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Joss Whedon's Got A New Show: Dollhouse

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Joss Whedon's Got A New Show: Dollhouse

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Old 05-17-08, 04:03 PM
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Even though I can't pretend like there isn't good stuff on tv now, I still have very little faith in networks launching new shows. When it comes to Fox? I have negative faith. While it wasn't groundbreaking tv, I'm still bummed about Drive getting the ax.

Still if Joss is behind it, I'm going to give the show a go and hope for the best.

Last edited by boredsilly; 05-17-08 at 04:06 PM.
Old 05-18-08, 05:10 AM
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The trailer didn't do anything for me but it has Eliza so I'll definitely tune in.
Old 05-18-08, 05:20 AM
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Another video clip from the pilot...

Old 05-18-08, 03:21 PM
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Fox To Halve Commercials For New Shows

Fox Broadcasting plans to draw viewers to its new dramas Fringe and Dollhouse by drastically cutting the number of commercials and promos in them to half the usual number. Today's (Friday) Hollywood Reporter quoted Fox Entertainment Chairman Peter Liguori as saying that by doing so, "we're going to have ... less reason for viewers to use the remote. ... It's a simple concept and potentially revolutionary. ... We're going to redefine the viewing experience."
Old 05-19-08, 03:55 AM
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I have a 100% confidence that Whedon will deliver a great show and Fox will find away to destroy it. Fox has the amazing ability to greenlight shows that no one else would and then turn around and kill them with poor promotions and scheduling. For the record, I'm not just talking about Firefly, there is also Wonderfalls, The Inside, Point Pleasant, and Drive.
Old 05-19-08, 09:36 AM
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I understand that alot of you are frustrated with these shows getting cancelled after only a few episodes. But, if they were so great and had so many fans, then how come noone was watching them? (at least Nielsen viewers.....the ones who matter)

Drive I recall was a really expensive show that got terrible numbers (approx 6M viewers) when it premiered last April. I mean I thought it was a cool show and a fun concept, but obviously the Nielsen viewers didn't like it and someone has to pay the bill for the show.

Also, The Inside got barely 4M viewers a week when it premiered in the summer of '05. And this was the summer with pretty much zero competition.

Obviously for those of us who don't own Nielsen boxes, we are pretty much at the mercy of these familes. We could love the show and rave about it all we want, but these families are the ones who matter as viewers and keep these shows on the air.
Old 05-19-08, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by DJariya
I understand that alot of you are frustrated with these shows getting cancelled after only a few episodes. But, if they were so great and had so many fans...
Being "so great" and having "so many fans" don't necessarily go hand-in-hand for TV show. These were great shows that didn't have a large viewership when they first aired, there's no denying that. The question then is why didn't they have a larger viewership? A lot of people look at the shows' quality, the die-hard fanbase that it did have, even during their short run, and their constantly expanding fanbase on DVD and come to the conclusion that it wasn't something wrong with the show, but the way it was promoted and broadcast.

I mean, when new fans say things like, "I would've watched this show when it aired if I had known this show existed/was any good," then something was clearly wrong with the promotion of the show.

Obviously, not every show is going to survive, and even a great show can fail, just like great movies sometimes flop financially. However, networks used to actually nurse their new shows and give them a chance to grow a fanbase before throwing them to the curb. Shows like The X-Files, Seinfeld, and MASH would've never made it past their first season in this day and age.

Granted, this is true for the most part of all networks, but FOX seems the most egregious offender. They commission new and interesting shows, and then when the producers start turning in actual episodes, the attitude FOX gives the show is just shy of outright hostility. Or maybe it's just confusion over the fact that the show they got wasn't what they thought they bought, like how they bought a show from "that Buffy guy," and were surprised it wasn't an out-and-out comedy. I imagine when they bought Drive they were thinking of a show along the lines of Cannonball Run.

None of this is meant to suggest that had the shows gotten better treatment they definitely would've been hits. But it would've been nice if the networks had at least given them a fair chance

Obviously for those of us who don't own Nielsen boxes, we are pretty much at the mercy of these familes.
I really don't buy into the "Nielsen conspiracy" that those people that Nielsen monitors are significantly different from the populace at large. I know enough about Nielsen's selection method to believe that their random samples of the population are fairly accurate representations of the audience at large that the networks want to monitor. I'm pretty certain that even if Neilsen had used a completely different random sample, the ratings for shows like Firefly and Wonderfalls would've been the same.
Old 07-23-08, 05:40 PM
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Looks like Whedon is trying to cut Fox off at the pass from "Foxing" another one of his shows. Rather than suffer the same fate as Firefly, he will shoot/reshoot/edit another pilot for the show. Apparently the executives weren't all that happy with the initial product.

We'll have to see how this one pans out. Part of me feels like this is a good sign, but at the same time I feel like it's a kiss of a death before this even starts (being Fox and all).

Old 07-23-08, 06:37 PM
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I read the story about the pilot and Whedon test screened the pilot and some people thought it really didn't make sense and they needed another episode to explain things better. The pilot will now be episode 2.
Old 10-29-08, 09:56 PM
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From Whedonesque:
Originally Posted by Joss Whedon
What happened when the light went out.

Sadly, this is not a naughty post. It's just Joss nattering on again.

I thought it was time to check in with you once again, gentle viewers. Or readers. Or pictures-looker-ats (that might be viewers). Also listeners, sniffers, haberdashers, Olympic hopefuls, the elderly, the youngerdly, and the mighty state of Oregon (go Oregon-based sports franchise!) Welcome all. Welcome... to me.

What's me up to? I'm glad me asked. Me've (I'm not doing that any more) been working on a little show called Dollhouse. Yes, perhaps you've read about how it's blazing an untrammeled path to surefire success, with nary a hitch or a hiccup, just pure blazing blazery, comet-like and meteoresque. What's that, you say? You've read other things? Dark, Yog-Sothothy rumors about shutdowns and delays? Poppycock! They’re true. But I never pass up a chance to say "poppycock". ("Balderdash" is so '07. Let it go.) I know there's been a lot of concern, various fabulous hues of panic alert readiness. So here's the skinny. Some of the names have been changed.

The show was ruined by Flim Flinear. Okay, that's another lie, and you're probably close to giving up on this blog, so here we go. Yes, we've had to make adjustments. Yes, it's been hard and I've been depressing to be around for awhile. Basically, the Network and I had different ideas about what the tone of the show would be. They bought something somewhat different than what I was selling them, which is not that uncommon in this business. Their desires were not surprising: up the stakes, make the episodes more stand-alone, stop talking about relationships and cut to the chase. Oh, and add a chase. That you can cut to. Nothing I hadn't heard before on my other shows (apparently my learning curve has no bendy part) but frustrating as hell given our circumstances - a pilot shot, scripts written, everybody marching together/gainfully employed... and then a shutdown. Glad I was for the breathing room, but it's hardly auspicious. So back into the writer cave I went, wondering why I put up with this when I can make literally dozens of dollars making internet movies. Why I do put up with this is divided into three parts.

One: They're not wrong. Oh, we don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but wanting the first episodes to be exciting and accessible is not exactly Satanic. Being Satan is, but that's in their free time and hey, there's no judging in the Dollhouse. This kind of back and forth has happened on every show I've done, so if you liked those, chances are that was a part of why. And the need to focus on the essentials of what makes this universe tick - and which wire to cut to make it stop - really does bring up our game. So we as a staff have gone from blinking like unhoused moles to delving in with the same relish we had when we started. The show is really coming together now, in a way that I believe excites us and satisfies the Network. Of course, I have no idea if anybody else will like it, but I have the same faith in the staff, the crew and the remarkable cast that I always did. More, in fact. And what's more crucial:

Two: Nothing essential has changed about the universe. The ideas and relationships that intrigued me from the start are all there (though some have shifted, more on that), and the progression of the first thirteen eps has me massively excited. The episode we're shooting now I wrote as fast as anything I have before, not because I had to (although, funny side-note: I had to) but because I couldn't stop the words from coming. Because I can feel the show talking to me; delighting, scaring and occasionally even offending me. It's alive. Alive! Which is a far cry from how I felt a month ago. It's been hilarious trying to keep up with what's in, what's out, who's met whom and when - we've shot all of the first seven episodes out of airing order - but it's come together in a pretty thrilling way. My huge gratitude to our cast for their precision and patience. Which also includes...

Three: Eliza. Watching her on the monitors at two o'clock this morning I was reminded forcibly how much I wished I were in bed – but also how strong, radiant and unmistakable her presence is. She's someone who could coast on talent and never ever does. I love to watch her work. In fact, I think I got myself into this mess for that very reason, and though I have this fall occasionally sworn never to eat lunch with an actor I like again, I’m pretty pleased and crazy proud.

So here's me, slogging away on a show like days of old and not hating life. Again, you guys will be the judge, jury and execu... lawyer, but we do have something to show you. Something, I'm chuffed to say, still pretty damn strange.

As for what's been changed, well, some things I obviously can't tell you. Some I can, for the record: The original pilot was in fact thrown out. Again, at my behest. Once it became clear what paradigm the Network was shooting for, it just didn't fit at all, even after I'd reshot more than half of it (see above re: despair). To get a sense of how completely turned around I was during this process, you should know there was a scene with Eliza and the astonishing Ashley Johnson that I wrote and shot completely differently three different times, with different characters in different places (actually I wrote it closer to eight times), and none of it will ever see air. Which is as it should be (though I'm determined to get Ms. Johnson back in the future). The scene just didn't belong anymore. Similarly, the character of November has fallen out of the mix, because the show simply moves too fast now for me to do what I wanted with her. Season three, anyone...? Happily, Miracle Laurie is still with us in a new role, playing against (and pining for) Tahmoh's character, Paul Ballard. Their chemistry is deeply nifty. The only other major cast shift is that the Dollhouse head of security, Laurence Dominic (played by Reed Diamond), who was written just for the now-defunct first ep, has stuck like fly-paper, and Reed is very much in the family for the present. (Most of my problems seem to involve my actors making themselves indispensable. This is the good problem kind.)

Apart from that, it's all hush-hush: some things I'd intended to hold back are laid out much sooner, and some are rolling out more slowly. We're still heading toward Tim's intense two-part mind-blower - right before a thirteenth ep that may actually just be insane.

And finally, young Steve DeKnight, after writing and shooting an ep so cool it helped not only define the show but save its ass, is ending his consulting duties, the f#%&er. I will be crying on the shoulder of Jane Espenson come Monday, so congratudolences are in order. Excited for the Jane Flava.

And there you have it. I'll be writing more bulletins about "Cabin" and a certain DVD in the very near future, but I wanted to get you all some actual information for a change. I can count on you guys not to tell anyone, right? What's a blog?

Faithfully, -joss.

Originally Posted by Joss Whedon
Joss takes pleasure (again, not naughty).

Just a list containing happies.

Hi guys. I was talking today to Patton Oswalt, which already makes me cool, but he said something that struck me: He said if he’s snarky as hell, everybody feels him, but if he talks honestly about things he truly loves, he’ll get flamed right off the net. Which makes a twisted sense: for what do haters hate more than love? Since I am burnt from work, I’ve decided to light a flame of my own by listing, in absolutely no order of importance, a few things that jazz me right now. Haters, start your search engines.

1) Patton Oswalt is on my f%#&ing show! I wrote a part with him in mind and now he speaketh it! Credit goes to Marti Noxon, who sent me the album with him meeting George Lucas in it, for getting him stuck in my head. And he’s rockin’ the drama. Patton. I call him that.
2) TERMINATOR gets a full season. It’s not just Summer – it’s not NOT Summer, but… this is my favorite drama on Tele-vee. Opinions are mixed, but I think they balance the human drama with the homage to my seminal cheesy eighties movie mythology with Battlestaresque panache. (On a similar note, yay to the two-season pick-up for DEXTER. Ms. Benz is among my very favorite actresses -- to work with or watch.)
3) STRIKE TV goes up. This was started by a bunch of people who talked about creating web content outside the studio system, and unlike most people, they followed through. For a time I had planned to house Dr. Horrible there, until it morphed into a separate entity, but these peeps are getting it done, and you all should check the site out. The internet is still prairie, and the cattlemen have yet to throw up their fences. Support your local farmer! (All shows on Strike TV are organically written.)
4) APOCALYPSE HOW, by Rob Kutner. This book was either much funnier or much less funny eight years ago, depending on whether “It’s funny because it’s true” applies to “The human race is doomed”. But it’s my kind of (hilariously) bleak.
5) Obama. Seriously. I know this isn’t a political forum, but this isn’t a political issue. This is an issue of making Rob Kutner’s book not come true.
6) DRUNK HISTORY part one, with Michael Cera. It’s on Funny or die, and it’s funny very much in part because it’s true.
7) HANDS HELD HIGH, off Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park. I’m about two years behind on this one, but I’m not wrong. And it’s (sadly) not dated. Crazy power.
8) THE OFFICE. Is that show actually getting even better? What up?
9) Truffles. Food of the Gods. They’re just hypnotic. Not chocolate – the real ones.
10) HARD DAY'S NIGHT. Wow, does that movie a) invent the music video, the (watchable) reality show, modern media irony and a whole lot more and b) show that John Lennon was a ROCK STAR, and was, even in the innocent froth of early bubble-gum success, already John Lennon. Ridiculous.

Ten seems like a good number. None was probably a wiser one, but the gauntlet has been thrown, and now we can’t find the gauntlet. It’s probably in the hedges. Bye-ee! -joss.

Old 10-30-08, 06:55 AM
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Sounds like another interesting ride for a Whedon project.

Regardless I'll check it out. Less we forget the original Buffy pilot?! If the difference between that to what aired is any indication for this show then I'm happy the change was made. That's a big if though. Also, I'd gladly welcome the now defunct pilot as part of the dvds.
Old 10-30-08, 08:02 AM
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I can't parse those Joss Whedon posts. They come off as the ramblings of a mad man.

Just the facts, please: when does this premiere?
Old 10-30-08, 10:30 AM
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Gee, Fox fucking with his show and making him redo the pilot? Color me surprised.
Old 10-30-08, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Groucho
I can't parse those Joss Whedon posts. They come off as the ramblings of a mad man.

Just the facts, please: when does this premiere?
- Fox tooled with the pilot.
- Reshoots weren't sucessful
- Enitrely reworked pilot to make it more action oriented
- Joss more pleased and doesn't feel it's necessarily bad
- The ideas and subsequent scripts are flowing from Joss
- There have been some character and cast changes
- Joss love Eliza (yes, she's still there)

It should still premier in the winter. I believe January was originally talked about.
Old 10-30-08, 10:55 AM
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Thanks for the translation to English.

Jeers to Eliza (I don't think she's a good enough actress to pull off the different personalities the role entails).

Cheers to Patton Oswalt, though.
Old 10-30-08, 12:57 PM
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Eh, I'm looking forward to it just to see Amy Acker in something again. I've been re-watching Angel recently, and her character's arc in Angel is just tragic.
Old 10-30-08, 04:22 PM
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Sad that most of the cast members of Angel did not make it bigger after they proved themselves in the acting department. Especially Acker and Denisof.
Old 10-30-08, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by riley_dude
Never ask me to feel sorry for the dude who gets to go home to AH.
Old 10-30-08, 05:42 PM
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hree: Eliza. Watching her on the monitors at two o'clock this morning I was reminded forcibly how much I wished I were in bed.
Watching Eliza Dushku has that effect on me too.
Old 10-30-08, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by riley_dude
Sad that most of the cast members of Angel did not make it bigger after they proved themselves in the acting department. Especially Acker and Denisof.
Tell me about it. Where's Andy Hallett? Is he still sick? The guy has serious chops. Denisof will be on an episode of Private Practice...he deserves better.
Old 10-30-08, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Zee
Tell me about it. Where's Andy Hallett? Is he still sick? The guy has serious chops. Denisof will be on an episode of Private Practice...he deserves better.
He sure does. Look at how Wesley started out and what he became. Great acting.
Old 10-30-08, 10:14 PM
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Wonder how long it will take for Joss to say this show is all about 'strong women' and feminism and some other bullshit.
Old 10-30-08, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Zee
Denisof will be on an episode of Private Practice...he deserves better.
Private Practice is becoming the guesting grounds for Whedonites, Amy Acker on was an episode this season as well.
Old 10-31-08, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by DarkestPhoenix
Wonder how long it will take for Joss to say this show is all about 'strong women' and feminism and some other bullshit.
Yeah, it's so horrible to have a show centered on strong female characters. He should only show women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, the same roles women should be relegated to in real life as well.
Old 10-31-08, 11:31 AM
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Hopefully this show gets a lot of promotion during the BCS games and NFL playoffs....but with 24 and American Idol premiering around the same time, hopefully it wont be overpromoting like they did with Drive (I think at some point if you get a show shoved down your throat like it was, you lose interest).

Originally Posted by Patman
Private Practice is becoming the guesting grounds for Whedonites, Amy Acker on was an episode this season as well.
Whatever happened to How I Met Your Mother being the same? There were 5 in the first season and a half, and none since.

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