed by: Simon Nuchtern
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac
Rating: ***
14STANLEY (1972)

"...will make your skin crawl."
Directed by: William Grefé
Runtime: 108 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: William Grefé (Director)
Rating: **
15CHILD'S PLAY (1988)

"He wants YOU for a new best friend..."
Directed by: Tom Holland
Runtime: 87 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-Ray
Checklist: Killer/Evil Doll
Rating: ***½
16CHILD'S PLAY 2 (1990)

"It's Playtime... Again!"
Directed by: John Lafia
Runtime: 84 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Jenny Agutter (Cast)
Rating: **½
17WRONG TURN (2003)

"Get Lost In These Woods and You're Dead Meat."
Directed by: Rob Schmidt
Runtime: 84 min
Country: Canada / Germany / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-Ray
Checklist: Cannibalism
Rating: ***
18* WRONG TURN (2021)

"This land is their land."
Directed by: Mike P. Nelson
Runtime: 109 min
Country: Germany / U.S. / UK
Language: English
Format: Showtime
Checklist: Features an LGBT character
Rating: **½
19* MALIGNANT (2021)

"A new vision of terror."
Directed by: James Wan
Runtime: 111 min
Country: U.S. / China
Language: English
Format: HBO Max
Checklist: James Wan (Director)
Rating: ***½
20* CAMP DREAD (2014)

"Pitch your tent, dig your grave."
Directed by: B. Harrison Smith
Runtime: 94 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Cleve Hall (Makeup Effects)
Rating: **

"The Ultimate Driller Killer Thriller"
Directed by: Amy Holden Jones
Runtime: 77 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Female Director
Rating: ***
DAY THREE: 14 H 07 M


"THERE’S A PSYCHO LOOSE WITH AN AXE. Five victims!… Cannot stop him… Cannot escape the SLASHING FURY… THE SOUND OF TERROR!"
Directed by: Tom Alderman
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Roku - Raygun
Checklist: 1970s
Rating: **
23* BEAST FROM HAUNTED CAVE (* Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1959/2012)

"Screaming young girls sucked into a labyrinth of horror by a blood-starved ghoul from Hell."
Directed by: Monte Hellman
Runtime: 72 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Charles B. Griffith (Writer)
Rating: *½

"Whoever wins... We lose."
Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson
Runtime: 101 min
Country: U.S. / UK / Czechia / Canada / Germany
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: David Giler (Producer)
Rating: ***
25THE CAVE (2005)

"There are places man was never meant to go."
Directed by: Bruce Hunt
Runtime: 97 min
Country: U.S. / Romania / Mexico
Language: English
Format: Starz
Checklist: Films with Similar Plots (+ The Descent (2005)
Rating: **½
26THE DESCENT (2005)

"When you're trapped 2 miles underground there are many ways to lose your mind...Claustrophobia. Disorientation. Isolation. Paranoia. Terror."
Directed by: Neil Marshall
Runtime: 99 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Films with Similar Plots (+ The Cave (2005))
Rating: ****½
27THE DESCENT: PART 2 (2009)

"Fear runs deep. Revenge runs deeper."
Directed by: Jon Harris
Runtime: 94 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Rated R
Rating: ***½
28THE MUMMY (2017)

"Welcome to a New World of Gods and Monsters"
Directed by: Alex Kurtzman
Runtime: 111 min
Country: U.S. / China / Japan / UK
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Mummy
Rating: ***

"You think you know the story."
Directed by: Drew Goddard
Runtime: 95 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Trope: Creepy Gas Station Attendant
Rating: ****½

"Don't get back in the water."
Directed by: Andrew Traucki
Runtime: 98 min
Country: Australia
Language: English
Format: Plex
Checklist: Killer/Evil Animal
Rating: **½
DAY FOUR: 14 H 18 M

* KÖRKARLEN (The Phantom Carriage) (1921)

"Weird, Mysterious, Thrilling Drama of a Human Life, and a Savage Lost Soul. Based Upon an Actual Experience."
Directed by: Victor Sjöström
Runtime: 107 min
Country: Sweden
Language: Silent
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Chronological (100th)
Rating: ***


"Conflicts that freeze your emotions! Suspense that takes your breath!"
Directed by: Robert Siodmak
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Chronological (75th)
Rating: ***½

"Haunted by a dreaded curse!"
Directed by: Jean Yarbrough
Runtime: 61 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: 1940s
Rating: ***

ECOLOGIA DEL DELITTO (A Bay of Blood) (1971)

"They came to play, they stayed to die."
Directed by: Mario Bava
Runtime: 84 min
Country: Italy
Language: Dubbed English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Euro Horror
Rating: **

"To Love Her Is To Be Cursed!"
Directed by: Don Henderson
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Roku - Raygun
Checklist: Joe Blasco (Makeup Effects)
Rating: *½

"They desired her body... She craved their blood."
Directed by: Stephanie Rothman
Runtime: 80 min
Country: U.S. / Philippines
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Distributor/Studio: Criterion
Rating: **


"Something has put the fear of death in the living and sent the dead running for their lives."
Directed by: Peter Jackson
Runtime: 123 min
Country: New Zealand / U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Chronological (25th)
Rating: ***½
38* UNCLE SAM (1996)

"Uncle Sam wants you... DEAD!"
Directed by: William Lustig
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. William Smith (Cast)
Rating: **½
DAY FIVE: 11 H 57 M


"In the midst of England's bloodiest civil war, Evil ignites."
Directed by: Michael Reeves
Runtime: 86 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Roku - Movieland.TV
Checklist: 1960s
Rating: ***
40ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK (* Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1988/2021)

"Here comes Elvira... there goes the neighbourhood!"
Directed by: James Signorelli
Runtime: 96 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax
Rating: ***
41HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL (* Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1959/2021)

"The doors are locked at midnight."
Directed by: William Castle
Runtime: 75 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Firearms
Rating: ****½
42THE CITY OF THE DEAD (* Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1960/2021)

"A Tingling Drama of Witchcraft Today!"
Directed by: John Llewellyn Moxey
Runtime: 78 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Christopher Lee (Cast)
Rating: ***
43MESSIAH OF EVIL (* Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1973/2021)

"In order to live, they will take you one by one ... and no one will hear you scream!"
Directed by: Gloria Katz, Willard Huyck
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Someone Else's Best Of List: IndieWire’s ‘The 125 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time’
Rating: **½
44THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/2010)

"Vampire and vampire-hunter meet in one final, bloody conflict!"
Directed by: Alan Gibson
Runtime: 94 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Peter Cushing (Cast)
Rating: **
45* THE WEREWOLF OF WASHINGTON (* Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/2010)

"A werewolf is loose in the White House!"
Directed by: Milton Moses Ginsberg
Runtime: 92 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Elvira's Movie Macabre (40th Anniversary)
Rating: **
46* WIDE WORLD OF MYSTERY: FRANKENSTEIN (* Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/1982)

"Starring Robert Foxworth, Bo Swenson and Susan Strasberg."
Directed by: Glenn Jordan
Runtime: 134 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Frankenstein
Rating: ***
47PUPPET MASTER (* Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1989/2012)

"Evil comes in all sizes!"
Directed by: David Schmoeller
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Trope: Killed during sex
Rating: ***
DAY SIX: 13 H 58 M


"No one said surviving high school would be easy."
Directed by: Rospo Pallenberg
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Showtime
Checklist: 1980s
Rating: ***

"The city that has seen it all ain't seen nothing yet!"
Directed by: Rob Hedden
Runtime: 100 min
Country: Canada / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: R.I.P. Peter Mark Richman (Cast)
Rating: ***
50* CEMETERY HIGH (1988)

"It's Graduation Time and the Final Exam is a Real Killer!"
Directed by: Gorman Bechard
Runtime: 80 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Carmine Capobianco (Cast)
Rating: *
51SHAKMA! (1990)

"The world's most aggressive primate just got mad."
Directed by: Hugh Parks, Tom Logan
Runtime: 100 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: OHMC 'Favorite'
Rating: **½
52CHILD'S PLAY 3 (1991)

"Chucky has a new playmate."
Directed by: Jack Bender
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Trope: The evil doll that comes to life
Rating: **½

"These are the last seven days of Laura Palmer."
Directed by: David Lynch
Runtime: 134 min
Country: France / US
Language: English
Format: HBO Max
Checklist: R.I.P. Walter Olkewicz (Cast)
Rating: ***
54CANDYMAN (1992)

"We dare you to say his name five times!"
Directed by: Bernard Rose
Runtime: 99 min
Country: U.S. / UK
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Virginia Madsen (Cast)
Rating: ***½

"Evil comes when you call his name."
Directed by: Bill Condon
Runtime: 95 min
Country: U.S. / UK
Language: English
Format: AMC
Checklist: Tony Todd (Cast)
Rating: **½
DAY SEVEN: 13 H 09 M

CARRIE (1976)

"The story of lonely teenage girl who possesses a strange and evil power that turns a high school prom into a nightmare."
Directed by: Brian De Palma
Runtime: 98 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: PJ Soles (Cast)
Rating: ****

"This Halloween, Chucky gets lucky."
Directed by: Ronny Yu
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: 1990s
Rating: ***

"Deliver us some evil."
Directed by: Don Mancini
Runtime: 87 min
Country: Romania / UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Pino Donaggio (Composer)
Rating: ***
59MAMA (2013)

"A mother's love is forever."
Directed by: Andy Muschietti
Runtime: 100 min
Country: Canada / Spain / Mexico
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Flashback
Rating: ***
60* DELTA DELTA DIE! (2003)

"Popular. Rich. Deadly."
Directed by: Devin Hamilton
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Julie Strain (Cast)
Rating: *½

"You'll Pay For What You Posted"
Directed by: Levan Gabriadze
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S. / Russia
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Suicide
Rating: ***

"Dream girls can be a nightmare."
Directed by: McG
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Voyeurism
Rating: ***½

"A Netflix Film"
Directed by: McG
Runtime: 101 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Witchcraft/Satanic/Religious
Rating: ***½

"What Happens When You Sleep?"
Directed by: Oren Peli
Runtime: 86 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray / Apple TV
Checklist: Ouija Board
Rating: ****

"Last year you demanded it. But that was just the beginning."
Directed by: Tod Williams
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray / Apple TV
Checklist: R.I.P. Robert Hall (Makeup Effects)
Rating: ****
DAY EIGHT: 15 H 03 M

* SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE II (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987/2020)

"Thrills, Chills and Guitar Drills"
Directed by: Deborah Navarra-Brock
Runtime: 77 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Format (Streaming)
Rating: ***
67THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1974/2018)

"The idyllic summer's day that became a nightmare of fear and blood..."
Directed by: Tobe Hooper
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Trope: Making dumb decisions
Rating: ***
68* SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL-O-RAMA (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1988/2018)

"In a bowling alley from Hell, there's only one way to score..."
Directed by: David DeCoteau
Runtime: 80 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Listed in Suburban Grindhouse
Rating: **½
69MAYHEM (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)

"Hostile. Work. Environment."
Directed by: Joe Lynch
Runtime: 86 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Quarantine
Rating: ***½
70* ANGEL (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs: Joe Bob's Halloween Hoedown) (1983/2021)

"High School Honor Student by Day. Hollywood Hooker by Night."
Directed by: Robert Vincent O'Neil
Runtime: 176 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ***
71TERROR TRAIN (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs: Joe Bob's Halloween Hoedown) (1980/2021)

"A nightmare journey to hell... All aboard... if you dare!"
Directed by: Roger Spottiswoode
Runtime: 180 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films
Rating: ***
72VICTOR CROWLEY (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)

"Return to his swamp."
Directed by: Adam Green
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Tiffany Shepis (Cast)
Rating: ***
DAY NINE: 12 H 45 M

* LADRONES DE TUMBAS (Grave Robbers) (1989)

Directed by: Rubén Galindo Jr.
Runtime: 88 min
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Takes Place in a Crypt
Rating: ***
74THE DEVIL BAT (1940)

"He's Trained His Brood of Blood-Hungry Bats to Kill on Command!"
Directed by: Jean Yarbrough
Runtime: 68 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Paramount+
Checklist: Bela Lugosi (Cast)
Rating: **½

"She Escaped Death. Now It Wants Her Back!"
Directed by: Herk Harvey
Runtime: 78 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Film From TCM's October 2021 Schedule
Rating: ***½

"BEWARE The skeleton with creeping flesh that rises from the dead!"
Directed by: Freddie Francis
Runtime: 92 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: With Two or More Horror Legends
Rating: ***

"Every year young people disappear."
Directed by: David Schmoeller
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Chuck Connors (Cast)
Rating: ***

"A Guy Madden Film"
Directed by: Guy Maddin
Runtime: 73 min
Country: Canada
Language: Silent
Format: Roku
Checklist: Shot on 8mm
Rating: **½
79* THE VOICES (2014)

"Hearing voices can be murder."
Directed by: Marjane Satrapi
Runtime: 103 min
Country: U.S. / Germany
Language: English
Format: HBO
Checklist: Trope: The suddenly unpredictable vehicle
Rating: ***

"The Do-It-Yourself 100 picks up things from EVERYWHERE!"
Directed by: Ted Nicolaou
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S. / Italy
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Extraterrestrial
Rating: ***
DAY TEN: 11 H 17 M

BATORU ROWAIARU (Battle Royale) (2000)

"42 Students, Three Days, One Survivor, No Rules."
Directed by: Kinji Fukasaku
Runtime: 114 min
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Based on a Novel
Rating: ***½
82FUKKATSU NO HI (Virus: The End) (1980)

"Autumn 1982: Mankind has been wiped out except 863 persons on Antarctica."
Directed by: Kinji Fukasaku
Runtime: 156 min
Country: Japan
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: R.I.P. Shin'ichi 'Sonny' Chiba (Cast)
Rating: **
83JU-ON (The Grudge) (2002)

"When a grudge from the dead passes to the living - who is safe?"
Directed by: Takashi Shimizu
Runtime: 92 min
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: J-Horror
Rating: ***
84CHAKUSHIN ARI (One Missed Call) (2003)

"Death cannot be put on hold..."
Directed by: Takashi Miike
Runtime: 112 min
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Takashi Miike (Director)
Rating: ***½
85GWOEMUL (The Host) (2006)

"Man has made his newest predator."
Directed by: Bong Joon Ho
Runtime: 120 min
Country: S. Korea
Language: Korean / English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Kaiju / Giant Monster
Rating: ****
86* GON-JI-AM (Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum) (2018)

"One Of The Freakiest Places In The World"
Directed by: Beom-sik Jeong
Runtime: 95 min
Country: S. Korea
Language: Korean
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Language (Korean)
Rating: ***½
87KAMERA WO TOMERUNA! (One Cut of the Dead) (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)

Directed by: Shin'ichirô Ueda
Runtime: 96 min
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Language (Japanese)
Rating: ****½


"Every corpse has a story…"
Directed by: Ryan Spindell
Runtime: 108 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Clancy Brown (Cast)
Rating: ***½

"Fake hunters. Real ghosts. Complete dicks."
Directed by: Tony West
Runtime: 92 min
Country: U.S. / Mexico
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Filmed in Mexico
Rating: ***
90* ELI (2019)

"Fear what's outside. Face what's inside."
Directed by: Ciarán Foy
Runtime: 98 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Killer/Evil Child
Rating: **½
91* TEDDY (2020)

"Werewolf or villager?"
Directed by: Zoran Boukherma, Ludovic Boukherma
Runtime: 88 min
Country: France
Language: French
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Shudder Original/Exclusive
Rating: **
92* FEAR STREET: PART ONE - 1994 (2021)

"Face the Evil"
Directed by: Leigh Janiak
Runtime: 107 min
Country: U.S. / Canada
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Franchise
Rating: ***
93* FEAR STREET: PART TWO - 1978 (2021)

"Find the Truth"
Directed by: Leigh Janiak
Runtime: 109 min
Country: U.S. / Canada
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Franchise
Rating: ***½
94* FEAR STREET: PART THREE - 1666 (2021)

"End the Curse"
Directed by: Leigh Janiak
Runtime: 114 min
Country: U.S. / Canada
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Franchise
Rating: ***½

HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987/2019)

"In 1957, Mary Lou Maloney went up in flames. Now she's back. And she's burning mad."
Directed by: Bruce Pittman
Runtime: 97 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Death by Electrocution
Rating: ***

"She gives you that weird feeling!"
Directed by: Lambert Hillyer
Runtime: 71 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Peacock
Checklist: 1930s
Rating: ***
97ZOMBI 2 (Zombie) (1979)

"We Are Going To Eat You!"
Directed by: Lucio Fulci
Runtime: 91 min
Country: Italy
Language: Italian / English (Dubbed)
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Dardano Sacchetti (Writer)
Rating: ***
98THE THING (1982)

"Man is The Warmest Place to Hide."
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 109 min
Country: U.S. / Canada
Language: English / Norwegian
Format: Starz
Checklist: Title Spoken by Character
Rating: ****

"Before man walked the earth... it slept for centuries. It is evil. It is real. It is awakening."
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 102 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Peacock
Checklist: Alan Howarth (Composer)
Rating: ***

"Lived Any Good Books Lately?"
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 95 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Rating: ***½

"Revenge Never Dies"
Directed by: James Sweet
Runtime: 58 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Fan Film
Rating: ***

CURSE OF THE DEMON (Night of the Demon) (1957)

"Sceptical? Don't make up your mind till you see this masterpiece of the macabre!"
Directed by: Jacques Tourneur
Runtime: 95 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Fandor on PrimeVideo
Checklist: 1950s
Rating: ***½

"These are the TALONS of The Vampire Bat!"
Directed by: Frank R. Strayer
Runtime: 65 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Roku - Plex
Checklist: Shot in Bronson Canyon
Rating: ***
104THE HAUNTING (1963)

"At Hill House The Dead Don't Stay Quiet!"
Directed by: Robert Wise
Runtime: 112 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Rated G
Rating: ****
105THE EXORCIST (1973)

"Somewhere between science and superstition, there is another world. The world of darkness."
Directed by: William Friedkin
Runtime: 122 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Rick Baker (Makeup Effects)
Rating: *****
106THE CONJURING 2 (2016)

"Enfield, London 1977. The next true story from the case files of Ed and Lorraine Warren."
Directed by: James Wan
Runtime: 134 min
Country: Canada / U.S. / UK
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Ghost/Haunting
Rating: ****½

"The darkest chapter goes back to the beginning."
Directed by: Leigh Whannell
Runtime: 97 min
Country: Canada / UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: 2010s
Rating: ***½
108HEREDITARY (2018)

"Every family tree hides a secret."
Directed by: Ari Aster
Runtime: 127 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Showtime
Rating: ****


"A Journey Into Iconic '80s Horror"
Directed by: David A. Weiner
Runtime: 264 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Documentary
Rating: ***½
112* THE NIGHTMARE (2015)

"Welcome to the scariest place on earth."
Directed by: Rodney Ascher
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Rating: **½
113* TRAILER WAR (2012)

Directed by:
Runtime: 113 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Trailer Compilation
Rating: *½
114a-b* ELI ROTH'S HISTORY OF HORROR (2021): Season 3

1. Sequels Suck

2. Infections

"Every scream tells a story."
Directed by: Kurt Sayenga
Runtime: 84 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: AMC
Rating: ***
114c* PRIMAL SCREEN (2017)

"From Rodney Ascher, director of Room 237."
Directed by: Rodney Ascher
Runtime: 27 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ***
115HORROR NOIRE (2019)

"A History of Black Horror"
Directed by: Xavier Burgin
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ****

"Nosferatu drinks the blood of the young... ...the blood necessary to his own existence."
Directed by: F.W. Murnau
Runtime: 94 min
Country: Weimar Republic (Germany)
Language: Silent
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Pre-1930s
Rating: ****

"Created in a weird scientist's laboratory... from the skeletons of two women and the heart of a living girl!"
Directed by: James Whale
Runtime: 75 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: From a Basil Gogos Painting
Rating: ****
118PSYCHO (1960)

"Exploring the blackness of the subconscious man!"
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
Runtime: 109 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Rated M
Rating: ****½

* CURE (1997)

"With just one word, you will do anything."
Directed by: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Runtime: 111 min
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Kiyoshi Kurosawa (Writer)
Rating: **
120ALIEN (1979)

"Sometimes the scariest things come from within."
Directed by: Ridley Scott
Runtime: 117 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: R.I.P. Yaphet Kotto (Cast)
Rating: ****½
121FRIGHT NIGHT (1985)

"If you love being scared, it'll be the night of your life."
Directed by: Tom Holland
Runtime: 106 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Stephen Geoffreys (Cast)
Rating: ****
122TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL (2010)

"Evil just messed with the wrong hillbillies."
Directed by: Eli Craig
Runtime: 89 min
Country: Canada / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Director/Writer Cameo
Rating: ****

* TOWER OF EVIL (1972)

"They came, they saw, they died!"
Directed by: Jim O'Connolly
Runtime: 89 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Fandor on Prime Video
Checklist: Features a Severed Head
Rating: **½

"There's no escaping their web of terror..."
Directed by: John 'Bud' Cardos
Runtime: 97 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: R.I.P. John 'Bud' Cardos (Director)
Rating: ***
125TERROR (1978)

"It was buried a hundred years ... but never laid to rest!"
Directed by: Norman J. Warren
Runtime: 84 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: R.I.P. Norman J. Warren (Director)
Rating: **
126* BLOOD CULT (1985)

"The first movie made for the home video market. Might just scare you to DEATH!"
Directed by: Christopher Lewis
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Roku - Fawesome
Checklist: Shot on Video
Rating: **½
127SCREAM (1996)

"Someone's Taken Their Love Of Scary Movies One Step Too Far!"
Directed by: Wes Craven
Runtime: 111 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: MTV (40th Anniversary)
Rating: ****½
128* RUBY (1977)

"Christened in blood, raised in sin, she's sweet sixteen, let the PARTY begin!"
Directed by: Curtis Harrington
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Fandor
Rating: **½
129* THE BOOGENS (1981)

"After a 100 years they have reawakened."
Directed by: James L. Conway
Runtime: 95 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Trope: New House, New Problems
Rating: ***

* FADE TO BLACK (1980)

"The theater is dark. Eric's mind is darker."
Directed by: Vernon Zimmerman
Runtime: 102 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ***

"Beware the Moon"
Directed by: John Landis
Runtime: 97 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Fog
Rating: ****
132DEMONS (DÈMONI) (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1985/2018)

"Their Evil Becomes an Orgy of Bloodshed"
Directed by: Lamberto Bava
Runtime: 88 min
Country: Italy
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Enzo Sciotti Art
Rating: ***
133STIR OF ECHOES (1999)

"In every mind there is a door that has never been opened."
Directed by: David Koepp
Runtime: 99 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Richard Matheson (Cinema Inspired By)
Rating: ****
134* STAGE FRIGHT (2014)

"Sing Your Heart Out!"
Directed by: Jerome Sable
Runtime: 89 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Musical / Rock 'n Roll
Rating: ***

"Who will survive?"
Directed by: Todd Strauss-Schulson
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S. / Canada
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Slow Motion
Rating: ***½
136CHRISTINE (1983)

"Body by Plymouth. Soul by Satan."
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 110 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Rating: ***


"You might feel a little prick."
Directed by: Robert Rodriguez
Runtime: 105 min
Country: U.S., Mexico
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Zombie
Rating: ***½
138* LA MUERTE VIVIENTE (Isle of the Snake People) (1971)

Directed by: Jack Hill, Juan Ibáñez
Runtime: 90 min
Country: Mexico, U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Boris Karloff (Cast)
Rating: *½
139NO PROFANAR EL SUEÑO DE LOS MUERTOS (Let Sleeping Corpses Lie) (1974)

"They tampered with nature - now they must pay the price..."
Directed by: Jorge Grau
Runtime: 95 min
Country: Spain / Italy
Language: English / Italian / Spanish
Format: Vudu
Checklist: R.I.P. Giannetto De Rossi (Makeup Effects)
Rating: ***½
140ONE DARK NIGHT (1982)

"A crypt is a place where the dead are laid to rest... or are they?"
Directed by: Tom McLoughlin
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Dream Horror
Rating: ***½
141THE EVIL DEAD (1981)

"They got up on the wrong side of the grave."
Directed by: Sam Raimi
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Format (DVD)
Rating: ****
142EVIL DEAD (2013)

"Fear What You Will Become"
Directed by: Fede Alvarez
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Rated NC17
Rating: ***½
143* FERAL (2017)

Directed by: Mark Young
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Scout Taylor-Compton (Cast)
Rating: **½

"Always Bring Protection"
Directed by: Christopher Landon
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: R.I.P. Cloris Leachman (Cast)
Rating: ***


"Every book has a life of its own..."
Directed by: Roman Polanski
Runtime: 133 min
Country: France, Spain
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Takes Place in a Library
Rating: **
146* SANTO EL ENMASCARADO DE PLATA Y BLUE DEMON CONTRA LOS MONSTRUOS (Santo and Blue Demon vs. the Monsters) (1970)

Directed by: Gilberto Martínez Solares
Runtime: 85 min
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Luchador
Rating: **½
147* THE COMEBACK (1978)

"A scream is not a scream… unless it's heard!"
Directed by: Pete Walker
Runtime: 100 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Pete Walker (Director)
Rating: **

"A brutal slaying. An elusive killer. The chase is on."
Directed by: James Glickenhaus
Runtime: 104 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Was made in the 1990s
Rating: **½
149CASTLE FREAK (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1995/2019)

"Hideous… hungry… and loose!"
Directed by: Stuart Gordon
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S., Italy
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Film & Remake
Rating: ***
150* CASTLE FREAK (2020)

Directed by: Tate Steinsiek
Runtime: 106 min
Country: U.S., Albania
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Film & Remake
Rating: **½

"Death wants some Face Time."
Directed by: Stephen Susco
Runtime: 92 min
Country: U.S., Russia
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Rating: ***

"Discover how the activity began."
Directed by: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Jason Blum (Producer)
Rating: ***½


"Discover your true nature."
Directed by: Fritz Böhm
Runtime: 92 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: YouTube
Checklist: Werewolf
Rating: **½

"Beware the Stalking Being - Half-Human - Half-Beast!"
Directed by: Stuart Walker
Runtime: 75 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Monster Cereals (50th Anniversary)
Rating: ***
155THE WOLF MAN (1941)

"Night monster... prowling... killing... terrifying a countryside... with the blood lust of a savage beast!"
Directed by: George Waggner
Runtime: 70 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Curt Siodmak (Writer)
Rating: ***½
156* CAT GIRL (1957)

"Cursed With the Blood Lust of Generations!"
Directed by: Alfred Shaughnessy
Runtime: 76 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Barbara Shelley (Cast)
Rating: **½

LES LÈVRES ROUGES (Daughters of Darkness) (1971)

"An erotic nightmare of vampire lust"
Directed by: Harry Kümel
Runtime: 87 min
Country: Belgium, France, West Germany, U.S., Canada
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Chronological (50th)
Rating: ***½
158* BLOOD OF DRACULA (1957)

"In her eyes ... desire! In her veins ... the blood of a monster!"
Directed by: Herbert L. Strock
Runtime: 69 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Herman Cohen (Producer)
Rating: **½

"There's two kinds of folks in Purgatory. Vampires and lunch."
Directed by: Anthony Hickox
Runtime: 104 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Deborah Foreman (Cast)
Rating: ***
160* JAKOB'S WIFE (2021)

"Some marriages are truly blessed."
Directed by: Travis Stevens
Runtime: 98 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Vampire
Rating: ***½
161BLADE (1998)

"The power of an immortal. The soul of a human. The heart of a hero."
Directed by: Stephen Norrington
Runtime: 120 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Udo Kier (Cast)
Rating: ***½


"He always takes one."
Directed by: Marcus Dunstan
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video / Shudder
Checklist: 2000s
Rating: ***

"If you're going to bury the truth, make sure it stays buried."
Directed by: Jim Gillespie
Runtime: 101 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Matthew W. Mungle (Makeup Effects)
Rating: ****
164THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL (* The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2009/2019)

"Talk on the Phone. Finish Your Homework. Watch TV. Die."
Directed by: Ti West
Runtime: 95 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Shot on 16mm
Rating: ****
165* CITADEL (2012)

"They see your fear."
Directed by: Ciarán Foy
Runtime: 84 min
Country: Ireland / UK
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Phobias
Rating: ***

Directed by: M.J. Bassett
Runtime: 95 min
Country: Canada, France
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Rating: **½
167HELL HOUSE LLC (2015)

"New York's Scariest Haunted House Tour."
Directed by: Stephen Cognetti
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Rating: ***½

Directed by: Stephen Cognetti
Runtime: 83 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ***

Directed by: Stephen Cognetti
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: **½

* THE EMPTY MAN (2020)

"The first night you hear him. The second night you see him. The third night he finds you."
Directed by: David Prior
Runtime: 137 min
Country: U.S., South Africa, UK
Language: English
Format: HBO Max
Checklist: Features a character waking up from a nightmare
Rating: ***

"The perfect summer rental for the last vacation you'll ever take."
Directed by: Dan Curtis
Runtime: 116 min
Country: U.S. / Italy
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: R.I.P. Alberto Grimaldi (Producer)
Rating: ***½

"Blood is sharper than the blade."
Directed by: Turi Meyer
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Trope: Mirror Scare
Rating: **
173* APPARITIONS (2008): Miniseries:

1. Episode 1
2. Episode 2

"You don't need to believe in Satan. He believes in you."
Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Runtime: 118 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: IMDb
Checklist: Personal: TV Miniseries
Rating: ***

"Foul mouth. Foul temper."
Directed by: Don Mancini
Runtime: 97 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Brad Dourif (Cast)
Rating: ***

"All the activity has led to this ..."
Directed by: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Runtime: 88 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Found Footage
Rating: ***

"Once Marked It Is Already Too Late"
Directed by: Christopher Landon
Runtime: 84 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: Christopher Landon (Writer)
Rating: **½

* FREAKY (2020)

"A body swap that cuts deep."
Directed by: Christopher Landon
Runtime: 102 min
Country: U.S., Canada
Language: English
Format: HBO
Checklist: Takes Place in a High School
Rating: ***

"They thought it was a joke..."
Directed by: William Grefé
Runtime: 88 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Title: Curse of
Rating: *½
179THE OMEN (1976)

"Those who foretold it are dead. Those who can stop it are in grave danger."
Directed by: Richard Donner
Runtime: 111 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: R.I.P. Richard Donner (Director)
Rating: ****
180THE SHINING (1980)

"A masterpiece of modern horror."
Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
Runtime: 146 min
Country: UK / U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball (100th)
Rating: ****½

"Evil Loves To Party."
Directed by: William Malone
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Dick Smith (Makeup Effects)
Rating: ***½
182* SUPER DARK TIMES (2017)

Directed by: Kevin Phillips
Runtime: 103 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Psychological
Rating: ***½
183FREDDY VS. JASON (2003)

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you... three, four, Jason's at your door..."
Directed by: Ronny Yu
Runtime: 97 min
Country: Canada, U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Rating: ***


"A Passage to Hell"
Directed by: Christopher Smith
Runtime: 99 min
Country: UK / Australia
Language: English
Format: Peacock
Checklist: Takes Place on or Under the Sea
Rating: ***
185* LE FRISSON DES VAMPIRES (The Shiver of the Vampires) (1971)

Directed by: Jean Rollin
Runtime: 95 min
Country: France
Language: French
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Jean Rollin (Director)
Rating: **½
186NACHTS, WENN DRACULA ERWACHT (Count Dracula) (1970)

"The moon is full... the grave is empty... and terror stalks the land!"
Directed by: Jesús Franco
Runtime: 98 min
Country: Spain / West Germany / Italy / Liechtenstein / UK
Language: English / Spanish / Italian / German
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Jesús 'Jess' Franco (Director)
Rating: ***

"The greatest blood-show on earth!"
Directed by: Robert Young
Runtime: 87 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: R.I.P. David Prowse (Cast)
Rating: ***½
188* DER FLUCH DER SCHWARZEN SCHWESTERN (The Devil'sPlaything) (1973)

"Pleasures That Fire The Flesh...Horrors That Freeze The Blood..."
Directed by: Joseph W. Sarno
Runtime: 103 min
Country: Sweden / Switzerland / West Germany
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Rated X
Rating: **
189LÅT DEN RÄTTE KOMMA IN (Let the Right One In) (2008)

"Eli is 12 years old. She's been 12 for over 200 years and she just moved in next door."
Directed by: Tomas Alfredson
Runtime: 114 min
Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Checklist: Travelogue
Rating: *****
190* APPARITIONS (2008): Miniseries:

3. Episode 3
4. Episode4

"You don't need to believe in Satan. He believes in you."
Directed by: John Strickland
Runtime: 117 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: IMDb
Checklist: Personal: TV Miniseries
Rating: ***
191LAKE BODOM (2016)

"No happy campers here..."
Directed by: Taneli Mustonen
Runtime: 85 min
Country: Finland / NZ / Estonia
Language: Finnish / English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Based on a True Story
Rating: ***½

* POSSESSOR (2020)

"No Body is Safe"
Directed by: Brandon Cronenberg
Runtime: 103 min
Country: Canada, UK, U.S., Australia
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: 2020s
Rating: ***½
193PARANOIAC (1963)

"Shocking! Horrifying! Macabre!"
Directed by: Freddie Francis
Runtime: 80 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Checklist: Freddie Francis (Director)
Rating: ***
194DARKNESS (2002)

"A house. A past. A secret. Will you dare enter?"
Directed by: Jaume Balagueró
Runtime: 88 min
Country: U.S. / Spain
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Unrated
Rating: ***½
195* WELP (Cub) (2014)

"Be Prepared"
Directed by: Jonas Govaerts
Runtime: 84 min
Country: Belgium / Netherlands
Language: Flemish / French / Dutch
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Language (Dutch)
Rating: ***
196* BACKCOUNTRY (2014)

Directed by: Adam MacDonald
Runtime: 92 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: AMC+
Checklist: Takes place at a national park
Rating: ***
197SPLIT (2016)

"Kevin has 23 distinct personalities. The 24th is about to be unleashed."
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Runtime: 117 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Split Personality
Rating: ***½
198* HOAX (2019)

"The truth can kill."
Directed by: Matt Allen
Runtime: 96 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Cryptid Cinema
Rating: **
199* SPUTNIK (2020)

"The only survivor did not come back alone."
Directed by: Egor Abramenko
Runtime: 113 min
Country: Russia
Language: Russian
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Nation: Russia
Rating: ***
200* RELIC (2020)

"Everything Decays"
Directed by: Natalie Erika James
Runtime: 89 min
Country: Australia, U.S., China
Language: English
Format: Showtime
Checklist: Format (Cable)
Rating: **½
201a* APPARITIONS (2008): Miniseries:

5. Episode 5

"You don't need to believe in Satan. He believes in you."
Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Runtime: 58 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: IMDb
Checklist: Personal: TV Miniseries
Rating: ***

THE GATE (1987)

"They have opened The Gate. Pray it's not too late."
Directed by: Tibor Takács
Runtime: 85 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Rating: ***½

"Its form is revealed, Its focus is clear and the games are over."
Directed by: Tobe Hooper
Runtime: 114 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Rating: ****½

"Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude."
Directed by: Frank Marshall
Runtime: 109 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Julian Sands (Cast)
Rating: ***
205HOUSE (1985)

"Ding dong, you're dead."
Directed by: Steve Miner
Runtime: 93 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Steve Miner (Director)
Rating: ***
20630 DAYS OF NIGHT (2007)

"They're Coming!"
Directed by: David Slade
Runtime: 113 min
Country: U.S. / NZ
Language: English
Format: Hulu
Checklist: Personal: Based on Comic Book/GN
Rating: ****
207SINISTER (2012)

"Once you see him, nothing can save you."
Directed by: Scott Derrickson
Runtime: 110 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray / Apple TV
Checklist: Christopher Young (Composer)
Rating: ***½
208THE FOG (1980)

"It is night. It is cold. It is coming."
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD / Prime Video
Checklist: R.I.P. Hal Holbrook (Castj
Rating: ****

Directed by: Gregory Plotkin
Runtime: 88 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Vudu
Checklist: 3-D Film
Rating: ***

* BAT SIN FAN DIM: YAN YUK CHA SIU BAU (The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story) (1993)

Directed by: Herman Yau, Danny Lee
Runtime: 96 min
Country: Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Format: Shudder
Rating: *
211JAWS (1975)

"On the Fourth of July, Fishing Season will open...on you."
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Runtime: 124 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Drunk Horror
Rating: *****

Directed by: René Cardona III
Runtime: 90 min
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Format: Vimeo
Checklist: R.I.P. René Cardona III (Director)
Rating: *½

"When your nightmare ends, the real terror begins!"
Directed by: Monte Hellman
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Monte Hellman (Director)
Rating: **

Directed by: Matty Beckerman
Runtime: 85 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Lawrence Bender (Producer)
Rating: ***
215MIDSOMMAR (2019)

"Let the festivities begin."
Directed by: Ari Aster
Runtime: 148 min
Country: U.S. / Sweden
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: Folk Horror
Rating: ***½
216TUCKER & DALE VS. EVIL (2010) (w/commentary by Alan Tudyk, Eli Craig & Tyler Labine)

”Evil just messed with the wrong hillbillies.”
Directed by: Eli Craig
Runtime: 89 min
Country: Canada / U.S.
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: With Commentary
Rating: ***

BODY BAGS (1993)

"Zip yourself in tight!"
Directed by: John Carpenter, Larry Sulkis, Tobe Hooper
Runtime: 94 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Made-for-TV Movie
Rating: **½
218CAT'S EYE (1985)

"Through the eye of the cat, a twisted tail of macabre suspense."
Directed by: Lewis Teague
Runtime: 94 min
Country: U.S. / Netherlands
Language: English
Format: HBO Max
Checklist: Dino De Laurentiis (Producer)
Rating: ***½

Directed by: Douglas Buck, David Gregory, Tom Savini, Buddy Giovinazzo, Richard Stanley, Karim Hussain, Jeremy Kasten
Runtime: 114 min
Country: U.S. / France / Canada
Language: English / French
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Elissa Dowling (Cast)
Rating: **½
220-222a* CREEPSHOW (2019): Season 2:

1. Model Kid/Public Television of the Dead
2. Dead and Breakfast/Pesticide
3. The Right Snuff/Sibling Rivalry
4. Pipe Screams/Within the Walls of Madness
5. Night of the Living Late Show (season finale)

Directed by: Greg Nicotero, Axelle Carolyn, Rusty Cundieff, Joe Lynch, John Harrison
Runtime: 230 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Personal: TV Season
Rating: ***

1. Survivor Type
2. Twittering from the Circus of the Dead

Directed by: Greg Nicotero
Runtime: 46 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Personal: Animated
Rating: ***

"Where nightmares and reality meet on the street."
Directed by: Rusty Cundieff
Runtime: 98 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Starz
Checklist: R.I.P. Clarence Williams III (Cast)
Rating: ***
224I TRE VOLTI DELLA PAURA (Black Sabbath) (1963)

"This is the night of the nightmare...The day of the Undead."
Directed by: Mario Bava
Runtime: 92 min
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Distributor/Studio: Kino Lorber
Rating: ***½

* OPERA (1987)

"A star is born tonight... will she live to see tomorrow?"
Directed by: Dario Argento
Runtime: 107 min
Country: Italy
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Claudio Simonetti (Composer)
Rating: ***
226* IL GATTO A NOVE CODE (The Cat o' Nine Tails) (1971)

"Caught between the truth and a murderer's hand!"
Directed by: Dario Argento
Runtime: 112 min
Country: Italy / France / West Germany
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Rated GP
Rating: ***
227* NON SI SEVIZIA UN PAPERINO (Don't Torture a Duckling) (1972)

"A classic tale of the perverse from director Lucio Fulci."
Directed by: Lucio Fulci
Runtime: 105 min
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Format: Vudu
Checklist: Giallo
Rating: ***
228* LA MORTE ACCAREZZA A MEZZANOTTE (Death Walks at Midnight) (1972)

Directed by: Luciano Ercoli
Runtime: 102 min
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Format: Tubi
Checklist: R.I.P. Fernando Arribas (Cinematographer)
Rating: **½
229SUSPIRIA (1977)

"Do you know anything about witches?"
Directed by: Dario Argento
Runtime: 99 min
Country: Italy
Language: English
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Candy Cinema
Rating: ****
230INFERNO (1980)

"A Frightened Journey Through the Macabre Corridors of Hell!"
Directed by: Dario Argento
Runtime: 106 min
Country: Italy
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: R.I.P. Daria Nicolodi (Cast)
Rating: ***
231AMANTI D'OLTRETOMBA (Nightmare Castle) (1965)

"A mad, sadistic scientist on the loose!"
Directed by: Mario Caiano
Runtime: 105 min
Country: Italy
Language: English
Format: DVD
Checklist: Mad Scientist
Rating: ***½


"The Comedy/Horror of the Decayed"
Directed by: Sam Raimi
Runtime: 84 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: HBO
Checklist: KNB EFX Group (Makeup Effects)
Rating: ****
201b* APPARITIONS (2008): Miniseries:

6. Episode 6

"You don't need to believe in Satan. He believes in you."
Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Runtime: 59 min
Country: UK
Language: English
Format: IMDb
Checklist: Personal: TV Miniseries
Rating: ***

"Good and evil battle for possession of the innocent!"
Directed by: Amando de Ossorio
Runtime: 90 min
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Format: Tubi
Checklist: Amando de Ossorio (Director)
Rating: *

"It's four years later...what does she remember?"
Directed by: John Boorman
Runtime: 117 min
Country: U.S., UK
Language: English
Format: Blu-ray
Checklist: R.I.P. Ned Beatty (Cast)
Rating: **
235* POSSESSED (2000)

"Only one documented exorcism has ever happened... This is real."
Directed by: Steven E. de Souza
Runtime: 110 min
Country: U.S., Canada
Language: English
Format: Prime Video
Checklist: R.I.P. Christopher Plummer (Cast)
Rating: **½
236CULT OF CHUCKY (2017)

"Friends till the end, remember?"
Directed by: Don Mancini
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Name in Title
Rating: ***

Directed by: William Eubank
Runtime: 120 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Paramount+
Rating: **½

"This isn't Hell. This is Holland."
Directed by: Nick Jongerius
Runtime: 85 min
Country: Netherlands
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Trope: No Cell Phone Service
Rating: **½
10/31239TRICK 'R TREAT (2007)

"If you don't follow the rules tonight, you won't live to see tomorrow."
Directed by: Michael Dougherty
Runtime: 82 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Checklist: Anthology
Rating: ****½
240* HELL FEST (2018)

"Fun Getting In. Hell Getting Out."
Directed by: Gregory Plotkin
Runtime: 89 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Netflix Streaming
Checklist: Wilhelm Scream
Rating: ***
241HALLOWEEN (1978)

"The Night he came home."
Directed by: John Carpenter
Runtime: 91 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Checklist: Takes Place on a Holiday
Rating: ****
242HALLOWEEN (2018)

"40 Years Later, Evil Returns Home"
Directed by: David Gordon Green
Runtime: 106 min
Country: U.S., UK
Language: English
Format: Movies Anywhere
Rating: ***


"Evil dies tonight."
Directed by: David Gordon Green
Runtime: 105 min
Country: U.S., UK
Language: English
Format: Peacock
Rating: ***

"Angela is having a party. Jason and Freddy are to scared to come. But you'll have a hell of a time."
Directed by: Kevin Tenney
Runtime: 90 min
Country: U.S.
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: ***

* SLAXX (2020)

Directed by: Elza Kephart
Runtime: 77 min
Country: Canada
Language: English
Format: Shudder
Rating: **½
CHECKLIST - completed 10/31:
Select 10 actors:
-x- Jenny Agutter - Child's Play 2 (1990)
-x- Arielle Brachfield - Consumption (Live-In Fear) (2016)
-x- Clancy Brown - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-x- Chuck Connors - Tourist Trap (1979)
-x- Peter Cushing - The Satanic Rites of Dracula (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973)
-x- Brad Dourif - Curse of Chucky (2013)
-x- Elissa Dowling - The Theatre Bizarre (2011)
-x- Deborah Foreman - Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1989)
-x- Stephen Geoffreys - Fright Night (1985)
-x- Boris Karloff - La muerte viviente (Isle of the Snake People) (1971)
-x- Udo Kier - Blade (1998)
-x- Christopher Lee - City of the Dead (Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1960/2021)
-x- Bela Lugosi - The Devil Bat (1940)
-x- Lynn Lowry - The Crazies (1973)
-x- Virginia Madsen - Candyman (1992)
-x- Julian Sands - Arachnophobia (1990)
-x- Scout Taylor-Compton - Feral (2017)
-x- Tiffany Shepis - Victor Crowley (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)
-x- P.J. Soles - Carrie (1976)
-x- Tony Todd - Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)
-x- Recently Deceased (insert actor) - See main list below

Select 5 directors:
-x- Freddie Francis - Paranoiac (1963)
-x- Jesús "Jess" Franco - Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht (Count Dracula) (1970)
-x- William Grefé - Stanley (1972)
-x- Amando de Ossorio - Demon Witch Child (The Possessed) (La endemoniada) (1975)
-x- Takashi Miike - Chakushin ari (One Missed Call) ((2003)
-x- Steve Miner - House (1985)
-x- Jean Rollin - Le frisson des vampires (The Shiver of the Vampires) (1971)
-x- Pete Walker - The Comeback (1978)
-x- James Wan - Malignant (2021)
-x- Watch a Movie Directed By a Female Director, 2, 3 - The Slumber Party Massacre(1982)
-x- Recently Deceased (insert director) - See main list below

Select 2 film composers:
-x- Pino Donaggio - Seed of Chucky (2004)
-x- Alan Howarth - Prince of Darkness (1987)
-x- Claudio Simonetti - Opera (1987)
-x- Christopher Young - Sinister (2012)

Select 2 makeup effects artists:
-x- Rick Baker - The Exorcist (1973)
-x- Joe Blasco - The Touch of Satan (1971)
-x- KNB EFX Group - Evil Dead II (1987)
-x- Matthew Mungle - I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
-x- Dick Smith - House on Haunted Hill (1999)
-x- Recently Deceased (insert makeup effects artist) - See main list

Select 2 producers:
-x- Lawrence Bender - Alien Abduction (2014)
-x- Jason Blum - Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
-x- Herman Cohen - Blood of Dracula (1957)
-x- Dino De Laurentiis - Cat's Eye (1985)

Select 2 writers:
-x- Christopher Landon - Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
-x- Dardano Sacchetti - Zombi 2 (Zombie) (1979)
-x- Curt Siodmak - The Wolf Man (1941)
-x- Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Cure (1997)

Select 30 of the following sub-genres / types:
-x- *3-D Film - Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015)
-x- Anthology Film - Trick ‘ r Treat (2007)
-x- Appears on They Shoot Zombies, Don't They - The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films - Terror Train (Joe Bob's Halloween Hoedown: The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1980/2021)
-x- Based on a True Story - Lake Bodom (Bodom) (2016)
-x- Based on a Novel - Batoru rowaiaru (Battle Royale) (2000)
-x- Candy Cinema, 2 - Suspiria (1977)
-x- Cannibalism - Wrong Turn (2003)
-x- Cinema Inspired By: Richard Matheson - Stir of Echoes (1999)
-x- Cinematic Titanic / Horror Host / MST3K / RiffTrax - Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1988/2021)
-x- Comedy / Spoof - Slither (2006)
-x- Criterion / Masters of Cinema Version Film - The Velvet Vampire (1971)
-x- Cryptid Cinema - Hoax (2019)
-x- Death by: Electrocution - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987/2019)
-x- Director or Writer Cameo in Own Film / Film Adaptation, 2 - Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
-x- Distributor / Studio: Kino Lorber - I tre volti della paura (Black Sabbath) (1963)
-x- Documentary - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-x- Dream Horror - One Dark Night (1982)
-x- Drunk Horror - Jaws (1975)
-x- Euro Horror - Ecologia del delitto (A Bay of Blood) (1971)
-x- Enzo Sciotti Art - Demons (Dèmoni) (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1985)
-x- Extraterrestrial / Takes Place in Space - TerrorVision (1986)
-x- Fan Film - Jason Rising: A Friday the 13th Fan Film (2021)
-x- Film From Someone Else's 'Best of' List (IndieWire’s ‘The 125 Greatest Horror Movies of All Time’ - Messiah of Evil (Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1973/2021)
-x- Film From TCM October 2021 Schedule - Carnival of Souls (1962)
-x- Firearms - House on Haunted Hill (Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special) (1959/2021)
-x- Flashback - Mama (2013)
-x- Fog, 2 - An American Werewolf in London (1981)
-x- Folk Horror - Midsommar (2019)
-x- From a Basil Gogos Painting - Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
-x- Found Footage - Paranormal Activity 4 (2012)
-x- Frankenstein - Wide World of Mystery: Frankenstein (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/1982)
-x- Ghost / Haunting - Conjuring 2, The (2016)
-x- Giallo - Don't Torture a Duckling (Non si sevizia un paperino) (1972)
-x- J-Horror - Ju-on (The Grudge) (2002)
-x- Kaiju / Giant Monster - Gwoemul (The Host) (2006)
-x- Killer / Evil Animal - Black Water: Abyss (2020)
-x- Killer / Evil Child - Eli (2019)
-x- Killer / Evil Doll - Child's Play (1988)
-x- Luchador - Santo and Blue Demon vs. the Monsters (1970)
-x- Made-for-TV Movie - Body Bags (1993)
-x- Mad Scientist - Amanti d'oltretomba (Nightmare Castle) (1965)
-x- Mummy - The Mummy (2017)
-x- Musical / Rock ‘n Roll Horror - Stage Fright (2014)
-x- Name In Title - Cult of Chucky (2017)
-x- Nation of Origin: Russia, 2 - Sputnik (2020)
-x- Ouija Board - Paranormal Activity (2007)
-x- Phobias - Citadel (2012)
-x- Psychological - Super Dark Times (2017)
-x- Quarantine - Mayhem (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)
-x- Rape / Revenge - Antebellum (2020)
-x- Shot in Bronson Canyon - The Vampire Bat (1933)
-x- Shudder Original / Exclusive - Teddy (2020)
-x- Slasher / Psycho / Homicidal Maniac - Silent Madness (1984)
-x- Slow Motion - The Final Girls (2015)
-x- Split Personality - Split (2016)
-x- Suicide - Unfriended (2014)
-x- Takes Place in a Crypt - Ladrones de tumbas (Grave Robbers) (1989)
-x- Takes Place in a High School - Freaky (2020)
-x- Takes Place in a Library - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-x- Takes Place on a Mountain - Primal Rage (2018)
-x- Takes Place on a Holiday - Halloween (1978)
-x- Takes Place on or Under the Sea - Triangle (2009)
-x- Three Installments in a Franchise - Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021); Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 (2021); Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021)
-x- Title Spoken By Character, 2 - The Thing (1982)
-x- Trailer Compilation - Trailer War (2012)
-x- Travelogue - Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) (2008)
-x- Vampire - Jakob's Wife (2021)
-x- Voyeurism - The Babysitter (2017)
-x- Werewolf - Wildling (2018)
-x- Witchcraft / Satanic / Religious - The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
-x- Wilhelm Scream - Hell Fest (2018)
-x- With Commentary - Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
-x- With Two or More Horror Legends - The Creeping Flesh (1973)
-x- Zombie - Planet Terror (2007)

Select 1 from the "Chronological Horror Years Faceoff":
-x- 1921 (100th) - Körkarlen (The Phantom Carriage) (1921)
-x- 1946 (75th) - The Spiral Staircase (1946)
-x- 1971 (50th) - Les lèvres rouges (Daughters of Darkness) (1971)
-x- 1996 (25th) – The Frighteners (1996)

Select 1 from the following anniversaries:
-x- 40th Anniversary of Elvira's Movie Macabre - The Werewolf of Washington (Elvira’s Movie Macabre) (1973/2010)
-x- 40th Anniversary of Notable Horror Films - The Funhouse (1981)
-x- 40th Anniversary of MTV, 2 - Scream (1996)
-x- 50th Anniversary of Monster Cereals, 2, 3 - Werewolf of London (1935)
-x- 100th Anniversary of Overlook Hotel's July 4th Ball, 2 - The Shining(1980)

Select 3 from the following horror film tropes:
-x- Killed during sex - Puppet Master (13 Nights of Elvira) (1989/2014)
-x- New House, New Problems, 2 - The Boogens (1981)
-x- No cell phone service - - The Windmill (2016)
-x- Making dumb decisions - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1974/2018)
-x- The creepy gas station attendant - The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
-x- The evil doll that comes to life - Child's Play 3 (1991)
-x- The mirror scare - Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999)
-x- The suddenly unpredictable vehicle - The Voices (2014)

Select 4 ratings:
-x- G - The Haunting (1963)
-x- PG - Road Games (Roadgames) (1981)
-x- PG-13 - Brahms: The Boy II (2020)
-x- R - The Descent: Part 2 (2009)
-x- NC-17 - Evil Dead (2013)
-x- X - Der Fluch der schwarzen Schwestern (The Devil's Plaything) (1973)
-x- Unrated - Darkness (2002)
-x- M - Psycho (1960)
-x- GP - Il gatto a nove code (The Cat o' Nine Tails) (1971)

​Select 6 decades of film history:
-x- Pre-1930 - Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
-x- 1930 - Dracula's Daughter (1936)
-x- 1940 - She-Wolf of London (1946)
-x- 1950 - Curse of the Demon (Night of the Demon) (1957)
-x- 1960 - Witchfinder General (1968)
-x- 1970 - The Severed Arm (1973)
-x- 1980 - Cutting Class (1989)
-x- 1990 - Bride of Chucky (1998)
-x- 2000 - The Collector (2009)
-x- 2010 - Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015)
-x- 2020 - Possessor (2020)

Watch 1 film with a recently deceased personality:
-x- Recently deceased list -

-x- Julie Strain (R.I.P.) - Delta Delta Die! (2003)
-x- William Smith (R.I.P.) - Uncle Sam (1996)
-x- Carmine Capobianco (R.I.P.) - Cemetery High (1988)
-x- Thomas ‘Tiny’ Lister (R.I.P.) - Soulkeeper (2001)
-x- Daria Nicolodi (R.I.P.) - Inferno (1980)
-x- Christopher Plummer (R.I.P.) - Possessed (2000)
-x- Barbara Shelley (R.I.P.) - Cat Girl (1957)
-x- Cloris Leachman (R.I.P.) - Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
-x- Shin'ichi "Sonny" Chiba (R.I.P.) - Fukkatsu no hi (Virus: The End) (1980)
-x- Ned Beatty (R.I.P.) - Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
-x- Hal Holbrook (R.I.P.) - The Fog (1980)
-x- Yaphet Kotto (R.I.P.) - Alien (1979)
-x- Walter Olkewicz (R.I.P.) - Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)
-x- David Prowse (R.I.P.) - Vampire Circus (1972)
-x- Peter Mark Richman (R.I.P.) - Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
-x- Clarence Williams III (R.I.P.) - Tales from the Hood (1995)

-x- John "Bud" Cardos - Kingdom of the Spiders (1977)
-x- René Cardona III (R.I.P.) - Vacaciones de terror (1989)
-x- Monte Hellman (R.I.P.) - Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989)
-x- Richard Donner (R.I.P.) - The Omen (1976)
-x- Norman J. Warren (R.I.P.) - Terror (1978)
-x- Alberto Grimaldi (R.I.P.) - Burnt Offerings (1976)

Makeup Effects:
-x- Robert Green Hall (R.I.P.) - Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
-x- Cleve Hall (R.I.P.) - Camp Dread (2014)
-x- Giannetto De Rossi (R.I.P.) - No profanar el sueño de los muertos (Let Sleeping Corpses Lie) (1974)

-x- David Giler (R.I.P.) - AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
-x- Fernando Arribas (R.I.P.) - La morte accarezza a mezzanotte (Death Walks at Midnight) (1972)

Watch a film shot on 1 of the following:
-x- Video ,2 - Blood Cult (1985)
-x- 8mm (Super 8) - Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary (2002)
-x- 16mm - The House of the Devil (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2009/2019)

Watch 1 of your OHMC "favorites":
--- Boardinghouse (1982) -
--- Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror (1981) -
--- The Carrier (1988) -
--- Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) -
--- Frankenhooker (1990) -
--- Hobgoblins (1988) -
--- The House by the Cemetery (1981) -
--- Killer Condom (1996) -
--- The Killer Tongue (1996) -
--- Octaman (1971) -
--- Microwave Massacre (1983) -
-x- Shakma (1990) - Shakma (1990)
--- Spookies (1986) -

Watch a movie and its remake back to back on the same day:
-x- Original - Castle Freak (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1995)
-x- Remake - Castle Freak (2020)

Watch films in at least three formats:
-x- First format, Streaming - Slumber Party Massacre II (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987)
-x- Second format, DVD - The Evil Dead (1981)
-x- Third format, Cable - Relic (2020)

Watch films in at least three languages:
-x- First language, Japanese - Kamera wo tomeruna! (One Cut of the Dead) (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)
-x- Second language, Korean - Gon-ji-am (Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum) (2018)
-x- Third language, Dutch - Cub (Welp) (2014)

Watch 2 films with similar plots:
-x- Film #1 - The Cave (2005)
-x- Film #2 - The Descent (2005)

Watch 3 films that you've never seen before that:
-x- Stars a Julie - Julie Strain / Julie Anne Prescott / Julie Benz / Julie Harris / Julie Adams - Havenhurst (2016)
-x- Features a character waking up from a nightmare - The Empty Man (2020)
-x- Was made in the 1990s - Slaughter of the Innocents (1993)
-x- Features a LGBT character - Wrong Turn (2021)
-x- Was written by Charles B. Griffith - Beast from Haunted Cave (Elvira’s Movie Macabre) (1959/2012)
-x- Features a severed head - Tower of Evil (1972)
-x- Has a scene in a nightclub - In Fabric (2018)
-x- Was shot in Mexico - Deadtectives (2018)
-x- Is listed in Suburban Grindhouse - Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1988/2018)
-x- Takes place at a national park - Backcountry (2014)
-x- Features a funeral scene - Boys from County Hell (2020)
-x- Title includes Return of / Curse of / Bride of / Son of - Death Curse of Tartu (1966)

Attend a live or virtual event (convention, play, haunted house, ghost tour, etc.):
--- (insert event). OPTIONAL
--- Listen to a horror movie soundtrack - OPTIONAL

Venture Into the Literary World:
--- Read a Horror Novel or Novella (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Comic Book or Graphic Novel (insert title). OPTIONAL
--- Read a Horror Magazine (insert title). OPTIONAL


Personal Checklist:
-x- Animated - A Creepshow Animated Special (2020)
-x- Based on Comic Book/GN - 30 Days of Night (2007)
-x- TV Miniseries - Apparitions (2008) (6/6)
-x- TV Season - Creepshow (2019): Season 2 (5/5)
THEME NIGHTS - completed 11/01:
-x- 09/30: Avant-garde, Niche, & Surreal Minus the Slick & Polished Mainstream Appeal: Indie/Arthouse Crossover - Road Games (1981); The Crazies (1973); The Funhouse (1981)
-x- 20% Alcohol by Volume. 100% Fear By Death. - SterlingBen's Fermentation of Fear - Slither (2006); Soulkeeper (2001); Consumption (2016); Havenhurst (2016); Primal Rage: The Legend of Konga (2018); In Fabric (2018)
Brahms: The Boy II (2020); Antebellum (2020); Boys from County Hell (2020)
-x- 10/02: It Slices. It Dices. It Circumcises. - Slashers, 2, 3 / Serial Killers - Silent Madness (1984); Stanley (1972); Child's Play (1988); Child's Play 2 (1990); Wrong Turn (2003); Wrong Turn (2021); Malignant (2021); Camp Dread (2014)
-x- 10/03: Buried Alive and Itching to Survive - Subterranean Horror - The Severed Arm (1973); Elvira’s Movie Macabre (2012): Beast from Haunted Cave (1959); AvP: Alien vs. Predator (2004); The Cave (2005); The Descent (2005); The Descent: Part 2 (2009); The Mummy (2017); The Cabin in the Woods (2011); Black Water: Abyss (2020)
-x- 10/04: Chronological Horror Years Faceoff IX - 1921 (Platinum) Vs. 1946 (Diamond) Vs. 1971 (Gold) Vs. 1996 (Silver) - Körkarlen (The Phantom Carriage) (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946); She-Wolf of London (1946); Ecologia del delitto (A Bay of Blood) (1971); The Touch of Satan (1971); The Velvet Vampire (1971); The Frighteners (1996); Uncle Sam (1996)
-x- 10/05: Celebrating 40 Years of Unpleasant Dreams - Elvira's Movie Macabre 40th Anniversary - Witchfinder General (1968); Elvira's 40th Anniversary, Very Scary, Very Special Special (2021): Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) / House on Haunted Hill (1959) / City of the Dead (1960) / Messiah of Evil (1973); The Satanic Rites of Dracula (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/2010); The Werewolf of Washington (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/2010); The Wide World of Mystery: Frankenstein, Parts 1 & 2 (Elvira's Movie Macabre) (1973/1982); Puppet Master (13 Nights of Elvira) (1989/2014)
-x- 10/06: Reunions, Bullies & Greasy Cafeteria Food Are the Least of Your Worries;
Avoid the Pitfalls of Academic Life, Or It's Gonna Get Gory! - School's Out ...Forever! - Cutting Class (1989); Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989); Cemetery High (1988); Shakma! (1990); Child's Play 3 (1991); Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992); Candyman (1992); Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)
-x- 10/07: She Slays Anyone in Her Way! - Ladies Who Kill - Carrie (1976); Bride of Chucky (1998); Seed of Chucky (2004)
Mama (2013); Delta Delta Die! (2003); Unfriended (2014); The Babysitter (2017); The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020); Paranormal Activity (2007); Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)
-x- 10/08: Blood, Boobs, and Beasts: Drive-In Total Ingredients For A Mutant Family Horror Feast
Joe Bob Says Check it Out! - Hosted Films / Book Reviewed Films - Slumber Party Massacre II (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987/2020); The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1974/2018); Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1988/2018); Mayhem (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020); Angel (Joe Bob's Halloween Hoedown: The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1983/2021); Terror Train (Joe Bob's Halloween Hoedown: The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1980/2021); Victor Crowley (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)
-x- 10/09: The Most Offbeat Films Ever Made - The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema - Ladrones de tumbas (Grave Robbers) (1989); The Devil Bat (1940); Carnival of Souls (1962); The Creeping Flesh (1973); Tourist Trap (1979); Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary (2002); The Voices (2014); TerrorVision (1986)
-x- 10/10: Laden with MSG; Your Insides Will Bleed! The Asian Buffet of Tantalizing Terrors!
The Asian Buffet of Terrors - Korean / Thai / J-Horror / Indian / Chinese / Filipino / Indonesian - Batoru rowaiaru (Battle Royale) (2000); Fukkatsu no hi (Virus: The End) (1980); Ju-on (The Grudge) (2002); Chakushin ari (One Missed Call) (2003); Gwoemul (The Host) (2006); Gon-ji-am (Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum) (2018); Kamera wo tomeruna! (One Cut of the Dead) (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2017/2020)
-x- 10/11: Instantaneous Blood-Soaked Entertainment from the Comfort of Your House
These Corporate-Owned Behemoth Prices Might Piss Off Your Spouse - Streaming Originals & Exclusives: Horror Edition - The Mortuary Collection (2019); Deadtectives (2018); Eli (2019); Teddy (2020); Fear Street: Part One - 1994 (2021); Fear Street: Part Two - 1978 (2021); Fear Street: Part Three - 1666 (2021)
-x- 10/12: Copyright Laws Be Damned! These Unofficial Flicks Are Italian-Crammed!
In Name Only / Unofficial Horror Sequels & Trilogies - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1987); Dracula's Daughter (1936); Zombi 2 (Zombie) (1979); The Thing (1982); Prince of Darkness (1987); In the Mouth of Madness (1994); Jason Rising: A Friday the 13th Fan Film (2021)
-x- 10/13: Call Them the Doubting Thomas, Contrarian, or the Non-Believer.
They're the Pessimist with the Inevitable Face Full of Cleaver. - Skeptical Inquirer - Curse of the Demon (Night of the Demon) (1957); The Vampire Bat (1933); The Haunting (1963); The Exorcist (1973); The Conjuring 2 (2016); Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015); Hereditary (2018)
-x- 10/14: A Journey Into the Guts of Horror - Horror Documentaries / Film Historian Approved - In Search of Darkness (2019); The Nightmare (2015); Trailer War (2012); Eli Roth's History of Horror: S3E01-02 (2021); Primal Screen (2017); Horror Noire (2019)
-x- 10/15: High Caliber Films Determined By the Cinephile Vote
Some Are Distinguished, Others Go Right for the Throat - The Letterboxd Top 250 - Nosferatu (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (1922); Bride of Frankenstein (1935); Psycho (1960); Cure (1997); Alien (1979); Fright Night (1985); Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
-x- 10/16: R.I.P. VCR: You're Officially Retired, But Your Kick-Ass VHS Video Cover Art Will Always Be Admired! - 1980's Video Companies Spotlight: VCI/United + Video Stores - Tower of Evil (1972); Kingdom of the Spiders (1977); Terror (1978); Blood Cult (1985); Scream (1996); Ruby (1977); The Boogens (1981)
-x- 10/17: Theaters Return! Texters Beware! - Theaters of Blood - Fade to Black (1980); An American Werewolf in London (1981); Demons (Dèmoni) (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1985); Stir of Echoes (1999); Stage Fright (2014); The Final Girls (2015); Christine (1983)
-x- 10/18: Viruses! Plagues! Outbreaks! Cloths That Smell of Death!
Call In the Military, And Someone Tell Michael--Lay Off the Meth! - Zombies - Planet Terror (2007); Isle of the Snake People (La muerte viviente) (1971); Let Sleeping Corpses Lie (The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue) (No profanar el sueño de los muertos) (1974); One Dark Night (1982); The Evil Dead (1981); Evil Dead (2013); Feral (2017); Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015)
-x- 10/19: It's Suspenseful! It's Mysterious! It's Intriguing! Whodunit?
Was it the Maid? A Ghost? ....I'm Being Hurled Off the Summit! - Mystery Horror Films - The Ninth Gate (1999); Santo and Blue Demon vs. the Monsters (1970); The Comeback (1978); Slaughter of the Innocents (1993); Castle Freak (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (1995); Castle Freak (2020); Unfriended: Dark Web (2018); Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)
-x- 10/20: Bela's Bloodsucking Bloodbath Birthday Bash Bonanza Full Moon Extravaganza! - Vampires & Werewolves / Were-Creatures On A Full Moon - Wildling (2018); Werewolf of London (1935); The Wolf Man (1941); Cat Girl (1957); Daughters of Darkness (Les lèvres rouges) (1971); Blood of Dracula (1957); Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1989); Jakob's Wife (2021); Blade (1998)
-x- 10/21: Hooded Hoodies Cloaked In Fear - Hooded / Cloaked Figures - The Collector (2009); I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997); The House of the Devil (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs) (2009/2019); Citadel (2012); Silent Hill: Revelation (2012); Hell House LLC (2015); Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018); Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019)
-x- 10/22: Ectoplasmic Entities Materializing at Night. Strong Yet Suspenseful Emotional Frights. Summoning the Dead by Candlelight. - Supernatural / Quiet/Soft / Seances - The Empty Man (2020); Burnt Offerings (1976); Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999); Apparitions (2008): S1E01-02; Curse of Chucky (2013); Paranormal Activity 4 (2012); Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
-x- 10/23: The Hotel Closes for the Winter, But Jack Invites You to a Party That Never Ends
The Overlook Hotel July 4th Ball Centennial - Freaky (2020); Death Curse of Tartu (1966); The Omen (1976); The Shining (1980); House on Haunted Hill (1999); Super Dark Times (2017); Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
-x- 10/24: Itinerary of Hostel Intent. Railway of Unnerving Descent. Airport Security of Hellish Torment. - The European Passport to Terror - Triangle (2009); The Shiver of the Vampires (Le frisson des vampires) (1971)
Count Dracula (Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht) (1970); Vampire Circus (1972); The Devil's Plaything (Der Fluch der schwarzen Schwestern) (1973); Let the Right One In (Låt den rätte komma in) (2008); Apparitions (2008): S1E03-04; Lake Bodom (Bodom) (2016)
-x- 10/25: One Word. Multiple Ways to Die. - One-Word Titles - Possessor (2020); Paranoiac (1963); Darkness (2002); Cub (Welp) (2014); Backcountry (2014); Split (2016); Hoax (2019); Sputnik (2020); Relic (2020); Apparitions (2008): S1E05
-x- 10/26: Welcome to Suburbia. The Houses Look the Same. The Portal To Hell Is Waiting. - Suburban Horror - The Gate (1987); Poltergeist (1982); Arachnophobia (1990); House (1985); 30 Days of Night (2007); Sinister (2012); The Fog (1980); Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015)
-x- 10/27: Cold, Warm, Hot or Chilly...These Deadly Seasons Will Scare You Silly! - The Four Seasons of Death - The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story (Bat sin fan dim: Yan yuk cha siu bau) (1993); Jaws (1975); Vacaciones de terror (1989); Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out! (1989); Alien Abduction (2014); Midsommar (2019); Commentary: Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
-x- 10/28: Once, Twice, Three Times the Lacerations - Horror Anthologies - Body Bags (1993); Cat's Eye (1985); The Theatre Bizarre (2011); Creepshow (2019): S2E01-05; A Creepshow Animated Special (2020); Tales from the Hood (1995); Black Sabbath (I tre volti della paura) (1963)
-x- 10/29: Blood-Stained Black Gloves of Yellow - All the Colors of Giallo - Opera (1987); The Cat o' Nine Tails (Il gatto a nove code) (1971); Don't Torture a Duckling (Non si sevizia un paperino) (1972); Death Walks at Midnight (La morte accarezza a mezzanotte) (1972); Suspiria (1977); Inferno (1980); Nightmare Castle (Amanti d'oltretomba) (1965)
-x- 10/30: Evil Witches Cast Their Spell, Runaway or Discover the Demon-Infested Layers of Hell! - Devil's Night Debauchery: Demonic Possession / Satanic / Witchcraft / Hell - Evil Dead II (1987); Apparitions (2008): S1E06; Demon Witch Child (La endemoniada) (1975); Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977); Possessed (2000); Cult of Chucky (2017); Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021); The Windmill (2016)
-x- 10/31: Halloween Evokes the Spirits of the Dead, Tread Lightly or Experience a Decapitated Head! - All Hallows Eve Horrifically Hideous Hellfest / Samhain: An Evening of Celtic Horror - Trick ‘r Treat (2007); Hell Fest (2018); Halloween (1978); Halloween (2018); Halloween Kills (2021); Night of the Demons (1988)
-x- 11/01: Comedy Plus Tragedy Equals Hilariously Horrific Death: Horror Comedies Crossover - Slaxx (2020)
31 FILM SUBSET - completed 11/01:
-x- 09/30: group vote - Road Games (1981)
-x- 11/01: group vote - Slaxx (2020)
--- xx/xx: wildcard - any horror theatrical showing (2021)
-x- 10/01: SterlingBen - Slither (2006)
-x- 10/02: clckorang - Silent Madness (1984)
-x- 10/03: Toddarino - The Severed Arm (1973)
-x- 10/04: MysterioMan007 - The Phantom Carriage (1921) / The Spiral Staircase (1946) / A Bay of Blood (1971) / The Frighteners (1996)
-x- 10/05: Gobear - Witchfinder General (1968)
-x- 10/06: hbsvb - Cutting Class (1989)
-x- 10/07: rbrown498 - Carrie (1976)
-x- 10/08: Fist of Doom Jr - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987)
-x- 10/09: Chad - Grave Robbers (Ladrones de Tumbas) (1989)
-x- 10/10: jholmes - Battle Royale (2000)
-x- 10/11: tarfrimmer - The Mortuary Collection (2019)
-x- 10/12: mallratcal - Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
-x- 10/13: WillieMLF - Curse of the Demon (1957)
-x- 10/14: Darkgod - In Search of Darkness (2019)
-x- 10/15: Cure - ororama (1997)
-x- 10/16: DaveyJoe - Tower of Evil (1972)
-x- 10/17: alyxstarr - Fade to Black (1980)
-x- 10/18: Trevor - Planet Terror (2007)
-x- 10/19: shellebelle - The Ninth Gate (1999)
-x- 10/20: Undeadcow - Daughters of Darkness (1971) / Wildling (2018)
-x- 10/21: indiephantom - The Collector (2009)
-x- 10/22: TheBigDave - The Empty Man (2020)
-x- 10/23: jacob_b - Freaky (2020)
-x- 10/24: Bladz - Triangle (2009)
-x- 10/25: Numbercrunch - Possessor (2020)
-x- 10/26: T-bone22 - The Gate (1987)
-x- 10/27: Shack - The Untold Story (1993)
-x- 10/28: pacaway - Body Bags (1993)
-x- 10/29: Voorheeshulk - Opera (1987)
-x- 10/30: Darth Maher - Evil Dead II (1987)
-x- 10/31: cwileyy - Halloween Kills (2021)
2007 COUNT: 76
2008 COUNT: 122
2009 COUNT: 126
2010 COUNT: 161
2011 COUNT: 162
2012 COUNT: 181
2013 COUNT: 197
2014 COUNT: 202
2015 COUNT: 230
2016 COUNT: 247
2017 COUNT: 254
2018 COUNT: 258
2019 COUNT: 257
2020 COUNT: 255

2021 COUNT: 245
2021 TIME: 393 H 00M
*****15th Year Participating


Last edited by tarfrimmer; 11-01-21 at 04:46 PM.
Old 09-08-21, 07:24 PM
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Re: The 17th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread***

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