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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

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Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

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Old 11-18-19, 07:20 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
That's not surprising. Bob and Harvey Weinstein got producer credits on The Lord of the Rings films despite having fuck-all to do with those movies except the rights passed through their hands at one point. It's probably just a union thing.
I found it a bit surprising considering Abrams had previously said:
“You’ve got two years from the decision to do it to release, and you have literally nothing . . . . You don’t have the story, you don’t have the cast, you don’t have the designers, the sets. There was a crew, and there were things that will be worked on for the version that preceded ours, but this was starting over. And because this was such a mega job, I knew at the very least I needed a co-writer to work on this thing, but I didn’t know who that co-writer would be. There was nothing. So the first thing I did was reach out to a writer who I’ve admired for years, Chris Terrio. who I didn’t really know, to say, “Listen, would you want to write Star Wars with me?” And he screamed.”
So it sounded like he was starting over completely. I guess in the end he did take elements from what the original concept was.
Old 11-18-19, 11:34 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Being the third part of a trilogy, there are bound to be a lot of similar story beats even if the Abrams and Trevorrow scripts were written independently of each other.

“You’ve got two years from the decision to do it to release, and you have literally nothing . . . . You don’t have the story, you don’t have the cast, you don’t have the designers, the sets. There was a crew, and there were things that will be worked on for the version that preceded ours, but this was starting over. And because this was such a mega job, I knew at the very least I needed a co-writer to work on this thing,
It blows my mind how "seat of the pants" Lucasfilm and Disney made the sequel trilogy. They wanted to crank these out every two years. How the hell could they NOT have all three scripts completed, with at least first drafts of VIII and IX, by time VII started filming?
Old 11-18-19, 12:17 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

I heard there's a horde of roaming rancors on the desert planet!

Old 11-18-19, 02:16 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
It blows my mind how "seat of the pants" Lucasfilm and Disney made the sequel trilogy. They wanted to crank these out every two years. How the hell could they NOT have all three scripts completed, with at least first drafts of VIII and IX, by time VII started filming?
Even just treatments.
Old 11-18-19, 04:29 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

What I've seen tells me there was an arc planned, but not necessarily every single story beat. So they didn't go in blind, but I do think they could have had a better idea of what to do. At least have an endgoal in sight, maybe even a couple different ones to allow for changes along the way.
Old 11-19-19, 07:52 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Old 11-19-19, 10:04 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Old 11-19-19, 10:06 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Ooo...that poster is awesome.

I'm glad I don't have an EW subscription anymore - with my luck I'd get the shittastic prequels cover.
Old 11-19-19, 10:56 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Here is the full EW cover story: https://ew.com/movies/2019/11/19/sta...-of-skywalker/

Interesting to me how she says "the audience" as well.

“The parents thing is not satisfied — for her and for the audience,” Ridley tells EW in this month’s cover story. “That’s something she’s still trying to figure out — where does she come from?”

It’s unclear if director J.J. Abrams has made a course correction to Last Jedi writer-director Rian Johnson’s plan or there was always more to say about Rey’s parentage. Either way, wasn’t the Episode VIII scene supposed to be sincere?

“It’s not that she doesn’t believe it,” Ridley says carefully, “but she feels there’s more to the story. And she needs to figure out what’s come before so she can figure out what to do next…”
Old 11-19-19, 12:49 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

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Old 11-19-19, 02:11 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

“The parents thing is not satisfied — for her and for the audience,” Ridley tells EW in this month’s cover story. “That’s something she’s still trying to figure out — where does she come from?”
“It’s not that she doesn’t believe it,” Ridley says carefully, “but she feels there’s more to the story. And she needs to figure out what’s come before so she can figure out what to do next…”
That's a really odd take on Rey.

From TFA, I never got the sense that Rey didn't know who she was or who her parents were.

I mean, it was set up as a mystery for the audience, but I never got the sense that Rey didn't know who she was. She was waiting for her "family" to come back for her, so it seemed like she would have a pretty good sense of who she was and where she came from.

If anything, she seemed a little too fixed on it, like her memories had been altered or something.
Old 11-19-19, 02:28 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
That's a really odd take on Rey.

From TFA, I never got the sense that Rey didn't know who she was or who her parents were.
The Force Vision she has in TFA shows a young Rey of maybe 6-8 years of age (actress for Young Rey was 7-8 years old when TFA was filmed). She should have solid memories of the family that abandoned her.

I think Ridleys statements hint at the possible ret-com a number of people have already hypothesized: That the drunk junk traders Kylo talked about and Rey remembers were maybe the people that raised her, up until they abandoned her, but weren't her birth parents. So what was revealed in TLJ is technically true, "from a certain point of view," but there's still "more to the story."

I think there's theories are she's a clone of.. someone. Luke (maybe from his severed hand, which was recovered at the same time as Luke's lightsaber?), Vader, the Emperor, or maybe someone else. The Junkers searched the remains of the Death Star, and found a clone baby, and took it as their own. Rey now goes back to the Death Star remains to try and discover more of her past, and uncovers the return of The Emperor and his secret Star Destroyer fleet.
Old 11-19-19, 02:37 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man
Being the third part of a trilogy, there are bound to be a lot of similar story beats even if the Abrams and Trevorrow scripts were written independently of each other.

It blows my mind how "seat of the pants" Lucasfilm and Disney made the sequel trilogy. They wanted to crank these out every two years. How the hell could they NOT have all three scripts completed, with at least first drafts of VIII and IX, by time VII started filming?
Upon completion of Empire they didn’t have a script for Jedi. It’s crazy but true.
Old 11-19-19, 02:37 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Jay G.
I think there's theories are she's a clone of.. someone. Luke (maybe from his severed hand, which was recovered at the same time as Luke's lightsaber?), Vader, the Emperor, or maybe someone else. The Junkers searched the remains of the Death Star, and found a clone baby, and took it as their own. Rey now goes back to the Death Star remains to try and discover more of her past, and uncovers the return of The Emperor and his secret Star Destroyer fleet.
Just reading that made me want to
Old 11-19-19, 03:12 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by Mabuse
Upon completion of Empire they didn’t have a script for Jedi. It’s crazy but true.
Lucas and co. did, however, have an outline for all nine films in the saga as early as 1980. (Though when Lucas made ROTJ, he collapsed his plans for VI, VII, VIII, and IX, into that film to effectively end the saga. And the prequels we got were different from that 1980 plan as well (ie, episode I was to cover the history of the Jedi, and Darth Vader wouldn't have been introduced until III.)

An ironic thing is that the end of "Episode VI" in that outline ended up looking a lot like The Force Awakens -- Han Solo died, Luke walked away, Leia was left alone to pick up the pieces, and the Empire wasn't defeated.

Old 11-21-19, 08:13 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Is The Mandallorian stealing Episode 9’s thunder? That is all the talk in the past 2 weeks, which will continue as they release each new episode. It just feels like The Rise of Skywalker is an afterthought right now. Usually THIS is the time when the Saga movies marketing blitz goes in full force.

I still say that Disney cares more about the reception to The Mandallorian than The Rise of Skywalker. Streaming seems to the future of this franchise as shows like The Mandallorian are literally selling Disney+ for so many people.

Just my take....
Old 11-21-19, 08:28 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Well the series you can watch, but the movie you can’t. So in that sense, yes, but overall no. The only thing people are talking about is a baby, since nothing else has really happened on the show
Old 11-21-19, 09:35 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

I thought there was some talk, or maybe just speculation, that due to the timing of the Mandallorian, especially getting the finale out before Rise of Skywalker opens, is that there will be a plot point that will tie into TROS. So basically promoting Mandallorian is promoting TROS, since if you get people hooked on the show, those people will then want to see TROS even more.
Old 11-22-19, 03:07 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

The finale of Mandalorian does not come out before Rise of Skywalker, the second to final episode does come out the day before the release.
Old 11-23-19, 11:47 AM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Old 11-25-19, 01:36 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Confirmed 2:21 run time

Old 11-25-19, 07:37 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Eh.. a little disappointed in the shorter time...but, interesting it'll be the same length as ROTJ, given the credits now run 9min as opposed to the 4ish they ran back during the OT. I wasn't a big fan of the clip, goofy looking troopers and clunky dialogue "they can fly now!" was great for 3PO to say, but to have it repeated twice after? The marketing isn't trending in the right direction for me...
Old 11-25-19, 08:45 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Yeah, that scene with the flying stormtroopers was cringey.

The marketing just makes it look a bunch of action set-pieces without any substance, like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Old 11-25-19, 10:57 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

Originally Posted by coli
Is The Mandallorian stealing Episode 9’s thunder? That is all the talk in the past 2 weeks, which will continue as they release each new episode. It just feels like The Rise of Skywalker is an afterthought right now. Usually THIS is the time when the Saga movies marketing blitz goes in full force.

I still say that Disney cares more about the reception to The Mandallorian than The Rise of Skywalker. Streaming seems to the future of this franchise as shows like The Mandallorian are literally selling Disney+ for so many people.

Just my take....

It kind of feels that way to me too. I mean we're still almost a month out from IX and Mandalorian is out now so that has a lot to do with it but. It seems like Mandalorian is the first Star Wars media that everyone has pretty much universally loved (especially in Star Wars terms) in a very long time. No matter what RoS does it will be divisive movie. There is just no way after TLJ that it becomes universally liked. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see that happening.
Old 11-25-19, 11:07 PM
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Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (12/20/19, W/D: J.J. Abrams)

I think we're entering into the "ROTS will be the one, it'll be different!" territory. While it was arguably the best of the prequels...it never rose above the rest in terms of it's quality..it was essentially more of the same. And I think that'll be what we're getting here...a competently made film...but, again leading characters doing their best wallpaper imitations... set pieces that are trying to be exciting but aren't... generic beyond belief environments (this is one area the PT bested this trilogy)... yeah I'm losing faith in this thing by the minute. Still going opening night...but my expectations are that I hope it doesn't feel like a funeral.

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