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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

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Old 09-11-19, 10:45 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
The Sequel Trilogy on the other hand has had forty years of established lore to base things off of. Countless novels, comics, video games, and of course the films...
People say they had this "forty years of lore," but aside from the films, which they had to adhere to, the other spin-off stuff was mostly not usable, because it was focused on the wrong era for the ST. The "Legends" EU was set immediately after ROTJ initially, and then built out from there. So it would've been interesting stuff to pull from.... if the original cast was 30 years younger. Don't get me wrong, some of that stuff was compelling, like creating the New Republic, fighting the last vestiges of the Empire, Luke starting to train new Jedi, but just from a practical matter none of that would work in 2015 with the cast they had, and it would've been too much to try and keep that all as canon that happened offscreen.

One thing Marvel had was not only a depth of lore to pull from, but also a whole new continuity to play in. The MCU was not tied to any films that came before it, so it wasn't beholden to anything, and the main thing it's done is new origin stories for every character it introduces. And once those characters are established, it can borrow the bones of a story like Civil War or Infinity War, and it can make sense for those characters at that place in the MCU's story. It didn't have to worry about including a 70 year old Iron Man from the 1980s and somehow continuing that story.

I mean, can you think of an EU story that would fit the practical requirements that it be 30+ years after ROTJ, because the original cast is 30+ years older, Han is only in the first movie, because that's all Harrison Ford will agree to, oh, and Han has to die, and the rest of the original cast is in supporting roles, symbolically passing the torch to the new cast?
Old 09-11-19, 10:58 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

I agree that’s a fair point about a lot of the EU stories and I never really expected adaptations of any of the books necessarily. I’m just saying when the sequels came out there were more things to draw inspiration from to give a more satisfying set of sequels to fans than what they wound up doing.
Old 09-12-19, 01:02 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Jay G.
So your advice for creative works is "don't take chances/risks."

Kathleen Kennedy had some words about that in an article I already linked to:

Lucasfilm was arguably "playing it safe" when it hired JJ Abrams to make TFA, and we all know how that turned out. They played it safe again hiring Ron Howard for Solo and re-hiring JJ for TRoS. We know how Solo turned out, and we'll see how TRoS turned out in a few months.
Calculated risks are way different. Letting a production go almost to completion THEN scrapping everything for another director is way more than a risk.

Originally Posted by Jay G.
This math looks wrong. Ant-Man made $519 million worldwide. Where did you get the $623 million number from? That's the wordwide total for its sequel, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Yes I should have clarified that's the original and the sequel. Marvel took a C or D list character (that talks to ants) and made a 1.1 billion dollar (so far) franchise out of him. Meanwhile, at Lucasfilm, where's the news about that Solo sequel?

Originally Posted by Jay G.
All of those did better than Ant-Man. Even worse from comparison, Black Panther, featuring a third-tier character, made over a billion.
You're just making my point. You've got almost the worst performer of the Marvel franchises and it still made three times what Solo did.

Originally Posted by Jay G.
Sure, a plan is great, when it works. But even with a plan, sometimes you're going to have to throw it out midway through because, surprise, your plan sucks.
We're both agreeing with the process but with different outcomes. It's like a vacation. Can you have a great vacation without planning a thing? Absolutely. Does planning a vacation mean that its guaranteed that it will turn out great? Not necessarily. Would you go on a once in a lifetime $4 billion dollar vacation without planning it? Probably not. The difference is you're enjoying the vacation. I thought the last destination sucked. Too much salt.

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
At least you learned how much money Ant-Man made.

That's it for Ant Man. Promise.

Old 09-12-19, 07:11 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
I agree that’s a fair point about a lot of the EU stories and I never really expected adaptations of any of the books necessarily. I’m just saying when the sequels came out there were more things to draw inspiration from to give a more satisfying set of sequels to fans than what they wound up doing.
Such as? What could they have drawn inspiration from? If the stories/plots weren't usable, what would they be pulling as inspiration? What specific characters?

Originally Posted by tanman
Calculated risks are way different. Letting a production go almost to completion THEN scrapping everything for another director is way more than a risk.
And yet, it's what happened with Justice League. Still, firing a director outright after production has started is very, very rare. Even if there were issues after the first week of production, trying to work things out is still considered the smart thing to do. After all, there's always reshoots. Lord and Miller appeared to give a lot of pushback over anyone else having any oversight or control over the shoot though, so they didn't appear likely to play ball even in reshoots, which is why the firing. Yes, it was a bad situation. Yes, in hindsight, not firing them earlier looks like a mistake. Hell, knowing what we know now, they should never had been hired in the first place. But the decisions weren't made with the benefit of hindsight, they were made trying to make the best decision for the film at the time, and were part of a constant barrage of tiny, incremental decisions that come with the day-to-day of a production.

Originally Posted by tanman
Yes I should have clarified that's the original and the sequel. Marvel took a C or D list character (that talks to ants) and made a 1.1 billion dollar (so far) franchise out of him. Meanwhile, at Lucasfilm, where's the news about that Solo sequel?
I feel you've lost track of the argument. My point about BO was that Ant-Man wasn't the "surprise success" you tried to characterize it, but, at best, a moderate success that sits near the bottom of performers for Marvel films. Marvel saw potential in the newly established to film character and greenlit a sequel though, which also did moderately well for a Marvel film. They're not "surprise successes."

Originally Posted by tanman
You're just making my point. You've got almost the worst performer of the Marvel franchises and it still made three times what Solo did.
Ant-Man made $519 million worldwide, Solo $392 million. That's 32% better, not 3x. Are you trying to compare the performance of two films to one to artificially inflate the difference?

Originally Posted by tanman
We're both agreeing with the process but with different outcomes. It's like a vacation. Can you have a great vacation without planning a thing? Absolutely. Does planning a vacation mean that its guaranteed that it will turn out great? Not necessarily. Would you go on a once in a lifetime $4 billion dollar vacation without planning it? Probably not.
It depends on when the vacation starts. In a few months? Sure, let's plan. Oh, I have to start the vacation now? Well, instead of wasting half the vacation time in the hotel room planning, let's figure it out as we go along. And have you ever been on a vacation where the plans didn't have to change because of something?

But Lucasfilm wasn't on vacation. They were assigned a project, with deadlines. Keep in mind TFA got pushed back 6 months because of the time it was taking to write a script for just one movie. They hired Rian Johnson to start writing the sequel while TFA was still filming. They were under a massive time crunch. Would Lucasfilm have liked to have been able to plan it all out in advance? Probably, but George Lucas had done that for them, and nobody liked that plan. Making it up as you go isn't a guarantee of disaster, and at the time it was really the only viable option. You don't like how it's turned out so far, I'm fine with it, but neither of us have the full picture yet.
Old 09-12-19, 11:48 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

They did use a few ideas from the EU like calling it the "New Republic" and having Han and Leia's son become a Sith-wannabe. They probably should've just gone ahead and used Thrawn somehow since they did use him on Rebels and could've got more mileage out of him in the sequels I think.

While I personally enjoy the sequel films quite a bit, at the end of the day they're basically glorified fan fiction to me. The only Star Wars I really need is the Star Wars I grew up with--the original trilogy. The Rebels saved the Galaxy, the end. I enjoyed the original Zahn/Thrawn trilogy as well and it's completely compatible with sticking to the originals, but beyond that the EU was pretty rough, and I read far too much of it.

I really enjoyed the points made earlier about Star Wars working so wonderfully as a stand alone. Being that I was born in 1980, I never really had that perspective, but it's a great way to look at it.

All that said, I'm looking forward to Episode IX. I do wish my kids had interest in it, but they're not into Star Wars at all.
Old 09-12-19, 12:41 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
I think the validity of the Original Trilogy wasn’t planned out argument is lessened by the fact that when those films released there was a lot less lore attached to them. There was just the film that came prior to the last one and a few books.
When the OT was made, the idea of having a pre-planned story spread across several movies was unheard of. It just wasn't how the entertainment industry worked. If a movie was successful, then it might get a sequel of some kind greenlit and pushed into production.

And another thing to consider about the OT is that it had a single creative force behind it, where George Lucas was guiding the saga, and wasn't just being handed off to someone. Sometimes you'll get a sequel like Aliens, but most of the time you end up with shit like Robocop 3 and Rise of the Machines.

Now, four decades later, we're living in a very different climate. There is, especially with genre entertainment, a sort of expectation that there's a long-term gameplan and that they aren't just flying by the seat of their pants like they did in the past.

But constantly bringing up the OT when the ST is criticized seems more like a rhetorical trick to force the people criticizing the ST into defending the OT, thus deflecting criticism of the ST.

Old 09-12-19, 01:26 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Rob V
Every day I come to this thread hoping to read something about Ep IX... nope, not today.
Old 09-12-19, 01:36 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
Now, four decades later, we're living in a very different climate. There is, especially with genre entertainment, a sort of expectation that there's a long-term gameplan and that they aren't just flying by the seat of their pants like they did in the past.
Well, yes and no. Maybe there's an expecation there, but there's plenty of film franchises taking the movies one at a time, like Mission Impossible and The Fast and Furious series of films. Even when a film franchise has a "game plan," the bulk of those are only because it's based on a book series, and the studios still don't greenlight more than one film off the bat. The Sequel Trilogy joins LOTR and the PT as the only film trilogies that were greenlit as a trilogy (The Hobbit was initially greenlit as two films, then expanded to 3). Certain fans may have had certain expectations, but I don't think those were necessarily realistic based on how movies typically work.

Also, the complaints about "planning ahead" only seemed to have come up after said person experienced something they didn't like in the new Star Wars films. Prior to that, it didn't seem like a concern. To that end, it looks more like people are using it as a scapegoat, something they can point to and say "because I didn't like the results, it was a mistake to do it that way, and they should've known that."

I bring up the OT not to make people have to defend it; I love it. Rather, its to point out that what they think of as something that "obviously" is ruinous to attempt was already done, with good results, within the franchise itself.
Old 09-12-19, 02:00 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

I guess I’m guilty of being ignorant, but I assumed Disney would want Lucafilm ran the same way as Marvel Studios and whoever was put in charge would have had some kind of a gameplan. I was going off that assumption for quite a while. It’s actually really weird to me that isn’t the case. So many like to bash Disney for making safe “committee films” with the Marvel movies, yet they apparently didn’t do that with Star Wars and look where it’s landed them.
Old 09-12-19, 02:21 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
I guess I’m guilty of being ignorant, but I assumed Disney would want Lucafilm ran the same way as Marvel Studios and whoever was put in charge would have had some kind of a gameplan. I was going off that assumption for quite a while. It’s actually really weird to me that isn’t the case. So many like to bash Disney for making safe “committee films” with the Marvel movies, yet they apparently didn’t do that with Star Wars and look where it’s landed them.
Which is weird, because all four Disney Star Wars films we've gotten so far have all been "safe" corporate films.

TFA was a carbon copy of ANH.
RO was a pretty basic prequel to ANH, well-crafted by disposable.
TLJ was a carbon copy of ESB with a scene from ROTJ tossed into it And, no, just arbitrarily doing the opposite of what you think the audience was expecting doesn't make you clever or edgy.
SOLO was basically a wookiepidia article put to film. Again, watchable and well-crafted, but kind of forgettable.
Old 09-12-19, 02:29 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

And, by the by, if anyone is hungering for actual news on TROS and not just the dog on a merry-go-round, makingstarwars.net has some possible spoilers about how the film opens and ends that build upon the previously released set of alleged spoilers...


Still ambivalent about these "spoilers" -- I don't love it, but I don't hate it either.
Old 09-12-19, 04:03 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
And, no, just arbitrarily doing the opposite of what you think the audience was expecting doesn't make you clever or edgy.
Only if you think what he was doing was arbitrary.
Old 09-12-19, 04:45 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
I guess I’m guilty of being ignorant, but I assumed Disney would want Lucafilm ran the same way as Marvel Studios and whoever was put in charge would have had some kind of a gameplan. I was going off that assumption for quite a while. It’s actually really weird to me that isn’t the case. So many like to bash Disney for making safe “committee films” with the Marvel movies, yet they apparently didn’t do that with Star Wars and look where it’s landed them.
Yep, only made over a billion dollars on The Last Jedi. What a nightmare!
Old 09-12-19, 05:44 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Draven
Yep, only made over a billion dollars on The Last Jedi. What a nightmare!
If all you care about is money in the short term sure. If you care about your fanbase and not isolating a segment of it I would say that it’s not the best look for your franchise and it’s future. We’ve already seen a disappointing box office return in Solo, and the hype for Episode IX definitely doesn’t feel as big as it should to me, especially being the culmination of this trilogy and the Skywalker saga.
Old 09-12-19, 05:46 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86

If all you care about is money in the short term sure. If you care about your fanbase and not isolating a segment of it I would say that it’s not the best look for your franchise and it’s future. We’ve already seen a disappointing box office return in Solo, and the hype for Episode IX definitely doesn’t feel as big as it should to me, especially being the culmination of this trilogy and the Skywalker saga.
Depends on which fans you are talking about. There is no pleasing some of them. Whereas others (like me, for example) have loved everything they’ve done and will be there opening night for RoS.
Old 09-12-19, 05:54 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Again with the Solo nonsense. Where is the proof that TLJ had ANYTHING to do with the performance of Solo? If people really didn’t care for TLJ, it wouldn’t have made over a billion dollars. It would have dropped like a rock at the box office. But it didn’t. If anything it supports the notion that, hey, the segment that didn’t like TLJ isn’t that large.
Old 09-12-19, 11:09 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86

If all you care about is money in the short term sure. If you care about your fanbase and not isolating a segment of it... We’ve already seen a disappointing box office return in Solo, and the hype for Episode IX definitely doesn’t feel as big as it should to me, especially being the culmination of this trilogy and the Skywalker saga.
For all we know audiences didn’t care to see a straight, white, male as the lead. The previous three Disney Star Wars films all had female leads and were box office hits.
Or maybe audiences were already getting a little burnt out from a Star Wars movie coming out every year.

Old 09-13-19, 06:59 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mike86
I guess I’m guilty of being ignorant, but I assumed Disney would want Lucafilm ran the same way as Marvel Studios and whoever was put in charge would have had some kind of a gameplan. I was going off that assumption for quite a while. It’s actually really weird to me that isn’t the case.
Disney didn't put anyone in charge at either Marvel or Lucasfilm; they left the management staff largely unchanged after their purchases. Fiege was already in place in Marvel, and Kathleen Kennedy was hired by George Lucas to be his successor, just a month before the sale to Disney.

Also, keep in mind the differences in the studios at the time of purchase. Marvel had already released 3 MCU films, had 3 more in production, and a deal with Paramount for 2 more, so was already firing on all cylinders. Lucasfilm, meanwhile, hadn't produced a Star Wars live action moving in 8 years, and had only released 2 other live action films in that time period. The new Star Wars films were announced almost immediately after the purchase, and since George's gameplan for the ST were thrown out, the studio was launching production from a cold start.

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
Which is weird, because all four Disney Star Wars films we've gotten so far have all been "safe" corporate films.

TFA was a carbon copy of ANH.
RO was a pretty basic prequel to ANH, well-crafted by disposable...
I feel like the ending of Rogue One is very risky for a blockbuster film.

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
SOLO was basically a wookiepidia article put to film. Again, watchable and well-crafted, but kind of forgettable.
I like to say Solo was like the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but stretched out to feature length.

Originally Posted by brayzie
Or maybe audiences were already getting a little burnt out from a Star Wars movie coming out every year.
Or, you know, from having just seen a Star Wars movie four months earlier. I know Disney was getting frustrated every Star Wars movie was getting bumped from May to December due to delays in pre-production, but moving Solo to December as well, and away from Avengers Infinity War, may have helped it a lot.
Old 09-13-19, 07:18 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Anybody who argues that movies grossing big money = good movie is nuts. Furious 7 and Jurassic World are proof of that. Star Wars is the preeminent franchise in film history... NOT making a Billion dollars is the exception, not the rule.
Old 09-13-19, 08:14 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Rob V
Anybody who argues that movies grossing big money = good movie is nuts. Furious 7 and Jurassic World are proof of that. Star Wars is the preeminent franchise in film history... NOT making a Billion dollars is the exception, not the rule.
I’m not arguing that at all. Avatar is a terrible movie. I know that can happen.

But acting like Disney is panicking after making over a billion dollars on a film because some vocal people on the internet are pissed that Luke didn’t destroy 20 AT-ATs with a wave of his hand is ridiculous.
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Old 09-13-19, 08:59 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Old 09-13-19, 10:09 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by story
The Phantom Menace (at the time in 1999) was one of the biggest grossing movies of all-time, you don't think that did damage to franchise in the longrun as I know many friends (who were casual fans) who didn't bother with Clones and Sith because that thought it was an awful movie. Attack of the Clones definitely suffered some Phantom Menace backlash (just like Solo) as it was the 1st Star Wars movie not to finish #1 for they year (until Solo in 2018). Coincidence?
Old 09-13-19, 10:23 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

This thread has more merry-go-round than the political forum
Old 09-13-19, 10:58 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Jay G.
Disney didn't put anyone in charge at either Marvel or Lucasfilm; they left the management staff largely unchanged after their purchases. Fiege was already in place in Marvel, and Kathleen Kennedy was hired by George Lucas to be his successor, just a month before the sale to Disney.
I just think that when you look at the two studios it would have made sense to approach them similarly. If there was no one in place someone could have been put in place. They could have offered Lucas a role as a consultant to find someone with the creative talent to put in a position similar to Feige.

Also, keep in mind the differences in the studios at the time of purchase. Marvel had already released 3 MCU films, had 3 more in production, and a deal with Paramount for 2 more, so was already firing on all cylinders. Lucasfilm, meanwhile, hadn't produced a Star Wars live action moving in 8 years, and had only released 2 other live action films in that time period. The new Star Wars films were announced almost immediately after the purchase, and since George's gameplan for the ST were thrown out, the studio was launching production from a cold start.
Either way that’s a dumb approach to take with a massive franchise when you have a proven model to emulate. Disney’s acquisition of Marvel Studios and the approach that studio took should have given them the groundwork for a successful business model to follow for Lucasfilm. The span of time between when the last film came out and when Disney did their first film is irrelevant in my opinion. It’s not like there was nothing to follow and it was a completely new franchise. It was a fresh story, but that doesn’t mean that there couldn’t have been a better plan for the trilogy prior to making it. There was a three year gap between the acquisition and when they released The Force Awakens. In that span they should have been able to hash out at the least a decent outline with points that needed to be hit even if not every aspect was completely figured out.
Old 09-13-19, 11:04 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Britney Spears has sold over 150 million albums world wide so...

Michael Bay's Transformers films made billions of dollars too, doesn't mean they are good films.

TLJ's total just shows that fans didn't like it enough to go see it 12 times like they did The Force Awakens.

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